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"Import Inline Input" - Directly paste, import, and validate machine readable data in form fields. (PHP / Laravel / Livewire)

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"Import Inline Input" - Directly paste, import, and validate machine readable data in form fields. (PHP / Laravel / Livewire)

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# FilamentPHP Paste "Import Inline" Input - Directly paste, import, and validate machine readable data in form fields. (PHP / Laravel / Livewire)

This package for [FilamentPHP]( adds the form component `ImportInlineInput`, which allows you to import machine-readable string data directly into your Filament form fields and validate its structure.

> The plugin can automatically **import data via the "on paste" event**, which makes it a great tool for increasing **productivity** when editing content.

You can validate imported data using the standard [Laravel Validation Rules](

The plugin comes with two handy importers, [jsonString()](#json-importer---importjsonstring) and [csvString()](#csv-importer-for-comma-separated-values), but you can also just [write and use your own importer](#write-your-own-importer).

Quick jump to the [Table of contents](#table-of-contents).

You can watch a short demo video of the package below.


Below is an example of how to add the `ImportInlineInput` component to your FilamentPHP resource form. Read the [full documentation here](#table-of-contents).

The JSON data for the example looks like this. Import/paste this data into you newly added component form field.

"title": "The title of this post!",
"slug": "title-of-post",
"content": "Lorem ipsum."


use Camya\Filament\Forms\Components\ImportInlineInput;
use Camya\Laravel\Importer\Facades\Import;

class PostResource extends Resource
public static function form(Form $form): Form
return $form->schema([

function ($state, Closure $set, ImportInlineInput $component): void {

$validator = $component->validator();

// Try to import JSON from given state
try {
$importedData = Import::jsonString($state);
} catch (\Exception $e) {

// Validate imported data.
$validatedData = $validator->validate(
data: $importedData,
rules: [
'title' => [
'slug' => [
'content' => [
messages: [
'title.required' => 'title is required',
'slug.required' => 'slug is required',
'content.required' => 'content is required',

// Set fields with validated data
$set('title', $validatedData['title']);
$set('slug', $validatedData['slug']);
$set('content', $validatedData['content']);

$component->statusMessage('Data imported successful!');

->dataHelperHtml('Example JSON: {"title":"Lorem","slug":"ipsum","content":"Hello"}')
->dataHelperLink('', 'Help')


The output looks like this: (Watch **[» Demo Video «](**)

## Features

- Import and validate any type of machine readable string data.
- Direct **import "on paste"** event for a content editing productivity boost.
- Importers for JSON and CSV included.
- Validation of the structure using Laravel's validation rules.
- All texts customizable and translatable.
- Dark mode supported.
- Fully configurable, see [all-available-parameters](#all-available-parameters).

## Support us

You can support my work with a [donation](

[Follow me on Twitter]( for DEV updates.

Support the package: Please give it a ⭐ Star on GitHub and on the official
Filament [plugin page](, if it's helpful for you.

## Table of contents

- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage & examples](#usage--examples)
- [Import and validate data - Step by Step guide](#import-and-validate-data---step-by-step-guide)
- [How to import & validate array data? Example: Tags, Category IDs](#how-to-import--validate-array-data-example-tags-category-ids)
- Importer
- [JSON importer](#json-importer---importjsonstring)
- [CSV importer (for Comma Separated Values)](#csv-importer-for-comma-separated-values)
- [Write your own importer](#write-your-own-importer)
- [How to show a form error, if the import fails?](#how-to-show-a-form-error-if-the-import-fails)
- [Laravel Validation Rules](#laravel-validation-rules)
- [**All available parameters**](#all-available-parameters)
- [Changelog](#changelog)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [Credits](#credits)

## Installation

You can install the package via composer:

composer require camya/filament-import-inline

If needed, you can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-import-inline-config"

## Translation

If needed, you can publish the translation files with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-import-inline-translations"

You'll find the published translations here: `trans/vendor/filament-import-inline`

This package is translated

- [English (en)](

You translated it too? Share your translation on
our [GitHub discussions]( page.

## Usage & examples

### Import and validate data - step-by-step guide.

The user input text is sent to the component's `afterStateUpdated()` method and is contained in the `$state` parameter.

**Explanation of the code below:**

1. First set the validator for this component to a variable.
2. Import the incoming data. If necessary, you can raise a validation error using the `$validator->setValidationError()` method.
3. Add the imported data + validation rules to the `$validator->validate($data, $rules, $messages)` method.
4. After validation:
- Validation fails: If validation fails, the template displays the validation errors.
- Valid data: If valid, you can set any form field using Filament's `$set('title', $validatedData['title'])` closure method.
5. Use the `$component->statusMessage()` method of the component to set a success message below the form. (You can use Filament's notification system with `Filament::notify('success', 'Data imported');`)

The JSON data for the example looks like this. Import/paste this data into you newly added component form field.

