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Neovim setup, all in Lua

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Neovim setup, all in Lua

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# NeoVim setup, fast as a shark

The goal of this project is to have a fast Neovim startup, provide mappings
that can be easily memorised, interact with the **Lua** API, and make
programming fun.

This setup is mostly customised to for **Go** (**Golang**) and **Rust**
development. There is also a few other **LSP** servers setup for other LSP
servers to work with various file types.

This project supports Neovim version `0.10.0` and newer.

## Highlights

- Besides in a few places that Neovim doesn't provide an API in Lua, most
configuration is done in **Lua**.
- **LSP**, **Treesitter**, and **FZF** are setup to work together.
- Seamless navigation with **tmux**.
- Completion with **nvim-cmp** plugin is setup.
- It is optimised to handle very **large** files.
- There are some handy **textobjects** such as **backticks** and **indents**.
- You can add the current location of the cursor or make **notes** on the
current location in the **quickfix/local** lists with repeatable mappings.
- You can **manipulate** quickfix/local lists.
- It comes with integration with **git** and gist.
- Has a lot of useful feedback in the gutter.
- Statusline is configures with **feline**.
- It is set to give a lot of useful information about the buffer.
- Prettier quickfix buffer and quickfix tools.
- The theme is setup with Lua to take advantage of its performance.

1. [Setup](#setup)
2. [Functionality](#functionality)
- [Plugins](#plugins)
- [Core Mappings](#core-mappings)
- [Text Objects](#text-objects)
- [Lists](#lists)
- [Highlight Matching](#highlight-matching)
- [FZF](#fzf)
- [LSP](#lsp)
- [Snippets](#snippets)
- [Utilities](#utilities)
3. [Plugin Licence List](#plugin-license-list)


Click to view another image


Click to view advance snippets demo

See [snippets](#snippets) section for more information.



## Setup

Just clone this project:

$ git clone ~/.config/nvim

Once you start `Neovim`, it will install the package manager and installs the
listed plugins.

## Functionality

Some default mappings/commands are augmented to **centre the buffer** after the

Some mappings/commands are obvious, but I've left them here as a reminder. Some
are left out either because they are not used too often, or they are defined
after writing this document and I've forgot to document.

I would recommend you have a look at the code to see what is available to you.

### Plugins

This list might change at any time depending on if there is a better
replacement or the requirement changes.

Click to view the plugin list

Some plugins are not listed here. You can find the complete list in the
[plugins](./lua/plugins/) folder.

Licenses for plugins can be found [here](#plugin-license-list).

