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Phased structural variant discovery in pangenomes

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Phased structural variant discovery in pangenomes

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# SVarp
***Pangenome-based structural variant discovery***

The aim of SVarp is to discover haplotype resolved SVs on top of a pangenome graph reference using long sequencing reads. It outputs local assemblies of SV alleles, termed *svtigs*.

*Please open an issue for your questions or feel free to send me an e-mail ([email protected])*

## Quick Start
git clone
cd svarp
build/svarp -a xxx.gaf -g xxx.gfa --fasta xxx.fasta.gz --phase read_tags.tsv -i SAMPLE_NAME -o OUTPUT_FOLDER

## Requirements

SVarp is developed and tested using Linux Ubuntu operating system

* You need the FASTA of the reads **bgzipped** (i.e., bgzip NA12878.fasta)
* GAF file needs to be in **unstable coordinate system**. (
* Pangenome ref. needs to be in GFA format. We tested SVarp with **HPRC Minigraph pangenome** (
- GAF alignments must be generated using the same GFA file that you use as input
* For **phased variants**, tags need to be generated in ".tsv" format using **whatshap haplotag** (
- E.g., *whatshap haplotag NA12878.vcf.gz NA12878.bam -o NA12878_phase --reference ref_genome.fasta --output-haplotag-list tags.tsv*

## Dependencies

* **wtdbg2**
- git clone && cd wtdbg2 && make (copy *wtdbg2*, *wtpoa-cns* and ** to your PATH)
* **zlib**
- sudo apt-get install zlib1g-d
* **GraphAligner**
- conda install -c bioconda graphaligner (
* **Samtools**
* **Minimap2**
- git clone && cd minimap2 && make
* **HTSlib and WFA2-lib**
- You can either use ***make libs*** or follow the steps below

### HTSlib (
mkdir htslib && tar -xvf htslib-1.17.tar.bz2 -C htslib --strip-components=1
cd htslib && autoconf -i && ./configure --disable-lzma --disable-bz2 --disable-libcurl && make
(htslib folder needs to reside inside SVarp's main folder)

### WFA2-lib (
wget --strip-components=1
mkdir wfa && tar -xzf v2.3.4.tar.gz -C wfa
cd wfa && make clean all
(wfa folder needs to reside inside SVarp's main folder)

## All parameters

Required arguments:
--gaf (-a) : Alignment file in GAF format
--graph (-g) : Pangenome file in GFA format
--fasta (-f) : Fasta sequence file

Optional arguments:
--sample (-i) : Sample name.
--out (-o) : Output folder.
--debug : Output multiple log files for debugging purpose.
--skip-untagged : Output only phased variants (~30% faster).
--dist_threshold (-d) : Distance threshold to merge SV breakpoints (default=100)
--out (-o) : Output folder path
--phase (-p) : WhatsHap haplotag file in .tsv (
--reads(-r) : Bgzipped FASTA file of reads for extensive mode (needed for WFA realignment)
--sample (-i) : Sample (Individual) name
--support (-s) : Minimum support for a cluster to be assembled (default=5 for diploid samples)
--threads(-t) : Number of threads for assembly and realignment (default:32)
--help : Print this help menu

## Citation

*Soylev, A., Ebler, J., Pani, S., Rausch, T., Korbel, J., & Marschall, T. (2024). **SVarp: pangenome-based structural variant discovery**. bioRxiv, 2024-02.*