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Seamless integration of git hooks with Nix.

nix pre-commit

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Seamless integration of git hooks with Nix.

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# Seamless integration of [git hooks]( with [Nix](


## Features

- **Trivial integration for Nix projects** (wires up a few things behind the scenes)

- Provide a low-overhead build of all the tooling available for the hooks to use
(naive implementation of calling nix-shell does bring some latency when committing)

- **Common hooks for languages** like Python, Haskell, Elm, etc. [see all hook options](

- Run hooks **as part of development** and **on during CI**

## Getting started


## Flakes support

Given the following `flake.nix` example:

description = "An example project.";

inputs.pre-commit-hooks.url = "github:cachix/git-hooks.nix";

outputs = { self, nixpkgs, ... }@inputs:
supportedSystems = [ "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" "x86_64-darwin" "aarch64-darwin" ];

forAllSystems = nixpkgs.lib.genAttrs supportedSystems;
checks = forAllSystems (system: {
pre-commit-check = inputs.pre-commit-hooks.lib.${system}.run {
src = ./.;
hooks = {
nixpkgs-fmt.enable = true;

devShells = forAllSystems (system: {
default = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system}.mkShell {
inherit (self.checks.${system}.pre-commit-check) shellHook;
buildInputs = self.checks.${system}.pre-commit-check.enabledPackages;

Add `/.pre-commit-config.yaml` to the `.gitignore`.

To run the all the hooks on CI:

nix flake check

To install pre-commit hooks developers would run:

nix develop

## Nix

1. **Optionally** use binary caches to avoid compilation:

nix-env -iA cachix -f
cachix use pre-commit-hooks

1. Integrate hooks to be built as part of `default.nix`:

nix-pre-commit-hooks = import (builtins.fetchTarball "");
in {
# Configured with the module options defined in `modules/pre-commit.nix`:
pre-commit-check = {
src = ./.;
# If your hooks are intrusive, avoid running on each commit with a default_states like this:
# default_stages = ["manual" "push"];
hooks = {
elm-format.enable = true;

# override a package with a different version
ormolu.enable = true;
ormolu.package = pkgs.haskellPackages.ormolu;
ormolu.settings.defaultExtensions = [ "lhs" "hs" ];

# some hooks have more than one package, like clippy:
clippy.enable = true;
clippy.packageOverrides.cargo = pkgs.cargo;
clippy.packageOverrides.clippy = tools.clippy;
# some hooks provide settings
clippy.settings.allFeatures = true;

Run `$ nix-build -A pre-commit-check` to perform the checks as a Nix derivation.

1. Integrate hooks to prepare environment as part of `shell.nix`:

pre-commit = import ./default.nix;
in (import {}).mkShell {
shellHook = ''
buildInputs = pre-commit.pre-commit-check.enabledPackages;

Add `/.pre-commit-config.yaml` to `.gitignore`.

Run `$ nix-shell` to execute `shellHook` which will:

- build the tools and `.pre-commit-config.yaml` config file symlink which
references the binaries, for speed and safe garbage collection
- provide the `pre-commit` executable that `git commit` will invoke

## Optional

### Direnv


use nix

## Hooks

### Nix

- [alejandra](
- [deadnix](
- [flake-checker](
- [nil](
- [nixfmt-classic](
- [nixfmt-rfc-style](
- [nixpkgs-fmt](
- [statix](

### Haskell

- [cabal-fmt](
- [fourmolu](
- [hindent](
- [hlint](
- [hpack](
- [ormolu](
- [stylish-haskell](

### C/C++/C#/ObjC

- [clang-format](
- [clang-tidy](

You may restrict which languages should be formatted by `clang-format` using
`clang-format.types_or`. For example to check only C and C++ files:

clang-format = {
enable = true;
types_or = lib.mkForce [ "c" "c++" ];

Otherwise, the default internal list is used which includes everything that
clang-format supports.

