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My solutions to AoC 2023 in Civet

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My solutions to AoC 2023 in Civet

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# Advent of Code 2023

Something is wrong with global snow production, and you've been selected to take a look.
The Elves have even given you a map; on it, they've used stars to mark the top fifty
locations that are likely to be having problems.

## Day 15: Lens Library ⭐⭐

{ log, getInput, sum, toNumber, entries, values } from ../utils.civet

codes := getInput import.meta.url |> .trim().split(',')

function calcHash(code: string)
[...code].reduce (nr, c) => (nr + c.charCodeAt 0) * 17 % 256, 0

log 'Part 1', sum calcHash

boxes := {}
for code of codes
label := code.replace /[^a-z]/g, ''
hash := calcHash label
(boxes[hash] ?= [])[label] = toNumber code
delete boxes[hash][label] if code.includes('-')

focusingPower .= 0
for [hash, lenses] of entries boxes
for focal, i of values lenses
focusingPower += (+hash + 1) * (i + 1) * focal

log 'Part 2', focusingPower

## Day 14: Parabolic Reflector Dish ⭐⭐

{ log, getLines, sum, cloneDeep, zip } from ../utils.civet

stones .= getLines import.meta.url |> .map .split ''

function step(stones: string[][])
return .= 0
for y of [0...stones.length]
for x of [0...stones.0.length]
if stones[y][x] is 'O' and stones[y - 1]?[x] is '.'
stones[y][x] = '.'
stones[y - 1][x] = 'O'

function move(stones: string[][])
while step stones;

function calcWeight(stones: string[][])
sum for line, y of stones
line.filter(& is 'O').length * (stones.length - y)

log 'Part 1', calcWeight move cloneDeep stones

function cycle()
for [0...4]
stones = zip(...move stones).map .reverse()

mem := {}
i .= 0
offset .= 0

memKey := JSON.stringify stones
if mem[memKey]
offset = mem[memKey]
mem[memKey] = i++

for [0...(1e9 - offset) % (i - offset)]

log 'Part 2', calcWeight stones

## Day 13: Point of Incidence ⭐⭐

{ log, getInput, sum, zip } from ../utils.civet

patterns := getInput import.meta.url
.split('\n\n').map &.split('\n')

function diffs(str1: string, str2: string)
sum for c, i of str1
c is not str2[i]

function rotate(pattern: string[])
zip( &.split('')).flatMap &.join('')

function searchMirror(pattern: string[], possibleErrors: number)
for y of [0...pattern.length - 1]
errors .= 0
for i .= 0; y - i >= 0 and y + i + 1 < pattern.length; i++
errors += diffs pattern[y - i], pattern[y + i + 1]
return y + 1 if errors is possibleErrors

function getNote(pattern: string[], possibleErrors: number)
100 * searchMirror(pattern, possibleErrors) +
searchMirror(rotate(pattern), possibleErrors)

log 'Part 1', sum (p) => getNote p, 0
log 'Part 2', sum (p) => getNote p, 1

## Day 12: Hot Springs ⭐⭐

{ log, getLines, toNumbers, sum } from ../utils.civet

lines := getLines(import.meta.url).map &.split ' '
mem := {}

function combinations(springs: string, groups: number[], counter = 0): number
memKey := springs + groups
return mem[memKey] if mem[memKey]
return '#' is in springs ? 0 : 1 unless groups.length
[nr,] := groups
for i .= 0; i <= springs.length - rest.length - sum(rest) - nr; i++
break if '#' is in springs[0...i]
if '.' is not in springs[i...i + nr] and springs[i + nr] is not "#"
counter += combinations springs[i + nr + 1..], rest
mem[memKey] = counter

log 'Part 1', sum for [springs, groups] of lines
combinations springs, toNumbers groups

log 'Part 2', sum for [springs, groups] of lines
new Array(5).fill(springs).join('?'),
new Array(5).fill(toNumbers groups).flatMap (&)

## Day 11: Cosmic Expansion ⭐⭐

{ log, getLines, sum } from ../utils.civet

lines .= getLines import.meta.url

expandingRows := []
for line, y of lines
expandingRows.push y unless '#' is in line

expandingCols := []
for x of [0...lines.0.length]
expandingCols.push x if lines.every &[x] is '.'

galaxies := []
for y of [0...lines.length]
for x of [0...lines.0.length]
galaxies.push [x, y] if lines[y][x] is '#'

function getDistance([[x1, y1], [x2, y2]])
Math.abs(x1 - x2) + Math.abs(y1 - y2)

function getPairs(galaxies: number[][])
for i of [0...galaxies.length]
for j of [i + 1...galaxies.length]
[galaxies[i], galaxies[j]]

function expand(galaxies: number[][], multiplayer: number)
for [x, y] of galaxies
r := expandingRows.filter(& < y).length
c := expandingCols.filter(& < x).length
[x + c * (multiplayer - 1), y + r * (multiplayer - 1)]

function sumDistances(galaxies: number[][], expandMultiplier: number)
galaxies = expand galaxies, expandMultiplier
sum getPairs(galaxies).flatMap (&).map getDistance

log 'Part 1', sumDistances galaxies, 2
log 'Part 2', sumDistances galaxies, 1e6

## Day 10: Pipe Maze ⭐⭐

pointInPolygon from 'point-in-polygon'
{ log, getLines } from ../utils.civet

lines := getLines import.meta.url
startY := lines.findIndex &.includes 'S'
startX := lines[startY].indexOf 'S'

last .= [startX, startY]
current .= [startX, startY + 1]
polygon := [current]

while next := move current, last
last = current
polygon.push current = next

function move([x, y]: number[], [prevX, prevY]: number[])
disabledDir .= switch prevX - x
> 0 then 'E'
< 0 then 'W'
else prevY - y < 0 ? 'N' : 'S'

switch lines[y][x] + disabledDir
'-E' [x - 1, y]
'-W' [x + 1, y]
'|N' [x, y + 1]
'|S' [x, y - 1]
'7W' [x, y + 1]
'7S' [x - 1, y]
'LN' [x + 1, y]
'LE' [x, y - 1]
'JW' [x, y - 1]
'JN' [x - 1, y]
'FS' [x + 1, y]
'FE' [x, y + 1]

log 'Part 1', polygon.length / 2

area .= 0
for y of [0...lines.length]
for x of [0...lines.length]
unless polygon.some [px, py] => px is x and py is y
area++ if pointInPolygon [x, y], polygon

log 'Part 2', area

## Day 9: Mirage Maintenance ⭐⭐

{ log, getLines, toNumbers, sum } from ../utils.civet

lines := getLines(import.meta.url).map toNumbers

function getSequence(arr: number[])
for i of [1...arr.length]
arr[i] - arr[i - 1]

function predict(arr: number[])
arrs := [arr]
while sum arrs.-1
arrs.push getSequence arrs.-1
sum .-1

log 'Part 1', sum predict
log 'Part 2', sum predict

## Day 8: Haunted Wasteland ⭐⭐

{ log, getInput, getLcm, keys } from ../utils.civet

input := getInput import.meta.url |> .split '\n\n'
insNr .= 0
getIns := => input.0[insNr++ % input.0.length] is 'L' ? 0 : 1
nodes := {}

for node of input.1.split('\n').map .match /\w+/g
nodes[node.0] = node[1..]

function movesNr(startNode: string, endNodes: string[])
return .= 0
name .= startNode
node .= nodes[startNode]
until name is in endNodes
name = node[getIns()]
node = nodes[name]

log 'Part 1', movesNr 'AAA', ['ZZZ']

startNodes := keys(nodes).filter .endsWith 'A'
endNodes := keys(nodes).filter .endsWith 'Z'

log 'Part 2', getLcm (start) => movesNr start, endNodes

## Day 7: Camel Cards ⭐⭐

{ log, getLines, int, sum, desc } from ../utils.civet

type Hand
cards: string
bid: number
type: number

lines := getLines import.meta.url

log 'Part 1', sum getWins(lines, false)
log 'Part 2', sum getWins(lines, true)

function getWins(lines: string[], joker: boolean)
.map (line) => parseHand(line, joker)
.sort compareHands
.map (hand, i) => * (i + 1)

function parseHand(line: string, joker: boolean): Hand
[cards, bid] .= line.split ' '
cards: fixCardsStrength cards, joker
bid: int bid
type: getType cards, joker

function getType(cards: string, joker: boolean)
counter := count cards.replaceAll joker ? 'J' : '', ''
if joker then (counter.0 ?= 0) += cards.match(/J/g)?.length ?? 0
switch counter
[5] 6
[4, 1] 5
[3, 2] 4
[3, 1, 1] 3
[2, 2, 1] 2
[2, 1, 1, 1] 1
[...] 0

