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An authentication and session management framework that eliminates the need for passwords.

Last synced: 4 months ago
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An authentication and session management framework that eliminates the need for passwords.

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NoPassword is a simple authentication and session engine that removes
the need for passwords. Instead, it uses tokens sent to an email
address, similar to most forgot password functionality. These tokens
created long-lived sessions that can be tracked and revoked easily.

[Ben Brown]( wrote a great article about [password-less logins](, the same concept implemented by NoPassword.

NoPassword is structured as a Rails Engine, which you can mount in your
routes file:

mount Nopassword::Engine, :at => "/nopassword"

You'll need to install the migrations:

rake nopassword:install:migrations
rake db:migrate

You can set up a signin form with the `send_login_email` route and a
request parameter named `email`.

You'll need to get Rails' [ActionMailer]( configured correctly for sending NoPassword emails.

Finally, you need to download the latest GeoIP database:

cd db
wget && gzip -d GeoLiteCity.dat.gz

NoPassword uses the MIT-LICENSE.