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The client implementation for SkyWalking BanyanDB in Java

apm database distributed-tracing logging metrics observability skywalking time-series

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The client implementation for SkyWalking BanyanDB in Java

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BanyanDB Java Client

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The client implement for SkyWalking BanyanDB in Java.

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# Usage

## Create a client

Create a `BanyanDBClient` with the server's several addresses and then use `connect()` to establish a connection.

// use `default` group
BanyanDBClient client = new BanyanDBClient("banyandb.svc:17912", "");
// to send any request, a connection to the server must be estabilished

These addresses are either IP addresses or DNS names.

The client will try to connect to the server in a round-robin manner. The client will periodically refresh the server
addresses. The refresh interval can be configured by `refreshInterval` option.

Besides, you may pass a customized options while building a `BanyanDBClient`. Supported
options are listed below,

| Option | Description | Default |
| maxInboundMessageSize | Max inbound message size | 1024 * 1024 * 50 (~50MB) |
| deadline | Threshold of gRPC blocking query, unit is second | 30 (seconds) |
| refreshInterval | Refresh interval for the gRPC channel, unit is second | 30 (seconds) |
| resolveDNSInterval | DNS resolve interval, unit is second | 30 (minutes) |
| forceReconnectionThreshold | Threshold of force gRPC reconnection if network issue is encountered | 1 |
| forceTLS | Force use TLS for gRPC | false |
| sslTrustCAPath | SSL: Trusted CA Path | |

## Schema Management

### Stream and index rules

#### Define a Group
// build a group sw_record for Stream with 2 shards and ttl equals to 3 days
Group g = Group.newBuilder().setMetadata(Metadata.newBuilder().setName("sw_record"))

Then we may define a stream with customized configurations.

#### Define a Stream
// build a stream trace with above group
Stream s = Stream.newBuilder()
Arrays.asList("service_id", "service_instance_id", "is_error")))

#### Define a IndexRules
IndexRule.Builder ir = IndexRule.newBuilder()

#### Define a IndexRuleBinding
IndexRuleBinding.Builder irb = IndexRuleBinding.newBuilder()
.setBeginAt(TimeUtils.buildTimestamp(ZonedDateTime.of(2024, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, ZoneOffset.UTC)))

For the last line in the code block, a simple API (i.e. `BanyanDBClient.define(Stream)`) is used to define the schema of `Stream`.
The same works for `Measure` which will be demonstrated later.

### Measure and index rules

`Measure` can also be defined directly with `BanyanDBClient`,

#### Define a Group
// build a group sw_metrics for Measure with 2 shards and ttl equals to 7 days
Group g = Group.newBuilder().setMetadata(Metadata.newBuilder().setName("sw_metric"))

#### Define a Measure
// create a new measure schema with an additional interval
// the interval is used to specify how frequently to send a data point
Measure m = Measure.newBuilder()
// define a measure, as we've mentioned above

For more APIs usage, refer to test cases and API docs.

## Query

### Stream

Construct a `StreamQuery` instance with given time-range and other conditions.

> Note: time-range is left-inclusive and right-exclusive.

For example,

// [begin, end) = [ now - 15min, now )
Instant end =;
Instant begin = end.minus(15, ChronoUnit.MINUTES);
// with stream schema, group=default, name=sw
StreamQuery query = new StreamQuery(Lists.newArrayList("sw_record"), "trace",
new TimestampRange(begin.toEpochMilli(), end.toEpochMilli()),
// projection tags which are indexed
ImmutableSet.of("state", "start_time", "duration", "trace_id"));
// search for all states
query.and(PairQueryCondition.StringQueryCondition.eq("searchable", "trace_id" , "1a60e0846817447eac4cd498eefd3743.1.17261060724190003"));
// set order by condition
query.setOrderBy(new AbstractQuery.OrderBy(AbstractQuery.Sort.DESC));
// set projection for un-indexed tags
// send the query request

After response is returned, `elements` can be fetched,

StreamQueryResponse resp = client.query(query);
List entities = resp.getElements();

Every item `RowEntity` in the list contains `elementId`, `timestamp` and tag families requested.

