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pydantic-i18n is an extension to support an i18n for the pydantic error messages.

fastapi i18n internationalization pydantic python translation

Last synced: 8 days ago
JSON representation

pydantic-i18n is an extension to support an i18n for the pydantic error messages.

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pydantic-i18n is an extension to support an i18n for the pydantic error messages.



Package version

Code style: black
Imports: isort



**Source Code**:


## Requirements

Python 3.8+

pydantic-i18n has the next dependencies:

* Pydantic
* Babel

## Installation

$ pip install pydantic-i18n

---> 100%

## First steps

To start to work with pydantic-i18n, you can just create a dictionary (or
create any needed translations storage and then convert it into dictionary)
and pass to the main `PydanticI18n` class.

To translate messages, you need to pass result of `exception.errors()` call to
the `translate` method:

```Python hl_lines="14 24"
from pydantic import BaseModel, ValidationError
from pydantic_i18n import PydanticI18n

translations = {
"en_US": {
"Field required": "field required",
"de_DE": {
"Field required": "Feld erforderlich",

tr = PydanticI18n(translations)

class User(BaseModel):
name: str

except ValidationError as e:
translated_errors = tr.translate(e.errors(), locale="de_DE")

# [
# {
# 'type': 'missing',
# 'loc': ('name',),
# 'msg': 'Feld erforderlich',
# 'input': {
# },
# 'url': ''
# }
# ]
_(This script is complete, it should run "as is" for Pydantic 2+, an example for Pydantic 1 is

In the next chapters, you will see current available loaders and how to
implement your own loader.

## Usage with FastAPI

Here is a simple example usage with FastAPI.

### Create it

Let's create a `` file:

```Python linenums="1" hl_lines="13-22 25-26 32 35"
from fastapi import Request
from fastapi.exceptions import RequestValidationError
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse
from starlette.status import HTTP_422_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY

from pydantic_i18n import PydanticI18n

__all__ = ["get_locale", "validation_exception_handler"]


translations = {
"en_US": {
"Field required": "field required",
"de_DE": {
"Field required": "Feld erforderlich",

tr = PydanticI18n(translations)

def get_locale(locale: str = DEFAULT_LOCALE) -> str:
return locale

async def validation_exception_handler(
request: Request, exc: RequestValidationError
) -> JSONResponse:
current_locale = request.query_params.get("locale", DEFAULT_LOCALE)
return JSONResponse(
content={"detail": tr.translate(exc.errors(), current_locale)},

`11-20`: As you see, we selected the simplest variant to store translations,
you can use any that you need.

`23-24`: To not include `locale` query parameter into every handler, we
created a simple function `get_locale`, which we will include as a global
dependency with `Depends`.

`29-36`: An example of overridden function to return translated messages of the
validation exception.

Now we are ready to create a FastAPI application:

```Python linenums="1" hl_lines="8 10"
from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, Request
from fastapi.exceptions import RequestValidationError

from pydantic import BaseModel

import tr

app = FastAPI(dependencies=[Depends(tr.get_locale)])

app.add_exception_handler(RequestValidationError, tr.validation_exception_handler)

class User(BaseModel):
name: str"/user", response_model=User)
def create_user(request: Request, user: User):

`8`: Add `get_locale` function as a global dependency.

!!! note
If you need to use i18n only for specific part of your
application, you can add this `get_locale` function to the specific
`APIRouter`. More information about `APIRouter` you can find

`10`: Override default request validation error handler with

### Run it

Run the server with:

$ uvicorn main:app --reload

INFO: Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
INFO: Started reloader process [28720]
INFO: Started server process [28722]
INFO: Waiting for application startup.
INFO: Application startup complete.

About the command uvicorn main:app --reload...

The command `uvicorn main:app` refers to:

* `main`: the file `` (the Python "module").
* `app`: the object created inside of `` with the line `app = FastAPI()`.
* `--reload`: make the server restart after code changes. Only do this for development.

### Send it

Open your browser at

Send POST-request with empty body and `de_DE` locale query param via swagger UI
or `curl`:

$ curl -X 'POST' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{

### Check it

As a result, you will get the next response body:

```json hl_lines="8"
"detail": [
"loc": [
"msg": "Feld erforderlich",
"type": "value_error.missing"

If you don't mention the `locale` param, English locale will be used by

## Use placeholder in error strings

You can use placeholders in error strings, but you **must mark** every placeholder with `{}`.

from decimal import Decimal

from pydantic import BaseModel, ValidationError, Field
from pydantic_i18n import PydanticI18n

translations = {
"en_US": {
"Decimal input should have no more than {} in total":
"Decimal input should have no more than {} in total",
"es_AR": {
"Decimal input should have no more than {} in total":
"La entrada decimal no debe tener más de {} en total",

tr = PydanticI18n(translations)

class CoolSchema(BaseModel):
my_field: Decimal = Field(max_digits=3)

except ValidationError as e:
translated_errors = tr.translate(e.errors(), locale="es_AR")

# [
# {
# 'type': 'decimal_max_digits',
# 'loc': ('my_field',),
# 'msg': 'La entrada decimal no debe tener más de 3 digits en total',
# 'input': 1111,
# 'ctx': {
# 'max_digits': 3
# },
# 'url': ''
# }
# ]
_(This script is complete, it should run "as is" for Pydantic 2+, an example for Pydantic 1 is