| Function | Plugin | Description |
| :--------- | :----------------------------------------------- | :------------------------------------- |
| πŸ”₯ Core | [folke/lazy.nvim][folke/lazy.nvim] | Package manager |
| πŸ”₯ Visual | [arsham/arshamiser.nvim][arshamiser.nvim] | Status line, colour scheme and folds |
| πŸ”₯ Lists | [arsham/listish.nvim][listish.nvim] | Supporting quickfix and local lists |
| 🧰 Lib | [arsham/arshlib.nvim][arshlib.nvim] | Library used in various plugins |
| ⚑ Visual | [nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons][nvim-web-devicons] | |
| πŸ” Finder | [junegunn/fzf][fzf] | Fuzzy finder |
| πŸ” Finder | [junegunn/fzf.vim][fzf.vim] | fzf plugin for vim |
| πŸ”₯ Finder | [arsham/fzfmania.nvim][fzfmania.nvim] | Very powerful FZF setup in lua |
| πŸ”₯ Finder | [ibhagwan/fzf-lua][fzf-lua] | fzf :heart: lua - fzf frontend |
| 🧰 Core | [nvim-lua/plenary.nvim][plenary.nvim] | |
| ⏩ Core | [tweekmonster/startuptime.vim][startuptime] | Benchmarking startup |
| πŸ” Core | [tpope/vim-repeat][tpope/vim-repeat] | |
| πŸ₯‡ Textobj | [arsham/archer.nvim][arsham/archer.nvim] | Mappings and text objects for archers |
| 🧰 Visuals | [MunifTanjim/nui.nvim][muniftanjim/nui.nvim] | UI component |
| πŸ₯‡ Textobj | [arsham/indent-tools.nvim][indent-tools.nvim] | Indent mappings and text object |
| πŸ”₯ Visuals | [arsham/matchmaker.nvim][matchmaker.nvim] | Creates highlight for user matches |
| πŸ›’οΈ Tool | [stevearc/oil.nvim][oil.nvim] | File explorer |
|  GIT | [tpope/vim-fugitive][tpope/vim-fugitive] | git integration |
|  GIT | [tpope/vim-rhubarb][tpope/vim-rhubarb] | Go to selection's code Github page |
|  Core | [tpope/vim-git][tpope/vim-git] | |
| 🌲 Visuals | [nvim-treesitter][nvim-treesitter] | Highlighting engine |
| πŸ”₯ GIT | [lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim][gitsigns.nvim] | git signs in the gutter |
| πŸ₯‡ Textobj | [nvim-treesitter-textobjects][ts-textobjects] | Treesitter Text Objects |
| πŸ”₯ Visuals | [freddiehaddad/feline.nvim][feline.nvim] | Statusline (default) |
| πŸ—¨οΈ Visuals | [rcarriga/nvim-notify][nvim-notify] | Better notification UI |
| 🌈 Visuals | [treesitter-refactor][treesitter-refactor] | Treesitter plugin |
| πŸ—’οΈ Visuals | [nvim-treesitter/playground][playground] | Treesitter plugin |
| 󰐣 Editing | [context-commentstring][ctx-commentstring] | |
| πŸ₯Š Core | [andymass/vim-matchup][vim-matchup] | |
| 󰘜 Editing | [monaqa/dial.nvim][monaqa/dial.nvim] | Enhanced increment/decrement values |
| πŸ‘— Visuals | [stevearc/dressing.nvim][dressing.nvim] | |
|  GIT | [mattn/vim-gist][mattn/vim-gist] | gist integration |
| σ°›‘ Core | [RaafatTurki/hex.nvim][hex.nvim] | Hex viewer |
|  Tool | [iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim][mk-preview] | |
| 🧭 Core | [numToStr/Navigator.nvim][navigator.nvim] | Seamless navigation with tmux |
| πŸ“ Tool | [nvim-neo-tree/neo-tree.nvim][neo-tree] | File explorer tree |
| πŸͺŸ Core | [s1n7ax/nvim-window-picker][window-picker] | Window picker |
| οƒœ Tool | [ralismark/opsort.vim][opsort.vim] | Sort operator |
|  Tool | [sQVe/sort.nvim][sqve/sort.nvim] | Line-wise and delimiter sorting |
| πŸ”­ Tool | [dhruvasagar/vim-zoom][vim-zoom] | Zoom windows |
| πŸ₯‡ Textobj | [David-Kunz/treesitter-unit][ts-unit] | Treesitter units |
| ξ©° LSP | [neovim/nvim-lspconfig][nvim-lspconfig] | LSP configuration |
| ξ©° LSP | [mason.nvim][mason.nvim] | Package manager for LSP, DAP, etc. |
| ξ©° LSP | [mason-lspconfig.nvim][mason-lspconfig] | LSP config bridge for mason.nvim |
| ξ©° LSP | [hrsh7th/nvim-cmp][hrsh7th/nvim-cmp] | Completion with LSP |
| ξ©° LSP | [saadparwaiz1/cmp_luasnip][cmp_luasnip] | Extension for nvim-cmp |
| ξ©° LSP | [L3MON4D3/LuaSnip][l3mon4d3/luasnip] | Snippet engine |
| ξ©° LSP | [hrsh7th/cmp-cmdline][hrsh7th/cmp-cmdline] | Extension for nvim-cmp |
| ξ©° LSP | [friendly-snippets][friendly-snippets] | |
