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# aspnet-core-mssql-ef-demos

> 这个示例的主要目的是为了了解 `Linq to EF` 生成的sql语句是不是经过优化的,以及一些开发常用的配置项。do what you want.

- [aspnet-core-mssql-ef-demos](#aspnet-core-mssql-ef-demos)
- [准备工作](#准备工作)
- [创建项目](#创建项目)
- [配置Dbcontext使用log](#配置dbcontext使用log)
- [配置数据库连接的DI,具体查看startup.cs](#配置数据库连接的di具体查看startupcs)
- [Demos](#demos)
- [`HomeController`](#homecontroller)
- [cli 命令行工具](#cli-命令行工具)
- [`dotnet`](#dotnet)
- [`dotnet ef`](#dotnet-ef)
- [dotnet watch](#dotnet-watch)
- [To Be Continued](#to-be-continued)

## 准备工作

- 一个能够连接的`mssql`服务(我本机用的是`docker Microsoft/mssql-server-linux`的image)为了方便docker的端口都设置成1433.
- 一个数据库 这里用的是`NorthWind` sql 在assets目录可以找到
- `ASP.NET CORE` 需要安装
- 可选(如果你用vscode开发,可以安装

## 创建项目

- 在一个空白目录创建一个新的`mvc`项目

dotnet new mvc

dotnet run
- 执行assets下面的sql,创建数据库

- 测试你能连接到数据库

- 实体生成

# 使用ef工具生成Models,连接字符串修改成自己的。
dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold "Server=localhost;Database=NorthWind;User Id=sa;Password=qtdqQoNOCz42;" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -o Models -f -d

## 配置Dbcontext使用log


# aspnet-core-mssql-ef-demos/Models/NorthWindContext.cs

private ILoggerFactory loggerFactory;
public NorthWindContext(ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
this.loggerFactory = loggerFactory;


# 依赖注入:loggerFactory

protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)


## 配置数据库连接的DI,具体查看startup.cs

## Demos

### `HomeController`

- Take()


public async Task Index()
var employees = await _context.Employees.Take(5).AsNoTracking().ToListAsync();

return View(employees);


info: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.IRelationalCommandBuilderFactory[1]
Executed DbCommand (180ms) [Parameters=[@__p_0='?'], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']
SELECT TOP(@__p_0) [e].[EmployeeID], [e].[Address], [e].[BirthDate], [e].[City], [e].[Country], [e].[Extension], [e].[FirstName]
, [e].[HireDate], [e].[HomePhone], [e].[LastName], [e].[Notes], [e].[Photo], [e].[PhotoPath], [e].[PostalCode], [e].[Region], [e].[Rep
ortsTo], [e].[Title], [e].[TitleOfCourtesy]
FROM [Employees] AS [e]

> `AsNoTracking()` 如果查询的数据在将来不会修改,不需要保存到EF。

- Select() 只查询必要的字段


var orders = _context.Orders.Take(100).Select(o => new Orders { OrderId = o.OrderId, ShipName = o.ShipName }).ToList();

Executed DbCommand (82ms) [Parameters=[@__p_0='?'], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']
SELECT [t].[OrderID], [t].[ShipName]
SELECT TOP(@__p_0) [o0].*
FROM [Orders] AS [o0]
) AS [t]

- more demos

## cli 命令行工具

### `dotnet`

$ dotnet --help

.NET Command Line Tools (1.0.3)
Usage: dotnet [host-options] [command] [arguments] [common-options]

[command] The command to execute
[arguments] Arguments to pass to the command
[host-options] Options specific to dotnet (host)
[common-options] Options common to all commands

Common options:
-v|--verbose Enable verbose output
-h|--help Show help

Host options (passed before the command):
-d|--diagnostics Enable diagnostic output
--version Display .NET CLI Version Number
--info Display .NET CLI Info

new Initialize .NET projects.
restore Restore dependencies specified in the .NET project.
build Builds a .NET project.
publish Publishes a .NET project for deployment (including the runtime).
run Compiles and immediately executes a .NET project.
test Runs unit tests using the test runner specified in the project.
pack Creates a NuGet package.
migrate Migrates a project.json based project to a msbuild based project.
clean Clean build output(s).
sln Modify solution (SLN) files.

Project modification commands:
add Add items to the project
remove Remove items from the project
list List items in the project

Advanced Commands:
nuget Provides additional NuGet commands.
msbuild Runs Microsoft Build Engine (MSBuild).
vstest Runs Microsoft Test Execution Command Line Tool.


> 使用 `dotnet helper command` 查看该 `command` 的更多帮助信息

### `dotnet ef`

> 在项目中添加命令行引用后使用 `dotnet restore` 安装依赖,该工具提供EntityFramework项目的功能


$ dotnet ef

---==/ \\
___ ___ |. \|\
| __|| __| | ) \\\
| _| | _| \_/ | //|\\
|___||_| / \\\/\\

Entity Framework Core .NET Command Line Tools 1.0.0-rtm-10308

Usage: dotnet ef [options] [command]

--version Show version information
-h|--help Show help information
-v|--verbose Show verbose output.
--no-color Don't colorize output.
--prefix-output Prefix output with level.

database Commands to manage the database.
dbcontext Commands to manage DbContext types.
migrations Commands to manage migrations.

Use "dotnet ef [command] --help" for more information about a command.


### dotnet watch

> 开发的时候经常需要重启服务很不方便,使用此工具可以监控文件修改自动重启服务。




dotnet watch command #要监控的命令 比如 run test 等。

集成到 `vscode`以本项目为例,在默认生成的 `task.json`文件里面加多一条配置项,我把他设置为是build命令方便可以直接使用快捷键 ctrl+shift+B 运行,要终止这个进程需要在功能菜单里面找到

--- a/.vscode/tasks.json
+++ b/.vscode/tasks.json
@@ -3,14 +3,27 @@
"command": "dotnet",
"isShellCommand": true,
"args": [],
+ "options": {
+ "env": {
+ }
+ },
"tasks": [
"taskName": "build",
"args": [
- "isBuildCommand": true,
+ "isBuildCommand": false,
"problemMatcher": "$msCompile"
+ },
+ {
+ "taskName": "watch",
+ "args": [
+ "run"
+ ],
+ "isBackground": true,
+ "isBuildCommand": true

### To Be Continued