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re-vim: sensible vim configuration

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re-vim: sensible vim configuration

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# re-vim: sensible vim configuration

★ Single file, just download it then fire up your nvim/vim!

★ Well polished, should work on Mac, Linux and Windows.

★ Full [Language Server Protocol]( support([node.js][node.js] required).

★ Easy to maintain and extend, to fulfill your needs.

## Get started

Download [.vimrc][vimrc] file, put it in your home directory. Run vim as usual, it can handle itself quite well.

Tips for Linux & macOS users(install & update):

curl -Lo ~/.vimrc

Need [neovim]( support?

ln ~/.vimrc ~/.config/nvim/init.vim

If on Windows, run these in Command Prompt:

mkdir "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\nvim"
mklink "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\nvim\init.vim" "%USERPROFILE%\.vimrc"

## Screenshots


*The screenshot was taken from [VimR](*

Some old screenshots can be found [here](./screenshots/).

## Plugins

re-vim uses [vim-plug]( (`+python` required) as plugin manager. Run `:PlugInstall` in vim to install all built-in plugins. This should be completed in 30 secs.

### Plugins list

- [delimitMate][delimitMate] - provides insert mode auto-completion for quotes, parens, brackets, etc.
- [vim-easy-align][vim-easy-align] - A Vim alignment plugin
- [goyo.vim][goyo.vim] - Distraction-free writing in Vim
- [limelight.vim][limelight.vim] - Best served with [goyo.vim][goyo.vim]
- [ultisnips][ultisnips] - The ultimate snippet solution for Vim. Send pull requests to SirVer/ultisnips!(`+python` required)
- [vim-snippets][vim-snippets] - Source of [ultisnips][ultisnips]
- [emmet-vim][emmet-vim] - emmet for vim:
- [vim-textmanip][vim-textmanip] - easy text manipulation for vim
- [vim-table-mode][vim-table-mode] - VIM Table Mode for instant table creation
- [vim-sandwich][vim-sandwich] - The set of operator and textobject plugins to search/select/edit sandwiched textobjects.
- [targets.vim][targets.vim] - Vim plugin that provides additional text objects
- [vim-signature][vim-signature] - Plugin to toggle, display and navigate marks
- [vim-fugitive][vim-fugitive] - A Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal
- [nerdcommenter][nerdcommenter] - Vim plugin for intensely orgasmic commenting
- [vim-airline][vim-airline] - lean & mean status/tabline for vim that's light as air
- [undotree][undotree] - The ultimate undo history visualizer for VIM
- [ctrlp.vim][ctrlp.vim] - Active fork of kien/ctrlp.vim—Fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, etc finder.
- [codi.vim][codi.vim] - The interactive scratchpad for hackers.
- [vim-one][vim-one] - Adaptation of one-light and one-dark colorschemes for Vim
- [neocomplete][neocomplete] - Next generation completion framework after neocomplcache(`+lua` required)
- [coc.nvim][coc.nvim] - Complete engine and Language Server support for neovim & vim, featured as VSCode([node.js][node.js] required)
- [tagbar][tagbar] - Vim plugin that displays tags in a window, ordered by scope([ctags][ctags] required)
- [vimtex][vimtex] - A modern vim plugin for editing LaTeX files.
- [asyncrun][asyncrun] - Run Async Shell Commands in Vim 8.0 / NeoVim and Output to Quickfix Window

## Key bindings

### Primary key bindings.

imap jk " Use `jk` to exit Insert Mode
let mapleader = "\" " Use `` as mapleader

### Commands

use `:W` for sudo writing on Mac & Linux.

use `:Wcolor` for showing highlight group under current cursor

### Move around & Edit

| Key | Mode | Action |
| `` | Normal | unhighlight the search result |
| `[b` | Normal | switch to previous buffer |
| `]b` | Normal | switch to next buffer |
| `` + `a` | Command/Insert | move the cursor to the begining of line |
| `` + `e` | Command/Insert | move the cursor to the end of line |
| `` + `h` | Command/Insert | move the cursor left by word |
| `` + `l` | Command/Insert | move the cursor right by word |
| `` + `b` | Insert | move the cursor left by char |
| `` + `f` | Insert | move the cursor right by char |
| `` + `j` | Insert | move the cursor down by line |
| `` + `k` | Insert | move the cursor up by line |
| `` + `j` | Visual | move the current line downward |
| `` + `k` | Visual | move the current line upward |
| `` + `h` | Normal | resize the current split window |
| `` + `l` | Normal | resize the current split window |
| `` + `j` | Normal | resize the current split window |
| `` + `k` | Normal | resize the current split window |