| ξ©° LSP | [hrsh7th/cmp-buffer][cmp-buffer] | Extension for nvim-cmp |
| ξ©° LSP | [hrsh7th/cmp-calc][cmp-calc] | Extension for nvim-cmp |
| ξ©° LSP | [hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp][cmp-nvim-lsp] | Extension for nvim-cmp |
| ξ©° LSP | [hrsh7th/lsp-signature-help][sig-help] | Extension for nvim-cmp |
| ξ©° LSP | [hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lua][cmp-nvim-lua] | Extension for nvim-cmp |
| ξ©° LSP | [hrsh7th/cmp-path][cmp-path] | Extension for nvim-cmp |
| ξ©° LSP | [lukas-reineke/cmp-rg][cmp-rg] | Extension for nvim-cmp |
| πŸ’‘ LSP | [j-hui/fidget.nvim][j-hui/fidget.nvim] | Spinner for LSP status |
| πŸ“’ LSP | [none-ls.nvim][none-ls.nvim] | External Tool to LSP bridge |
| πŸ“’ LSP | [mason-null-ls.nvim][mason-null-ls.nvim] | Null LS and Mason bridge |
| πŸ“’ LSP | [mason-tool-installer][mason-tool-inst] | LSP server installer |
| πŸ—’οΈ Editing | [numToStr/Comment.nvim][comment.nvim] | Comment string |
| πŸ—’οΈ LSP | [smjonas/inc-rename.nvim][inc-rename.nvim] | Incremental renaming |
| πŸ—’οΈ Editing | [windwp/nvim-autopairs][nvim-autopairs] | |
|  Editing | [arthurxavierx/vim-caser][vim-caser] | Case conversion |
| πŸ–ŒοΈ Visuals | [NvChad/nvim-colorizer.lua][nvim-colorizer] | Colourise matched colours in buffer |
| πŸ¦€ Tools | [saecki/crates.nvim][saecki/crates.nvim] | Crate.toml helper |
| πŸ’‘ LSP | [kosayoda/nvim-lightbulb][nvim-lightbulb] | Code actions buln |
|  Editing | [gbprod/substitute.nvim][substitute.nvim] | Text exchange operator |
| πŸ’‘ LSP | [lsp_lines.nvim][lsp_lines.nvim] | Show LSP diagnostics in extmarks |
| πŸ‘ˆ Core | [milisims/nvim-luaref][nvim-luaref] | |
| πŸ—’οΈ Editing | [echasnovski/mini.nvim][mini.nvim] | For surround, alignments, etc. |
| ξ­­ Core | [folke/neodev.nvim][folke/neodev.nvim] | |
| πŸ“† Tool | [nvim-neorg/neorg][nvim-neorg/neorg] | Note taking tool |
| ο‘‘ Lists | [kevinhwang91/nvim-bqf][nvim-bqf] | Better quickfix list manager |
| ξͺ… Tool | [bfredl/nvim-luadev][bfredl/nvim-luadev] | REPL/debug console for lua plugins |
| πŸ’‘ LSP | [SmiteshP/nvim-navic][nvim-navic] | Current code context with LSP |
| ο‰° Tool | [kiran94/s3edit.nvim][s3edit.nvim] | Edit files on S3 bucket |
| πŸ” Tool | [woosaaahh/sj.nvim][woosaaahh/sj.nvim] | Search and quickly jump |
| οƒ’ Editing | [mbbill/undotree][mbbill/undotree] | Undo tree browser |
| ξ«Ύ GIT | [rbong/vim-flog][rbong/vim-flog] | git log graph |
| 🎑 Visual | [towolf/vim-helm][towolf/vim-helm] | Helm syntax highlighting |
|  Core | [tmux-plugins/vim-tmux][vim-tmux] | |
|  Editing | [mg979/vim-visual-multi][vim-visual-multi] | Multiple cursors |
| πŸ”« Core | [svban/YankAssassin.vim][yankassassin.vim] | Stay where you are after yanking |
| οƒ’ Editing | [zbirenbaum/copilot.lua][copilot.lua] | Copilot |
| οƒ’ Editing | [Exafunction/codeium.vim][codeium.vim] | Codeium (opensource copilot) |
| πŸ’‘ LSP | [utilyre/barbecue.nvim][barbecue.nvim] | Complementary to navic |
| ξ©° LSP | [uga-rosa/cmp-dynamic][cmp-dynamic] | Extension for nvim-cmp |
| ξͺ… Tool | [stevearc/overseer.nvim][overseer.nvim] | Task runner |
| 🌈 Tool | [ziontee113/color-picker.nvim][colorpicker] | Colour picker and updater |
| οƒ’ Editing | [aduros/ai.vim][aduros/ai.vim] | OpenAI plugin |
| ξͺ… Tool | [tamton-aquib/duck.nvim][duck.nvim] | Fun little ducks |
| πŸ•ΈοΈ Tool | [rest-nvim/rest.nvim][rest.nvim] | Fast http client in lua |
| 🧰 Lib | [vhyrro/luarocks.nvim][luarocks.nvim] | Easily install luarocks with lazy.nvim |
| πŸ” Tool | [arsham/yanker.nvim][yanker.nvim] | Yank history helper |
| πŸ—’οΈ Editing | [jbyuki/venn.nvim][jbyuki/venn.nvim] | Draw ASCII diagrams |
| οƒ’ Editing | [jackMort/ChatGPT.nvim][ChatGPT.nvim] | ChatGPT |
| πŸ” Finder | [nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim][telescope.nvim] | Fuzzy finder/picker |
|  Tool | [tpope/vim-dadbod][vim-dadbod] | Database connection and query manager |

