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Web app for interactive Markdown-formatted, Jinja2-Templated Tutorials/Lessons -- built using React and Python/Flask

flask hands-on-lab interactive katacoda play-with-docker python react webterminal

Last synced: 8 days ago
JSON representation

Web app for interactive Markdown-formatted, Jinja2-Templated Tutorials/Lessons -- built using React and Python/Flask

Awesome Lists containing this project




**This project is being superceded by [bert.dashboard](**

If you are interested in working on the project, even when archived you can still create a fork of it.


**Table of Contents** *generated with [DocToc](*

- [BILL - Bert's Interactive Lesson Loader](#bill---berts-interactive-lesson-loader)
- [Overview](#overview)
- [What is this and why did you make it?](#what-is-this-and-why-did-you-make-it)
- [How did you make this?](#how-did-you-make-this)
- [What's it look like?](#whats-it-look-like)
- [Features](#features)
- [Quick Start](#quick-start)
- [Step 1 - Install](#step-1---install)
- [Step 2 - Create your configuration file](#step-2---create-your-configuration-file)
- [Step 3 - Launch!](#step-3---launch)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Building the app](#building-the-app)
- [Building the installer](#building-the-installer)
- [Developing the app](#developing-the-app)
- [Configuration File](#configuration-file)
- [Configuration File - Defaults](#configuration-file---defaults)
- [Storing credentials - OS Keyring](#storing-credentials---os-keyring)
- [Windows](#windows)
- [Lessons](#lessons)
- [Jinja Templating](#jinja-templating)
- [WebTerminal](#webterminal)
- [Appendix](#appendix)
- [Github Pages](#github-pages)

BILL - Bert's Interactive Lesson Loader

# Overview

## What is this and why did you make it?

Think [Katacoda](, but instead of a website with learning examples,
you have a web app that creates hands-on lessons from markdown-formatted, jina-templated documents,
complete with a web terminal for interactive practice.

## How did you make this?

- The UI is written in [ReactJS](
- The API is using [Flask](

## What's it look like?

Here's a screenshot:


Notice the menu dropdown for _Available Lessons_.
The entries are generated dynamically as defined in the app's [configuration file](#configuration-file).

# Features

* Define your lessons catalog in a YAML-formatted configuration file, e.g. [lessons.yaml.example](lessons.yaml.example)
* [Lessons](#Lessons) are Markdown-formatted files
1. First rendered as [jinja]( templates
1. Then rendered as HTML

* Web-based terminals via [xtermjs]( component

See section on [WebTerminal](#WebTerminal)
* Local Webterminal websocket is also available
* Utilizes [spyder-terminal]( component
* You can practice the lesson material with your own OS/system
* Simply **click** on a command, and it will be executed in the underlying shell via web terminal!
* Default shell is bash (for now)

# Quick Start

## Step 1 - Install

**Note** You'll need a minimum python version of 3.7 for the app to work

You can install the app in any of the following ways:

* Install pip package from `pip install bertdotbill`
* Install pip package from locally cloned repo:

git clone
cd bert.bill
nvm install
npm install -g parcel yarn
yarn install --frozen-lockfile
yarn compile:ui:dev
pip install .
* From the above, [nvm]( is used to install
[nodejs](, and we use [yarn]( for installing package dependencies,
and [parcel]( for the web build.
* [.nvmrc](.nvmrc) is set to use node v16.5.0
* To install from the locally cloned repo in development mode, do the same as above, but with `pip install -e .` instead
* You can install the pip package directly from git repo `pip install git+`,

but you'll need to obtain the HTML assets and point the app to them, see the [Appendix](#appendix)

## Step 2 - Create your configuration file

Using the provided sample config [lessons.yaml.example](lessons.yaml.example),
you can create your own default configuration file, ensuring the following:
- If no config name is explicitly specified:
- The file name should be _lessons.yaml_
- The file should be located in one of the app's search paths,

see the section on [Configuration File](#configuration-file)
- To specify a config file explicitly from the cli you can use either of `--config-file` or `-f` flag, as with `bill -f path/to/your/config.yaml`
- HTTP(S) web paths are also valid, as with `bill -f`

## Step 3 - Launch!

* If installed via pip, launch the app from your terminal: `bill`
* If installed via pip as a [development instance](#step-1---install), launch via python with `python ./bertdotbill/`

### Usage

Usage information can be obtained by invoking the executable with the `--help` flag, as with: `bill --help` or `python ./bertdotbill/ --help`.

The help output should be similar to:

usage: bill [-h] [--username USERNAME] [--password PASSWORD]
[--lesson-url LESSON_URL]
[--static-assets-folder STATIC_ASSETS_FOLDER]
[--config-file CONFIG_FILE] [--cors-origin CORS_ORIGIN]
[--logfile-path LOGFILE_PATH] [--host-address HOST_ADDRESS]
[--port PORT]
[--webterminal-listen-host WEBTERMINAL_LISTEN_HOST]
[--webterminal-listen-port WEBTERMINAL_LISTEN_PORT]
[--webterminal-host WEBTERMINAL_HOST]
[--webterminal-shell WEBTERMINAL_SHELL]
[--webterminal-shell-command WEBTERMINAL_SHELL_COMMAND]
[--open-browser-delay OPEN_BROWSER_DELAY]
[--logfile-write-mode {a,w}] [--config-file-templatized]
[--api-only] [--webterminal-only] [--all-in-one] [--debug]
[--no-verify-tls] [--no-render-markdown]

