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Elm cheatsheet

cheatsheet elm

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Elm cheatsheet

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# elm-cheatsheet

## Requirements

- [Node](
- [NPM](
- [NPX](

## Command-line

# Install Elm locally
npm install --save-dev elm

# initialize a new Elm folder
npx elm init

# Interactive Elm Shell
npx elm repl

# Development server
npx elm reactor

# Development server listening to a wanted port
npx elm reactor --port 8000

# Compile to index.html (with JavaScript)
npx elm make src/Main.elm

# Compile to index.html for development environments
npx elm make --debug src/Main.elm

# Compile to index.html for production environments
npx elm make --optimize src/Main.elm

# Compile to JavaScript
npx elm make --output index.js src/Main.elm

# Compile to HTML (with JavaScript)
npx elm make --output elm.html src/Main.elm

# Install a package from
npx elm install elm/parser

## Syntax

-- Single line comment

{-- Multiline
Comment --}

-- Strings


"Welcome, home!"

-- String concatenation

"Hello, " ++ "world!"

"Triumph " ++ "Street " ++ "Triple"

-- String equality

"Hello" == "World"

-- String inequality

"Linux" /= "Unix"

-- String superiority

"Love" > "Hate"

-- String inferiority

"Hatred" < "Forgiveness"

-- Integer


-- Signed integer


-- Hexadecimal integer lower case notation


-- Hexadecimal integer upper case notation


-- Exponential integer notation


-- Signed exponential integer notation


-- Integer addition

1 + 2

-- Integer soustracttion

1 - 2

-- Integer division

1 / 2

-- Integer euclidian division

1 // 2

-- Integer multiplication

1 * 2

-- Integer exponentiation

2 ^ 2

-- Integer equality

1 == 2

-- Integer inequality

1 /= 2

-- Integer superiority

1 > 2

-- Integer inferiotity

1 < 2

-- Float


-- Signed float


-- Exponential float notation


-- Signed exponential float notation


-- Float addition

1.2 + 3.4

-- Float subtraction

1.2 - 3.4

-- Float division

1.2 / 3.4

-- Float euclidian division

1.2 / 3.4

-- Float exponentiation

1.2 ^ 3.4

-- Float equality

1.2 == 3.4

-- Float inequality

1.2 /= 3.4

-- Float superiority

1.2 > 3.4

-- Float inferiority

1.2 < 3.4

-- Booleans



-- Boolean short-circuit

True && False

True || False

-- Lists

[ 1 ]

[ 0.1, 0.2 ]

[ "first"
, "Second"
, "Third"

-- List concatenation

[ 1 ] ++ [ 2 ] -- [ 1, 2 ]

[ 3 ] ++ [ 4 ] ++ [ 5 ] -- [ 3, 4, 5 ]

-- List construction

1 :: [] -- [ 1 ]

1 :: 2 :: 3 :: [] -- [ 1, 2, 3 ]

-- List equality

[ 1, 2 ] == [ 2, 3 ]

-- List inequality

[ 1, 2 ] /= [ 2, 3 ]

-- List superiority

[ 1, 2 ] > [ 2, 3 ]

-- List inferiority

[ 1, 2 ] < [ 2, 3 ]

-- Records

{ pet = "Dog" }

{ eur = "Euros", value = 28974 }

{ username = "johndoe"
, age = 42
, administrator = True

-- Record equality

{ firstname = "John" } == { firstname = "Jane" }

-- Record inequality

{ firstname = "John" } /= { firstname = "Jane" }

-- Tuple

(1, "John")

("A", 32, False)

-- Tuple equality

(1, "Book") == (2, "Pen")

-- Tuple inequality

(1, "Book") /= (2, "Pen")

-- Tuple superiority

(1, "Book") > (2, "Pen")

-- Tuple inferiority

(1, "Book") < (2, "Pen")