Note that if copilot is enabled, codeium will be disabled.

### Core Mappings

In most mappings we are following this theme, unless there is an uncomfortable
situation or messes with a community-driven or Vim's very well known mapping:

| Part of mapping | Description |
| :-------------- | :------------------------------------------------ |
| **q** | **Q**uickfix list mappings |
| **w** | **L**ocal list mappings (because it's near **q**) |
| **w** | **W**indow |
| **]** | Jumps to the next item |
| **[** | Jumps to the previous item |
| **b** | **B**uffer |
| **f** | **F**ile, **F**ind |
| **a** | **A**ll, or disabling certain constraints |
| **a** | **A**rgument (parameter) |
| **i** | **I**ndent |
| **m** | **M**atch highlighting |
| **d** | **D**iff, **D**iagnostics |
| **h** | **H**unk |
| **c** | **C**hange, **C**opilot, **C**odium |
| **s** | **S**tatement, **S**cope |
| **o** | L**o**op |
| **e** | **E**lement |
| **y** | **Y**ank |
| **t** | **T**ab |
| **z** | Folds, language/spelling |
| **g** | **G**o/Jump to, run something that goes/jumps to |
| **n** | **N**eorg related |
| **r** | **R**est |

The `leader` key is `space`!

Click to view mappings

| Mapping | Description |
| :---------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `` | Adds `,` at the end of current line without moving (repeatable) |
| `` | Removes `,` from the end of current line without moving (repeatable) |
| `` | Adds `.` at the end of current line without moving (repeatable) |
| `` | Removes `.` from the end of current line without moving (repeatable) |
| `` | Adds `;` at the end of current line without moving (repeatable) |
| `` | Removes `;` from the end of current line without moving (repeatable) |
| `` | Adds curly brackets at the end of line into insert mode (repeatable) |
| [count]`]` | Inserts [count] empty lines after (repeatable) |
| [count]`[` | Inserts [count] empty lines before (repeatable) |
| `]i` | Jump down along the **i**ndents |
| `[i` | Jump up along the **i**ndents |
| `oo` | **O**pen the **O**il buffer. |
| `gg` | Fu**g**itive git buffer |
| `gd` | Fu**g**itive git **D**iff |
| `]c` | Jump to the next **c**hange |
| `[c` | Jump to the previous **c**hange |
| `gs` | (gitsigns) Toggle **S**igns |
| `hb` | (gitsigns) **B**lame line |
| `hs` | (gitsigns) **S**tage **h**unk |
| `hl` | (gitsigns) **S**tage **l**ine |
| `hu` | (gitsigns) **U**nstage **h**unk |
| `hr` | (gitsigns) **R**eset **h**unk |
| `hR` | (gitsigns) **R**eset buffer |
| `hp` | (gitsigns) **P**review **h**unk |
| `]f` | Go to start of the next function |
| `[f` | Go to start of the previous function |
| `]F` | Go to end of the next function |
| `[F` | Go to end of the previous function |
| `]b` | Go to start of the next block |
| `[b` | Go to start of the previous block |
| `]B` | Go to end of the next block |
| `[B` | Go to end of the previous block |
| `]gc` | Go to start of the next comment |
| `[gc` | Go to start of the previous comment |
| `]a` | Go to start of the next parameter |
| `[a` | Go to start of the previous parameter |
| `]A` | Go to end of the next parameter |
| `[A` | Go to end of the previous parameter |
| `]o` | Go to the next loop |
| `[o` | Go to the previous loop |
| `]s` | Go to the next scope |
| `[s` | Go to the previous scope |
| `.f` | Swap around with the next function |
| `,f` | Swap around with the previous function |
| `.e` | Swap with the next element |
| `,e` | Swap with the previous element |
| `.a` | Swap with the next parameter |
| `,a` | Swap with the previous parameter |
| `df` | Peek function definition |
| [count]`` | Shifts line(s) down and format |
| [count]`` | Shifts line(s) up and format |
| `g=` | Re-indents the hole buffer |
| `` | Reduce vertical size |
| `` | Increase vertical size |
| `` | Reduce horizontal size |
| `` | Increase horizontal size |
| `` | Clear hlsearch |
| `gw` | **G**rep current **W**ord in buffer. Populates the locallist. |
| `sp` | Toggle **Sp**elling for buffer |
| `sf` | Auto **f**ixes previous misspelled word |
| [i]`` | Auto **f**ixes previous misspelled word |
| `hh` | Opens the **help** for current word |
| `b` | Delete current buffer |
| `` | Delete current buffer |
| `t` | Open current buffer in new tab |
| `` | Open current buffer in new tab |
| `cn` | Initiate a `cgn` on current `word` |
| [V]`cn` | Initiate a `cgn` on current visually |
| | selected string |
| `g.` | Use last change (anything) as the |
| | initiate a `cgn` on current `word` |
| `zm` | Set folding method to **M**anual |
| `ze` | Set folding method to **E**xpression |
| `zi` | Set folding method to **I**ndent |
| `zk` | Set folding method to Mar**k**er |
| `zs` | Set folding method to **S**yntax |
| [c]`` | Go to begging of the line |
| [c]`` | Go to end of the line |
| [c]`` | Copy current line in the buffer |
| `` | Switch to the alternative buffer |
| `gso` | Sort objects |
| `gsoo` | Sort lines |
| [s][i]`` | Next snippet choice |
| [s][i]`` | Previous snippet choice |
| [n,v]`gc` | Comment operator |
| `nr` | **R**eturn from **N**eorg buffer |
| `nm` | **M**odify code block with **N**eorg looking-glass |
| `nh` | **N**eorg workspace **H**me |
| `nw` | **N**eorg **W**orkspace |
| `nj` | **N**eorg **J**ournal |
| [Neorg]`]]` | **N**eorg buffer next heading |
| [Neorg]`[[` | **N**eorg buffer previous heading |
| `us` | Unlink all open snippet sessions |
| `ce` | **E**nable **Copilot** |
| `cd` | **D**isable **Copilot** |
| `cp` | **Copilot** **P**anel |
| `]]` | (copilot panel) Jump to the next suggestion |
| `[[` | (copilot panel) Jump to the previous suggestion |
| `` | (copilot panel) Accept suggestion |
| `gr` | (copilot panel) Refresh |
| `` | (copilot panel) Open |
| `` | (copilot suggestion) Next suggestion |
| `` | (copilot suggestion) Previous suggestion |
| `` | (copilot suggestion) Accept whole suggestion |
| `` | (copilot suggestion) Accept a word of suggestion |
| `` | (copilot suggestion) Accept a line of suggestion |
| `` | (copilot suggestion) Dismiss |
| `ce` | **E**nable **C**odeium |
| `cd` | **D**isable **C**odeium |
| `or` | Run overseer task |
| `ot` | Toggle overseer tasks panel |
| `fl` | **L**ocate **F**iles (neess mlocate) |
| `rr` | **R**un **R**est **R**equest under cursor |
| `rp` | **P**review **R**est **R**equest under cursor in cURL command |
| `R` | **R**review the last **R**est **R**equest |
| `v` | Enable/Disable **V**enn |
| [v]`bd` | **B**ase64 **d**ecode visually selected text |
| [v]`be` | **B**ase64 **e**ncode visually selected text |

Note that if copilot is enabled, codeium will be disabled.

There are more specialised mappings provided, keep reading please!

### Text Objects

Click to view the text objects

| Text Object | Description |
| :---------- | :------------------------------------------ |
| `` i` `` | **I**n backtick pairs (multi-line) |
| `` a` `` | **A**round backtick pairs (multi-line) |
| `an` | **A**round **N**ext pairs (current lint) |
| `in` | **I**n **N**ext pairs (current line) |
| `iN` | **I**n **N**umeric value (can be float too) |
| `aN` | **A**round **N**umeric value |
| `az` | **A**round folds |
| `iz` | **I**n folds |
| `ai` | **A**round **I**ndentation block |
| `ii` | **I**n **I**ndentation block |
| `ah` | **A**round **H**unk |
| `ih` | **I**n **H**unk |
| `af` | Select around a function |
| `if` | Select inside a function |
| `am` | Select around a method |
| `im` | Select inside a method |
| `ab` | Select around a block |
| `ib` | Select inside a block |
| `aa` | Select around a parameter |
| `ia` | Select inside a parameter |
| `as` | Select around a statement |
| `H` | To the beginning of line |
| `L` | To the end of line |
| `au` | Select around a unit |
| `iu` | Select inside a unit |
| `il` | **I**n line |
| `al` | **A**round line |

There are sets of **i\*** and **a\*** text objects, where `*` can be any of:
**\_ . : , ; | / \ \* + - #**

### Lists

There are a few tools for interacting with **quickfix** and **local** lists.
Following mappings can be used for either cases, all you need to do it to
substitute `w` for `q` or vice versa. Generally **q** is for **quickfix** list
and **w** is for **local list**. I chose **w** because it's beside **q** and it
makes it easy to think about these two types of lists.

`qq`, `ww`, `qn` and `wn` are repeatable with

After adding an item to the list, an indicator in the **statusline** will show
you how many items you have in a list.

Click to view mappings for lists

| Mapping | Description |
| :----------- | :----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `cc` | Close both quickfix and local list windows |
| `qq` | Add current line and column to the **q**uickfix list. |
| `qn` | Add current line and column with your **n**ote to the **q**uickfix list. |
| `qo` | **O**pen the **q**uickfix list. |
| `qd` | **D**rop the **q**uickfix list. |
| `qc` | **C**lose the **q**uickfix list. |
| `]q` | Go to the next item in the **q**uickfix list and centre. |
| `[q` | Go to the previous item in the **q**uickfix list and centre. |
| `wq` | Add current line and column to the locallist. |
| `wn` | Add current line and column with your **n**ote to the locallist. |
| `wo` | **O**pen the locallist. |
| `wd` | **D**rop the locallist. |
| `wc` | **C**lose the locallist. |
| `]w` | Go to the next item in the locallist and centre. |
| `[w` | Go to the previous item in the locallist and centre. |

Click to view commands for lists

| Command | Description |
| :-------------- | :------------------------------------------ |
| `Clearquickfix` | **Clear** the quickfix list. |
| `Clearloclist` | **Clear** the local list of current buffer. |

Additional to [nvim-bqf]( bindings,
you can do `dd` in the quickfix/local list buffers to delete ``
rows from quickfix/local list buffer.

### Highlight Matching

You can **highlight** words with random colours.

`ma` and `me` are repeatable with **.**!

Click to view the mappings

Note that all these mappings are bound to the current window.

| Mapping | Description |
| :----------- | :------------------------------------------------------- |
| `ma` | **A**dd current word as a sub-pattern to the highlights. |
| `me` | Add an **e**xact match on current term. |
| `mp` | Add an match by asking for a **p**attern. |
| `ml` | Add current **l**ine |
| `md` | **D**elete **M**atches with fzf search. |
| `mc` | **C**lear all **m**atched patterns on current window. |

### Fzf

Click to view the mappings

Most actions can apply to multiple selected items if possible.

| Mapping | Description |
| :----------------- | :----------------------------------------------------- |
| `` | File list in current folder. |
| `` | File list in home folder. |
| `` | **B**uffer list. |
| `` | Delete **b**uffers from the buffer list. |
| `` | Search in lines on current buffer. |
| `` | Search in lines of **all open buffers**. |
| `@` | Search in **ctags** or **LSP** symbols (see below). |
| `:` | Commands |
| `ff` | **F**ind in contents of all files in current folder. |
| `fF` | Like `ff`, but you can filter filenames too |
| `fa` | **F**ind **A**ll disabling `.gitignore` handling. |
| `fA` | Like `fA`, but you can filter filenames too |
| `fi` | **I**ncrementally **F**ind. |
| `rg` | Search (**rg**) with current word. |
| `fG` | Like `fG`, but you can filter filenames too |
| `ra` | Search (**rg**) disabling `.gitignore` handling. |
| `rA` | Like `rA`, but you can filter filenames too |
| `ri` | **I**ncrementally search (**rg**) with current word. |
| `fh` | **F**ile **H**istory |
| `fl` | **F**ile **l**ocate (requires mlocate) |
| `gf` | **GFiles** |
| `mm` | **Marks** |
| `` | Search in **dictionaries** (requires **words-insane**) |
| `` | Search in **f**iles |
| `` | Search in **l**ines |
| `kk` | Toggles file tree |
| `kf` | **F**inds current file in the file tree |

If you keep hitting `` the preview window will change width. With
`Shift-/` you can show and hide the preview window.

When a file is selected, additional to what **fzf** provides out of the box,
you can invoke one of these secondary actions:

| Mapping | Description |
| :------ | :--------------------------------- |
| `alt-/` | To search in the lines. |
| `alt-@` | To search in ctags or lsp symbols. |
| `alt-:` | To go to a specific line. |
| `alt-q` | Add items to the quickfix list. |
| `alt-w` | Add items to the local list. |

Note that if a `LSP` server is not attached to the buffer, it will fall back to

Sometimes when you list files and `sink` with **@**, the `LSP` might not be
ready yet, therefore it falls back to `ctags` immediately. In this case you can
cancel, which will land you to the file, and you can invoke `@` for
**LSP** symbols.

