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Yet another PHP request router. (WIP)

php7 rest router

Last synced: about 10 hours ago
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Yet another PHP request router. (WIP)

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# router

hello world

**Note: This router is not fully functional yet and is under development. A stable version will be released soon.**

### Features

* RESTFul router.
* Shipped with [Symfony Http Foundation](
* Supports named route parameters & placeholders. **(WIP)**
* Supports route groups (and nested groups).
* Supports named routes (with reverse routing). **(WIP)**
* Supports before & after route middlewares.
* Supports before & after global middlewares.
* Supports routes prefixes.
* Supports route mapping.
* Supports custom handler for 404.

### Installation

composer require artyuum/router:dev-master

### Documentation

* [Registering a route](#Registering-a-route)
* [Route parameters](#Route-parameters)
* [Named routes](#Named-routes)
* [Route groups](#Route-groups)
* [Route uri prefixing](#Route-uri-prefixing)
* [Route name prefixing](#Route-name-prefixing)
* [Route middlewares](#Route-middlewares)
* [Route mapping](#Route-mapping)
* [Route not found](#Route-not-found)

#### Registering a route

The router contains few methods for the most common HTTP methods that will help you to easily register a route:

$router->get(string $uri, $handler);
$router->post(string $uri, $handler);
$router->put(string $uri, $handler);
$router->patch(string $uri, $handler);
$router->delete(string $uri, $handler);
$router->options(string $uri, $handler);

These are just wrappers around the following method:

$router->addRoute(array $methods, string $uri, $handler);

Using the `addRoute()` method, you can register a route that matches more than one HTTP method:

$router->addRoute(['GET', 'POST'], string $uri, $handler);

The router doesn't limit your application to the most common HTTP methods. Indeed, you can also register a route that matches a custom HTTP method:

$router->addRoute(['BLAH'], string $uri, $handler);

The `$handler` argument must be either a callable or an array (if it's a class):

// using an anonymous function
$router->get('/', function(\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request, \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response $response) {
echo 'hello world';

// using a function name
$router->get('/', 'myFunction');

// using an array (if it's a class)
$router->get('/', [HomepageController::class, 'index']);

Once a request matches one of the registered routes, the router will execute the handler and passes two arguments in the following order :

1. `Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request`

2. `Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response $response`

These arguments are part of the [Symfony HTTP Foundation]( component and will help you to get more information about the request and easily build and send a response to the client. Feel free to [read the docs]( to get more information about its usage.

#### Route parameters

Route parameters can be set using placeholders or pure regexes ([PCRE]( as follow:

$router->get('/profile/{username}', $handler); // will be internally converted to /profile/?(\w+)

When using pure regex, it is important to [give a name to the group]( (like above). Otherwise, the router won't be able get the parameters from the URL and it also won't be able to properly build an URL to a route using the `url()` method.

By default, placeholders will be converted to required parameters that will match any word of at least one letter, number or _. You can change this behavior by using the `where()` method, as follow:

$router->get('/profile/{id}', $handler)->where([
'id' => '[0-9]+' // can also be written as "\d+"
]); // will match /profile/

The `where(array $placeholders)` method takes an associative array as argument where the `$key` is the name of the placeholder, and the `$value` is a regex.

You can also set a placeholders as optional by appending a "?" sign after the placeholder's name, as follow:

$router->get('/profile/{username?}', $handler); // will match /profile OR /profile/

### Named routes

Naming a route allows you to easily find a registered Route object by name.
With the returned object, you will be able to access all methods of this object (e.g. `getPath()`, `getName()`, `getMiddlewares()`, `getHandler()`, etc...)

**Example :**

// registers a route named "homepage"
$router->get('/', $handler)->setName('homepage');

// registers a route named "user.delete"
$router->get('/users/{id}/delete', $handler)->setName('user.delete');

// gets the Route instance of the "homepage" route
$route = $route->getRoute('homepage');

// builds an url to a route
$url = $router->url('homepage'); // /home

// builds an url to a route with parameters
$url = $router->url('user.delete', ['id' => 1]); // /users/1/delete

### Route groups

You can group routes using the `group()` method. This gives you the ability to set a prefixes or middlewares for all the routes inside the group.

#### Route uri prefixing


// homepage
$router->get('/', $handler); // will match "/"

// admin
$router->group(function(\Artyum\Router\RouteGroup $group) use ($router)
$router->get('/', $handler); // will match "/admin"

#### Route name prefixing


// homepage
$router->get('/', $handler); // will match "/"

// admin
$router->group(function(\Artyum\Router\RouteGroup $group) use ($router)
$router->get(string $uri, $handler)->setName('homepage'); // name will be "admin.homepage"

#### Route middlewares


$router->group(function(\Artyum\Router\RouteGroup $group) use ($router)
'before' => [RateLimitMiddleware::class, AuthMiddleware::class],
'after' => [LoggingMiddleware::class]

$router->get(string $uri, $handler);
$router->post(string $uri, $handler);

If a request matches one of the registered routes, the router will do the following process in this order:

1. In first, the `handle()` method from the `RateLimitMiddleware` class will be executed.
2. In second, the `handle()` method from the `AuthMiddleware` class will be executed.
3. In third, the matched route controller will be executed.
4. And finally, the `handle()` method from the `LoggingMiddleware` class will be executed.

The router will automatically executes the `handle()` method from the middleware class so you don't need to specify it.

You can also add before/after route middlewares to a group as follow:

$router->group(function(\Artyum\Router\RouteGroup $group) use ($router)
$group->setBeforeMiddlewares([RateLimitMiddleware::class, AuthMiddleware::class]);

These are simply wrappers around the `addMiddlewares()` method.

### Route mapping

You can map a single uri to multiple HTTP methods with differents handler, as follow:


Using the `withAttributes()` method, you will be able to get access to the Route object in order to set additional attributes to the route:

->put($handler)->withAttributes(function(\Artyum\Router\Route $route) {
->setBeforeMiddlewares([RateLimitMiddleware::class, RolesMiddleware::class]);
->patch($handler)->withAttributes(function(\Artyum\Router\Route $route) {
->setBeforeMiddlewares([RateLimitMiddleware::class, RolesMiddleware::class]);
->delete($handler)->withAttributes(function(\Artyum\Router\Route $route) {
->setBeforeMiddlewares([RateLimitMiddleware::class, RolesMiddleware::class]);

It's also possible to add mapped routes to a group, that way you can set the middlewares for all routes that is inside the group and name prefix too:

$router->group(function(\Artyum\Router\RouteGroup $group) use ($router)
$group->setBeforeMiddlewares([RateLimitMiddleware::class, RolesMiddleware::class]);

->put($handler)->withAttributes(function(\Artyum\Router\Route $route) {
->patch($handler)->withAttributes(function(\Artyum\Router\Route $route) {
->delete($handler)->withAttributes(function(\Artyum\Router\Route $route) {

### Route not found

By default, when the request doesn't match any registered routes, the `dispatch()` method will throw a "NotFoundException". You can change this behavior by registering a handler. The registered handler will be executed with the same arguments as controllers or middlewares.



// sends a 404 status code if no routes match the current request
$router->setNotFoundHandler(function(\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request, \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response $response) {

## Contributing

If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and make changes as you'd like. Pull requests are warmly welcome.