-- Empty tuple


-- Constants

name =

-- Record value access

user =
{ name = "John"
, age = 42

userAge =

userName =

-- Record value access alternative

user =
{ name = "John"
, age = 42

userAge =
.age user

userName =
.name user

-- Function definition

greetings name =
"Greetings, " ++ name ++ "!"

getRectangleArea height width =
height * width

join first second third =
first ++ ", " ++ second ++ ", " ++ third

-- Function call

greetings "You" -- "Greetings, You!"

getRectangleArea 3 4 -- 12

join "Red" "Green" "Blue" -- "Red, Green, Blue"

-- Anonymous function definition

greetings =
\name -> "Greetings, " ++ name ++ "!"

getRectangleArea =
\height width -> height * width

join =
\first second third -> first ++ ", " ++ second ++ ", " ++ third

-- Functions ignored arguments

greet _ =
"Hello, everyone!"

greet "John" -- "Hello, everyone!"

greeter _ _ =
"Hello, you!"

greeter "John" "DOE" -- "Hello, you!"

-- Function multiple instruction

doubleSum first second =
doubledFirst =
first * 2

doubledSecond =
second * 2
doubledFirst + doubledSecond

doubleSum 2 4 -- 12

-- Function tuple argument

greet (firstname, lastname) =
"Hello, " ++ firstname ++ " " ++ lastname

greet ("John", "DOE") -- "Hello, John DOE"

-- Function record argument

myUser =
{ firstname = "Jane"
, lastname = "DOE"

greet user =
"Hello, " ++ user.firstname

greet { firstname = "John", lastname = "DOE" } -- "Hello, John"

greet myUser -- "Hello, Jane"

-- Function record argument destructuring

greet { firstname } =
"Hello, " ++ firstname

myUser =
{ firstname = "John"
, lastname = "DOE"

greet { firstname = "Jane", lastname = "DOE" } -- "Hello, Jane"

greet myUser -- "Hello, John"

-- Record Update

user =
{ firstname = "John"
, lastname = "DOE",
, email = "[email protected]"

updatedUser =
{ user | firstname = "Jane" }

-- { firstname = "Jane", lastname = "DOE", email = "[email protected]" }

-- Record multiple fields update

user =
{ firstname = "John"
, lastname = "DOE",
, email = "[email protected]"

updatedUser =
{ user
| firstname = "Jane"
, email = "[email protected]"

-- { firstname = "Jane", lastname = "DOE", email = "[email protected]" }

-- Record Access

.firstname { firstname = "John" } -- "John"

.age { firstname = "John", age = 42 } -- 42

-- Condition

os =
if kernel == "nt" then

else if kernel == "linux" then


-- Pattern matching

administrator = True

message =
case administrator of
True ->

False ->

-- Pattern matching default case

role = "USER"

message =
case role of

"USER" ->

_ ->

-- List pattern matching

friends = [ "John", "Jane", "Paul" ]

message =
case friends of
[] ->
"No friends commented your article yet"

[ first ] ->
first ++ " commented your article"

[ first, second ] ->
first ++ " and " ++ second ++ " commented your article"

first :: second :: others ->
first ++ ", " ++ second ++ " and more friends commented your article"

-- List pattern matching ignored rest

friends = [ "John", "Jane", "Paul" ]

message =
case friends of
[] ->
"No friends commented your article yet"

[ first ] ->
first ++ " commented your article"

first :: _ ->
first ++ " and more friends commented your article"

-- Recursive function

fibonacci value =
if value <= 1 then

fibonacci (value - 1) + fibonacci (value - 2)