There are a few added commands to what fzf provides.

Click to view the commands

| Command | Description |
| :------------ | :----------------------------------------- |
| `GGrep` | Run **git grep** |
| `GTree` | Browse **git** commits |
| `Marks` | Show **marks** with preview |
| `MarksDelete` | Delete **marks** |
| `Todo` | List **todo**/**fixme** lines |
| `ArgsAdd` | Select and add files to the args list |
| `ArgsDelete` | Select and delete files from the args list |
| `Worktree` | Switch between git worktrees |
| `BLines` | Search in current buffer |
| `History` | Show open file history |
| `Checkout` | Checkout a branch |
| `GitStatus` | Show git status |
| `Jumps` | Choose from jump list |
| `Autocmds` | Show autocmds |
| `Changes` | Show change list |
| `Registers` | Show register contents |

| Yank Mappings | Description |
| :------------ | :------------------------------------------------ |
| `yh` | List **Y**ank **H**istory) |
| `y` | **Y**ank to the `+` register (external clipboard) |
| `p` | **P**aste from the `+` register |
| `P` | **P**aste from the `+` register (before/above) |
| (v) `p` | **P**aste on selected text without changing "reg |

### LSP

When a **LSP** server is attached to a buffer, a series of mappings will be
defined for that buffer based on the server's capabilities. When possible,
**fzf** will take over the results of the **LSP** mappings results.

Click to view the mappings

| Mapping | Description |
| :----------- | :------------------------------------------- |
| `dd` | Show line **D**iagnostics |
| `dq` | Fill the **Q**uicklist with **D**iagnostics |
| `dw` | Fill the local list with **D**iagnostics |
| `]d` | Go to next **d**iagnostic issue **(R)** |
| `[d` | Go to previous **d**iagnostic issue **(R)** |
| `H` | **H**over popup |
| [i]`` | **H**over popup |
| `gd` | **G**o to **D**efinition |
| `2gd` | **G**o to **D**efinition in vertical split |
| `3gd` | **G**o to **D**efinition in horizontal split |
| `4gd` | **G**o to **D**efinition in new tab |
| `K` | Show **S**ignature help |
| [i]`` | Show **S**ignature help |
| [i]`` | Show **S**ignature help |
| `gq` | Format the buffer with LSP |
| [x]`gq` | Format the selection with LSP |
| `gq` | Format operator with LSP |
| `i` | Organise imports |
| `grn` | Incrementally rename symbol |
| `grr` | Go to references |
| `gi` | **G**o to **I**mplementation |
| `gD` | **G**o to **D**eclaration |
| `cr` | **C**ode lens **R**un |
| `gra` | **C**ode **A**ctions (also in visual mode) |
| `gc` | **Go** to **C**aller |
| `dr` | **R**estart the LSP server (see below) |

### Notes

- Mappings marked with `(R)` are repeatable with `;` and `,`.
Please see the code for all available mappings.

#### CMP

| Mapping | Description |
| :-------------- | :----------------------------------------- |
| [i]`` | Select next item |
| [i]`` | Select previous item |
| [i]`` | Scroll documents up |
| [i]`` | Scroll documents down |
| [i]`` | Initiate completion menu (main one) |
| [i]`` | Initiate completion menu (lsp, buffer, rg) |
| [i]`` | Initiate completion menu (rg) |
| [i]`` | Initiate completion menu (luasnip) |
| [i]`` | Initiate completion menu (git) |
| [i,c]`` | Abort completion and close |
| [i,s]`` | Next placeholder |
| [i,s]`` | Previous placeholder |

**LSP** defines its own set of commands, however I have added a few interesting

Click to view the commands

| Command | Description |
| :------------------- | :-------------------------------------- |
| `Diagnostics` | Alternative `Diag` |
| `DiagnosticsAll` | Alternative `DiagAll` |
| `DiagnosticsDisable` | |
| `DiagnosticsEnable` | |
| `Definition` | Go to the definition |
| `WorkspaceList` | |
| `WorkspaceRemove` | |
| `WorkspaceAdd` | |
| `WorkspaceSymbols` | |
| `DocumentSymbol` | |
| `References` | |
| `Implementation` | |
| `TypeDefinition` | |
| `CodeLensRefresh` | |
| `CodeLensRun` | |
| `CodeAction` | Also works on a visually selected text. |
| `Callers` | Show callers and go to one |
| `Callees` | Show callees and go to one |
| `RestartLsp` | |
| `UnlinkSnippets` | Unlink all open snippet sessions |
| `ListWorkspace` | List attached LSP workspace folders |

The `RestartLsp` fixes an issue when the `LspRestart` does not have any

### Commands

The following list of commands do not fit into any specific categories.