"title": "How to develop Filament plugins!"


function ($state, Closure $set, ImportInlineInput $component): void {

// 1.
$validator = $component->validator();

// 2.
try {
$importedData = Import::jsonString($state);
} catch (\Exception $e) {

// 3.
$validatedData = $validator->validate(
data: $importedData,
rules: [
'title' => [
messages: [
'title.required' => 'The title is required!',

// 4.
$set('title', $validatedData['title']);
$set('slug', $validatedData['slug']);
$set('content', $validatedData['content']);

// 5.
$component->statusMessage('Data imported successful!');


### How to import & validate array data? Example: Tags, Category IDs

You can read the documentation for [CSV import with csvString()](#csv-importer-for-comma-separated-values) here.

1. We import the CSV data with the method `Import::csvString()`. We set the min/max values per line to 3 to avoid wrong input using `csvPerRow:`. [All parameters & return format explained here.](#csv-importer-for-comma-separated-values)
2. We pass only the **first row** of the result to the validation.
3. We set rules for the `tags`, but also for the `tags.*` to validate the array elements.
4. We set messages for `tags` and the `tags.*`.
5. Finally, we `$set()` the `$dataValidated['tags']` array into the target form field in the filament resource. (Here it is the tags field).

The CSV data for the example looks like this. Import/paste this data into you newly added component form field.



ImportInlineInput::make('Tag Importer')
function ($state, Closure $set, ImportInlineInput $component): void {

$validator = $component->validator();

// 1.
try {
$dataInput = Import::csvString(
input: $state,
csvPerRow: 3,
} catch (\Exception $e) {

$dataValidated = $validator->validate(
data: [
// 2.
'tags' => $dataInput['rows'][0] ?? [],
// 3
rules: [
'tags' => [
'tags.*' => [
// 4.
messages: [
'tags.min' => 'Min 2 tags',
'tags.max' => 'Max 3 tags',
'tags.*.integer' => 'Only add Tag IDs.'

// 5.
$set('tags', $dataValidated['tags'] ?? []);

$component->statusMessage('Tags imported successful!');


### JSON importer - Import::jsonString()

This package provides a simple JSON importer whose main purpose is to set some necessary default values for the underlying PHP function. Additionally, it throws an ImportException in case of an error.


string|null $input
): array

- `input:` String input

**Input data**

Use this method to import JSON data like:

"title": "Lorem Ipsum",
"slug": "lorem-ipsum",
"tags": [1,2,3,4]


$output = Import::jsonString(
data: $input,


This generates the following array structure:

'title' => 'Lorem Ipsum',
'slug' => 'lorem-ipsum',
'tags' => [
0 => 1,
1 => 2,
2 => 3,
3 => 4,

**Handle ImportException**

If the import fails, one of the following ImportExceptions is thrown. Use the error message or code constants in your implementation.

// Attempt to import JSON from the specified state.
try {
$importedData = Import::jsonString($state);
} catch (\Exception $e) {

**Available exception codes:**

The validation error message is "Invalid JSON data" for all exceptions (`$e->getMessage()`).

You can use the provided error code to distinguish the errors and set your own message. (`$e->getCode()`)

// Incorrect input format, not a valid JSON string.

// Valid JSON, but result is not an array.
// If the input is an integer, it's technically a valid JSON object.
// We throw an exception nevertheless, because importing integers
// is not the use case of the importJSON method.

### CSV importer (for Comma Separated Values)

Import comma-separated values using the `Import::csvString()` method.


string|null $input,
null|int $csvPerRow = null,
bool $hasHeader = false,
string $separator = ',',
string $enclosure = '"',
string $escape = '\\',
bool $csvPerRowAutodetect = true,
): array

- Input:` String input
- `csvPerRow:` Specifies the number of values per row. If a row has more or less columns than specified, an exception is triggered.
- `hasHeader:` First row serves as header if true.
- `separator:` Separator between values. (v1, v2, v3)
- `Enclosure:` Enclosure character for values. ("v - 1", "v2", "v3")
- `escape:` Escape character.
- `csvPerRowAutodetect:` Automatic detection of the number of values per row (set from first row). If a following row has more or less columns, an exception is triggered.