-- Loops

includedIn items item =
case items of
[] ->

current :: others
if item == current then

includedIn others item

includedIn ["banana", "apple"] "pear" -- False

includedIn ["banana", "apple"] "banana" -- True

-- Loops with state

countSimilarIn items count item =
case items of
[] ->

current :: others ->
if current == item then
countSimilarIn others (count + 1) item

countSimilarIn others count item

countSimilarIn ["a", "b", "c", "b"] 0 "b" -- 2

countSimilarIn ["a", "b", "c", "b"] 0 "a" -- 1

countSimilarIn ["a", "b", "c", "b"] 0 "e" -- 0

-- Chained functions

add first second =
first + second

multiply first second =
first * second

divide first second =
first / second

toFahrenheit =
add 32 (multiply 15 (divide 9 5))

toFahrenheit 15 -- 59

-- Piped functions

add first second =
first + second

multiplyBy second first =
first * second

divideBy second first =
first / second

toFahrenheit celsius =
celsius |> multiplyBy 9 |> divideBy 5 |> add 32

toFahrenheit 15 -- 59

-- Inverted piped functions

add first second =
first + second

multiply first second =
first * second

divideBy second first =
first / second

toFahrenheit celsius =
add 32 <| divideBy 5 <| multiply celsius 9

toFahrenheit 15 -- 59

-- Composed functions

addedBy second first =
first + second

multipliedBy second first =
first * second

divide second first =
first / second

toFahrenheit =
multipliedBy 9 >> dividedBy 5 >> addedBy 32

toFahrenheit 15 -- 59

-- Explicit type

name : String
name =

greet : String -> String
greet name =
"Hello, " ++ name

welcome : String -> String -> String
welcome firstname lastname =
"Welcome, " ++ firstname ++ " " ++ lastname

-- Function partial application

add : Int -> Int -> Int
add first second =
first + second

increment : Int -> Int
increment value =
add 1 value

inc : Int -> Int
inc =
add 1

firstResult : Int
firstResult =
increment 2 -- 3

secondResult : Int
secondResult =
inc 2 -- 3

-- Type alias

type alias User =
{ firstname : String
, lastname : String
, age : Int

myUser : User
myUser =
{ firstname = "John"
, lastname = "DOE"
, age = 42

getLastname : User -> String
getLastname { lastname } =

getLastname myUser -- "DOE"

-- Custom type

type UserState = WaitingConfirmation | Confirmed | Deleted | Banned

type alias User =
{ email : String
, state : UserState

getWelcomeMessage : User
getWelcomeMessage user =
case user.state of
WaitingConfirmation ->
"Please, confirm your email before signin"

Confirmed ->

Deleted ->
"Account not found"

Banned ->
"This account has been banned"

myRegistredUser : User
myRegistredUser =
{ email = "[email protected]"
, state = Confirmed

getWelcomeMessage myRegistredUser -- "Connected!"

myUnregistredUser : User
myUnregistredUser =
{ email = "[email protected]"
, state = WaitingConfirmation

getWelcomeMessage myUnregistredUser -- "Please, confirm your email before signin"

myBannedUser : User
myBannedUser =
{ email = "[email protected]"
, state = Banned

getWelcomeMessage myBannedUser -- "This account has been banned"

myDeletedUser : User
myDeletedUser =
{ email = "[email protected]"
, state = Deleted

getWelcomeMessage myDeletedUser -- "Account not found"

-- Custom type with data

type UserState
= WaitingConfirmation
| Confirmed
| Deleted String
| Banned String

type alias User =
{ email : String
, state : UserState

getWelcomeMessage user =
case user.state of
WaitingConfirmation ->
"Please, confirm your email before signin"

Confirmed ->

Deleted reason ->
"Deleted because " ++ reason

Banned reason ->
"Banned because " ++ reason

myRegistredUser : User
myRegistredUser =
{ email = "[email protected]"
, state = Confirmed

getWelcomeMessage myRegistredUser -- "Connected!"

myUnregistredUser : User
myUnregistredUser =
{ email = "[email protected]"
, state = WaitingConfirmation

getWelcomeMessage myUnregistredUser -- "Please, confirm your email before signin"

myBannedUser : User
myBannedUser =
{ email = "[email protected]"
, state = Banned "Bad behavior in chat"

getWelcomeMessage myBannedUser -- "Banned because Bad behavior in chat"

myDeletedUser : User
myDeletedUser =
{ email = "[email protected]"
, state = Deleted "Account timeout registration exceeded"

getWelcomeMessage myDeletedUser -- "Deleted because Account timeout registration exceeded"