Click to view the commands

| Command | Description |
| :---------------------- | :------------------------------------- |
| `Filename` | View the filename |
| `YankFilename` | Yank the filename to `"` register |
| `YankFilenameC` | Yank the filename to `+` register |
| `YankFilepath` | Yank the file path to `"` register |
| `YankFilepathC` | Yank the file path to `+` register |
| `Nowrap` | Stop wrapping current buffer |
| `ToggleRelativeNumbers` | Start/Stop relative number switching |
| `ToggleTrimWhitespaces` | Toggles trimming whitespaces on buffer |
| `Scratch` | Create a scratch buffer |
| {range}`Duck` [args] | Show some ducks |
| | Give an icon for something else |
| {range}`Cook` | Cook some ducks |
| `FoldComments` | Fold comments (sets folding to expr) |
| `EditConfig` | Edit configuration files in a new tab |
| `LspCaps` | Show short LSP capabilities |
| `LspCapsFull` | Show sull LSP capabilities |
| `GoModTidy` | Run go mod tidy on go and mod files |
| `Tmux` | Start a tmux project (using tmuxp) |
| `LazyLoadAll` | Load all lazy-loaded plugins |
| `CC` | Close all floating windows |
| `ChatGPT` | Open interactive window |
| `ChatGPTActAs` | Suggest an actor |

### Snippets

I never was a fan of snippets, until I discovered the
[LuaSnip]( plugin and it changed my mind.
Here is a demo of a couple of snippets shipped with this setup:

Click to view advance snippets demo

Queryrows snippet creates a useful code in Go that uses the
[Retry]( library for querying postgres.


Ife snippet is an improvement over a snippet by
that tries to work better with return values.


### Utilities

These are commands you can use in **Lua** land. Assign the required module to a
variable and re-use.

local quick = require("arshlib.quick")

#### Normal

Executes a normal command. For example:

quick.normal("n", "y2k")

See `:h feedkeys()` for values of the mode.

#### Highlight

Create `highlight` groups:

quick.highlight("LspReferenceRead", { ctermbg = 180, guibg = "#43464F", style = "bold" })

#### Call and Centre

These functions will call your function/command and then centres the buffer:


