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Index music album from the MusicBrainz open music encyclopedia into Elasticsearch

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Index music album from the MusicBrainz open music encyclopedia into Elasticsearch

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# MusicBrainz Elasticsearch #

Like freedb, [MusicBrainz]( "MusicBrainz Home") is an open music encyclopedia that collects music metadata and makes it available to the public.

The **musicbrainz-elasticsearch** project is a java **batch** that **indexes release groups** of the MusicBrainz database into an **Elasticsearch** index.

From release groups, only "real" **Album** are indexed. Single, EP and Broadcast are not indexed. And from Album release group primary type, neither Compilation, Live, Remix or Soundtrack secondary types are indexed.

## Features ##

* **SQL request** selecting music album from the MusicBrainz PostgreSQL datanase
* Elasticsearch **index settings** and **mapping** of the musicalbum index in **JSON** format
* Tasklet deleting previous index
* Tasklets creating settings and mappings for the musicalbum index
* **Parallel ES indexation** using multi-threads on a single process
* A **java main** class to launch the batch (through command line, IDE or maven)
* End-to-end **unit tests** with U2 discography

## Powered by ##

This project depends on several other open source projects:

* **[Spring Batch]( "Spring Batch Home")** : the most popular Java batch framework.
* **[Spring Data Elasticsearch]( "Spring Data Elasticsearch reference manual")** : Spring factories for Elasticsearch used to inject ES client into batch tasklets.
* **[MusicBrainz data]( "musicbrainz-data")** : useful [Gender]( ""), [ReleaseGroupPrimaryType]( "") and [ArtistType]( "") enumerations. JPA data bindings is not used by the batch.
* **[DbSetup](** : the database unit test framework you must try.

## Prerequisites ##

A MusicBrainz database and an Elasticsearch cluster are the 2 pre-requisites in order to execute the batch.
You have the choice by setting by yourself a MusicBrainz database and an Elasticsearch cluster or to use **Docker**.

### Automatic installation with Docker

Use [Docker Compose]( to set up both a PostgreSQL database and an Elasticsearch cluster and import the musicbrainz database.

If you are on MacOS or Windows, you have to install [Boot2docker]( in order to user Docker and Docker Compose. [You will have to increase the DiskSize up to 100 Gb](

Command lines to start PostgreSQL and Elasticsearch:

* `git clone`
* `cd musicbrainz-elasticsearch/docker`
* `docker-compose up -d`
* `docker-compose run postgresql /`
* If you are using Boot2docker:
** `boot2docker ip`
** edit the `` file and replace *localhost* with the IP in the ** and *db.musicbrainz.url* properties.

The last command line creates the database, downloads the latest dumps then populates the database.
Depending your bandwidth, downloading of the *mbdump.tar.bz2* could be take more than hour.

### Manual installation

#### 1. MusicBrainz ###

To index MusicBrainz data, **the batch requires a connection to the MusicBrainz PostgreSQL relational database**.

[]( "") does not provide a public access to its database. Thus you have to install your own database.
There are a two different methods to get a local database up and running, you can either:

* Download a pre-configured [virtual image of the MusicBrainz Server](, or
* Download the last [data dumps]( and follow the relevant section of the [](

For my part, before using Docker, I have chosen to download the MusicBrainz Server virtual machine. Available in Open Virtualization Archive (OVA), I have deployed it into [Oracle VirtualBox]( but you may prefer VMWare.

Once finished the [MusicBrainz Server setup guide](, you have to follow the below two final steps in order the PostgreSQL database be accessible to your host:

**Configuring port forwarding with NAT**

Port forwarding enables VirtualBox to listen to certain ports on the host and resends all packets which arrive there to the guest, on the same or a different port. You may used same port on host and guest. Configure two rules (the second is optional):

- PostgreSQL database - TCP - host : 5432 / guest : 5432
- MusicBrainz web server : TCP - host : 5000 / guest : 5000

**Configuring PostgreSQL**

To enable remote access to the PostgreSQL database server, you may follow [those instructions]( "How Do I Enable remote access to PostgreSQL database server?"). Log into the VM (credentials: vm / musicbrainz) and edit the two configuration files pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf.

Once steps done, you may connect to the database with any JDBC clients (ie. [SQuireL]( "SQuirreL SQL Client")):

* URL: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/musicbrainz
* Credentials: musicbrainz / musicbrainz

#### 2. Elasticsearch ###

Before launching the batch, you have to [download Elasticsearch v1.7.1]( and unarchived it.
You may want to change the default _elasticsearch_ cluster name from the config/elaticsearch.yml configuration file and change the name in the configuration file.

## Quick Start ##

* `git clone`
* `mvn install`
* `mvn exec:java` (execute the *IndexBatchMain* main class)

On a Macbook Pro, the batch takes less than 3 minutes to build the Elasticsearch.

## Demo

MusicBrainz database searching with Elasticsearch :
[]( "MusicBrainz database searching with Elasticsearch")

![My Demo Screenshot]( "My Demo Screenshot")

For command line testing, you could execute the two following curl scripts: []( "Gist ") and [
]( "Gist ")

## Contributing to MusicBrainz Elasticsearch project ##

* Github is for social coding platform: if you want to write code, we encourage contributions through pull requests from [forks of this repository]( If you want to contribute code this way, please reference a GitHub ticket as well covering the specific issue you are addressing.

### Development environment installation ###

Download the code with git:
git clone git://

Compile the code with maven:

`mvn clean install`

If you're using an IDE that supports Maven-based projects (InteliJ Idea, Netbeans or m2Eclipse), you can import the project directly from its POM.
Otherwise, generate IDE metadata with the related IDE maven plugin:

`mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse`

## Documentation ##

French articles on the []( blog:

* [Parallélisation de traitements batchs](
* [Elastifiez la base MusicBrainz sur OpenShift](

## Release Note ##

VersionRelease dateFeatures date

1.1-SNAPSHOT23/08/2015Elasticsearch 1.7.1 update
Docker compose files
Spring Data Elasticsearch use

1.026/10/2013Initial version developed for a workshop about Elasticsearch (0.90.5)

## Credits ##

* Uses [Maven]( as a build tool
* Uses [Cloudbees]( and [Travis CI]( for continuous integration builds whenever code is pushed into GitHub
* Authors of all used open source librairies

## Build Status ##

Travis : [![Build