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Simple python package for creating predictive models

automl estimator machine-learning model-selection package predictive-modeling python sklearn

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Simple python package for creating predictive models

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# modelcreator - AutoML package

This package contains a **Machine** which is meant to do the **learning** for you. It can automaticly create a fitting predictive model for given data.

###### Sample output

Testing: Gradient Boosting Classifier
[########################################] | 100% Completed | 3.9s
Score: 0.9667

Testing: Ada Boost Classifier
[########################################] | 100% Completed | 1.3s
Score: 0.9600

Testing: Random Forest Classifier
[########################################] | 100% Completed | 5.0s
Score: 0.9600

Testing: Balanced Random Forest Classifier
[########################################] | 100% Completed | 3.5s
Score: 0.9600

Testing: SVC
[########################################] | 100% Completed | 1.2s
Score: 0.9667

Chosen model: Gradient Boosting Classifier 0.9667

min_samples_split: 2
n_estimators: 100

Results saved to output.csv

# Table of Contents

1. [Installation](#installation)
1. [Usage](#usage)
- [CSV input](#csv-path-input)
- [Pandas input](#pandas-input)
1. [Saving model](#saving-the-model)
1. [Parameters](#parameters)
- [Machine](#machine)
- [learn](#learn)
- [learnFromDf](#learnfromdf)
- [predict](#predict)
- [predictFromDf](#predictfromdf)
- [saveMachine](#savemachine)
1. [Development](#development)

## Installation

To use the package run:

pip install modelcreator

## Usage

The input may be either a path to a **csv** file or a **pandas DataFrame** object.

#### CSV path input

The library assumes that the last column of the training dataset contains the expected results. The dataset (both training and predictive) must be provided as a **csv** file.

If the results column contains text the _Machine_ will do its best to learn to _classify_ the data correctly. In case of a number inside, _regression_ will be performed.

If the file contains headers you shall add `header_in_csv=True` parameter to the method.

###### Example 1 _Iris_

from modelcreator import Machine

# Create automl machine instance
machine = Machine()

# Train machine learning model

# Predict the outcomes
machine.predict('example-data/iris-pred.csv', 'output.csv')

This example is also available in the `` file. Consider trying it on your own.

#### Pandas input

But what to do if a result column is not the last in the given csv? It may be inconvenient to rewrite the whole csv just to swap the columns. Because of this problem Machine has `learnFromDf` and `predictFromDf` methods. The _Df_ in method names stands for _DataFrame_ from _pandas_ module. This way you can handle reading the file by yourself.

###### Example 2 _Titanic_

from modelcreator import Machine
import pandas as pd

# Create DataFrame object from file
train = pd.read_csv("train.csv")

# Get features columns from DataFrame
X_train = train.drop(['Survived'], axis=1)

# And labels (results) column
y_train = train["Survived"].astype(str)

# Create the instance of Machine
machine = Machine()

# Train machine learning model
machine.learnFromDf(X_train, y_train, computation_level='advanced')

# Show parameters of the model

# Load test set from file
X_test = pd.read_csv("test.csv")

# Predict the labels
results = machine.predictFromDf(X_test)

# Save results to a new file

Simple? That's right! Just note that we used `astype(str)` in order to treat data as **classes**, not **numbers** because the [Titanic dataset]( used in the example above has values _0_ and _1_ in `"Survived"` column to indicate whether a person made it through the disaster.

#### Saving the model

If you want your model to avoid re-learning on the whole dataset just to make a simple prediction you can save the state of _Machine_ to a file.

# Save Machine with a trained model to "machine.pkl"

# Create a new machine based on a schema file
machine2 = Machine('machine.pkl')

#### Parameters

The **Machine** can be customized according to the use case. Check the parameters table:

###### Machine

| Param | Type | Default | Description |
| ------ | --------------- | ------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| schema | _None_ or _str_ | `None` | A Machine may be created based on a saved, pre-trained machine instance. You may specify the path to the saved instance in this param to recreate it. |

###### learn

| Param | Type | Default | Description |
| ----------------- | --------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| dataset_file | _str_ | | Path to a csv file which contains training dataset. |
| header_in_csv | _bool_ | `False` | Whether the csv file contains _headers_ in the first row. |
| metrics | _None_, _str_ or _Callable_ | `'accuracy'` or `'neg_root_mean_squared_error'` | Metrics used for scoring estimators. Many popular scoring functions (such as _f1_, _roc_auc_, _neg_mean_gamma_deviance_). See [here]( how to make custom scoring functions. |
| verbose | _bool_ | `True` | Whether to print learning logs. |
| cv | _int_ | `3` | a Number of cross-validation subsets. Higher values may increase computation time. |
| computation_level | _str_ | `'medium'` | Can be either `'basic'`, `'medium'` or `'advanced'`. With higher computation level more models and parameters are being tested. |

###### learnFromDf

| Param | Type | Default | Description |
| ----------------- | --------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| X | _pandas.DataFrame_ | | DataFrame containing the feature columns. |
| y | _pandas.Series_ | | Label columns of the training data. |
| metrics | _None_, _str_ or _Callable_ | `'accuracy'` or `'neg_root_mean_squared_error'` | Metrics used for scoring estimators. Many popular scoring functions (such as _f1_, _roc_auc_, _neg_mean_gamma_deviance_). See [here]( how to make custom scoring functions. |
| verbose | _bool_ | `True` | Whether to print learning logs. |
| cv | _int_ | `3` | A number of cross-validation subsets. Higher values may increase computation time. |
| computation_level | _str_ | `'medium'` | Can be either `'basic'`, `'medium'` or `'advanced'`. With higher computation level more models and parameters are being tested. |

###### predict

| Param | Type | Default | Description |
| ------------- | ------ | -------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| features_file | _str_ | | Path to the features **csv** of the data to generate predictions on. |
| header_in_csv | _bool_ | `False` | Whether the csv file contains _headers_ in the first row. |
| output_file | _str_ | `'output.csv'` | Path to the output **csv** file. In this file, the predictions will be saved. |
| verbose | _str_ | `True` | Whether to print logs. |

###### predictFromDf

| Param | Type | Default | Description |
| ------------- | ------------------ | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| X_predictions | _pandas.DataFrame_ | | Features columns to generate predictions on. |
| output_file | _str_ | `None` | Predict method returns _pandas.Series_ of the results. Additionally, it can also save the results to a **csv** file. It can be specified here. If the path is other than `None` it will be interpreted as a path to the output file. |
| verbose | _str_ | `True` | Whether to print logs. |

###### saveMachine

| Param | Type | Default | Description |
| ---------------- | ----- | --------------- | -------------------------------------------------- |
| output_file_name | _str_ | `'machine.pkl'` | Path to where shall the Machine instance be saved. |

### Development

Have a feature idea or just want to help? Take a look at the [issues tab](!