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This repository contains resources for technical coding interviews.

algorithms coding coding-interview data-structures interview-prep interview-problems leetcode leetcode-solutions software-engineering

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This repository contains resources for technical coding interviews.

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# Best LeetCode Resources
This repository contains the best resources for Coding Interview prep.

## Data Structures & Algorithms
- [Hash Tables](
- [Linked List](
- [Recursion](
- [Sorting](
- [Binary Search](
- [Stacks](
- [Queues](
- [Trees](
- [Tries](
- [Backtracking](
- [Heaps](
- [Breadth First Search](
- [Depth First Search](
- [Graph Theory](
- [Dynaymic Programming](
- [Big O Cheat Sheet](

### [Leetcode Spaced-Repetition Template](

## Patterns
- [14 Coding Interview Patterns](
- [Sliding Window](
- [Two Pointers](
- [Merge Intervals](
- [Cyclic Sort](
- [Monotonic Stack](
- [Two Heaps](
- [Subsets](
- [Modified Binary Search](
- [Top K Elements]('K'
- [K-way merge](
- [In-place Reversal of Linked List](
- [DFS Pattern](
- [BFS Pattern](
- [O-1 Knapsack](
- [Topological Sort](

## Famous Problem Sets
- [Blind 75](
- [Neetcode 150](
- [Sean Prashad's Leetcode Patterns](
- [Leetcode Top Interview Questions](

## Books
- [Elements of Programming Interviews](
- [Competitive Programmer's Handbook](
- [Cracking the Coding Interview](

## Courses
- [Grokking the Coding Interview](
- [Data Structures with a Google SWE](
- [Meta Coding Interview Prep Course](

## Mock Interviewing
- [Pramp](
- [](
- [Meetapro](

## LeetCode Extensions
- [LeetCode Video Solutions](
- [LeetCode GitHub Submission Sync](
- [LeetCode VS Code Extension](

### [Resume Template](

## Must-do Problems

### Graphs
- [Redundant Connection](
- [Course Schedule](
- [Course Schedule II](
- [Number of connected components in an undirected graph](
- [Shortest Path to Get All Keys](
- [Pacific Atlantic Waterflow](
- [Word Ladder](
- [Number of Islands](
- [Clone Graph](
- [Alien Dictionary](

### Binary Trees
- [Construct binary tree from preorder and inorder traversal](
- [Diameter of Binary Tree](
- [Invert Binary Tree](
- [Count good nodes in Binary Tree](
- [Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree](
- [Kth smallest element in BST](
- [Lowest Common Ancestor of a BST](
- [Path Sum](
- [Path Sum II](
- [Merge two Binary Trees](
- [Word Search](
- [Word Search II](
- [Maximum Width of Binary Tree](

### Linked Lists
- [Reverse Linked List](
- [Reverse Linked List II](
- [Rotate List](
- [Odd Even Linked List](
- [Swap Nodes in Pairs](
- [Reverse nodes in K group](
- [LRU Cache](

Your open-source contributions are appreciated!