Bert's Interactive Lesson Loader (BILL)

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Username, if the URL requires authentication
Password, if the URL requires authentication
--lesson-url LESSON_URL, -url LESSON_URL
The URL for the lesson definition
Explicity specify the folder for static HTML assets
--config-file CONFIG_FILE, -f CONFIG_FILE
Path to app configuration file
--cors-origin CORS_ORIGIN, -o CORS_ORIGIN
Override CORS origin pattern
Path to logfile
--host-address HOST_ADDRESS, -l HOST_ADDRESS
Override default host address
--port PORT, -p PORT Override default listening port
Override default listening host address for the
webterminal socket
Override default listening port for the webterminal
Override the webterminal socket address to which the
UI initially connects
Override default shell for the webterminal session
Override default shell command for the webterminal
Override default time in seconds to delay when opening
the system's web browser
--logfile-write-mode {a,w}, -w {a,w}
File mode when writing to log file, 'a' to append, 'w'
to overwrite
--config-file-templatized, -fT
Render configuration via jinja2 templating
--api-only Don't serve static assets, only start API
--webterminal-only Don't serve static assets or start API, only invoke
Webterminal Websocket
--all-in-one, -aio Run the shell websocket process alongside app
--no-verify-tls, -notls
Verify SSL cert when downloading web content
--no-render-markdown, -nomarkdown

# Starting the development instance of the app

* Install Python 3.7+
* Install this project's required version of [nodejs]( (v16.5.0): `nvm install`

Note that this command implicitly reads the local [.nvmrc](.nvmrc)
* Install yarn & parcel: `npm install -g yarn parcel`
* Install node modules: `yarn install --frozen-lockfile`
* Install python prerequisites: `pip3 install -e .`
* Launch the development instance of the UI: `yarn start:dev:ui`

* Launch the api and local webterminal process: `yarn start:api`

Under the hood, this launches `python bertdotbill/ --debug --api-only -aio`,
see [package.json](package.json)

[Back to Top](#top)

# Developing the app

Starting the development instance of the UI will cause it to reload
whenever you make changes to any of the UI
files under the [src](src) folder.

This functionality helps increase UI development velocity.

I have not yet implemented similar functionality for the API files under [bertdotbill](bertdotbill),
so you'll have to kill and reload the API whenever you make changes.

# Configuration File

The configuration file is read by the Flask API process,
and is a YAML-formatted file.

As mentioned above, a sample configuration file is provided:

If no configuration is specified via the cli,
the web app will attempt to find the config file in the
following locations:

- Under ~/lessons.yaml
- Adjacent to the app, i.e. ./lessons.yaml
- Under ~/.bill/lessons.yaml
- Under /etc/lessons.yaml

Do review the comments in the sample file, as these explain how the sections are interpreted/handled by the UI.

## Configuration File - Defaults

If no settings can be found, the app will resort to its defaults,
see [](bertdotbill/

As such, the defaults settings call for the import of an external config, hosted in my [bert.lessons]( repo:

see [bert.lessons/lessons.yaml](

This external config is where I am listing all of my (mostly) hand-crafted tutorials and learning materials.

# Lessons

As already mentioned, lessons are Markdown-formatted
files interpreted as [jinja](

You can define a lesson catalog in the
[configuration file](lessons.yaml.example).

If these files are stored in a password-protected web location,
you'll need to specify credentials via the cli with `--username` and `--password`

or via environmental variables `GLOBAL_USERNAME` and `GLOBAL_PASSWORD`


Implement per-lesson credentials

## Jinja Templating

To add to the templating goodies provided by the Jinja library,
I've exposed the OS Environment via the _environment_ key of a
special variable named _session_.

This means you should be able to dynamically load any OS-level environment
variable into your lesson material, e.g.

# Overview

{% set USERNAME = session['environment'].get('USER') or session['environment'].get('USERNAME') %}
Hello {{ USERNAME }}, welcome to Lesson 1

# WebTerminal

Every lesson rendered through the app includes a web-based terminal
emulator component that allows for practicing the lesson material.

These web terminals are embedded in the user interface,
available at its footer.

As mentioned before, the underlying technology for these web
terminals is [xterm.js](

As such, the xterm.js component requires a websocket to a bash process.

By [default](bertdotbill/, the bert.bill web app
will attempt to connect to a local instance of the websocket via _http://

You can get this websocket running either by:

- Installing bertdotbill with `pip install bertdotbill` and running `bill -aio` or by installing all requirements and running `python bertdotbill/ -aio`

Doing so will launch a local websocket that forwards keystrokes to a bash process on your system
- Running the pre-built docker image: `docker run -it --name webterminal --rm -p 10001:10001 berttejeda/bill-webterminal`

Either of the commands above will start the websocket
and bash process on localhost:10001.

Feel free to adjust either approach to your need.

Read more [bert.bill.webterminal github project](

# Appendix

## Github Pages

If you want to publish the assets from your own fork of this repo:

1. Fork this repo
1. Configure [Github Pages](
1. Run `yarn install` to initialize the project requirements
1. Run `yarn deploy` to publish the static assets to the `gh-pages` branch