The `StreamQueryResponse`, `RowEntity`, `TagFamily` and `Tag` (i.e. `TagAndValue`) forms a hierarchical structure, where
the order of the tag families and containing tags, i.e. indexes of these objects in the List, follow the order specified
in the projection condition we've used in the request.

If you want to trace the query, you can use `query.enableTrace()` to get the trace spans.

// enable trace
// send the query request

After response is returned, `trace` can be extracted,

// send the query request
StreamQueryResponse resp = client.queryStreams(query);
Trace t = resp.getTrace();

### Measure

For `Measure`, it is similar to the `Stream`,

// [begin, end) = [ now - 15min, now )
Instant end =;
Instant begin = end.minus(15, ChronoUnit.MINUTES);
// with stream schema, group=sw_metrics, name=service_instance_cpm_day
MeasureQuery query = new MeasureQuery(Lists.newArrayList("sw_metrics"), "service_instance_cpm_day",
new TimestampRange(begin.toEpochMilli(), end.toEpochMilli()),
ImmutableSet.of("id", "scope", "service_id"),
// query max "total" with group by tag "service_id"
query.maxBy("total", ImmutableSet.of("service_id"));
// use conditions
query.and(PairQueryCondition.StringQueryCondition.eq("default", "service_id", "abc"));
// send the query request

After response is returned, `dataPoints` can be extracted,

MeasureQueryResponse resp = client.query(query);
List dataPointList = resp.getDataPoints();

Measure API supports `TopN`/`BottomN` search. The results or (grouped-)results are
ordered by the given `field`,

MeasureQuery query = new MeasureQuery("sw_metrics", "service_instance_cpm_day",
new TimestampRange(begin.toEpochMilli(), end.toEpochMilli()),
ImmutableSet.of("id", "scope", "service_id"),
query.topN(5, "total"); // bottomN

Besides, `limit` and `offset` are used to support pagination. `Tag`-based sort can also
be done to the final results,

query.orderBy("service_id", Sort.DESC);

If you want to trace the query, you can use `query.enableTrace()` to get the trace spans.

// enable trace
// send the query request

After response is returned, `trace` can be extracted,

// send the query request
MeasureQueryResponse resp = client.query(query);
Trace trace = resp.getTrace();
### Criteria

Both `StreamQuery` and `MeausreQuery` support the `criteria` flag to filter data.
`criteria` supports logical expressions and binary condition operations.

#### Example of `criteria`

The expression `(a=1 and b = 2) or (a=4 and b=5)` could use below operations to support.

PairQueryCondition.LongQueryCondition.eq("a", 1L),
PairQueryCondition.LongQueryCondition.eq("b", 1L)),
PairQueryCondition.LongQueryCondition.eq("a", 4L),
PairQueryCondition.LongQueryCondition.eq("b", 5L)
The execution order of conditions is from the inside to outside. The deepest condition
will get executed first.

The client also provides syntactic sugar for using `and` or `or` methods.
The `criteria` method has a higher priority, overwriting these sugar methods.

> Caveat: Sugar methods CAN NOT handle nested query. `criteria` is the canonical
> method to take such tasks as above example shows.

#### Example of `and`

When filtering data matches all the conditions, the query can append several `and`:
query.and(PairQueryCondition.LongQueryCondition.eq("state", 1L))
.and(PairQueryCondition.StringQueryCondition.eq("service_id", serviceId))
.and(PairQueryCondition.StringQueryCondition.eq("service_instance_id", serviceInstanceId))
.and(PairQueryCondition.StringQueryCondition.match("endpoint_id", endpointId))
.and("duration", minDuration))
.and(PairQueryCondition.LongQueryCondition.le("duration", maxDuration))

#### Example of `or`

When gathering all data matches any of the conditions, the query can combine a series of `or`:

segmentIds.forEach(id -> query.or(PairQueryCondition.LongQueryCondition.eq("segment_id", id)))

## Write

### Stream

Since grpc bidi streaming is used for write protocol, build a `StreamBulkWriteProcessor` which would handle back-pressure for you.
Adjust `maxBulkSize`, `flushInterval`, `concurrency` and `timeout` of the consumer in different scenarios to meet requirements.

// build a StreamBulkWriteProcessor from client
StreamBulkWriteProcessor streamBulkWriteProcessor = client.buildStreamWriteProcessor(maxBulkSize, flushInterval, concurrency, timeout);

The `StreamBulkWriteProcessor` is thread-safe and thus can be used across threads.
We highly recommend you to reuse it.

