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Python 3 compatible library to send data to a Graphite metrics server (Carbon)

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Python 3 compatible library to send data to a Graphite metrics server (Carbon)

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.. image::
:alt: graphyte on PyPI (Python Package Index)

.. image::
:alt: GitHub Actions Tests

graphyte is a small Python library that sends data to a Graphite metrics
server (Carbon). We wrote it because the existing `graphitesend`_ library
didn’t support Python 3, and it also required gevent for asyncronous use.
graphyte is tested on Python 3.5+ as well as Python 2.7, and uses the
standard library’s ``threading`` module for asynchronous use.

The library is `on the Python Package Index (PyPI)`_, so to install it, fire up
a command prompt, activate your virtualenv if you’re using one, and type:


pip install graphyte

Using graphyte is simple – just call ``init()`` to initialize the default
sender and then ``send()`` to send a message. For example, to send
`` 42 {timestamp}\n`` to

.. code:: python

import graphyte
graphyte.init('', prefix='system.sync')
graphyte.send('', 42)

If you want to send asynchronously on a background thread (for example, in a
web server context), just specify a send interval. For example, this will
setup a background thread to send every 10 seconds:

.. code:: python

graphyte.init('', prefix='system.async', interval=10)
graphyte.send('', 42)

If you want to send tagged metrics, the usage is as follows:

.. code:: python

graphite.send('', 42, tags={'ding': 'dong'})

For more advanced usage, for example if you want to send to multiple servers
or if you want to subclass ``Sender``, you can instantiate instances of
``Sender`` directly. For example, to instantiate two senders sending to
different servers (one synchronous, one using a background thread with send
interval 10 seconds), use something like the following:

.. code:: python

sender1 = graphyte.Sender('', prefix='')
sender2 = graphyte.Sender('', prefix='system.two', interval=10)
sender1.send('foo.bar1', 42)
sender2.send('foo.bar2', 43)

If you want to send via UDP instead of TCP, just add ``protocol='udp'`` to
the ``init()`` or ``Sender()`` call.

Or, to customize how messages are logged or sent to the socket, subclass
``Sender`` and override ``send_message`` (or even ``send_socket`` if you
want to override logging and exception handling):

.. code:: python

class CustomSender(graphyte.Sender):
def send_message(self, message):
print('Sending bytes in some custom way: {!r}'.format(message))

By default, exceptions that occur when sending a message are logged. If you
want to raise and propagate exceptions instead, instantiate ``Sender`` with
``raise_send_errors=True``. It's an error to set ``raise_send_errors`` when
``interval`` is specified.

Socket sending errors are logged using the Python logging system (using
logger name “graphyte”). If the sender is initialized with
``log_sends=True``, all sends are logged at the INFO level.

You can also use graphyte to send metrics directly from the command line:


python -m graphyte 42

There are command line arguments to specify the server and port and other
configuration. Type ``python -m graphyte --help`` for help.

Read the code in ``_ for more details – it’s pretty small!

graphyte was written by `Ben Hoyt`_ and is licensed with a
permissive MIT license (see `LICENSE.txt`_).

**Related work:** `delphid`_ has a fork of graphyte which supports the statsd
protocol. See the changes on `delphid's branch`_.

.. _graphitesend:
.. _on the Python Package Index (PyPI):
.. _Ben Hoyt:
.. _LICENSE.txt:
.. _delphid:
.. _delphid's branch: