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A collection of open source, animated, simple and easy to use CSS loaders

animation css-loader css-spinners-collection react scss typescript

Last synced: 19 days ago
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A collection of open source, animated, simple and easy to use CSS loaders

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MIT License


A collection of open source, animated, simple and easy to use CSS loaders.

> This project was bootstrapped with [Create React App](

## Developement:

- clone the repo:

git clone

- run the app:

- install dependencies :

npm install

- run tests:

npm test

- run the app:

npm start

The react app should be running in `http://localhost:3000`

## Add your loader:

- Copy the folder `src/loaders/loader-exemple` and rename it to `laoder-{id}`.

- Update the `index.ts` and the `style.scss` file.

## Contribtion:

Feel free to open a pull requset 💁, report a bug 🐛 or request a feature 🌟 anytime you want.

## License & copyright:

© AM-77
Licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE).