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This is the MorrisJS widget. It's a very simple API for drawing line and bar charts.

axis-labels chart drawing graph morris php php7 plot widget yii2 yii2-morrisjs yii2-widgets

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This is the MorrisJS widget. It's a very simple API for drawing line and bar charts.

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This is the [MorrisJS]( widget. It's a very simple API for drawing line and bar charts.

## Installation

The preferred way to install this extension is through [composer]( Check the [composer.json]( for this extension's requirements and dependencies.

To install, either run

$ composer require antishov/yii2-morrisjs

or add

"antishov/yii2-morrisjs": "@stable"

to the `require` section of your `composer.json` file.

## Usage

### Line Chart

#### Example of code
use antishov\Morris;
use yii\web\JsExpression;

echo Morris\Line::widget([
'resize' => true,
'gridTextSize' => 11,
'element' => 'lineChart',
'data' => [
['date' => '2017-06-14', 'value' => 2],
['date' => '2017-06-15', 'value' => 4],
['date' => '2017-06-16', 'value' => 1]
'xKey' => 'date',
'yKeys' => ['value'],
'labels' => ['Impressions'],
'xLabels' => 'day',
'yLabelFormat' => new JsExpression(
'function (y) {if (y === parseInt(y, 10)) {return y;}else {return "";}}'
'yMin' => 'auto 40',
'lineColors' => ['rgb(123, 204, 221)'],
'pointFillColors' => ['rgb(82, 188, 211)'],

#### Properties
`resize` - Set to `true` to enable automatic resizing when the containing element resizes. (default: `false`). This has a significant performance impact, so is disabled by default.

`gridTextSize` - Set the point size of the axis labels (default: `12`).

`element` - Identifier that will be assigned to the chart.

`data` - The data to plot. This is an array of objects, containing x and y attributes as described by the xkey and ykeys options.

`xKey` - A string containing the name of the attribute that contains date (X) values (see available formats at [spec](

`yKeys` - A list of strings containing names of attributes that contain Y values (one for each series of data to be plotted).

`labels` - A list of strings containing labels for the data series to be plotted (corresponding to the values in the `ykeys` option).

`xLabels` - Sets the x axis labelling interval. By default the interval will be automatically computed (see valid interval strings at [spec](

`yLabelFormat` - function that accepts y-values and formats them for display as y-axis labels.

`yMin` - Min. bound for Y-values. Alternatively, set this to `'auto'` to compute automatically, or `'auto [num]'` to automatically compute and ensure that the min y-value is at most `[num]`.

`lineColors` - lineColors Array containing colors for the series lines/points.

`pointFillColors` - Colors for the series points. By default uses the same values as `lineColors`.

### Bar Chart

``` php
use antishov\Morris;
use yii\web\JsExpression;

echo Morris\Bar::widget([
'element' => 'barChart',
'data' => [
['date' => '2017-06-14', 'value' => 2.36],
['date' => '2017-06-15', 'value' => 0.79],
['date' => '2017-06-16', 'value' => 9.99]
'xKey' => 'date',
'yKeys' => ['value'],
'labels' => ['Revenue'],
'barColors' => ['rgb(82, 188, 211)', 'rgb(49, 167, 193)'],
#### Properties
`element` - Identifier that will be assigned to the chart.

`data` - The data to plot. This is an array of objects, containing x and y attributes as described by the xkey and ykeys options.

`xKey` - A string containing the name of the attribute that contains date (X) values (see available formats at [spec](

`yKeys` - A list of strings containing names of attributes that contain Y values (one for each series of data to be plotted).

`labels` - A list of strings containing labels for the data series to be plotted (corresponding to the values in the `ykeys` option).

`barColors` - Array containing colors for the series bars.

## Examples

All examples are stored in the `example` subdirectory and based on Yii2 framework with [Docker](
You are free to set up your own host.

See `Dockerfile` and `docker-compose.yml` to get further information.

## License

**yii2-morrisjs** is released under the MIT License. See the bundled `` for details.