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🎈 Floating statuslines for Neovim, winbar alternative

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🎈 Floating statuslines for Neovim, winbar alternative

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# 🎈 incline.nvim

[![License: MIT](]( [![Test Status](](

Incline is a plugin for creating lightweight floating statuslines. It works great with Neovim's global statusline (`:set laststatus=3`).

Why use Incline instead of Neovim's built-in winbar? Incline:

- Only takes up the amount of space it needs, leaving more room for your code.
- Is highly configurable and themeable using Lua.
- Can be shown/hidden dynamically based on cursor position, focus, buffer type, or any other condition.
- Can be positioned at the top or bottom, left or right side of each window.

![Screenshot of Incline.nvim running in Neovim](

## Configuration

The render function is the most important part of an Incline configuration. As the name suggests, it's called for each window in order to render its statusline. You can think of it like a React component: it's passed a table of props and returns a tree-like data structure describing the content and appearance of the statusline. For example:

render = function(props)
local filename = vim.fn.fnamemodify(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(props.buf), ':t')
local modified =[props.buf].modified
return {
' ',
modified and { ' *', guifg = '#888888', gui = 'bold' } or '',
' ',
guibg = '#111111',
guifg = '#eeeeee',

The returned value can be nil, a string, or a table which can include strings, highlight properties like foreground/background color, or even nested tables. Nested tables can contain the same sorts of things, including more nested tables. If the render function returns nil, the statusline will be hidden until the next time the render function returns a non-nil value. For more on the render function, see [`:help incline-render`](

Below are some examples to get you started.

### Icon + Filename


Requires [nvim-web-devicons](

View Code

local helpers = require 'incline.helpers'
local devicons = require 'nvim-web-devicons'
require('incline').setup {
window = {
padding = 0,
margin = { horizontal = 0 },
render = function(props)
local filename = vim.fn.fnamemodify(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(props.buf), ':t')
if filename == '' then
filename = '[No Name]'
local ft_icon, ft_color = devicons.get_icon_color(filename)
local modified =[props.buf].modified
return {
ft_icon and { ' ', ft_icon, ' ', guibg = ft_color, guifg = helpers.contrast_color(ft_color) } or '',
' ',
{ filename, gui = modified and 'bold,italic' or 'bold' },
' ',
guibg = '#44406e',

### Icon + Filename + Navic


Requires [nvim-web-devicons]( and [nvim-navic](

View Code

local helpers = require 'incline.helpers'
local navic = require 'nvim-navic'
local devicons = require 'nvim-web-devicons'
require('incline').setup {
window = {
padding = 0,
margin = { horizontal = 0, vertical = 0 },
render = function(props)
local filename = vim.fn.fnamemodify(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(props.buf), ':t')
if filename == '' then
filename = '[No Name]'
local ft_icon, ft_color = devicons.get_icon_color(filename)
local modified =[props.buf].modified
local res = {
ft_icon and { ' ', ft_icon, ' ', guibg = ft_color, guifg = helpers.contrast_color(ft_color) } or '',
' ',
{ filename, gui = modified and 'bold,italic' or 'bold' },
guibg = '#44406e',
if props.focused then
for _, item in ipairs(navic.get_data(props.buf) or {}) do
table.insert(res, {
{ ' > ', group = 'NavicSeparator' },
{ item.icon, group = 'NavicIcons' .. item.type },
{, group = 'NavicText' },
table.insert(res, ' ')
return res

### Diagnostics + Git Diff + Icon + Filename


Requires [nvim-web-devicons]( and [gitsigns.nvim](

Credit: [@lkhphuc]( ([Discussion](

View Code

local devicons = require 'nvim-web-devicons'
require('incline').setup {
render = function(props)
local filename = vim.fn.fnamemodify(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(props.buf), ':t')
if filename == '' then
filename = '[No Name]'
local ft_icon, ft_color = devicons.get_icon_color(filename)

local function get_git_diff()
local icons = { removed = '', changed = '', added = '' }
local signs = vim.b[props.buf].gitsigns_status_dict
local labels = {}
if signs == nil then
return labels
for name, icon in pairs(icons) do
if tonumber(signs[name]) and signs[name] > 0 then
table.insert(labels, { icon .. signs[name] .. ' ', group = 'Diff' .. name })
if #labels > 0 then
table.insert(labels, { '┊ ' })
return labels

local function get_diagnostic_label()
local icons = { error = '', warn = '', info = '', hint = '' }
local label = {}

for severity, icon in pairs(icons) do
local n = #vim.diagnostic.get(props.buf, { severity = vim.diagnostic.severity[string.upper(severity)] })
if n > 0 then
table.insert(label, { icon .. n .. ' ', group = 'DiagnosticSign' .. severity })
if #label > 0 then
table.insert(label, { '┊ ' })
return label

return {
{ get_diagnostic_label() },
{ get_git_diff() },
{ (ft_icon or '') .. ' ', guifg = ft_color, guibg = 'none' },
{ filename .. ' ', gui =[props.buf].modified and 'bold,italic' or 'bold' },
{ '┊  ' .. vim.api.nvim_win_get_number(, group = 'DevIconWindows' },

### More Examples

See more user-contributed configurations and share your own in the [Showcase](

## Installation


config = function()
-- Optional: Lazy load Incline
event = 'VeryLazy',


use "b0o/incline.nvim"

## Usage


### Configuration

Incline's default configuration:

require('incline').setup {
debounce_threshold = {
falling = 50,
rising = 10
hide = {
cursorline = false,
focused_win = false,
only_win = false
highlight = {
groups = {
InclineNormal = {
default = true,
group = "NormalFloat"
InclineNormalNC = {
default = true,
group = "NormalFloat"
ignore = {
buftypes = "special",
filetypes = {},
floating_wins = true,
unlisted_buffers = true,
wintypes = "special"
render = "basic",
window = {
margin = {
horizontal = 1,
vertical = 1
options = {
signcolumn = "no",
wrap = false
overlap = {
borders = true,
statusline = false,
tabline = false,
winbar = false
padding = 1,
padding_char = " ",
placement = {
horizontal = "right",
vertical = "top"
width = "fit",
winhighlight = {
active = {
EndOfBuffer = "None",
Normal = "InclineNormal",
Search = "None"
inactive = {
EndOfBuffer = "None",
Normal = "InclineNormalNC",
Search = "None"
zindex = 50

See [`incline.txt`]( for full documentation of all configuration options.

## License

© 2022-2024 Maddison Hellstrom and contributors

Released under the MIT License.