### `` key related

| Key | Mode | Action |
| `` + `r` | Normal | Restore last session |
| `` + `n` | Normal | Toggle showing linenumber |
| `` + `s` | Normal | Strip whitespace & blankline EOF |

### Plugins key bindings

| Plugin | Key | Mode | Action |
| [ctrlp.vim][ctrlp.vim] | `` + `o` | Normal | Open CtrlP window |
| [undotree][undotree] | `` + `u` | Normal | Toggle undotree window |
| [nerdcommenter][nerdcommenter] | `\` | Normal/Visual | Toggle comment |
| [nerdcommenter][nerdcommenter] | `Ctrl` + `\` | Normal/Visual | CommentSexy |
| [emmet-vim][emmet-vim] | `,` + `,` | Insert/Visual | Expand abbr |
| [vim-easy-align][vim-easy-align] | `` + `g` | Normal/Visual | Align with |
| [goyo.vim][goyo.vim] | `Ctrl` + `w` + `` | Normal | Toggle goyo mode |
| [limelight.vim][limelight.vim] | `Ctrl` + `w` + `` | Normal | Toggle limelight mode |
| [ultisnips][ultisnips] | `` | Insert | Expand snips |
| [ultisnips][ultisnips] | `` | Insert | Jumpforward |
| [ultisnips][ultisnips] | ` + ` | Insert | Jumpbackward |
| [tagbar][tagbar] | `` + `b` | Normal | Toggle tagbar window |
| [asyncrun][asyncrun] | `&` | Normal | AsyncRun arbitrary command(like `wget`) |
| [asyncrun][asyncrun] | `g&` | Normal | AsyncRun predefined command with `-strip` option |

### visual-multi key bindings

| Key | Mode | Action |
| `Ctrl` + `n` | Normal/Visual | select the word under cursor |
| `` + `A` | Normal/Visual | select all occurrences of the word/selection |
| `Ctrl` + `` | Normal | add a single cursor at current position |
| `` + `` | Normal/Visual | add a cursor or create cursors vertically |
| `Ctrl` + `` | Normal | create cursors vertically |
| `n`/`N`/`[`/`]` | Normal | navigate between cursors/regions |
| `q`/`Q` | Normal | skip/remove the region under cursor |

### Language Server Protocol related

| Key | Mode | Action |
| gh | Normal | show hover document |
| gd | Normal | coc-definition |
| gf | Visual | coc-format-selected |
| gy | Normal | coc-type-definition |
| gs | Normal | coc-symbols |
| go | Normal | coc-outline |
| gc | Normal | coc-diagnostics |
| gm | Normal | coc-rename |
| gr | Normal | coc-references |
| gi | Normal | coc-implementation |

You need to run `:CocInstall coc-word coc-ultisnips coc-html coc-pyls` or something before using LSP related functions. See [Using coc extensions · neoclide/coc.nvim Wiki · GitHub]( .

For more key bindings please refer to the plugin's manual.

## Customization

re-vim uses `~/.vim/vimrc.after` (and `~/.vim/vimrc.before`) for your customization.

For example, to override the default colorscheme:

echo "colorscheme one" >> ~/.vim/vimrc.after

To enable true color support:

echo "set termguicolors" >> ~/.vim/vimrc.after

To add new plugins, you should create `~/.vim/vimrc.plug`:

echo "Plug 'altercation/vim-colors-solarized'" >> ~/.vim/vimrc.plug

## Related projects

[vimrc]: ""
[delimitMate]: ""
[neocomplete]: ""
[vim-easy-align]: ""
[goyo.vim]: ""
[limelight.vim]: ""
[ultisnips]: ""
[vim-snippets]: ""
[emmet-vim]: ""
[vim-textmanip]: ""
[vim-table-mode]: ""
[vim-sandwich]: ""
[targets.vim]: ""
[vim-signature]: ""
[vim-fugitive]: ""
[nerdcommenter]: ""
[vim-airline]: ""
[undotree]: ""
[ctrlp.vim]: ""
[codi.vim]: ""
[vim-one]: ""
[coc.nvim]: " "
[vimtex]: ""
[asyncrun]: ""
[node.js]: ""
[tagbar]: ""
[ctags]: ""