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A dark midnight theme for modern Neovim & classic Vim

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A dark midnight theme for modern Neovim & classic Vim

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_nightfly_ is a dark midnight theme for modern Neovim and classic Vim.

Note, all _nightfly_ highlights in Neovim are implemented in Lua, whilst
highlights in Vim are implemented in legacy Vimscript.

:point_right: I maintain another dark theme named
[moonfly]( which may be of



Styled Features & Plugins


- [Neovim Tree-sitter](
- [Neovim Diagnostic](
- [Neovim LSP Semantic Highlights](
- [Barbar](
- [blink.cmp](
- [Dashboard](
- [fzf.lua](
- [Gitsigns](
- [Hop](
- [Indent BlankLine](
- [Lazy](
- [lspsaga.nvim](
- [Lualine](
- [mason.nvim](
- [Mini](
- [Neo-tree](
- [Neogit](
- [Noice](
- [nvim-cmp](
- [nvim-dap-ui](
- [nvim-navic](
- [nvim-notify](
- [nvim-treesitter-context](
- [NvCheatsheet.nvim](
- [NvimTree](
- [Rainbow Delimiters](
- [snacks.nvim](
- [Telescope](

Neovim & Vim compatible:

- [BufExplorer](
- [clever-f](
- [Coc.nvim](
- [CtrlP](
- [Fern](
- [fzf.vim]( (works best with matching [fly16]( `bat` theme)
- [lightline](
- [vim-airline](


- [ALE](
- [GitGutter](
- [indentLine](
- [NERDTree](
- [Signify](
- [Tagbar](

:zap: Requirements

_nightfly_ is a **GUI-only** colorscheme.

A GUI client or a modern terminal version of Vim or Neovim in a true-color
terminal is required. Details about true-color terminals are [listed


Install the **bluz71/vim-nightfly-colors** colorscheme with your preferred
plugin manager.


{ "bluz71/vim-nightfly-colors", name = "nightfly", lazy = false, priority = 1000 },


Plug 'bluz71/vim-nightfly-colors', { 'as': 'nightfly' }


Enable the colorscheme after the plugin declaration.

" Vimscript initialization file
colorscheme nightfly

-- Lua initialization file
vim.cmd [[colorscheme nightfly]]


- The _nightfly_ theme supports
[lightline]( To enable the
_nightfly_ lightline theme please add the following to your
initialization file:

let g:lightline = { 'colorscheme': 'nightfly' }

- The _nightfly_ theme supports
[vim-airline]( The _nightfly_
theme will load once vim-airline starts.

- The _nightfly_ theme supports
[Lualine]( The
_nightfly_ theme will automatically load once Lualine starts.

- My [linefly]( `statusline` plugin
supports the _nightfly_ theme.

- Lastly, my legacy
[mistfly-statusline]( plugin
also supports the _nightfly_ theme.

:wrench: Options

| Option | Default State
| [nightflyCursorColor]( | Disabled
| [nightflyItalics]( | Enabled
| [nightflyNormalFloat]( | Disabled
| [nightflyTerminalColors]( | Enabled
| [nightflyTransparent]( | Disabled
| [nightflyUndercurls]( | Enabled
| [nightflyUnderlineMatchParen]( | Disabled
| [nightflyVirtualTextColor]( | Disabled
| [nightflyWinSeparator]( | `1`


### nightflyCursorColor

The `nightflyCursorColor` option specifies whether to color the cursor or not.
By default the cursor will **NOT** be colored. If you prefer a colored cursor
then add the following to your initialization file:

" Vimscript initialization file
let g:nightflyCursorColor = v:true

-- Lua initialization file
vim.g.nightflyCursorColor = true


### nightflyItalics

The `nightflyItalics` option specifies whether to use italics for comments and
certain HTML elements in GUI versions of Vim. By default this option is
**enabled**. If you do not like the appearance of italics then add the following
to your initialization file:

" Vimscript initialization file
let g:nightflyItalics = v:false

-- Lua initialization file
vim.g.nightflyItalics = false


### nightflyNormalFloat

The `nightflyNormalFloat` option specifies whether to use nightfly background
and foreground colors in Neovim floating windows. By default this option is
**disabled**, hence, Neovim floating windows will usually be styled with popup
menu colors. If you would like to use nightfly colors instead then add the
following to your configuration:

" Vimscript initialization file
let g:nightflyNormalFloat = v:true

-- Lua initialization file
vim.g.nightflyNormalFloat = true

:bulb: If the above option is set then it is highly recommended to enable
floating window borders to distinguish between the edit and floating windows in
Neovim's LSP client, for example:

vim.lsp.handlers['textDocument/hover'] = vim.lsp.with(
vim.lsp.handlers.hover, {
border = "single"
vim.lsp.handlers['textDocument/signatureHelp'] = vim.lsp.with(
vim.lsp.handlers.signatureHelp, {
border = "single"
vim.diagnostic.config({ float = { border = "single" } })

:bulb: The [nvim-cmp]( completion plugin may
be configured as follows for nicer bordered display when `g:nightflyNormalFloat`
is enabled:

local winhighlight = {
winhighlight = "Normal:NormalFloat,FloatBorder:FloatBorder,CursorLine:PmenuSel",
window = {
completion = cmp.config.window.bordered(winhighlight),
documentation = cmp.config.window.bordered(winhighlight),

:bulb: Similarly, if using the [blink.cmp](
completion plugin instead:

local winhighlight = "Normal:NormalFloat,FloatBorder:FloatBorder,CursorLine:PmenuSel"
completion = {
menu = { winhighlight = winhighlight },
documentation = { window = { winhighlight = winhighlight } },


### nightflyTerminalColors

The `nightflyTerminalColors` option specifies whether to use the nightfly color
palette in `:terminal` windows when `termguicolors` is set. By default this
option is **enabled**. If you prefer not to use the nightfly color palette for
the first 16 terminal colors then add the following to your initialization file:

" Vimscript initialization file
let g:nightflyTerminalColors = v:false

-- Lua initialization file
vim.g.nightflyTerminalColors = false


### nightflyTransparent

The `nightflyTransparent` option specifies whether to use an opaque or
transparent background in GUI versions of Vim. By default this option is
**disabled**. If you would like a transparent background then add the following
to your initialization file:

" Vimscript initialization file
let g:nightflyTransparent = v:true

-- Lua initialization file
vim.g.nightflyTransparent = true


### nightflyUndercurls

The `nightflyUndercurls` option specifies whether to use undercurls for
spelling and linting errors in GUI versions of Vim, including terminal Vim with
`termguicolors` set. By default this option is **enabled**. If you do not like
the appearance of undercurls then add the following to your initialization file:

" Vimscript initialization file
let g:nightflyUndercurls = v:false

-- Lua initialization file
vim.g.nightflyUndercurls = false


### nightflyUnderlineMatchParen

The `nightflyUnderlineMatchParen` option specifies whether to underline
matching parentheses. By default this option is **disabled**. If you want to
underline matching parentheses then add the following to your initialization

" Vimscript initialization file
let g:nightflyUnderlineMatchParen = v:true

-- Lua initialization file
vim.g.nightflyUnderlineMatchParen = true


### nightflyVirtualTextColor

The `nightflyVirtualTextColor` option specifies whether to display diagnostic
virtual text in color. By default this option is **disabled**. If you want to
display diagnostic virtual text in color then add the following to your
initialization file:

" Vimscript initialization file
let g:nightflyVirtualTextColor = v:true

-- Lua initialization file
vim.g.nightflyVirtualTextColor = true


### nightflyWinSeparator

The `nightflyWinSeparator` option specifies the style of window separators:

- `0` will display no window separators

- `1` will display block separators; this is the default

- `2` will diplay line separators

For example, if line separators are desired then add the following to your

" Vimscript initialization file
let g:nightflyWinSeparator = 2

-- Lua initialization file
vim.g.nightflyWinSeparator = 2

:gift: If using Neovim 0.7 (or later), the following configuration will improve
the look of line separators (if option `2` has been chosen) by selecting thicker
characters for the separators:

" Vimscript initialization file
set fillchars=horiz:━,horizup:┻,horizdown:┳,vert:┃,vertleft:┨,vertright:┣,verthoriz:╋

-- Lua initialization file
vim.opt.fillchars = { horiz = '━', horizup = '┻', horizdown = '┳', vert = '┃', vertleft = '┫', vertright = '┣', verthoriz = '╋', }

Overriding Highlights

If a certain highlight of this theme does not suit then it is recommended to use
an `autocmd` to override that desired highlight.

