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Neovim KISS configuration with Lua

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Neovim KISS configuration with Lua

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Neovim KISS configuration with Lua


## Table of Contents

* [Plugins](#plugins)
* [Directory Tree](#directory-tree)
* [Files and Settings](#files-and-settings)
* [Installation](#installation)
* [LSP Configuration](#lsp-configuration)
* [Appearance](#appearance)
* [Keymaps](#keymaps)
* [Configuration Check](#configuration-check)
* [Screenshots](#screenshots)
* [Guides and Resources](#guides-and-resources)
* [Other Neovim Lua Projects and Examples](#other-neovim-lua-projects-and-examples)
* [Lua Resources](#lua-resources)

## Plugins

[lazy.nvim]( - A modern plugin manager for Neovim

[feline.nvim]( (freddiehaddad Fork) - A minimal, stylish and customizable statusline for Neovim written in Lua

[nvim-lspconfig]( - A collection of common configurations for Neovim's built-in language server client

[nvim-cmp]( - Auto completion plugin

[LuaSnip]( - Snippet Engine for Neovim written in Lua

[nvim-tree.lua]( - A File Explorer written In Lua

[indentBlankline]( - Adds indentation guides to all lines (including empty lines)

[nvim-autopairs]( - A super powerful autopairs for Neovim

[Tagbar]( - A class outline viewer for Vim

[gitsigns]( - Super fast git decorations implemented purely in lua/teal

[nvim-treesitter]( - Nvim Treesitter configurations and abstraction layer

[alpha-nvim]( - A fast and highly customizable greeter for neovim.

[nvim-web-devicons]( - A Lua fork of vim-devicons

## Directory Tree


![alt text](img/dir-tree.png)

## Files and Settings


* [init.lua](nvim/init.lua): Main configuration file that call `lua` modules

* [lua](nvim/lua): Folder of `lua` modules, here reside all the Lua modules that needed. These modules are called from `init.lua` file (see below).



* [autocmds.lua](nvim/lua/core/autocmds.lua): Define autocommands with Lua APIs

* [colors.lua](nvim/lua/core/colors.lua): Define Neovim and plugins color scheme

* [keymaps.lua](nvim/lua/core/keymaps.lua): Keymaps configuration file, vim/neovim and plugins keymaps

* [lazy.lua](nvim/lua/core/lazy.lua): Plugin manager configuration file

* [options.lua](nvim/lua/core/options.lua): General Neovim settings

* [statusline.lua](nvim/lua/core/statusline.lua): Statusline configuration file


* [lspconfig.lua](nvim/lua/lsp/lspconfig.lua): LSP configuration (language servers, keybinding)


* [alpha-nvim.lua](nvim/lua/plugins/alpha-nvim.lua): Dashboard

* [indent-blankline.lua](nvim/lua/plugins/indent-blankline.lua): Indent line

* [nvim-cmp.lua](nvim/lua/plugins/nvim-cmp.lua): Autocompletion settings

* [nvim-tree.lua](nvim/lua/plugins/nvim-tree.lua): File manager settings

* [nvim-treesitter](nvim/lua/plugins/nvim-treesitter): Treesitter interface configuration

## Installation

1. Install [Neovim v0.8.x](

2. Install [Nerd Fonts](, (the font of the screenshots are `JetBrainsMono Nerd Font`).

3. Install [Node.js - npm]( for download packages of LSP language servers, see: [LSP Configuration](#lsp-configuration).

4. Make a backup of your current `nvim` folder if necessary:

mv ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim.backup

5. Download neovim-lua with `git` and copy the `nvim` folder in the `${HOME}/.config` directory:

git clone
cd neovim-lua/
cp -Rv nvim ~/.config/

6. Install [lazy.nvim]( for install and manage the plugins, see: [lazy.nvim - Installation](

7. Run Neovim for download/sync plugins with `lazy`


## LSP Configuration

1. Install LSP language servers with `npm`

sudo npm install -g bash-language-server pyright vscode-langservers-extracted typescript typescript-language-server

2. Install additional packages for plugins support:

**C, C++:**

* [clang]( for use LSP with [clangd](

* [ctags]( to view tags with [Tagbar](


* [pynvim](

3. Open a source file of one of the supported languages with Neovim, and run command [:LspInfo]( for testing the LSP support.

### Languages Currently Supported

Lua - [builtin](

Bash - [bashls](

Python - [pyright](

C, C++ - [clangd](

HTML, CSS, JSON - [vscode-html](

JavaScript, TypeScript - [tsserver](

See: [nvim-lspconfig #doc/](

## Appearance

### Available Colorschemes

* [OneDark](

* [Neovim Monokai](

* [Rose Pine](

**Fonts:** See: [Installation](#installation)

**Icons:** [nvim-web-devicons](

The color scheme (default: OneDark) is defined in the following files:

* Neovim UI - [nvim/lua/core/colors.lua](nvim/lua/core/colors.lua):

-- Load nvim color scheme:
local status_ok, color_scheme = pcall(require, 'onedark')
require('onedark').setup {
style = 'darker'

* Statusline - [nvim/lua/core/statusline.lua](nvim/lua/core/statusline.lua):

-- Set colorscheme (from core/colors.lua/colorscheme_name)
local colors = require('core/colors').onedark_dark

## Keymaps

These are the default keymaps, in the following shortcuts, the `` key is set up to `,` (comma) character, see: [keymaps.lua](nvim/lua/core/keymaps.lua).

| Shortcut | Mode | Description |
| `kk` | Insert | Esc with `kk` |
| `c` | Normal | Clear search highlights |
| `` | Normal | Toggle Paste mode |
| `tk/th` | Normal | Change split orientation (vertical/horizontal) |
| ` + {h,j,k,l}` | Normal | Move around splits windows |
| `r` | Normal | Reload configuration file |
| `s` | Normal | Save file |
| `q` | Normal | Save (close all windows) and exit from Neovim |
| ` + t` | Normal | Open terminal (`:Term`) |
| `` | Terminal | Exit terminal |
| ` + n` | Normal | Open NvimTree |
| `z` | Normal | Open Tagbar |

## Configuration Check

- Open nvim and run command `checkhealth`, you should not see any error in the output (except for the one related to the Python 2 interpreter if don't have it):


![alt text](img/checkhealth.png)

- You can also use the `startuptime` option to read the nvim startup logs:

nvim --startuptime > /tmp/nvim-start.log

nvim /tmp/nvim-start.log

See: `:help startuptime`

Also you can check the configuration of the Plugins and Neovim startup time with `lazy` commands:

:Lazy check

:Lazy profile

See: [lazy.nvim - Usage](

## Screenshots

(Click to expand)

**OneDark (darker)**




**Rosé Pine**




## Guides and Resources





## Other Neovim Lua Projects and Examples





## Lua Resources

* Lua in Y minutes -

* Lua Quick Guide -

* Lua 5.4 Reference Manual -


## Disclaimer

This setup is based on [KISS]( principle, probably some concepts may not be valid for everyone. Then feel free to take what you need but **don't install anything without checking first!**

This setup is not a Framework but it is the configuration I use to work on Linux, it can be used by default as it can be a start point to understand how Neovim is structured and maybe improve this config.

## Thanks to:

- [All the contributors]( who helped improve this setup with their reports and advices.

- All the authors of the sources mentioned above.

- The users of /r/Neovim subreddit for the support of the configuration.