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Erlang/Elixir interface to MiniZinc.

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Erlang/Elixir interface to MiniZinc.

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# Solverl

Erlang/Elixir interface to [MiniZinc](

Inspired by [MiniZinc Python](

View docs [here](

**Disclaimer**: This project is in its very early stages, and has only been used in a single production application. Use at your own risk.

- [Installation](#installation)

- [Usage](#usage)
- [API](#api)
- [Model specification](#model-specification)
- [Data specification](#data-specification)
- [Support for MiniZinc data types](#support-for-minizinc-data-types)
- [Configuring the solver](#solver-options)
- [Solution handlers: customizing results and controlling execution](#solution-handlers)
- [Meta-search](#meta-search)

- [Examples](#examples)
- [Reindeer Ordering](#reindeer-ordering)
- [N-Queens](#n-queens)
- [Sudoku](#sudoku)
- [Graph Coloring](#graph-coloring)
- [Large Neighbourhood Search](#large-neighbourhood-search-examples)
- [Finding the first k solutions](#finding-the-first-k-solutions)
- [Branch-and-Bound example](#branch-and-bound-example)
- [Solver Race](#solver-race)
- [More examples in unit tests](

- [Erlang interface](#erlang-interface)
- [Roadmap](#roadmap)
- [Credits](#credits)

## Installation

You will need to install MiniZinc. Please refer to for details.

###### **Note**:

The code was only tested on macOS Catalina and Ubuntu 18.04 with MiniZinc v2.4.3.

###### **Note**:

`minizinc` executable is expected to be in its default location, or in a folder in the $PATH `env` variable.
Otherwise, you can use the `minizinc_executable` option (see [Solver Options](#solver-options)).

The package can be installed by adding `solverl` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
{:solverl, ">= 1.0.0"}

## Usage

### API
# Solving
# Asynchronous solving.
# Creates a solver process and processes solutions as they come in.
{:ok, solver_pid} = MinizincSolver.solve(model, data, solver_opts, server_opts)

# Synchronous solving.
# Starts the solver and gets the results (solutions and/or solver stats) once the solver finishes.
solver_results = MinizincSolver.solve_sync(model, data, solver_opts, server_opts)

, where
- ```model``` - [specification of MiniZinc model](#model-specification);
- ```data (optional)``` - [specification of data](#data-specification) passed to ```model```;
- ```solver_opts (optional)``` - [solver options](#solver-options).
- ```server_opts (optional)``` - [GenServer options for solver process](

# Monitoring and controlling
# the solving process at runtime
## Get runtime solver status
## Update solution handler at runtime
MinizincSolver.update_solution_handler(pid_or_name, solution_handler)

## Stop the solver gracefully (it'll produce a summary before shutting down)
, where `pid_or_name` is either a PID or a registered (for instance, through GenServer `:name` option) name of the solver process.

### Model specification

Model could be either:

- a string, in which case it represents a path for a file containing MiniZinc model.

**Example:** "mzn/sudoku.mzn"

- or, a tuple {:model_text, `model_text`}.

**Example (model as a multiline string):**
array [1..5] of var 1..n: x;
include "alldifferent.mzn";
constraint alldifferent(x);
- or a (mixed) list of the above. The code will build a model by concatenating bodies of
model files and model texts, each with a trailing line break.

["mzn/test1.mzn", {:model_text, "constraint y[1] + y[2] <= 0;"}]

### Data specification

Data could be either:

- a string, in which case it represents a path for a MiniZinc data file.

**Example:** "mzn/sudoku.dzn"

- a map, in which case map keys/value represent model `par` names/values.

%{n: 5, f: 3.44}

- or a (mixed) list of the above. The code will build a data file by mapping elements of the list
to bodies of data files and/or data maps, serialized as described in [Support for MiniZinc data types](#support-for-minizinc-data-types),
then concatenating the elements of the list, each with a trailing line break.

["mzn/test_data1.dzn", "mzn/test_data2.dzn", %{x: 2, y: -3, z: true}]
### Support for MiniZinc data types

- #### Arrays

MiniZinc `array` type corresponds to (nested) [List](
The code determines dimensions of the array based on its nested structure.
Each level of the nested list has to contain lists of the same length, or the exception
`{:irregular_array, array}` will be thrown.
6 levels of nesting are currently supported, in line with MiniZinc current limit.

