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# [Open-Source App Generator](

[Open-Source Tools]( for solo-devs, students and companies - Generate [Digital Products](,
Update legacy code by chat, Inject new modules, Software Auto-healing, AI, Deployment automation (any provider), Docker, K8s.

- 👉 `LIVE Demo`:
- 👉 Get [Support]( via email and `Discord`

## Features

- [One-Click Sign IN]( `GitHub`
- [Marketplace]( mirrored from [AppSeed](
- Generator (CLI & Web Versions)
- MVC: Django, NodeJS, Flask, FastAPI
- Full-Stack: React, Vue with any API Backend
- API [ manage visually the data ]
- eCommerce
- Website
- Deployment options: Render, AppSeed Cloud Digital Ocean, User Provider (AWS, DO, Azure)
- [Developer Tools](
- [Django App Generator](
- [CSV Processor](
- [DataBase Migrator](
- [DataBase Processor](
- [Dynamic Django]( Tool (commercial)
- [CSV to DB Table](
- [CSV to API](
- [CSV to DataTable](
- Sections:
- [Products](
- [Blog](
- [Docs](
- [AI Agent](
- `Tools/`
- `Deploy/`
- [Support](
- [Custom Development](

## Stack

- Python/Django
- React
- Docker
- CI/CD - LIVE Deploy on Digital Ocean

## Manual Build

> Step #1 - Download the code

$ git clone
$ cd app-generator

> Step #2 - Install modules

$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

> Step #3 - Set Up Database

$ python makemigrations
$ python migrate

> Step #4 - Create the ENV file

The `.env` can be created from the `env.sample` file, provided in the root of the project

$ cp env.sample .env

> Step #5 - Compile UI (that uses Tailwind)

$ pnpm i
$ pnpm run build

> Step #5 - Execute `collectstatic` for Django statics

$ python collectstatic
$ python migrate

> Start the APP

$ python createsuperuser # create the admin
$ python runserver # start the project

At this point, the app runs at ``.

## Compile [Documentation](

The Documentation being generated by [](, the compilation requires a linux box

$ cd docs && rm -rf build && make html
# Or via a while loop
$ cd docs ; while true ; do rm -rf build/ ; make html ; sleep 10 ; done

The output is saved on `docs/build` and rendered on `/docs/` URI

## CLI Interface

All CLI tools are listed by `dev_tools` subcommand:

`$ python dev_tools`

Below sections explains each dev_tool added to the codebase - If somethings is not working in your environment, please contact [support](

### Generate Code

> For now, only Django code is supported.

$ python tool_generator -i # Print HELP
$ python tool_generator -f sources/input-template-volt.json

The generated code is saved in `generated_code` DIR. Open the sources using your favorite editor and start the project. The easier way is to use Docker:

### Generate Project Template

> Using this tool, we can generate a JSON template used later by the generator

$ python tool_generator_interactive -i # Print HELP
$ python tool_generator_interactive # Generate JSON File
# (Truncated Output)
$ python tool_generator_interactive

[?] Project Friendly Name: Some Django project
[?] The Backend Framework:
> django
flask (soon)
nodejs (soon)

[?] The UI Kit:
> datta

[?] The Database:
> sqlite
# (Truncated Output)
> File saved = sources\Nt5QWHGI_django_template.json
> HOW to generate code:
|-- python tool_generator -f sources/Nt5QWHGI_django_template.json

By running the sugegsted command, we should be able to generate a valid Django Project.

### Upload to GitHub

> Note: For having SUCCESS on this operation, a `GITHUB_KEY` is required in `.env` - read [more](

$ python tool_github_uploader -i # Print HELP
$ python tool_github_uploader -d generated_code/GENERATED_PROJECT -k GITHUB_KEY

Once the operation is finished, the generated project should be saved under the account associated with the `GITHUB_KEY`.

### Inspect DB (sqlite, MySql, PgSql)

# SQLite scan
$ python tool_db_processor -f media/tools/db_inspect/db_sqlite.json
# OR
# MySql scan
$ python tool_db_processor -f media/tools/db_inspect/db_mysql.json
# (Truncated Output)
> Processing media/tools/db_inspect/db_sqlite.json
|-- type : db
|-- DB driver : SQLITE
|-- DB name : media/tools/common/sample.sqlite3
|-- DB host : None
|-- DB port : None
|-- DB user : None
|-- DB pass : None

> Dump data for [api_user_user]
> Dump data for [api_authentication_activesession]
> Dump data for [auth_group]
> Dump data for [api_user_user_groups]
> Dump data for [django_content_type]
> Dump data for [auth_permission]
> Dump data for [api_user_user_user_permissions]
> Dump data for [auth_group_permissions]
> Dump data for [django_admin_log]
> Dump data for [django_migrations]
> Dump data for [django_session]

The SQL dump is done in the `tmp` DIRECTORY

|-- tmp
|-- 05_27_58_SQLITE.sql
|-- 05_28_04_SQLITE_api_user_user

### Migrate DB

> Note: the feature works with SQLite, MySql and PostgreSQL.

