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Manage a directory of binaries without a package manager

binary github-release go-installer hacktoberfest package-manager

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Manage a directory of binaries without a package manager

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# binny

Manage a directory of binaries without a package manager.


## Installation

curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b /usr/local/bin

... or, you can specify a release version and destination directory for the installation:

curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b

## Usage

Keep a configuration in your repo with the binaries you want to manage. For example:

# .binny.yaml
- name: gh
want: v2.33.0
constraint: < v3
method: github-release
repo: cli/cli

- name: quill
want: v0.4.1
constraint: < v0.5
method: github-release
repo: anchore/quill

- name: chronicle
want: v0.7.0
method: github-release
repo: anchore/chronicle

Then you can run:
- `binny install [name...]` to install all tools in the configuration (or the given tool names)
- `binny check` to verify all configured tools are installed, return exit code 1 if any are missing or inconsistent
- `binny update [name...]` to update any pinned versions in the configuration with the latest available versions (and within any given constraints)
- `binny list` to list all tools in the configuration and the installed store

You can add tools to the configuration one of two ways:
- manually, by adding a new entry to the configuration file (see the [Configuration](#configuration) section below)
- with the `binny add ` commands, which will handle the configuration for you

## Configuration

The configuration file is a YAML file with a list of tools to manage. Each tool has a name, a version, and
a method for installing it. You can optionally specify a specific method for checking the latest version of
the tool, however, this is not necessary as all install methods have a default version resolver.

### Tool Configuration

Each tool has the following configuration options:

name: chronicle
want: v0.7.0
constraint: <= v0.9.0
method: github-release
# arbitrary key-value pairs for the version resolver method
method: go-install
# arbitrary key-value pairs for the install method

| Option | Description |
| `name` | The name of the tool to install. This is used to determine the installation directory and the name of the binary. |
| `version.want` | The version of the tool to install. This can be a specific version, or a version range. |
| `version.constraint` | A constraint on the version of the tool to install. This is used to determine the latest version of the tool to update to. |
| `version.method` | The method to use to determine the latest version of the tool. See the [Version Resolver Methods](#version-resolver-methods) section for more details. |
| `version.with` | The configuration options for the version method. See the [Version Resolver Methods](#version-resolver-methods) section for more details. |
| `method` | The method to use to install the tool. See the [Install Methods](#install-methods) section for more details. |
| `with` | The configuration options for the install method. See the [Install Methods](#install-methods) section for more details. |

### Install Methods

Install methods specify where the tool binary should be pulled or built from.

#### `github-release`

The `github-release` install method uses the GitHub Releases API to download the latest release of a tool. It requires the following configuration options:

| Option | Description |
| `repo` | The GitHub repository to reference releases from. This should be in the format `/` |

The default version resolver for this method is `github-release`.

#### `go-install`

The `go-install` install method uses `go install` to install a tool. It requires the following configuration options:

| Option | Description |
| `module` | The FQDN to the Go module (e.g. ``) |
| `entrypoint` (optional) | The path within the repo to the main package for the tool (e.g. `cmd/syft`) |
| `ldflags` (optional) | A list of ldflags to pass to `go install` (e.g. `-X main.version={{ .Version }}`) |
| `args` (optional) | A list of args/flags to pass to `go install` (e.g. `-tags containers_image_openpgp`) |
| `env` (optional) | A list key=value environment variables to use when running `go install` |

The `module` option allows for a special entry:
- `.` or `path/to/module/on/disk`

The `ldflags` allow for templating with the following variables:

| Variable | Description |
| `{{ .Version }}` | The resolved version of the tool (which may differe from that of the `version.want` value) |

In addition to these variables, [sprig functions]( are allowed; for example:
- -X main.buildDate={{ now | date "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00" }}

For more information about sprig functions, see the [sprig documentation](

The default version resolver for this method is `go-proxy`.

#### `hosted-shell`

The `hosted-shell` install method uses a hosted shell script to install a tool. It requires the following configuration options:

| Option | Description |
| `url` | The URL to the hosted shell script (e.g. ``) |
| `args` (optional) | Arguments to pass to the shell script (as a single string) |

If the URL refers to either `` or `` then the default version resolver is `github-release`.
Otherwise, the version resolver must be specified manually.

### Version Resolver Methods

The version method specifies how to determine the latest version for a tool.

#### `git`

The `git` version method will use a git repo on disk as a source for resolving versions via tags. It requires the following configuration options:

| Option | Description |
| `path` | The path to the git repository on disk |

The `version.want` option allows a special entry:
- `current`: use the current commit checked out in the repo

**note**: this method is still under development. Currently it is most useful for tools that are being used where that are developed:

- name: binny
# since the module is . then "current" means whatever is checked out
want: current
method: go-install
# aka:, without going through github / goproxy (stay local)
module: .
entrypoint: cmd/binny
- -X main.version={{ .Version }}
- -X main.gitCommit={{ .Version }}
- -X main.gitDescription={{ .Version }}
# note: sprig functions are available:
- -X main.buildDate={{ now | date "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00" }}

#### `github-release`

The `github-release` version method uses the GitHub Releases API to determine the latest release of a tool. It requires the following configuration options:

| Option | Description |
| `repo` | The GitHub repository to reference releases from. This should be in the format `/` |

The `version.want` option allows a special entry:
- `latest`: don't pin to a version, use the latest available

Note: this approach will might require a GitHub API token to be set in the `GITHUB_TOKEN` environment variable if there
is a version constraint used.

#### `go-proxy`

The `go-proxy` version method reaches out to `` to determine the latest version of a Go module. It requires the following configuration options:

| Option | Description |
| `module` | The FQDN to the Go module (e.g. ``) |
| `allow-unresolved-version` | If the latest version cannot be found by the proxy allow for "latest" as a valid value (which `go install` supports) |

The `version.want` option allows a special entry:
- `latest`: don't pin to a version, use the latest available