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🌲⚡️ A simple Roblox modulescript that let's you morph a player to any existing model / object

lua modulescript roblox roblox-studio robloxlua

Last synced: 24 days ago
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🌲⚡️ A simple Roblox modulescript that let's you morph a player to any existing model / object

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# roblox-morpher-module
> 🌲⚡️ A simple roblox *modulescript* that let's you morph the player to any existing model / object

### Demo

## Pre-requisites
### Model Structure
In order for players to move in models, your model need to have a `Humanoid` component, as well as a `Head`, `HumanoidRootPart`, `Torso` that is properly welded.

#### Example Structure

## Usage
Copy over the script to your target folder, directory.

### Within a Script
Use this in the context of when you may want to directly call the morphing function such as a localscript for a GUI or for an event trigger.

-- Import the location of the module --
local morpher = require(workspace["Helper Scripts"].Morpher)

-- Pass along the parameters --, ParentOfMorphingModel)

### Bind with a Proximity Prompt
This is a convenience method for when there is a proximity prompt on the model
-- Import the location of the module --
local morpher = require(workspace["Helper Scripts"].Morpher)

-- Pass along the parameters --

## License
MIT - Use it as you please :) - have fun scripting!