For example, if one wishes to highlight functions in bold then simply add the
following to your initialization file prior to setting the colorscheme:

" Vimscript initialization file
augroup CustomHighlight
autocmd ColorScheme nightfly highlight Function guifg=#82aaff gui=bold
augroup END

-- Lua initialization file
local custom_highlight = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("CustomHighlight", {})
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("ColorScheme", {
pattern = "nightfly",
callback = function()
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "Function", { fg = "#82aaff", bold = true })
group = custom_highlight,

Palette & Custom Colors (Neovim Only)

The `palette` field returns a table of internal theme colors; useful for
constructing custom statuslines and the like.


Meanwhile the `custom_colors` function allows customization of individual theme
colors. This needs to occur prior to invoking the colorscheme. The full list of
available colors is provided by the `palette` field.

bg = "#161616",
violet = "#ff74b8",
vim.cmd([[colorscheme nightfly]])

True Color Terminals

Many modern terminals support [24-bit true
colors]( Current versions of Vim &
Neovim on such terminals support true colors when `set termguicolors` is

On terminals that support true colors, and when `termguicolors` is set, the
_nightfly_ colorscheme will emit the correct theme colors.

For the _nightfly_ colorscheme to display correctly inside _tmux_ the following
setting will usually be required in _~/.tmux.conf_:

set -ga terminal-overrides ',xterm-256color:Tc'

Vim, as against Neovim, inside _tmux_, will also require the following settings
be added to the `~/.vimrc` file:

let &t_8f = "\[38;2;%lu;%lu;%lum"
let &t_8b = "\[48;2;%lu;%lu;%lum"


A collection of _nightfly_-flavoured extras for various terminals and tools:

| Program | Extra
| [Alacritty]( | [extras/alacritty](extras/nightfly-alacritty.toml)
| [bat]( | [fly16](
| [Fish Shell]( | [extras/fish](extras/
| [fzf]( | [extras/fzf](extras/
| [Ghostty]( | [extras/ghostty](extras/nightfly-ghostty.conf)
| [iTerm2]( | [extras/iterm2](extras/nightfly.itermcolors)
| [kitty]( | [extras/kitty](extras/nightfly-kitty.conf)
| [Starship]( | [extras/starship](extras/nightfly-starship.toml)
| [tmux]( | [extras/tmux](extras/nightfly.tmux)
| [WezTerm]( | [extras/wezterm](extras/nightfly-wezterm.toml)
| [Windows Terminal]( | [extras/windows-terminal](extras/nightfly-windows-terminal.json)
| [Xresources]( | [extras/Xresources](extras/nightfly.Xresources)
| [Yazi]( | [nightfly.yazi](
| [Zellij]( | [extras/zellij](extras/nightfly-zellij.kdl)

Terminal Colors

| Type | Category | Value | Color
| Background | Background | `#011627` | ![background](
| Foreground | Foreground | `#bdc1c6` | ![background](
| Bold | Bold | `#eeeeee` | ![background](
| Cursor | Cursor | `#9ca1aa` | ![background](
| Cursor Text | Cursor Text | `#080808` | ![background](
| Selection | Selection | `#b2ceee` | ![background](
| Selection Text | Selection Text | `#080808` | ![background](
| Color 1 | Black (normal) | `#1d3b53` | ![background](
| Color 2 | Red (normal) | `#fc514e` | ![background](
| Color 3 | Green (normal) | `#a1cd5e` | ![background](
| Color 4 | Yellow (normal) | `#e3d18a` | ![background](
| Color 5 | Blue (normal) | `#82aaff` | ![background](
| Color 6 | Purple (normal) | `#c792ea` | ![background](
| Color 7 | Cyan (normal) | `#7fdbca` | ![background](
| Color 8 | White (normal) | `#a1aab8` | ![background](
| Color 9 | Black (bright) | `#7c8f8f` | ![background](
| Color 10 | Red (bright) | `#ff5874` | ![background](
| Color 11 | Green (bright) | `#21c7a8` | ![background](
| Color 12 | Yellow (bright) | `#ecc48d` | ![background](
| Color 13 | Blue (bright) | `#82aaff` | ![background](
| Color 14 | Purple (bright) | `#ae81ff` | ![background](
| Color 15 | Cyan (bright) | `#7fdbca` | ![background](
| Color 16 | White (bright) | `#d6deeb` | ![background](




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