## Plugin License List

Click to view the plugin list

| Plugin | License |
| ------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [folke/lazy.nvim][folke/lazy.nvim] | [Apache-2.0]( |
| [arsham/arshamiser.nvim][arshamiser.nvim] | [MIT]( |
| [arsham/arshlib.nvim][arshlib.nvim] | [MIT]( |
| [arsham/listish.nvim][listish.nvim] | [MIT]( |
| [nvim-web-devicons][nvim-web-devicons] | [MIT]( |
| [nvim-lua/plenary.nvim][plenary.nvim] | [MIT]( |
| [junegunn/fzf][fzf] | [MIT]( |
| [junegunn/fzf.vim][fzf.vim] | [MIT]( |
| [arsham/fzfmania.nvim][fzfmania.nvim] | [MIT]( |
| [ibhagwan/fzf-lua][fzf-lua] | [AGPL-3.0]( |
| [tweekmonster/startuptime.vim][startuptime] | [MIT]( |
| [tpope/vim-repeat][tpope/vim-repeat] | [N/A][tpope/vim-repeat] |
| [arsham/archer.nvim][arsham/archer.nvim] | [MIT]( |
| [nui.nvim][muniftanjim/nui.nvim] | [MIT]( |
| [indent-tools.nvim][indent-tools.nvim] | [MIT]( |
| [matchmaker.nvim][matchmaker.nvim] | [MIT]( |
| [stevearc/oil.nvim][oil.nvim] | [MIT]( |
| [stevearc/oil.nvim][oil.nvim] | [MIT]( |
| [tpope/vim-fugitive][tpope/vim-fugitive] | [N/A][tpope/vim-fugitive] |
| [tpope/vim-rhubarb][tpope/vim-rhubarb] | [MIT]( |
| [tpope/vim-git][tpope/vim-git] | [N/A][tpope/vim-git] |
| [nvim-treesitter][nvim-treesitter] | [Apache-2.0][nvim-treesitter-license] |
| [lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim][gitsigns.nvim] | [MIT]( |
| [treesitter-textobjects][ts-textobjects] | [Apache-2.0][treesitter-textobjects-license] |
| [freddiehaddad/feline.nvim][feline.nvim] | [GPL-3.0][feline.nvim-license] |
| [rcarriga/nvim-notify][nvim-notify] | [MIT]( |
| [treesitter-refactor][treesitter-refactor] | [Apache-2.0][treesitter-refactor-license] |
| [nvim-treesitter/playground][playground] | [Apache-2.0][treesitter-playground-license] |
| [context-commentstring][ctx-commentstring] | [MIT][ctx-commentstring-license] |
| [andymass/vim-matchup][vim-matchup] | [MIT]( |
| [monaqa/dial.nvim][monaqa/dial.nvim] | [MIT]( |
| [stevearc/dressing.nvim][dressing.nvim] | [MIT]( |
| [mattn/vim-gist][mattn/vim-gist] | [N/A][mattn/vim-gist] |
| [RaafatTurki/hex.nvim][hex.nvim] | [MIT]( |
| [iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim][mk-preview] | [MIT][mk-preview-license] |
| [numToStr/Navigator.nvim][navigator.nvim] | [MIT]( |
| [nvim-neo-tree/neo-tree.nvim][neo-tree] | [MIT][neo-tree-license] |
| [s1n7ax/nvim-window-picker][window-picker] | [MIT]( |
| [ralismark/opsort.vim][opsort.vim] | [MIT]( |
| [sQVe/sort.nvim][sqve/sort.nvim] | [MIT]( |
| [dhruvasagar/vim-zoom][vim-zoom] | [N/A][vim-zoom] |
| [David-Kunz/treesitter-unit][ts-unit] | [Unlicense][ts-unit-license] |
| [neovim/nvim-lspconfig][nvim-lspconfig] | [Apache-2.0][lspconfig-license] |
| [mason.nvim][mason.nvim] | [Apache-2.0][mason.nvim-license] |
| [mason-lspconfig.nvim][mason-lspconfig] | [Apache-2.0][mason-lspconfig-license] |
| [hrsh7th/nvim-cmp][hrsh7th/nvim-cmp] | [MIT]( |
| [saadparwaiz1/cmp_luasnip][cmp_luasnip] | [Apache-2.0][cmp_luasnip-license] |
| [L3MON4D3/LuaSnip][l3mon4d3/luasnip] | [Apache-2.0]( |
| [hrsh7th/cmp-cmdline][hrsh7th/cmp-cmdline] | [N/A][hrsh7th/cmp-cmdline] |
| [friendly-snippets][friendly-snippets] | [MIT][friendly-snippets-license] |
| [hrsh7th/cmp-buffer][cmp-buffer] | [MIT]( |
| [hrsh7th/cmp-calc][cmp-calc] | [N/A][cmp-calc] |
| [hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp][cmp-nvim-lsp] | [MIT]( |
| [hrsh7th/lsp-signature-help][sig-help] | [N/A][sig-help] |
| [hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lua][cmp-nvim-lua] | [N/A][cmp-nvim-lua] |
| [hrsh7th/cmp-path][cmp-path] | [MIT]( |
| [lukas-reineke/cmp-rg][cmp-rg] | [MIT]( |
| [j-hui/fidget.nvim][j-hui/fidget.nvim] | [MIT]( |
| [none-ls.nvim][none-ls.nvim] | [Unlicense][none-ls.nvim-license] |
| [mason-null-ls.nvim][mason-null-ls.nvim] | [AGPL-3.0][mason-null-ls.nvim-license] |
| [mason-tool-installer][mason-tool-inst] | [MIT][mason-tool-inst-license] |
| [numToStr/Comment.nvim][comment.nvim] | [MIT]( |
| [smjonas/inc-rename.nvim][inc-rename.nvim] | [MIT]( |
| [windwp/nvim-autopairs][nvim-autopairs] | [MIT]( |
| [arthurxavierx/vim-caser][vim-caser] | [View]( |
| [NvChad/nvim-colorizer.lua][nvim-colorizer] | [View][nvim-colorizer-license] |
| [saecki/crates.nvim][saecki/crates.nvim] | [MIT]( |
| [kosayoda/nvim-lightbulb][nvim-lightbulb] | [MIT]( |
| [gbprod/substitute.nvim][substitute.nvim] | [WTFPL]( |
| [lsp_lines.nvim][lsp_lines.nvim] | [ISC][lsp_lines.nvim] |
| [milisims/nvim-luaref][nvim-luaref] | [MIT]( |
| [echasnovski/mini.nvim][mini.nvim] | [MIT]( |
| [folke/neodev.nvim][folke/neodev.nvim] | [Apache-2.0]( |
| [nvim-neorg/neorg][nvim-neorg/neorg] | [GPL-3.0]( |
| [kevinhwang91/nvim-bqf][nvim-bqf] | [BSD-3-Clause][nvim-bqf-license] |
| [bfredl/nvim-luadev][bfredl/nvim-luadev] | [MIT]( |
| [SmiteshP/nvim-navic][nvim-navic] | [Apache-2.0][nvim-navic-license] |
| [kiran94/s3edit.nvim][s3edit.nvim] | [MIT]( |
| [woosaaahh/sj.nvim][woosaaahh/sj.nvim] | [MIT]( |
| [mbbill/undotree][mbbill/undotree] | [N/A][mbbill/undotree] |
| [towolf/vim-helm][towolf/vim-helm] | [View]( |
| [tmux-plugins/vim-tmux][vim-tmux] | [N/A][vim-tmux] |
| [mg979/vim-visual-multi][vim-visual-multi] | [MIT]( |
| [svban/YankAssassin.vim][yankassassin.vim] | [N/A][yankassassin.vim] |
| [zbirenbaum/copilot.lua][copilot.lua] | [MIT]( |
| [Exafunction/codeium.vim][codeium.vim] | [MIT]( |
| [utilyre/barbecue.nvim][barbecue.nvim] | [MIT]( |
| [uga-rosa/cmp-dynamic][cmp-dynamic] | [MIT]( |
| [stevearc/overseer.nvim][overseer.nvim] | [MIT]( |
| [ziontee113/color-picker.nvim][colorpicker] | [MIT][colorpicker-license] |
| [aduros/ai.vim][aduros/ai.vim] | [ISC]( |
| [tamton-aquib/duck.nvim][duck.nvim] | [MIT]( |
| [nvim-rest/rest.nvim][rest.nvim] | [MIT]( |
| [vhyrro/luarocks.nvim][luarocks.nvim] | [Unlicense]( |
| [arsham/yanker.nvim][yanker.nvim] | [MIT]( |
| [jbyuki/venn.nvim][jbyuki/venn.nvim] | [MIT]( |
| [jackMort/ChatGPT.nvim][ChatGPT.nvim] | [Apache-2.0]( |
| [telescope.nvim][telescope.nvim] | [MIT][telescope.nvim-license] |
| [tpope/vim-dadbod][vim-dadbod] | [VIM]( |