The source and target DB credentials should be provided in JSON format. Here are the provided samples

- [SQLite Sample](
- [MySql Sample](

> How to use it:

$ python tool_db_migrator -s DB_SOURCE.json -t DB_TARGET.json # Perform Checks
$ python tool_db_migrator -s DB_SOURCE.json -t DB_TARGET.json --migrate # Migrate the data

### CSV processor

Authenticated users can process CSV files and apply transformers.


### Inspect CSV Files

$ python tool_inspect_source -f media/tools/csv/csv_inspect.json # Truncated output
$ python tool_inspect_source -f media/tools/csv/csv_inspect.json -k # Print all rows
# OR for distant CSV files
$ python tool_inspect_source -f media/tools/csv/csv_inspect_distant.json
# (Truncated Output)
> Processing media/tools/csv/csv_inspect.json
|-- file: media/tools/csv/titanic.csv
|-- type: csv
{'PassengerId': {'type': 'int64'}, 'Survived': {'type': 'int64'}, 'Pclass': {'type': 'int64'}, 'Name': {'type': 'object'}, 'Sex': {'type': 'object'}, 'Age': {'type': 'float64'}, 'SibSp': {'type': 'int64'}, 'Parch': {'type': 'int64'}, 'Ticket': {'type': 'object'}, 'Fare': {'type': 'float64'}, 'Cabin': {'type': 'object'}, 'Embarked': {'type': 'object'}}
[1] - PassengerId,Survived,Pclass,Name,Sex,Age,SibSp,Parch,Ticket,Fare,Cabin,Embarked
[2] - 1,0,3,"Braund, Mr. Owen Harris",male,22,1,0,A/5 21171,7.25,,S
[3] - 2,1,1,"Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Thayer)",female,38,1,0,PC 17599,71.2833,C85,C
[4] - 3,1,3,"Heikkinen, Miss. Laina",female,26,0,0,STON/O2. 3101282,7.925,,S
[5] - 4,1,1,"Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel)",female,35,1,0,113803,53.1,C123,S
[6] - 5,0,3,"Allen, Mr. William Henry",male,35,0,0,373450,8.05,,S
[7] - 6,0,3,"Moran, Mr. James",male,,0,0,330877,8.4583,,Q
[8] - 7,0,1,"McCarthy, Mr. Timothy J",male,54,0,0,17463,51.8625,E46,S
[9] - 8,0,3,"Palsson, Master. Gosta Leonard",male,2,3,1,349909,21.075,,S
[10] - 9,1,3,"Johnson, Mrs. Oscar W (Elisabeth Vilhelmina Berg)",female,27,0,2,347742,11.1333,,S

### List available commands

$ python help
# (Truncated Output)
Type ' help ' for help on a specific subcommand.
Available subcommands:

### List Registered Apps

$ python help_print_apps
# (Truncated Output)
APP -> Webpack Loader
APP -> Administration
APP -> Authentication and Authorization

### List Registered Models

$ python help_print_models
# (Truncated Output)
APP -> Github
APP -> Google
APP -> Django_Quill
APP -> Celery Results
|--> django_celery_results.models.TaskResult
|--> id: AutoField
|--> task_id: CharField
|--> periodic_task_name: CharField
|--> task_name: CharField
|--> task_args: TextField
|--> task_kwargs: TextField
|--> status: CharField
|--> worker: CharField
|--> content_type: CharField
|--> content_encoding: CharField
|--> result: TextField
|--> date_created: DateTimeField
|--> date_done: DateTimeField
|--> traceback: TextField
|--> meta: TextField
|--> django_celery_results.models.ChordCounter
|--> id: AutoField
|--> group_id: CharField
|--> sub_tasks: TextField
|--> count: PositiveIntegerField
|--> django_celery_results.models.GroupResult
|--> id: AutoField
|--> group_id: CharField
|--> date_created: DateTimeField
|--> date_done: DateTimeField
|--> content_type: CharField
|--> content_encoding: CharField
|--> result: TextField

## Celery (async tasks)

- Make sure you have a Redis Server running: `redis://localhost:6379`
- `$ redis-cli` and type `ping`
- In the base directory inside `tasks_scripts` folder you need to write your scripts file.
- Run the celery command from the CLI.

$ export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="core.settings"
$ celery -A core worker -l info -B

> Executed Tasks, [tasks_scripts]( DIR as defined in the [EXEC Schedule](

- [Critical Tasks]( - executed every 5min
- [Hourly Tasks](
- [Daily Tasks](
- [Weekly Tasks](
- [Monthly Tasks](

The output for each task can be found in the [LOGS]( Directory.

Here is a LOG sample generated by a critical task that runs at every 5min:

- [tasks_scripts/logs/2024-05-20-16-30-critical_task.log](

## Team

> **Core**

- [Adrian]( - Founder, Tech Lead, Automation, Design Patterns
- [Alex Paduraru]( - Business Advisor & Investor
- [Valentin Raduti]( - Full-Stack Senior (Design Patterns, Auth, Automation, React)
- [Teo Deleanu]( - Full-Stack Senior

> **Developers/Contractors**

- [Mominur]( - Django/React Developer
- [Hasib]( - Django/React Developer
- [Sugeng]( - CI/CD, Deployment, Docker
- [Nur Askiah]( - Django/React Developer
- [Dhafit]( - UI/UX, Frontend
- [Anamul]( - Python, Django TL




Crafted and actively supported by [AppSeed]( - **