By default, the indices of the dimensions are 1-based.

arr2d = [
[0, 1, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 1, 0]
MinizincData.to_dzn(%{a: arr2d})
"a = array2d(1..5,1..5,[0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]);\n"

You can explicitly specify bases for each dimension:
# Let 1st dimension be 0-based, 2nd dimension be 1-based
MinizincData.to_dzn(%{a: {[0, 1], arr2d}})
"a = array2d(0..4,1..5,[0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]);\n"

There is an option to specify array's index sets through `enum` names specified in your model and/or data.

Example: assume your model has a definition of `enum`
enum test_enum = {blue, red, white};

You could then generate the data for the array that uses `enum` as an index set:

enum_arr2d =
{["test_enum", "test_enum"], [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}
MinizincData.to_dzn(%{enum_arr2d: enum_arr2d})
"enum_arr2d = array2d(test_enum, test_enum,[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]);\n"

- #### Sets

MiniZinc `set` type corresponds to [MapSet](

MinizincData.to_dzn(%{set1:[2, 1, 6])})
"set1 = {1, 2, 6};\n"
- #### Enums

MiniZinc `enum` type corresponds to [Tuple](
Tuple elements have to be either of strings, charlists or atoms.

Example 1 (using strings, atoms and charlists for enum entries):
MinizincData.to_dzn(%{colors: {"blue", :BLACK, 'GREEN'}})
"colors = {blue, BLACK, GREEN};\n"
Example 2 (solving for `enum` variable):
enum_model =
enum COLOR;
var COLOR: color;
constraint color = max(COLOR);
{:ok, results} = MinizincSolver.solve_sync({:model_text, enum_model},
%{'COLOR': {"White", "Black", "Red", "BLue", "Green"}})


### Monitoring and controlling the solving process

The solving process communicates to the outside through API calls. First argument of these calls
will be either PID of the process (returned by MinizincSolver.solve/4), or [the name of the GenServer process.](

## Start long-running solving process named Graph1000...
{:ok, pid} = MinizincSolver.solve("mzn/graph_coloring.mzn", "mzn/gc_1000.dzn",
[time_limit: 60*60*1000],
name: Graph1000)
{:ok, #PID<0.995.0>}

## ... and check for its status
running_time: 2064190,
solution_count: 0,
solving_time: nil,
stage: :compiling,
time_since_last_solution: nil

## It's compiling now.
## Give it 5 mins or so and check again...

running_time: 327998354,
solution_count: 108,
solving_time: 323612671,
stage: :solving,
time_since_last_solution: 1322186
## Replace current solution handler with the one that logs intermittent results...
MinizincSolver.update_solution_handler(Graph1000, GraphColoring.Handler)

### and watch it now logging 'Found XXX-coloring' messages...


## Stop it now


15:54:51.092 [debug] Request to stop the solver...

15:54:51.092 [debug] ** TERMINATE: :normal

### Solver options

- `solver`: Solver id supported by your MiniZinc configuration.

Default: `"gecode"`.
- `time_limit`: Time in msecs given for MiniZinc executable to run.

Default: `300000` (5 mins). Use `[time_limit: nil]` for unlimited time.

- `solution_timeout`: Time in msecs to wait for a next solution.

- `fzn_timeout`: Time in msecs to wait for the compilation (flattening) to finish.

- `minizinc_executable`: Full path to MiniZinc executable (you'd need it if `minizinc` executable cannot be located by your system).
- `checker`: [Model specification](#model-specification) for [MiniZinc checker model](
- `extra_flags`: A string of command line flags supported by the solver.
- `solution_handler`: Module or function that controls processing of solutions and/or metadata.