The procedure of constructing `StreamWrite` entity must comply with the schema of the stream, e.g.
the order of tags must exactly be the same with that defined in the schema.
And the non-existing tags must be fulfilled (with NullValue) instead of compacting all non-null tag values.

StreamWrite streamWrite = client.createStreamWrite("default", "sw", segmentId, now.toEpochMilli())
.tag("data_binary", Value.binaryTagValue(byteData))
.tag("trace_id", Value.stringTagValue(traceId)) // 0
.tag("state", Value.longTagValue(state)) // 1
.tag("service_id", Value.stringTagValue(serviceId)) // 2
.tag("service_instance_id", Value.stringTagValue(serviceInstanceId)) // 3
.tag("endpoint_id", Value.stringTagValue(endpointId)) // 4
.tag("duration", Value.longTagValue(latency)) // 5
.tag("http.method", Value.stringTagValue(null)) // 6
.tag("status_code", Value.stringTagValue(httpStatusCode)) // 7
.tag("db.type", Value.stringTagValue(dbType)) // 8
.tag("db.instance", Value.stringTagValue(dbInstance)) // 9
.tag("", Value.stringTagValue(broker)) // 10
.tag("mq.topic", Value.stringTagValue(topic)) // 11
.tag("mq.queue", Value.stringTagValue(queue)); // 12

CompletableFuture f = streamBulkWriteProcessor.add(streamWrite);
f.get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

### Measure

The writing procedure for `Measure` is similar to the above described process and leverages the bidirectional streaming of gRPC,

// build a MeasureBulkWriteProcessor from client
MeasureBulkWriteProcessor measureBulkWriteProcessor = client.buildMeasureWriteProcessor(maxBulkSize, flushInterval, concurrency, timeout);

A `BulkWriteProcessor` is created by calling `buildMeasureWriteProcessor`. Then build the `MeasureWrite` object and send with bulk processor,

Instant now =;
MeasureWrite measureWrite = client.createMeasureWrite("sw_metric", "service_cpm_minute", now.toEpochMilli());
measureWrite.tag("id", TagAndValue.stringTagValue("1"))
.tag("entity_id", TagAndValue.stringTagValue("entity_1"))
.field("total", TagAndValue.longFieldValue(100))
.field("value", TagAndValue.longFieldValue(1));

CompletableFuture f = measureBulkWriteProcessor.add(measureWrite);
f.get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

## Property APIs

Property APIs are used to store key-value pairs.

### Apply(Create/Update)

`apply` will always succeed whenever the property exists or not.
The old value will be overwritten if already existed, otherwise a new value will be set.

Property property = Property.create("default", "sw", "ui_template")
.addTag(TagAndValue.newStringTag("name", "hello"))
.addTag(TagAndValue.newStringTag("state", "successd"))
this.client.apply(property); //created:true tagsNum:2

The operation supports updating partial tags.

Property property = Property.create("default", "sw", "ui_template")
.addTag(TagAndValue.newStringTag("state", "failed"))
this.client.apply(property); //created:false tagsNum:1

The property supports setting TTL.

Property property = Property.create("default", "sw", "temp_date")
.addTag(TagAndValue.newStringTag("state", "failed"))
this.client.apply(property); //created:false tagsNum:1 lease_id:1
The property's TTL can be extended by calling `Client.keepAliveProperty`,

this.client.keepAliveProperty(1); //lease_id:1

The property's live time is reset to 30 minutes.

### Query

Property can be queried via `Client.findProperty`,

Property gotProperty = this.client.findProperty("default", "sw", "ui_template");

The query operation could filter tags,

Property gotProperty = this.client.findProperty("default", "sw", "ui_template", "state");

### Delete

Property can be deleted by calling `Client.deleteProperty`,

this.client.deleteProperty("default", "sw", "ui_template"); //deleted:true tagsNum:2

The delete operation could remove specific tags instead of the whole property.

this.client.deleteProperty("default", "sw", "ui_template", "state"); //deleted:true tagsNum:1

# Compiling project
> ./mvnw clean package

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# License
[Apache 2.0 License.](LICENSE)