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An on-disk pythonic embedded key-value store based on LMDB for compressed data storage and distributed data analysis

data-analysis data-storage distributed embedded-database key-value lmb msgpack multiprocessing parallel python python-3 python-library python-script python2 python3 store

Last synced: 3 days ago
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An on-disk pythonic embedded key-value store based on LMDB for compressed data storage and distributed data analysis

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ShareDB in Action

`ShareDB` is a lightweight, **persistent key-value store** with a **dictionary-like interface** built on top of [LMDB]( It is intended to replace a python dictionary when

1. the key-value information needs to **persist locally** for later reuse,
2. the data needs to be **shared across multiple processes** with minimal overhead, and
3. the **keys** and **values** can be (de)serialized via **msgpack** or **pickle**.

A `ShareDB` instance may be opened simultaneously in children, for reading in parallel, as long as a single process writes to the instance. **Parallel writes made across processes are not safe**; they are not guaranteed to be written, and may corrupt instance. `ShareDB` is primarily developed and tested using **Linux** and is compatible with both **Python 2.7 and 3.8**.

### `ShareDB` in Action
>>> from ShareDB import ShareDB # Easy import
>>> print(ShareDB.__version__) # Check version
>>> myDB = ShareDB(path='./test.ShareDB') # Store ShareDB locally
>>> myDB['Name'] = ['Ayaan Hossain'] # Insert information
>>> myDB.get(key='Name') # Retrieve values
['Ayaan Hossain']
>>> # Accelerated batch insertion/update via a single transaction
>>> len(myDB.multiset(kv_iter=zip(range(0, 10), range(10, 20))).sync())
>>> 7 in myDB # Membership queries work
>>> myDB['non-existent key'] # KeyError on invalid get as expected
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: "key=non-existent key of is absent"
>>> myDB.pop(7) # Pop a key just like a dictionary
>>> list(myDB.multipopitem(num_items=5)) # Or, pop as many items as you need
[(0, 10), (1, 11), (2, 12), (3, 13), (4, 14)]
>>> myDB.remove(5).remove(6).length() # Chain removal of several keys
>>> myDB.clear().length() # Or, clear entire ShareDB
>>> myDB.drop() # Close/delete when you're done
`ShareDB` methods either return data/result up on appropriate query, or a `self` is returned to facilitate method chaining. Terminal methods `.close()` and `.drop()` return a boolean indicating success.

Please see the `/examples/` directory for full examples of `ShareDB` usage. Please see the [](./docs/ file for API details.

### Installation
One-shot **installation/upgrade** of `ShareDB` from **PyPI**
$ pip install --upgrade ShareDB
Alternatively, **clone** `ShareDB` from **GitHub**
$ git clone
`ShareDB` requires the following additional libraries
- [lmdb]( >= 0.98
- [msgpack]( >= 0.6.2
- [configparser]( >= 4.0.2
- [pytest-cov]( >= 2.8.1

You can **install** all **dependencies** from **requirements.txt** inside `/ShareDB/` directory
$ cd ShareDB
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
You can then **install** `ShareDB` via ``
$ python install
You can **test** `ShareDB` with **pytest** inside the `/tests/` directory
$ cd tests
$ pytest
**Uninstallation** of `ShareDB` is easy with `pip`
$ pip uninstall ShareDB

### License
`ShareDB` (c) 2019-2022 Ayaan Hossain.

`ShareDB` is an **open-source software** under [MIT]( License.

See [LICENSE](./LICENSE) file for more details.

### Contributing
Please **discuss** any issues/bugs you're facing, or any changes/features you have in mind by **opening an issue**, following the [Contributor Covenant]( See [](./docs/ file for details. Please provide detailed **information**, and code **snippets** to facilitate debugging.

To contribute to `ShareDB`, please **clone** this repository, **commit** your code on a **separate new branch**, and **submit** a **pull request**. Please annotate and describe all **new** and **modified code** with detailed **comments** and **new unit tests** as applicable. Please ensure that modified builds **pass existing unit tests** before sending pull-requests. For versioning, we use [SemVer](

### Acknowledgements
`ShareDB` is maintained by:

- Ayaan Hossain | []( | [@bioalgorithmist](

`ShareDB` was originally written to meet data analysis needs in [Prof. Howard Salis](' Lab at [Penn State University](

Prof. Salis has funded the initial development of `ShareDB`.

### API
`ShareDB` API details can be found in the [](./docs/ file.