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API Client & Post job ads to the Swedish employment agency (Arbetsförmedlingen)

api-client arbetsformedlingen platsbanken ruby rubygem swedish-employment-agency

Last synced: 2 months ago
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API Client & Post job ads to the Swedish employment agency (Arbetsförmedlingen)

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# Arbetsförmedlingen [![Build Status](]( [![Gem Version](](

Arbetsförmedlingen API client (Swedish Public Employment Service).

* [Installation](#installation)
* [Post job ad](#post-job-ad) (a.k.a Direktöverförda annonser)
* [API clients for](#api-clients)
+ [Platsannonser/Platsbanken](#api-clients)
* [Ontology](#ontology-api-client)
* [Taxonomy (SOAP)](#taxonomy-api-client)
* [WSOccupation (SOAP)](#wsoccupation-api-client)
* [RDoc](

## API Clients

__Create a client:__

client = 'en')

__Fetch all ads containing specified keyword:__
ads = 'ruby')

__Fetch one ad:__
ad = 7408089)

__Fetch countries in area:__
countries = client.countries(area_id: 2) do |country|
"#{} has #{country.total_vacancies} total vacancies."

## Post job ad

:warning: In order to post live job ads to Arbetsförmedlingen you need to contact them and go through a test procedure. You can find their own documentation and some additional notes [here](

You can find Arbetsförmedlingens own documentation and some additional notes [here]( Note that the documentation provided by Arbetsförmedlingen can be pretty hard to follow.

__Validation support__
All models used to create a job ad include validations. _A lot_ of work was put into finding all the quirks in the API and adding each validation to its corresponding model. I can't recommend using it enough.

__Complete example creating a packet__

There's a lot of data you can/must send to the API when creating an ad. See files in `lib/arbetsformedlingen/models` for details.

[See full example](examples/post_job_ad.rb).

## WSOccupation API Client

client =
response = client.occupations
# => "Landskapsarkitekter och landskapsingenjörer"

[`WSOccupationClient` documentation](

:link: [Arbetsformedlingen WsOccupation API documentation](

## Ontology API Client

client =
response = client.concepts(filter: 'ruby', type: 'skill')
# => [{"uuid"=>"035fc466-605e-5684-a106-a458929f27c6", "name"=>"Ruby", "type"=>"skill"}, ...]

[`OntologyClient` documentation](

:link: [Arbetsformedlingen Ontology API documentation](

## Taxonomy API Client

client =
response = client.occupation_names(language_id: 502) # sv language id
response.xml.css('OccupationName Term').first.text
# => "1:e Fartygsingenjör/1:e Maskinist"

[`TaxonomyClient` documentation](

:link: [Arbetsformedlingen TaxonomiService API documentation](

## Notes

__Arbetsförmedlingen TaxonomyService__

Some requests had to be made to Arbetsförmedlingens TaxonomyService in order to fetch the data for the occupation codes. You can find that (plus some more) here :point_down: Postman.


## Terms translation table

This gem has translated the attribute names in Arbetsförmedlingens (AF) API from Swedish to English. You can find the translations below.

| Arbetsförmedlingen Term | Gem term |
|------------------------ |--------------------|
| landområde/värdsdel | areas |
| kommun | municipality |
| län | counties |
| län2 | counties2 |
| yrkesområde | occupational_fields |
| yrkesgrupp | occupational_group |
| yrkesgrupp | occupational_group |
| yrkesnamn | occupation |

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'arbetsformedlingen'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install arbetsformedlingen

## Development

After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [](

## Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at

## License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](