function count(cards: string)
counter: Record := {}
for card of cards.split('')
(counter[card] ?= 0)++
Object.values(counter).sort desc

function compareHands(a: Hand, b: Hand)
a.type is b.type
? > ? 1 : -1
: a.type - b.type

function fixCardsStrength(cards: string, joker: boolean)
.replaceAll 'A', 'E'
.replaceAll 'K', 'D'
.replaceAll 'Q', 'C'
.replaceAll 'J', joker ? '1' : 'B'
.replaceAll 'T', 'A'

## Day 6: Wait For It ⭐⭐

{ log, getLines, toNumbers, toNumber, multiply } from ../utils.civet

lines := getLines import.meta.url

function timesWins(time: number, record: number)
return .= 0
for t of [1...time]
return++ if time - t > record / t

log 'Part 1', multiply for i of [0...4]

log 'Part 2', timesWins
toNumber lines.0.replaceAll ' ', ''
toNumber lines.1.replaceAll ' ', ''

## Day 5: If You Give A Seed A Fertilizer ⭐⭐

{ log, getInput, toNumbers, inRange, chunk, min } from ../utils.civet

input := getInput(import.meta.url).split '\n\n'
seeds := toNumbers input.0
mappings := input[1..].map &.split('\n')[1..].map toNumbers

function translate(nr: number, map: number[][])
range := map.find (map) => inRange map.1, nr, map.1 + map.2
range ? nr + range.0 - range.1 : nr

function getMin(seeds: number[])
min .= Infinity
for let seed of seeds
for map of mappings
seed = translate seed, map
min = seed if seed < min

log 'Part 1', getMin seeds
log 'Part 2', min chunk(seeds, 2).map [start, length] =>
getMin [start...start + length]

// omptimzed part 2 -> src/05/index2.civet

## Day 4: Scratchcards ⭐⭐

{ log, getLines, sum, toNumbers, values } from ../utils.civet

lines := getLines import.meta.url

function wins (line: string)
[wins, my] := line.split(':').1.split('|').map toNumbers
my.filter(& is in wins).length

log 'Part 1', sum for line of lines
wins line |> (n) => n ? 1 << n - 1 : 0

cards := {}
for i in lines
cards[i] = 1

for line, i of lines
for j .= i + 1; j <= i + wins line; j++
cards[j] += cards[i]

log 'Part 2', sum values cards

## Day 3: Gear Ratios ⭐⭐

{ log, getLines, sum, flatten, values } from ../utils.civet

lines := getLines import.meta.url
parts: Record := {}

for line, y of lines
for m of line.matchAll /\d+/g
for y of [y - 1..y + 1]
for x of [m.index - 1..m.index + m.0.length]
unless /[0-9.]/.test lines[y]?.[x]
(parts.`${x},${y}` ?= []).push +m.0

log 'Part 1', sum flatten values parts
log 'Part 2', sum values(parts).map (x) => x.0 * x.1 ?= 0

## Day 2: Cube Conundrum ⭐⭐

{ log, getLines, max, sum, int, keys, multiply } from ../utils.civet

lines := getLines import.meta.url
games := (line) => Array.from line.match /\d+ ./g
limits := r:12, g:13, b:14

log 'Part 1', sum for game, id of games
if game.every (draw) => int(draw) <= limits[draw.-1]
id + 1

log 'Part 2', sum (game) =>
multiply keys(limits).map (color) =>
game.filter(.includes color).map(int) |> max

## Day 1: Trebuchet?! ⭐⭐

{ getLines, log, sum, int } from ../utils.civet

lines := getLines import.meta.url

function parseValue(line: string)
nr := line.replace /[a-z]/g, ''
int nr.0 + nr.-1

function convertWords(line: string)
.replaceAll 'one', 'o1e'
.replaceAll 'two', 't2o'
.replaceAll 'three', 't3e'
.replaceAll 'four', 'f4r'
.replaceAll 'five', 'f5e'
.replaceAll 'six', 's6x'
.replaceAll 'seven', 's7n'
.replaceAll 'eight', 'e8t'
.replaceAll 'nine', 'n9e'
.replaceAll 'zero', 'z0o'

log 'Part 1', sum
log 'Part 2', sum