Default: `MinizincHandler.Default`. Check out [Solution handlers](#solution-handlers) for more details.
- `log_output`: A function with arity 1. If specified, will be called and passed the output line as the MiniZinc process writes it to `stdout` and/or `stderr`

## Solve "mzn/nqueens.mzn" for n = 4, using Gecode solver,
## time limit of 1 sec, NQueens.Handler as a solution handler,
## checker model at "mzn/nqueens.mzc.mzn".
## Extra flags: -O1 --verbose-compilation
MinizincSolver.solve_sync("mzn/nqueens.mzn", %{n: 4},
[solver: "gecode",
time_limit: 1000,
solution_handler: NQueens.Handler,
checker: "mzn/nqueens.mzc.mzn",
extra_flags: "-O1 --verbose-compilation"])

### Solution handlers

**Solution handler** is a pluggable code created by the user in order to customize
processing of solutions and metadata produced by **MinizincSolver.solve/3** and **MinizincSolver.solve_sync/3**.

**Solution handler** is specified by `solution_handler` [option](#solver-options).

Solution handler is either one of:
- a *function*
- or, a *module* that implements [MinizincHandler]( behaviour.

Solution handler code acts as a callback for the [solver events](#solver-events) emitted by [MinizincPort](,
which is a managing process for MiniZinc executable (see [Under the hood](#under-the-hood) for more details).

In case the solution handler is a function, its signature has to have 2 arguments, 1st one is an atom
denoting the [solver event](#solver-events) type (i.e., :solution, :summary, :minizinc_error), 2nd being the [event-specific data](#event-specific-data) of that event.

In case the solution handler is a module that implements [MinizincHandler]( behaviour,
its functions `handle_solution/1`, `handle_summary/1`, `handle_minizinc_error/1` take an [event-specific data](#event-specific-data).

### Solver events

Solver event is a tuple {`event_type`, `event_data`}.

Currently, there are following types of solver events:

- `:solution` - the new solution detected;
- `:summary` - the summary was generated (usually because the solver had finished);
- `:minizinc_error` - the MiniZinc runtime error was detected.

### Event-specific data
- **For `:solution` event**, data is a map with following keys:

:data, # Map of values keyed with their variable names
:timestamp, # Timestamp of the moment solution was parsed
:index, # Sequential number of the solution
:stats # Map of solution statistics values keyed with the field names

- **For `:summary` event**, data is a map with following keys:

:status, # Solver status (one of :satisfied, :unsatisfiable etc)
:fzn_stats, # Map of FlatZinc statistics values keyed with the field names
:solver_stats, # Map of solver statistics values keyed with the field names
:solution_count, # Total number of solutions found
:last_solution, # Data for last :solution event (see above)
:minizinc_output, # MiniZinc errors and warnings
:time_elapsed # Time elapsed, verbatim as reported by MiniZinc

- **For `:minizinc_error` event**, data is a map with following keys:

:error # MiniZinc output generated by runtime error

#### Customizing results and controlling execution.

Solution handlers can modify or ignore data passed by solver events, or interrupt the solver process early,
by constructing their returns in desired form.

The return of the solution handler callback could be one of:

- `:break`

Solution handler stops receiving solver events and asks solver to stop execution.

- `{:break, data}`

Same as above, but in case of synchronous solving, `data` will be added to [solver results](#solver-results).

- `:skip`

The event will be ignored, i.e. in case of synchronous solving, the results will not be changed.

- `data :: any()`

In case of synchronous solving, data will be added to [solver results](#solver-results).

### Solver results

**Note: this is applicable only to a synchronous solving.**

`Solver results` is a map with the following keys:

- `:solutions` - list of data elements, accumulated by handling of `:solution` events
- `:summary` - data, produced by handling of `:summary` event
- `:minizinc_error` - data, produced by handling of `:minizinc_error` event

Please refer to [Event-specific data](#event-specific-data) for description of data for solver events.

### Handling exceptions

Solution handler is a pluggable code that is typically created by a user. MinizincSolver catches exceptions from solution handlers
to make sure that the solver process is gracefully shut down. Moreover, in case of synchronous solving,
MinizincSolver preserves the solver results accumulated before the exception, and returns them to the calling process.
The exception value will be added to [solver results](#solver-results) under `:handler_exception` key.

## Meta-search

### Meta-search built-ins
##### Find the first k solutions
## For any given solution handler, limit the number of solutions to `k`.
## This is done by 'wrapping' a handler into built-in MinizincSearch.find_k_handler/2.
## The resulting handler can then be used by the solving API.