### Clojure

- [cljfmt](
- [zprint](

### Elm

- [elm-format](
- [elm-review](
- [elm-test](

### Elixir

- [credo](
- [dialyzer](
- [mix-format](
- [mix-test](

### OCaml

- [dune-fmt](
- [dune-opam-sync](
- [ocp-indent](
- [opam-lint](

### Purescript

- [purty](

### JavaScript/TypeScript

- [biome](
- denofmt: Runs `deno fmt`
- denolint: Runs `deno lint`
- [eslint](
- rome: (alias to the biome hook)

### Python

- [autoflake](
- [black](
- [check-builtin-literals](
- [check-docstring-first](
- [check-python](
- [fix-encoding-pragma](
- [flake8](
- [isort](
- [mypy](
- [name-tests-test](
- [pylint](
- [pyright](
- [python-debug-statements](
- [poetry](
- [pyupgrade](
- [ruff](
- [ruff-format](
- [sort-requirements-txt](

### PHP

- [phpcbf](
- [php-cs-fixer](
- [phpcs](
- [phpstan](
- [psalm](

### Rust

- cargo-check: Runs `cargo check`
- [clippy](
- [rustfmt](

### Golang

- gofmt: Runs `go fmt`
- [golangci-lint](
- gotest: Runs `go test`
- [govet](
- [revive](
- [staticcheck](

### Julia

- [JuiaFormatter.jl](

### Shell

- [bats](
- [beautysh](
- [shellcheck](
- [shfmt](

### LaTeX

- [chktex](
- [lacheck](
- [latexindent](

### Lua

- [luacheck](
- [lua-ls](
- [stylua](

### HTML

- [html-tidy](

### Markdown

- [markdownlint](
- [mdl](
- [mdsh](

### Terraform

- `terraform-format`: built-in formatter (using [OpenTofu]('s [`fmt`](
- `terraform-validate`: built-in validator (using [OpenTofu]('s [`validate`](
- [tflint](

### YAML

- [check-yaml](
- [sort-simple-yaml](
- [yamlfmt](
- [yamllint](

### TOML

- [check-toml](
- [taplo fmt](

### JSON

- [check-json](
- [pretty-format-json](

### Typst

- [typstfmt](
- [typstyle](

### Fortran

- [fprettify](

### Spell checker

- [cspell](
- [hunspell](
- [typos](

### Link checker

- [lychee](
- [mkdocs-linkcheck](

### Git

- [annex](
- [check-merge-conflicts](
- [commitizen](
- [convco](
- [forbid-new-submodules](
- [gptcommit](
- [no-commit-to-branch](

### Various other hooks

- [actionlint](
- [check-added-large-files](
- [check-case-conflicts](
- [check-executables-have-shebangs](
- [checkmake](
- [check-shebang-scripts-are-executable](
- [check-symlinks](
- [check-vcs-permalinks](
- [check-xml](
- [cmake-format](
- [crystal](
- [detect-aws-credentials](
- [detect-private-keys](
- `dhall format`: built-in formatter
- [editorconfig-checker](
- [end-of-file-fixer](
- [fix-byte-order-marker](
- [hadolint](
- [headache](
- [mixed-line-endings](
- [mkdocs-linkcheck](
- [prettier](
- [sort-file-contents](
- [tagref](
- [topiary](
- [treefmt](
- [trim-trailing-whitespace](

### Custom hooks

Sometimes it is useful to add a project specific command as an extra check that
is not part of the pre-defined set of hooks provided by this project.

Example configuration:

nix-pre-commit-hooks = import (builtins.fetchTarball "");
in {
pre-commit-check = {
hooks = {
# ...

# Example custom hook for a C project using Make:
unit-tests = {
enable = true;

# The name of the hook (appears on the report table):
name = "Unit tests";

# The command to execute (mandatory):
entry = "make check";

# The pattern of files to run on (default: "" (all))
# see also
files = "\\.(c|h)$";

# List of file types to run on (default: [ "file" ] (all files))
# see also
# You probably only need to specify one of `files` or `types`:
types = [ "text" "c" ];

# Exclude files that were matched by these patterns (default: [ ] (none)):
excludes = [ "irrelevant\\.c" ];

# The language of the hook - tells pre-commit
# how to install the hook (default: "system")
# see also
language = "system";

# Set this to false to not pass the changed files
# to the command (default: true):
pass_filenames = false;

# Which git hooks the command should run for (default: [ "pre-commit" ]):
stages = ["pre-push"];

Custom hooks are defined with the same schema as [pre-defined

## Contributing hooks

Everyone is encouraged to add new hooks.

Have a look at the [existing hooks](modules/hooks.nix) and the [options](modules/pre-commit.nix).

There's no guarantee the hook will be accepted, but the general guidelines are:

- Nix closure of the tool should be small e.g. `< 50MB`. A problematic example:

$ du -sh $(nix-build -A go)
463M /nix/store/v4ys4lrjngf62lvvrdbs7r9kbxh9nqaa-go-1.18.6

- The tool must not be very specific (e.g. language tooling is OK, but project specific tooling is not)
- The tool needs to live in a separate repository (even if a simple bash script, unless it's a oneliner)