-- Generic types

type Cart a =
| Empty
| Filled a

type alias Hat =
{ color : String
, name : String
, price : Float

getHatCartMessage : Cart Hat -> String
getHatCartMessage hatCart =
case hatCart of
Empty ->
"No items in your hat cart"

Filled hats ->
"There are some hats in your cart"

type alias Jean =
{ color : String
, length : Int
, price : Float

getJeanCartMessage : Cart Jean -> String
getJeanCartMessage jeanCart =
case jeanCart of
Empty ->
"There are no jeans in your cart"

Filled jeans ->
"There are some jeans in your cart"

-- Error handling

safeDivide : Float -> Float -> Maybe Float
safeDivide numerator denominator =
if denominator == 0 then

Just (numerator / denominator)

firstResult : Maybe Float
firstResult =
safeDivide 1 2 -- Just 0.5

secondResult : Maybe Float
secondResult =
safeDivide 1 0 -- Nothing

-- Error handling pattern matching

safeDivideBy : Float -> Float -> Maybe Float
safeDivideBy denominator numerator =
if denominator == 0 then

Just (numerator / denominator)

message : String
message =
case safeDivideBy 1 0 of
Just result ->
"There is a result"

Nothing ->
"Result is undefined"

-- Error handling with reason

safeDivideBy : Float -> Float -> Result String Float
safeDivideBy denominator numerator =
if denominator == 0 then
Err "Denominator cannot be equal to zero"

Ok (numerator / denominator)

firstResult : Result String Float
firstResult =
safeDivideBy 1 2 -- Ok 0.5

secondResult : Result String Float
secondResult =
safeDivideBy 1 0 -- Err "Denominator cannot be equal to zero"

-- Error handling with reason and pattern matching

safeDivideBy : Float -> Float -> Result String Float
safeDivideBy denominator numerator =
if denominator == 0 then
Err "Denominator cannot be equal to zero"

Ok (numerator / denominator)

message : String
message =
case safeDivideBy 0 1 of
Ok result ->
"There is a result"

Err reason ->
"No result because " ++ reason

-- Import

import Html

main =
Html.div [] [ Html.text "Hello, world!" ]

-- Granular import

import Html exposing (div, text)

main =
div [] [ text "Hello, world!" ]

-- Renamed Import

import Html as H

main =
H.text "Hello, world!"

-- Import and expose everything

import Html exposing (..)

main =
div [] [ text "Hello, world!" ]

-- Import from another folder

import Html

import Page.Home
-- ./src/Page/Home.elm

import Page.NotFound
-- ./src/Page/NotFound.elm

-- Export

module Main exposing (main)

import Html

view =
Html.text "Hello, world!"

main = view

-- Export everything

module Main exposing (..)

import Html

view =
Html.text "Hello, world!"

main = view

-- Export from another folder

module Page.Home exposing (view)
-- ./src/Page/Home.elm

import Html

view =
Html.text "Home page"

-- Core Modules (useless to import)

import Array

import Basics

import Bitwise

import Char

import Debug

import Dict

import List

import Maybe

import Platform

import Platform.Cmd

import Platform.Sub

import Process

import Result

import Set

import String

import Task

import Tuple

-- The Elm Architecture

module Main exposing (main)

{-- IMPORTS --}

import Browser
import Html exposing (Html)
import Html.Events

{-- TYPES --}

type alias Model =
{ counter : Int }

type Message
= Increment
| Decrement

{-- MODEL --}

initialModel : Model
initialModel =
{ counter = 0 }

{-- UPDATE --}

update : Message -> Model -> Model
update message model =
case message of
Increment ->
{ model | counter = model.counter + 1 }

