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Track 3D Bounding Boxes and compute Time to Collision

camera-calibration cpp17 kitti-dataset lidar lidar-calibration lidar-point-cloud opencv pcl-library self-driving-car sensor sensorfusion sensorfusionnanodegree yolov3

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Track 3D Bounding Boxes and compute Time to Collision

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# 3D-Vehicle-Time-To-Collision

This repository is part of the camera course in the Sensor Fusion Nanodegree. In this project, I implemented several key components to track 3D objects over time, compute Time-to-Collision (TTC) using both Lidar and camera data, and test various detector/descriptor combinations.

## Project Overview

This project involves the following tasks:

1. **Matching 3D Objects Over Time**
2. **Computing TTC Based on Lidar Measurements**
3. **Computing TTC Based on Camera Measurements**
4. **Conducting Various Tests with the Framework**

### 1. Matching 3D Objects Over Time

Developed an algorithm to match 3D objects over time using keypoint correspondences. This involved:

- Extracting keypoints and descriptors from successive frames.
- Matching these keypoints to track objects across frames.
- **Implementation Details**: The `matchBoundingBoxes` method in `camFusion_Student.cpp` correctly assigns the matches based on counts. Check out line 285 for implementation details.

### 2. Computing TTC Based on Lidar Measurements

Implemented a method to compute the Time-to-Collision (TTC) using Lidar measurements. This process includes:

- Filtering Lidar points to focus on the region of interest.
- Calculating TTC using the relative velocity and distance of the objects.
- **Implementation Details**: The Lidar-based TTC uses the median distance instead of the closest Lidar point. Check out line 234 in `matching2D_Student.cpp` for implementation.

### 3. Computing TTC Based on Camera Measurements

For camera-based TTC computation:

- Associated keypoint matches to regions of interest (ROI).
- Computed TTC based on the keypoint matches within the ROI.
- Integrated this with the object tracking mechanism.
- **Implementation Details**:
- Associate Keypoint Correspondences with Bounding Boxes: Check out line 137 in `matching2D_Student.cpp`.
- Compute Camera-based TTC: Check out line 175 in `matching2D_Student.cpp`.

### 4. Conducting Various Tests with the Framework

To identify the most suitable detector/descriptor combination for TTC estimation:

- Tested different combinations of detectors (e.g., SIFT, SURF, ORB) and descriptors.
- Analyzed the performance and reliability of these combinations.
- Investigated potential sources of errors from both camera and Lidar sensors.
- **Observations**:
- The TTC Lidar jumped from 12.515 to 15.74 in one instance, indicating an erroneous prediction due to the constant velocity model assumption. This frame is right after another frame with a significant TTC drop, highlighting the limitations of disregarding acceleration.
- For my experiments, the SHI TOMASI (detector) + BRISK (descriptor) combination gave stable and reliable results.
- The Lidar predictions remained constant regardless of the descriptor/detector combination.
- The ORB + BRIEF combination resulted in a Camera TTC of 130 s.

## Project Structure

- **src/**: Source files for the project, including implementations for keypoint matching, TTC computation, and testing.
- **dat/**: contains weights
-**images/**:contains KITTI Sequence (LiDAR + RGB Images)
- **results/**: Directory to store output results.
- **CMakeLists.txt**: CMake configuration file.
- ****: Project documentation.

## Dependencies for Running Locally
* cmake >= 2.8
* All OSes: [click here for installation instructions](
* make >= 4.1 (Linux, Mac), 3.81 (Windows)
* Linux: make is installed by default on most Linux distros
* Mac: [install Xcode command line tools to get make](
* Windows: [Click here for installation instructions](
* Git LFS
* Weight files are handled using [LFS](
* Install Git LFS before cloning this Repo.
* OpenCV >= 4.1
* This must be compiled from source using the `-D OPENCV_ENABLE_NONFREE=ON` cmake flag for testing the SIFT and SURF detectors.
* The OpenCV 4.1.0 source code can be found [here](
* gcc/g++ >= 5.4
* Linux: gcc / g++ is installed by default on most Linux distros
* Mac: same deal as make - [install Xcode command line tools](
* Windows: recommend using [MinGW](

## Basic Build Instructions

1. Clone this repo.
2. Download dat and images folders from the drive [Link]( and place in the same repo.
3. Make a build directory in the top level project directory: `mkdir build && cd build`
4. Compile: `cmake .. && make`
5. Run it: `./3D_object_tracking`.

