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A Flutter Netflix AppBar Imitation
Last synced: 3 months ago
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A Flutter Netflix AppBar Imitation
- Host: GitHub
- URL:
- Owner: andreamaranesi
- License: mit
- Created: 2021-02-16T08:38:12.000Z (about 4 years ago)
- Default Branch: master
- Last Pushed: 2021-05-27T07:54:37.000Z (over 3 years ago)
- Last Synced: 2024-08-03T14:07:49.999Z (7 months ago)
- Language: Dart
- Size: 1.08 MB
- Stars: 3
- Watchers: 1
- Forks: 1
- Open Issues: 0
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- License: LICENSE
Awesome Lists containing this project
#### Dremar Design
The package will allow you to simulate the Netflix app menu behavior.
The class i created is just a simple imitation, so there can be stack memory problems or graphical performance issues on older devices.
You need **page_transition** (at least version **1.0.0**) and **after_layout** (at least version **1.0.5**) in order to use this package.
After you have imported it, you should create your personalized Stateful or Stateless Widget classes. After you did this, on your **main** default function you have to create a **list of objects** and to **return** the **NetflixAppBar** instance.
Let's create a simple list of objects
//we initialize the list
List titles = new List();//we add a new Widget class, one of them you created
titles.add(new DrTextTransitionTitleObject("title", "slug", your_class_name()));
```- ##### NetflixAppBar ARGUMENTS
NetflixAppBar(List titles, int duration,
{Widget header,
double headerHeight = 0,
Color background = Colors.transparent,
Color appBarColor,
int dumping = 100,
double titlePaddingLeft = 16,
double titlePaddingRight = 15,
double titleActiveFontSize = 20,
double maxOpacity = 0.6,
double initialOpacity = 0,
bool pinned = false,
TextStyle titleStyles = const TextStyle(
color: Colors.white, fontSize: 16, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
Widget leading,
Function(ScrollController, String, NetflixAppBar) onScreenChange,
MainAxisAlignment mainAxisAlignment})
| ------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| titles | List | The list of objects you initially created | null |
| duration | int | The duration (in milliseconds) of your menu animation | null |
| header | Widget | The AppBar header, it's **optional** | null |
| headerHeight | double | The AppBar header height | 0 |
| background | Color | The main color of the Scaffold **NetlixToolbar** will return | Colors.transparent |
| appBarColor | Color | The main color of the AppBar | Colors.purpleAccent.withOpacity(0.7) |
| dumping | int | More the value is bigger more the user has to scroll down before the AppBar disappears | 100 |
| titleStyles | TextStyle | The Style you want to set up to your menu titles | const TextStyle( color: Colors.white, fontSize: 16, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold), |
| titlePaddingLeft | double | The padding left that should have the titles' row | 16 |
| titlePaddingRight | double | The padding right that should have the title row | 15 |
| titleActiveFontSize | double | The font size of the Title Label during a transition | 20 |
| leading | Widget | The leading AppBar Widget | null |
| pinned | bool | If you want the AppBar always fixed on the top set pinned to true | false |
| initialOpacity | double | The initial and **minimum** opacity of the AppBar | 0 |
| maxOpacity | double | The max opacity the AppBar can reach while the user scrolls down. AppBar opacity will reach your value following the **dumping** value you set | 0.6 |
| onScreenChange | Function(ScrollController, String, NetflixToolbar) | A function that will allow you to get the control of the current screen | null |
| mainAxisAlignment | MainAxisAlignment | AppBar title row mainAxisAlignment | MainAxisAlignment.spaceBewteen when titles length is > 2; MainAxisAlignment.start when titles length is <= 2 |Example:
List titles = new List();
titles.add(new DrTextTransitionTitleObject("Movies", "movies", Movies()));
titles.add(new DrTextTransitionTitleObject("Tv Series", "tv", Tv()));
titles.add(new DrTextTransitionTitleObject("About Me", "about", AboutUs()));int milliseconds = 700;
TextStyle titleStyles = const TextStyle(
fontFamily: "Dr1",
color: Colors.white,
fontSize: 18,
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold);instance = NetflixAppBar(
initialOpacity: 0.3,
maxOpacity: 1,
dumping: 100,
titleStyles: titleStyles,
titleActiveFontSize: 21,
(ScrollController controller, String slug, NetflixAppBar instance) {
print("Controller received correctly \n We are on $slug screen");
this.currentSlug = slug;
this.instance = NetflixAppBar.getInstance();
var newTitles = this.instance.titles;//....
return instance;```
after the **first** screen transition the class that wraps NetflixAppBar instance will be **disposed**, so be careful.
- #### getInstance()
NetflixAppBar.getInstance() will return the current NetflixAppBar instance. So you can get info about current titles, attributes, and so on
- #### getContext()
NetflixAppBar.getContext() will return the current NetflixAppBar instance context
- #### notify()
NetflixAppBar.notify() will allow you to update graphical elements on the current displayed screen
- #### goBack()
NetflixAppBar.goBack() will allow you to return to the previous screen
- ##### DrTextTransitionTitleObject ARGUMENTS
DrTextTransitionTitleObject(String name, String heroTag, Widget function,
{List newTitles,
bool personalized = false,
Widget overrideWidget,
Function overrideAction,
TextStyle primaryStyle,
Widget header,
double headerHeight,
double paddingLeft = 0})```
| -------------- | --------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------- |
| name | String | The title value | null |
| heroTag | String | This is the label slug, it allows to the app to use it as an Hero Widget tag for the animations | null |
| function | Widget | This is the Widget you want to show up when a user clicks on the label. If you set an **overrideAction** function then you can set the **function** property to null | null |
| newTitles | List | The list of titles you want to show up when you click on that specific title | null |
| personalized | bool | If you set personalized to true it means you want to create a your own Widget for that title on the AppBar. The default widget is an Animated Text View | false |
| overrideWidget | Widget | If personalized is true you must specify an overrideWidget. It is the Widget Flutter will show for that title on the AppBar | null |
| overrideAction | Function | It is helpful when you want to trigger a personalized function when a user clicks on that title on the menu | null |
| primaryStyle | TextStyle | The style you want to give to the default TextView widget that shows the title name on the AppBar | null |
| paddingLeft | double | The padding left you want to give to the default TextView widget that shows the title name on the AppBar | 0 |
| header | Widget | When a user clicks on the title and you don't set an overrideAction this is the new widget will appear on the top of the AppBar | null |
| headerHeight | double | The header widget height | null |Example:
List titles = new List();
List tvTitles = new List();var movies = new Movies();
var tv = new Tv();titles.add(new DrTextTransitionTitleObject("Movies", "movies", movies,
header: switchHeader("movies")));
titles.add(new DrTextTransitionTitleObject("Tv Series", "tv", tv,
newTitles: tvTitles, header: switchHeader("movies")));
titles.add(new DrTextTransitionTitleObject("About Me", "about", AboutUs()));tvTitles.add(new DrTextTransitionTitleObject("Tv Series", "tv", tv,
newTitles: titles,
header: switchHeader("tv"),
personalized: true,
overrideWidget: Icon(,
color: Colors.white,
size: 32,
tvTitles.add(new DrTextTransitionTitleObject("Movies", "movies", movies,
newTitles: titles, paddingLeft: 35));```
### CLICK HERE to see a web example
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