Decrement ->
{ model | counter = model.counter - 1 }

{-- VIEW --}

viewDecrementButton : Html Message
viewDecrementButton =
[ Html.Events.onClick Decrement ]
[ Html.text "Decrement" ]

viewIncrementButton : Html Message
viewIncrementButton =
[ Html.Events.onClick Increment ]
[ Html.text "Increment" ]

viewCounter : Int -> Html Message
viewCounter counter =
|> String.fromInt
|> Html.text

view : Model -> Html Message
view { counter } =
[ viewDecrementButton
, viewCounter counter
, viewIncrementButton

{-- MAIN --}

main : Program () Model Message
main =
{ init = initialModel
, view = view
, update = update

-- Flags

module Main exposing (main)

import Browser
import Html exposing (Html)

type alias Model =
{ message : String }

type Message = None

type alias Flags = String

initialModel : Flags -> (Model, Cmd Message)
initialModel flags =
( Model flags, Cmd.none )

update : Message -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Message)
update message model =
(model, Cmd.none)

view : Model -> Html Message
view { message } =
Html.text message

main : Program Flags Model Message
main =
{ init = initialModel
, update = update
, view = view
, subscriptions = always Sub.none

-- Outgoing ports

port module Main exposing (main)

import Browser
import Html exposing (Html)
import Html.Events

port vibrate : () -> Cmd message
port copyToClipboard : String -> Cmd message

type alias Model =

type Message
= Vibrate
| CopyToClipboard String

initialModel : () -> (Model, Cmd Message)
initialModel _ =
( (), Cmd.none )

update : Message -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Message)
update message model =
case message of
Vibrate ->
(model, vibrate ())

CopyToClipboard text ->
(model, copyToClipboard text)

view : Model -> Html Message
view _ =
[ Html.button
[ Html.Events.onClick Vibrate ]
[ Html.text "Vibrate" ]
, Html.button
[ Html.Events.onClick (CopyToClipboard "Hello from Elm!") ]
[ Html.text "Copy" ]

subscriptions : Model -> Sub Message
subscriptions _ =

main : Program () Model Message
main =
{ init = initialModel
, update = update
, view = view
, subscriptions = subscriptions

-- Incoming ports

port module Main exposing (main)

import Browser
import Html exposing (Html)

port onWindowResized : (Int -> message) -> Sub message
port onFullScreen : (() -> message) -> Sub message
port onPasteFromClipboard : (String -> message) -> Sub message

type alias Model =
{ message : String }

type Message
= WindowResized Int
| Paste String
| FullScreen

initialModel : () -> (Model, Cmd Message)
initialModel _ =
( Model "Nothing", Cmd.none )

update : Message -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Message)
update message model =
case message of
FullScreen ->
({ model | message = "Fullscreen" }, Cmd.none)

Paste text ->
({ model | message = "Copied text " ++ text }, Cmd.none)

WindowResized size ->
({ model | message = "Window size is now " ++ String.fromInt size }, Cmd.none)

view : Model -> Html Message
view { message } =
Html.text message

subscriptions : Model -> Sub Message
subscriptions _ =
[ onWindowResized WindowResized
, onFullScreen (always FullScreen)
, onPasteFromClipboard Paste

main : Program () Model Message
main =
{ init = initialModel
, update = update
, view = view
, subscriptions = subscriptions


## JavaScript API

// Initialization

node: document.getElementById("elm")

// Flags

node: document.getElementById("elm"),
flags: "Hello, world!"

// Elm Outgoing ports

const app = Elm.Main.init({
node: document.getElementById()

app.ports.vibrate.subscribe(() => {

app.ports.copyToClipboard.subscribe(text => {
window.navigator.clipboard.writeText(text).catch(error => {

// Elm incoming ports

const app = Elm.Main.init({
node: document.getElementById()

window.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", () => {
if (document.fullscreen) {

window.addEventListener("resize", () => {

window.addEventListener("paste", () => {
window.navigator.clipboard.readText().then(text => {
}).catch(error => {