MinizincSearch.find_k_handler(k, solution_handler)
##### Large Neighbourhood Search
## Run LNS on a problem instance for a number of iterations, using a
## user-defined destruction function.
## Instance is a container that 'packs' arguments needed for calling the solving API.
## Destruction function applies to a current model and the solutions found in a previous
## iteration and modifies the model by refining its constraints for the objective
## and decision varables according to user-defined LNS strategy.

MinizincSearch.lns(instance, iterations, destruction_fun)
##### Branch-and-Bound
## Run BAB on a problem instance, using user-defined branch function.
## The model will be refined with the new objective constraint for every new iteration,
## until the objective couldn't be improved.
## (which will result in UNSATISFIABLE outcome).
## Branch function applies to a model and it's first solution found in a previous
## iteration and modifies the model for the next iteration by refining its objective constraint.

MinizincSearch.bab(instance, branch_fun)

## Examples
- [Reindeer Ordering](#reindeer-ordering)
- [N-Queens](#n-queens)
- [Sudoku](#sudoku)
- [Graph Coloring](#graph-coloring)
- [Large Neighbourhood Search](#large-neighbourhood-search-examples)
- [Finding the first k solutions](#finding-the-first-k-solutions)
- [Branch-and-Bound example](#branch-and-bound-example)
- [Solver Race](#solver-race)
- [More examples in unit tests](

### Reindeer Ordering

The problem: [Reindeer Ordering](

- [Source code](
- [Model](

Solve it:
"Prancer, Cupid, Rudolph, Dasher, Blitzen, Vixen, Comet, Donder, Dancer"
### N-Queens

- [Source code](
- [Model](

The following code solves [N-queens]( puzzle for N = 4:

NQueens.solve(4, [solution_handler: &NQueens.solution_handler/2])

17:16:53.073 [warn] Command: /Applications/ --allow-multiple-assignments --output-mode json --output-time --output-objective --output-output-item -s -a --solver org.gecode.gecode --time-limit 300000 /var/folders/rn/_39sx1c12ws1x5k66n_cjjh00000gn/T/tmp.vFlJER37.mzn /var/folders/rn/_39sx1c12ws1x5k66n_cjjh00000gn/T/tmp.rxTZq96j.dzn
{:ok, #PID<0.766.0>}
17:16:53.174 [info]
. . ♕ .
♕ . . .
. . . ♕
. ♕ . .

17:16:53.174 [info]
. ♕ . .
. . . ♕
♕ . . .
. . ♕ .

17:16:53.179 [info] Solution status: all_solutions

17:16:53.179 [info] Solver stats:
%{failures: 4, initTime: 0.007719, nSolutions: 2, nodes: 11, peakDepth: 2, propagations: 163, propagators: 11, restarts: 0, solutions: 2, solveTime: 0.002778, variables: 12}

17:16:53.179 [debug] ** TERMINATE: :normal


### Sudoku

- [Source code](
- [Model](

The output:
17:19:28.109 [info] Sudoku puzzle:

17:19:28.109 [info]
| 8 5 . | . . 2 | 4 . . |
| 7 2 . | . . . | . . 9 |
| . . 4 | . . . | . . . |
| . . . | 1 . 7 | . . 2 |
| 3 . 5 | . . . | 9 . . |
| . 4 . | . . . | . . . |
| . . . | . 8 . | . 7 . |
| . 1 7 | . . . | . . . |
| . . . | . 3 6 | . 4 . |

17:19:28.154 [warn] Command: /Applications/ --allow-multiple-assignments --output-mode json --output-time --output-objective --output-output-item -s -a --solver org.gecode.gecode --time-limit 300000 /var/folders/rn/_39sx1c12ws1x5k66n_cjjh00000gn/T/tmp.uSF45sHN.mzn /var/folders/rn/_39sx1c12ws1x5k66n_cjjh00000gn/T/tmp.KjyUqmEa.dzn
{:ok, #PID<0.776.0>}
17:19:28.219 [info]
| 8 5 9 | 6 1 2 | 4 3 7 |
| 7 2 3 | 8 5 4 | 1 6 9 |
| 1 6 4 | 3 7 9 | 5 2 8 |
| 9 8 6 | 1 4 7 | 3 5 2 |
| 3 7 5 | 2 6 8 | 9 1 4 |
| 2 4 1 | 5 9 3 | 7 8 6 |
| 4 3 2 | 9 8 1 | 6 7 5 |
| 6 1 7 | 4 2 5 | 8 9 3 |
| 5 9 8 | 7 3 6 | 2 4 1 |

