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Yii2 extension which provides a fully functional notification system backed with ActiveRecord and a customizable UI.

activerecord javacsript jquery notification notification-system php yii2 yii2-extension yii2-notification yii2-widgets

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Yii2 extension which provides a fully functional notification system backed with ActiveRecord and a customizable UI.

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# Yii2 Notification System
This Yii2 extension provides a fully functional notification system backed with ActiveRecord and a customizable UI.

##### Composer
php composer.phar require cb-techservices/yii2-notification-system "*"
or add
"cb-techservices/yii2-notification-system": "*"
to the require section of your `composer.json` file.

Before using this module, you have to run its migrations scripts. This will add the notification table to your database.

Run this command from the root of your Yii project:
./yii migrate/up --migrationPath=vendor/cb-techservices/yii2-notification-system/migrations/

Add the following to the `modules` section of your Yii project config.
'notifications' => [
'class' => 'cbtech\notification_system\NotificationSystemModule',
//The controller's namespace for where to find the Controller actions.
//You may use the default NotificationsController provided or create your own custom controller.
'controllerNamespace' => 'cbtech\notification_system\controllers',
// Point this to your own Notification class
// See the "Declaring your notifications" section below
'notificationClass' => 'common\models\Notification',
// Allow to have notification with same (user_id, key, key_id)
// Default to FALSE
'allowDuplicate' => true,
// Allow custom date formatting in database
'dbDateFormat' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s',
// This callable should return your logged in user Id
'userId' => function() {
return \Yii::$app->user->id;
### Module Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
| :-------------------- | ------- | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |:----------- |
| class | String | The required class path to the NotificationSystemModule | 'cbtech\notification_system\NotificationSystemModule' |
| controllerNamespace | String | The controller's namespace for where to find the Controller actions. You may use the default NotificationsController provided or create your own custom controller. | 'cbtech\notification_system\controllers' |
| notificationClass | String | Point this to your own Notification class. See the "Declaring your notifications" section below. | 'common\models\Notification' |
| allowDuplicate | Boolean | Allow to have notifications with the same user_id, key, key_id | false |
| dbDateFormat | String | Allows custom date formatting in databse | 'Y-m-d H:i:s' |
| userId | callable/integer | This callable should return your logged in user Id | ``` function() { return \Yii::$app->user->id; } ``` |

### Declaring your notifications
Your custom Notification class must **extend** `cbtech\notification_system\models\NotificationBase`

An example is provided in [examples/Notification.php](examples/Notification.php)


### Triggering a notification


// A connection request made by a user to the $recipient_id
Notification::notify(Notification::KEY_NEW_CONNECTION_REQUEST, $recipient_id, $connectionRequest->id);

// You may also use the following static methods to set the notification type:
Notification::warning(Notification::KEY_NEW_MESSAGE, $recipient_id, $message->id);
Notification::success(Notification::ORDER_PLACED, $admin_id, $order->id);
Notification::error(Notification::KEY_NO_DISK_SPACE, $admin_id);


### Listening and showing notifications in the UI
This extension comes with a `NotificationsWidget` that is used to regularly poll the server for new notifications.

### Widget Parameters

| Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
| :-------------------- | ------- | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |:----------- |
| pollUrl | String | The URL for the poll() for new notifications controller action | '/notifications/notifications/poll' |
| markAsReadUrl | String | The URL for the controller action that marks an individual notification as read | '/notifications/notifications/read' |
| markAsUnreadUrl | String | The URL for the controller action that marks an individual notification as unread | '/notifications/notifications/unread' |
| flashUrl | String | The URL for the controller action that marks an individual notification as having been flashed | '/notifications/notifications/flash' |
| readAllUrl | String | The URL for the controller action that marks all notifications as read | '/notifications/notifications/read-all' |
| unreadAllUrl | String | The URL for the controller action that marks all notifications as unread | '/notifications/notifications/unread-all' |
| delay | Integer | The time to leave the notification shown on screen | 5000 |
| pollInterval | Integer | The delay in milliseconds between polls | 5000 |
| xhrTimeout | Integer | The XHR request timeout in milliseconds | 2000 |
| counters | Array | An array of jQuery selectors to update with the current notifications count | [] |
| markAllReadSelector | String | The jQuery selector for the Mark All as Read button | null |
| markAllUnreadSelector | String | The jQuery selector for the Mark All as Unread button | null |
| viewAllSelector | String | The jQuery selector for your UI element that will holds the notification list | null |
| viewUnreadSelector | String | The jQuery selector for the View Unread button | null |
| headerSelector | String | The jQuery selector for the Notifications header view | null |
| headerTemplate | String | The header HTML template. You can provide your own HTML structure and use the following variables: `{title}`,`{readAllId}`,`{unreadAllId}` | See default example below. |
| headerTitle | String | The header title string | "Notifications" |
| listSelector | String | The jQuery selector for the View All button | null |
| listItemTemplate | String | The list item HTML template. You can provide your own HTML structure and use the following variables: `{id}`,`{title}`,`{body}`,`{read}`,`{unread}`,`{timeago}`,`{footer}` | See default example below. |

### Widget Usage
Below is an example of the widget with all possible parameters. Optional values are indicated. This should be added at the top of your main layout template.
'pollUrl' => '/notifications/notifications/poll', //Optional, default value
'markAsReadUrl' => '/notifications/notifications/read', //Optional, default value
'markAsUnreadUrl' => '/notifications/notifications/unread', //Optional, default value
'flashUrl' => '/notifications/notifications/flash', //Optional, default value
'readAllUrl' => '/notifications/notifications/read-all', //Optional, default value
'unreadAllUrl' => '/notifications/notifications/unread-all', //Optional, default value
'clientOptions' => [
'location' => 'tr',
'delay' => 5000,
'xhrTimeout' => 2000,
'pollInterval' => 5000,
'counters' => [
'markAllReadSelector' => '#notification-read-all',
'markAllUnreadSelector' => '#notification-unread-all',
'listSelector' => '#notifications',
'viewAllSelector' => '#viewAll',
'viewUnreadSelector' => '#viewUnread',
'headerSelector' => '#notifications-header',
'headerTitle' => 'Notifications',
'headerTemplate' =>

' .
' .
'Read' .
'Unread' .
'Mark All as ' .
', //Optional, default value
'listItemTemplate' =>
' .
' .
' .
' .
' .
' .
' .
' .
' .
' .
' .
' .
' .
'' .
' .
' .
', //Optional, default value

If you have provided a value for the `headerSelector` and/or the `listItemTemplate` you can include the notifications list view by adding the following to your navbar:
$menuItems[] = '


#### Notifications List View
![Notifications list view](

#### Tostr Notification
![Toastr notification](

Carl Burnstein

Inspired by [machour/yii2-notifications](

Uses [CodeSeven/toastr](

Yii2 Notification System is licensed under MIT license -

Copyright (c) 2018 CB Tech Services