## Get current error strings from Pydantic

pydantic-i18n doesn't provide prepared translations of all current error
messages from pydantic, but you can use a special class method
`PydanticI18n.get_pydantic_messages` to load original messages in English. By
default, it returns a `dict` object:

from pydantic_i18n import PydanticI18n

# {
# "Object has no attribute '{}'": "Object has no attribute '{}'",
# "Invalid JSON: {}": "Invalid JSON: {}",
# "JSON input should be string, bytes or bytearray": "JSON input should be string, bytes or bytearray",
# "Recursion error - cyclic reference detected": "Recursion error - cyclic reference detected",
# "Field required": "Field required",
# "Field is frozen": "Field is frozen",
# .....
# }
_(This script is complete, it should run "as is" for Pydantic 2+, an example for Pydantic 1 is

You can also choose JSON string or Babel format with `output` parameter values
`"json"` and `"babel"`:

from pydantic_i18n import PydanticI18n

# {
# "Field required": "Field required",
# "Field is frozen": "Field is frozen",
# "Error extracting attribute: {}": "Error extracting attribute: {}",
# .....
# }

# msgid "Field required"
# msgstr "Field required"
# msgid "Field is frozen"
# msgstr "Field is frozen"
# msgid "Error extracting attribute: {}"
# msgstr "Error extracting attribute: {}"
# ....

_(This script is complete, it should run "as is" for Pydantic 2+, an example for Pydantic 1 is

## Loaders

pydantic-i18n provides a list of loaders to use translations.

### DictLoader

DictLoader is the simplest loader and default in PydanticI18n. So you can
just pass your translations dictionary without any other preparation steps.

from pydantic import BaseModel, ValidationError
from pydantic_i18n import PydanticI18n

translations = {
"en_US": {
"Field required": "field required",
"de_DE": {
"Field required": "Feld erforderlich",

tr = PydanticI18n(translations)

class User(BaseModel):
name: str

except ValidationError as e:
translated_errors = tr.translate(e.errors(), locale="de_DE")

# [
# {
# 'type': 'missing',
# 'loc': ('name',),
# 'msg': 'Feld erforderlich',
# 'input': {
# },
# 'url': ''
# }
# ]
_(This script is complete, it should run "as is" for Pydantic 2+, an example for Pydantic 1 is

### JsonLoader

JsonLoader needs to get the path to some directory with the next structure:


|-- translations
|-- en_US.json
|-- de_DE.json
|-- ...

where e.g. `en_US.json` looks like:

"Field required": "Field required"

and `de_DE.json`:

"Field required": "Feld erforderlich"

Then we can use `JsonLoader` to load our translations:

from pydantic import BaseModel, ValidationError
from pydantic_i18n import PydanticI18n, JsonLoader

loader = JsonLoader("./translations")
tr = PydanticI18n(loader)

class User(BaseModel):
name: str

except ValidationError as e:
translated_errors = tr.translate(e.errors(), locale="de_DE")

# [
# {
# 'type': 'missing',
# 'loc': ('name',
# ),
# 'msg': 'Feld erforderlich',
# 'input': {
# },
# 'url': ''
# }
# ]

_(This script is complete, it should run "as is" for Pydantic 2+, an example for Pydantic 1 is

### BabelLoader

BabelLoader works in the similar way as JsonLoader. It also needs a
translations directory with the next structure:


|-- translations
|-- en_US
|-- messages.po
|-- de_DE
|-- messages.po
|-- ...

Information about translations preparation you can find on the
[Babel docs pages]({:target="_blank"} and e.g.
from [this article]({:target="_blank"}.

Here is an example of the `BabelLoader` usage:

from pydantic import BaseModel, ValidationError
from pydantic_i18n import PydanticI18n, BabelLoader

loader = BabelLoader("./translations")
tr = PydanticI18n(loader)

class User(BaseModel):
name: str

except ValidationError as e:
translated_errors = tr.translate(e.errors(), locale="de_DE")

# [
# {
# 'type': 'missing',
# 'loc': ('name',),
# 'msg': 'Feld erforderlich',
# 'input': {
# },
# 'url': ''
# }
# ]

_(This script is complete, it should run "as is" for Pydantic 2+, an example for Pydantic 1 is

### Write your own loader

If current loaders aren't suitable for you, it's possible to write your own
loader and use it with pydantic-i18n. To do it, you need to import
`BaseLoader` and implement the next items:

- property `locales` to get a list of locales;
- method `get_translations` to get content for the specific locale.

In some cases you will also need to change implementation of the `gettext`

Here is an example of the loader to get translations from CSV files:

|-- translations
|-- en_US.csv
|-- de_DE.csv
|-- ...

`en_US.csv` content:

Field required,Field required

`de_DE.csv` content:

Field required,Feld erforderlich

import os
from typing import List, Dict

from pydantic import BaseModel, ValidationError
from pydantic_i18n import PydanticI18n, BaseLoader

class CsvLoader(BaseLoader):
def __init__(self, directory: str): = directory

def locales(self) -> List[str]:
return [
for filename in os.listdir(
if filename.endswith(".csv")

def get_translations(self, locale: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
with open(os.path.join(, f"{locale}.csv")) as fp:
data = dict(line.strip().split(",") for line in fp)

return data

class User(BaseModel):
name: str

if __name__ == '__main__':
loader = CsvLoader("./translations")
tr = PydanticI18n(loader)

except ValidationError as e:
translated_errors = tr.translate(e.errors(), locale="de_DE")

# [
# {
# 'type': 'missing',
# 'loc': ('name',),
# 'msg': 'Feld erforderlich',
# 'input': {
# },
# 'url': ''
# }
# ]

_(This script is complete, it should run "as is" for Pydantic 2+, an example for Pydantic 1 is

## Acknowledgments

Thanks to [Samuel Colvin]( and his
[pydantic]( library.

Also, thanks to [Sebastián Ramírez]( and his
[FastAPI]( project, some scripts and
documentation structure and parts were used from there.

## License

This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.