17:19:28.219 [info] Solutions found: 1

17:19:28.224 [info] Status: all_solutions

17:19:28.224 [info] Solver statistics:
%{failures: 11, initTime: 0.001401, nSolutions: 1, nodes: 23, peakDepth: 5, propagations: 685, propagators: 27, restarts: 0, solutions: 1, solveTime: 0.001104, variables: 147}

17:19:28.224 [debug] ** TERMINATE: :normal

### Graph coloring

- [Source code](
- [Model](

The model's objective is to minimize the number of colors for proper [Graph Vertex Coloring](
edges = [
[0, 1], [1, 2], [1, 3]
vertices = 4
## Color graph with time limit of 1 sec:
GraphColoring.do_coloring({vertices, edges}, [time_limit: 1*1000])

22:43:01.318 [info] Found coloring to 2 colors

22:43:01.328 [info] Best coloring found: 2 colors

22:43:01.328 [info] Optimal? Yes

22:43:01.328 [info] Color 1 -> vertices: 0, 2, 3

22:43:01.328 [info] Color 2 -> vertices: 1
### Large Neighbourhood Search examples

- [Source code](
- [Model](

#### Randomized LNS example
It's a Graph Coloring again, now on a graph with 1000 vertices.
We will use `MinizincSearch.lns/5` built-in to implement [Randomized LNS](

The following call runs 3 iterations with destruction rate of 0.8, and iteration time limit of 1 minute:
LNS.GraphColoring.do_lns("mzn/gc_1000.dzn", 3, 0.8, time_limit: 60*1000)
14:20:27.990 [info] Iteration 1: 480-coloring

14:21:31.168 [info] Iteration 2: 433-coloring

14:22:34.130 [info] Iteration 3: 380-coloring

14:22:34.131 [info] LNS final: 380-coloring

#### Adaptive LNS example

For the same graph with 1000 vertices, we will use `MinizincSearch.lns/5` built-in to implement a flavour of [Adaptive LNS](

The following call runs 5 iterations with initial destruction rate of 0.7, increment of 0.05 and iteration time limit of 1 minute:

LNS.GraphColoring.do_adaptive_lns("mzn/gc_1000.dzn", 5, 0.7, 0.05, time_limit: 60*1000)
23:07:59.956 [info] Iteration 1: 486-coloring, rate: 0.7

23:09:02.905 [info] Iteration 2: 432-coloring, rate: 0.75

23:10:06.097 [info] Iteration 3: 387-coloring, rate: 0.8

23:11:09.239 [info] Iteration 4: 355-coloring, rate: 0.85

23:12:12.373 [info] Iteration 5: 321-coloring, rate: 0.9

23:12:12.374 [info] LNS final: 321-coloring

### Finding the first k solutions
We use the Sudoku code from the example above, but now with the built-in handler that limits the number of solutions.
## The puzzle below has 5 solutions...
sudoku_puzzle = "8..6..9.5.............2.31...7318.6.24.....73...........279.1..5...8..36..3......"
## ...but we only want 3
solution_handler: MinizincSearch.find_k_handler(3, Sudoku.Handler))
Partial output (last solution and a final line only):

18:36:13.716 [info]
| 8 1 4 | 6 3 7 | 9 2 5 |
| 3 2 5 | 1 4 9 | 6 8 7 |
| 7 9 6 | 8 2 5 | 3 1 4 |
| 9 5 7 | 3 1 8 | 4 6 2 |
| 2 4 1 | 9 5 6 | 8 7 3 |
| 6 3 8 | 2 7 4 | 5 9 1 |
| 4 6 2 | 7 9 3 | 1 5 8 |
| 5 7 9 | 4 8 1 | 2 3 6 |
| 1 8 3 | 5 6 2 | 7 4 9 |