## TTC Calculations for Various Detector and Descriptor Combinations

The table below presents Time-to-Collision (TTC) values calculated using different combinations of detectors and descriptors. The TTC values are provided for both Lidar and Camera data across various test scenarios.

| Detector, Descriptor | LidarTTC 1 | CameraTTC 1 | LidarTTC 2 | CameraTTC 2 | LidarTTC 3 | CameraTTC 3 | LidarTTC 4 | CameraTTC 4 | LidarTTC 5 | CameraTTC 5 | LidarTTC 6 | CameraTTC 6 | LidarTTC 7 | CameraTTC 7 | LidarTTC 8 | CameraTTC 8 | LidarTTC 9 | CameraTTC 9 | LidarTTC 10 | CameraTTC 10 | LidarTTC 11 | CameraTTC 11 | LidarTTC 12 | CameraTTC 12 | LidarTTC 13 | CameraTTC 13 |
| HARRIS + BRISK | 12.5156 | 10.9082 | 12.5156 | 10.9082 | 15.7465 | -inf | 13.1241 | 12.9162 | 11.1746 | -inf | 12.8086 | 11.2142 | 8.95978 | 11.6948 | 9.59863 | 5.6061 | 8.52157 | -13.6263 | 9.51552 | 6.33866 | 9.61241 | 12.7384 | 8.3988 | -inf | - | - |
| HARRIS + BRIEF | 12.5156 | 10.9082 | 12.5156 | 10.9082 | 15.7465 | 34.7543 | 11.9844 | 12.3379 | 13.1241 | 17.6204 | 11.1746 | 20.5862 | 12.8086 | 11.7414 | 8.95978 | nan | 9.59863 | 5.6061 | 8.52157 | -13.6263 | 9.51552 | 6.6376 | 9.61241 | 12.5848 | 8.3988 | -inf |
| HARRIS + ORB | 12.5156 | 10.9082 | 12.5156 | 10.9082 | 15.7465 | 34.7543 | 13.1241 | 17.6204 | 11.1746 | nan | 12.8086 | 11.2142 | 8.95978 | 11.1055 | 9.59863 | 5.85828 | 8.52157 | -12.639 | 9.51552 | 6.52962 | 9.61241 | 12.5848 | 8.3988 | -inf | - | - |
| HARRIS + FREAK | 12.5156 | 8.75397 | 15.7465 | 13.3698 | 11.9844 | 11.9596 | 13.1241 | 12.3725 | 11.1746 | 10.2931 | 12.8086 | 11.8135 | 8.95978 | 11.1055 | 9.59863 | nan | 8.52157 | -25.2781 | 9.51552 | 6.71705 | 9.61241 | 11.1009 | 8.3988 | -inf | - | - |
| SHI-TOMASI + BRISK | 12.5156 | 12.7951 | 11.9844 | 13.131 | 13.1241 | 13.2469 | 11.1746 | 11.5712 | 12.8086 | 10.9571 | 8.95978 | 12.2294 | 9.59863 | 12.241 | 8.52157 | 9.94433 | 9.51552 | 10.3242 | 9.61241 | 11.3018 | 8.3988 | 9.18809 | - | - | - | - |
| SHI-TOMASI + BRIEF | 12.5156 | 14.3846 | 15.7465 | 12.4657 | 11.9844 | 14.0762 | 13.1241 | 12.3758 | 11.1746 | 12.313 | 12.8086 | 11.4293 | 8.95978 | 11.0187 | 9.59863 | 12.5611 | 8.52157 | 12.8981 | 9.51552 | 12.3789 | 9.61241 | 10.7391 | 8.3988 | 8.36986 | - | - |
| SHI-TOMASI + ORB | 12.5156 | 14.685 | 15.7465 | 13.4042 | 11.9844 | 12.5425 | 13.1241 | 13.0058 | 11.1746 | 13.6717 | 12.8086 | 10.7136 | 8.95978 | 12.2398 | 9.59863 | 11.8767 | 8.52157 | 10.2976 | 9.51552 | 12.8765 | 9.61241 | 9.21193 | 8.3988 | 8.29931 | - | - |
| SHI-TOMASI + FREAK | 12.5156 | 13.8833 | 15.7465 | 12.478 | 13.1241 | 11.376 | 11.1746 | 12.6919 | 12.8086 | 11.1985 | 8.95978 | 12.9405 | 9.59863 | 11.5476 | 8.52157 | 11.1223 | 9.51552 | 10.25 | 9.61241 | 12.3667 | 8.3988 | 7.15473 | - | - | - | - |
| FAST + BRISK | 12.5156 | 12.5036 | 15.7465 | 76.3058 | 11.9844 | 12.3866 | 13.1241 | 11.342 | 11.1746 | 13.8902 | 12.8086 | 12.2138 | 8.95978 | 11.6041 | 9.59863 | 12.2391 | 8.52157 | 11.4845 | 9.51552 | 12.24 | 9.61241 | 10.0192 | 8.3988 | 12.5199 | - | - |
| FAST + BRIEF | 12.5156 | 10.8342 | 12.5156 | 10.8342 | 15.7465 | 29.241 | 11.9844 | 11.4441 | 13.1241 | 10.873 | 11.1746 | 13.5741 | 12.8086 | 13.7449 | 8.95978 | 10.7982 | 9.59863 | 10.8914 | 8.52157 | 11.0105 | 9.51552 | 11.3321