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A web application that provides users to choose affordable dream hotel rooms and dinings.

css3 html5 vanila-javascript

Last synced: 10 days ago
JSON representation

A web application that provides users to choose affordable dream hotel rooms and dinings.

Awesome Lists containing this project



# Travel_clone
A fully responsive website that provides Rooms and dining, Named #TravelKaro

-> Landing Page with nav and slide show.
![alt text](screenShots/screenshot01.png "Landing Page with nav and slide show.")

-> Services that we are providing.
![alt text](screenShots/screenshot02.png "Landing Page with nav and slide show.")

-> Rooms with sliding info and fully Functional Next and Previous buttoon
![alt text](screenShots/screenshot03.png "Landing Page with nav and slide show.")

-> Menu for mains and desserts
![alt text](screenShots/screenshot04.png "Landing Page with nav and slide show.")

-> Reviewers wiith detailed info
![alt text](screenShots/screenshot05.png "Landing Page with nav and slide show.")

-> Fully responsive webpage for large and small screen.
![alt text](screenShots/screenshot06.png "Landing Page with nav and slide show.")

-> Fully responsive webpage for large and small screen.
![alt text](screenShots/screenshot07.png "Landing Page with nav and slide show.")