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Build and compete for best index

flask jinja pandas python react react-redux webpack

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Build and compete for best index

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# Index Builder [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](]( [![BCH compliance](](

This is a nice little interactive survey using completely randomized data in which users can:
- create unique usernames
- select factors by giving them a weight, pro/anti direction & supporting reasons
- lock-in selections in order to see what kind of index your combination of factors have built
- compare performance of your index against some default indexes as well as other users
- an admin user can:
- view interesting breakdowns of all factor selections made by users as well as make these breakdowns available for users to see
- archive off user selections for further future analysis and to reset the app for another round of users

## Demo

Live demo (choose any username you'd like): [index-builder](

## Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Once you've checked out this project you must make sure you have the following installed:

Include instructions on setting up virtualenv

To get up and running perform the following:
pip install -r requirements.txt

In order to install scipy I had to run the following:
sudo apt-get install gfortran libopenblas-dev liblapack-dev python-dev
pip install scipy==0.15.1
easy_install numpy==1.9.2
easy_install pandas==0.16.2

You'll need node, npm & yarn installed
yarn install
npm run build

### Prerequisites

* pip
* easy_install
* virtualenv
* node
* npm
* yarn

### Installing

Setting up your virtual environment

1) mkdir -p ~/pyenvs
2) virtualenv ~/pyenvs/index_builder
3) source ~/pyenvs/index_build/bin/activate
4) pip install -r requirements.txt
5) sudo apt-get install gfortran libopenblas-dev liblapack-dev python-dev (assuming you're running linux)
6) pip install scipy==0.15.1
7) easy_install numpy==1.9.2
8) easy_install pandas==0.16.2

Building the javascript

1) yarn install
2) npm run build

Running the Flask back-end

python index_builder/ --HOST --PORT 8080 --AUTH true

Running the Flask back-end with gunicorn

gunicorn server:app --config --bind -w 8 -t 120 --limit-request-line 8190 --log-file=- --access-logfile ~/stdout --error-logfile ~/stderr --log-level=info

Building the javascript files in "watch" mode (this is good for development so it will hot swap changes)

npm run watch

## Running the tests

Python tests

python test

All JS tests

npm run test

Specific JS tests

TEST=static/__tests__/factor_viewer/*-test.jsx npm run test-file

JS coverage report

npm run test-with-coverage

JS Duplication report

npm run report-duplicate-code

JS formatting

npm run format

JS linting

npm run lint -s

## Deployment

You can run this application on a larger scale using gunicorn
export AUTH=true (if you want authentication turned on)
gunicorn server:app --config --bind -w 8 -t 120 --limit-request-line 8190 --log-file=- --access-logfile ~/stdout --error-logfile ~/stderr --log-level=info


TBA: notes on docker deployment

## Built With

* [Flask]( - The back-end web framework used
* [jinja]( - Core HTML templating
* [yarn]( - JS Dependency Management
* [Webpack]( - JS Bundler
* [React]( - Core JS library our components are built on

## Authors

* **Andrew Schonfeld** - *Initial work* - [plutoplate](

See also the list of [contributors]( who participated in this project.

## License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the []( file for details

## Acknowledgments

* [Wilfred Hughes]( was truly an inspiration and a driving force behind many of the solutions to initial infrastructure headaches