**Input data**

Use this method to import comma separated CSV data as below, e.g. to populate tag IDs in **repeat** fields. Set hasHeader:

"Title", "TagID1", "TagID2", "CategoryID"
"Hello", "1", "2", "21"
"World", "5", "6", "65"


$output = Import::csvString(
data: $input,
csvPerRow: 4,
hasHeader: true,


This generates the following array structure:

'header' => [
0 => 'Title',
1 => 'TagID1',
2 => 'TagID2',
4 => 'CategoryID',
'rows' => [
0 => 'Hello',
1 => '1',
2 => '2',
4 => '21',
0 => 'World',
1 => '5',
2 => '6',
4 => '65',

**Implementation with "hasHeader"**

If you set `hasHeader: false`, it parses all lines as rows.

$output = Import::csvString(
data: $input,
csvPerRow: 4,
hasHeader: false,

**Output with "hasHeader"**

It generates the following array structure:

'header' => []
'rows' => [
0 => 'Title',
1 => 'TagID1',
2 => 'TagID2',
4 => 'CategoryID',
0 => 'Hello',
1 => '1',
2 => '2',
4 => '21',
0 => 'World',
1 => '5',
2 => '6',
4 => '65',

**Handle ImportException**

If the import fails, one of the following ImportExceptions is thrown. Use the error message or code constants in your implementation.

// Attempt to import CSV from the specified state.
try {
$importedData = Import::csvString($state);
} catch (\Exception $e) {

**Available exception codes:**

The validation error message is "Invalid JSON data" for all exceptions (`$e->getMessage()`).

You can use the provided error code to distinguish the errors and set your own message. (`$e->getCode()`)

// Empty input data

// Value count does not matche the value count set in $valuePerRow.

### How to show a form error, if the import fails?

The build in importers throw an `\Exception` on failure. Add a try/catch block around them and use the `$validator->setValidationError()` method of the $component to set the form errors.

You can use the the same mechanism, if you [write your own importer](#write-your-own-importer).

try {
$dataInput = Import::jsonString($importData);
} catch (\Exception $e) {

You can use a provided error code to distinguish the errors and set your own message. (`$e->getCode()`)

**Available error codes are:**

JSON importer:

// Incorrect input format, not a valid JSON string.

// Valid JSON, but result is not an array.
// If the input is an integer, it's technically a valid JSON object.
// We throw an exception nevertheless, because importing integers
// is not the use case of the importJSON method.

CSV importer:

// Empty input data

// Value count does not matche the value count set in $valuePerRow.

### Write your own importer

You can write your own importer. Feel free to [share your importer]( with our GitHub community.

A good starting point is the [Import and validate data - "Step by Step guide"](#import-and-validate-data---step-by-step-guide).

### Laravel Validation Rules

You can use the official [Laravel Validation Rules](

### All available parameters

This plugin offers many parameters to configure it's behavior.

>HINT: Read the ["Step by Step guide" - How to import and validate data](#import-and-validate-data---step-by-step-guide).


// Import / Validate / Set your data here.
function ($state, Closure $set, ImportInlineInput $component): void {
// ...

// Sets the label above the form element.
->label('Inport Data')

// Hide the label above the form element.

// Help text for the detail panel.
->dataHelperHtml('Help text')

// Link URL and Title for the detail panel.
->dataHelperLink('', 'Specs')

// Form field placeholder text for the "detail input" field.
->dataPlaceholder('Insert data here.')

// Form field placeholder text for the "paste input" field.
->placeholder('Paste or insert valid data.')

// Deactive listening for "on paste" on "paste input" field.

// Default count of rows of the "paste input" field.

## Changelog

Please see the [release changelog]( for more information on what has changed recently.

## Contributing

Want to implement a feature, fix a bug, or translate this package? Please see [contributing](.github/
for details.

## Security Vulnerabilities

Please review [our security policy](../../security/policy) on how to report security vulnerabilities.

## Credits

- [Andreas Scheibel (camya)]( (Developer at [](
/ [](

is based on
[TailwindCSS]( (aka Tall Stack)

This package was inspired by a package
by [awcodes]( and the work of [spatie](
Thanks also to [ralphjsmit]( for his blueprint that I used to implement the Filament
Component [Pest Tests](

## License

The MIT License (MIT). Please see [License File]( for more information.

## Tooling - Development tools I use

- [PHPStorm]( IDE (
+ [Laravel Idea]( Plugin)
- Laravel with [Valet](
and [Lambo](
- [GitHub Desktop](
- Translations with [DeepL]( and [LanguageTool](
- [Markdown TOC Generator](
- SVG Icons by [Heroicons](
- [iTerm2]( Terminal
- [Regex101]( - Build, text, debug regex.
- [Affinity]( Photo & Designer
- [VSCode](

[Follow me on Twitter](