18:36:13.716 [info] Solutions found: 3


### Branch-and-Bound example

- [Source code](
- [Model](

This is an implementation of [Golomb Ruler example from MiniSearch distribution](
GolombBAB.solve(time_limit: 3000)
22:53:33.915 [info] Intermediate solution with objective 80

22:53:34.179 [info] Intermediate solution with objective 75

22:53:34.439 [info] Intermediate solution with objective 73

22:53:34.699 [info] Intermediate solution with objective 72

22:53:34.959 [info] Intermediate solution with objective 70

22:53:35.224 [info] Intermediate solution with objective 68

22:53:35.491 [info] Intermediate solution with objective 66

22:53:35.757 [info] Intermediate solution with objective 62

22:53:36.110 [info] Intermediate solution with objective 60

22:53:36.960 [info] Intermediate solution with objective 55

22:53:38.499 [info] golomb 55
[0, 1, 6, 10, 23, 26, 34, 41, 53, 55]

Note that the model's output (last 2 rows) is being used, to show that it is present in the solver results.

### Solver Race

- [Source code](
- [Model](

We will simultaneously run Gecode and Chuffed on the same model. The results will be collected by the parent process, which will do logging of intermediate results and the final standing.

```elixir["chuffed", "gecode"])
12:58:00.212 [info] chuffed started as #PID<0.3264.0>...

12:58:00.356 [info] gecode started as #PID<0.3267.0>...

12:58:00.356 [info] chuffed: Compiled!

12:58:00.461 [info] gecode: Compiled!

12:58:00.470 [info] gecode: 80

12:58:00.471 [info] gecode: 75

12:58:00.472 [info] gecode: 73

12:58:00.475 [info] gecode: 72

12:58:00.483 [info] gecode: 70

12:58:00.486 [info] chuffed: 80

12:58:00.486 [info] gecode: 68

12:58:00.488 [info] chuffed: 75

12:58:00.492 [info] chuffed: 73

12:58:00.496 [info] gecode: 66

12:58:00.500 [info] chuffed: 72

12:58:00.503 [info] gecode: 62

12:58:00.513 [info] chuffed: 70

12:58:00.524 [info] chuffed: 68

12:58:00.546 [info] chuffed: 66

12:58:00.562 [info] chuffed: 62

12:58:00.600 [info] gecode: 60

12:58:00.764 [info] chuffed: 60

12:58:01.117 [info] gecode: 55

12:58:01.883 [info] chuffed: 55

12:58:02.223 [info] Solver gecode finished with objective 55, status: optimal

12:58:02.223 [info] Shutting down chuffed...

12:58:02.223 [info] Solver chuffed finished with objective 55, status: satisfied

12:58:02.223 [info] Race results: [{"gecode", 55}, {"chuffed", 55}]


## Erlang interface

[`minizinc` module]( mirrors all exported functions of [MinizincSolver module](

Once you manage to make `solverl` dependency part of your Erlang application build (for instance with [rebar_mix](,
you should be able to use its interface.


results = minizinc:solve_sync(<<"mzn/nqueens.mzn">>,
#{n=> 4}, [{solution_handler, fun 'Elixir.NQueens':solution_handler/2}]).

Note: Please use `binary` strings as opposed to `char` strings whenever you need to pass a string to API.
The API functions will always use `binary` strings whenever the function return needs to use strings.

## Under the hood

Both **`MinizincSolver.solve/4`** and **`MinizincSolver.solve_sync/4`** spawn a separate **GenServer** process, which in turn spawns the external MiniZinc process,
and then asynchronously receives chunks of MiniZinc output, parses them into solver events and fires appropriate callbacks as described [here](#solution-handlers).

This makes the handling of MiniZinc output completely asynchronous, even though **`solve_sync/4`** is a blocking call that will wait for it to terminate.

As a consequence, this allows to control the solving process from outside regardless of whether **`solve/4`** or **`solve_sync/4`** is being used, as long as the PID or registered name of the process is known.

## Roadmap

- Match MiniZinc Python and MiniSearch functionality
- API for parallel and distributed solving
- Better error and exception handling

## Credits

The project extensively uses ideas and code examples from [MiniZinc Python]( and [MiniSearch](