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pretty-printer for Haskell data types that have a Show instance

ghci hacktoberfest haskell pretty-print pretty-simple

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pretty-printer for Haskell data types that have a Show instance

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`pretty-simple` is a pretty printer for Haskell data types that have a `Show`

For example, imagine the following Haskell data types and values:

data Foo = Foo { foo1 :: Integer , foo2 :: [String] } deriving Show

foo :: Foo
foo = Foo 3 ["hello", "goodbye"]

data Bar = Bar { bar1 :: Double , bar2 :: [Foo] } deriving Show

bar :: Bar
bar = Bar 10.55 [foo, foo]

If you run this in `ghci` and type `print bar`, you'll get output like this:

> print bar
Bar {bar1 = 10.55, bar2 = [Foo {foo1 = 3, foo2 = ["hello","goodbye"]},Foo {foo1 = 3, foo2 = ["hello","goodbye"]}]}

This is pretty hard to read. Imagine if there were more fields or it were even
more deeply nested. It would be even more difficult to read.

`pretty-simple` can be used to print `bar` in an easy-to-read format:

![example screenshot](

## Usage

`pretty-simple` can be easily used from `ghci` when debugging.

When using `stack` to run `ghci`, just append the `--package` flag to
the command line to load `pretty-simple`:

$ stack ghci --package pretty-simple

Or, with cabal:

$ cabal repl --build-depends pretty-simple

Once you get a prompt in `ghci`, you can use `import` to get `pretty-simple`'s
function in scope.

> import Text.Pretty.Simple (pPrint)

You can test out `pPrint` with simple data types like `Maybe` or tuples.

> pPrint $ Just ("hello", "goodbye")
( "hello"
, "goodbye"

If for whatever reason you're not able to incur a dependency on the `pretty-simple` library, you can simulate its behaviour by using `process` to call out to the command line executable (see below for installation):
pPrint :: Show a => a -> IO ()
pPrint = putStrLn <=< readProcess "pretty-simple" [] . show

There's also a [web app](, compiled with GHCJS, where you can play around with `pretty-simple` in your browser.

## Features

- Easy-to-read
- Complex data types are simple to understand.
- Color
- Prints in color using ANSI escape codes.
- It is possible to print without color by using the
- Rainbow Parentheses
- Easy to understand deeply nested data types.
- Configurable
- Indentation, compactness, colors and more are configurable with the
- Fast
- No problem pretty-printing data types thousands of lines long.
- Works with any data type with a `Show` instance
- Some common Haskell data types have a `Show` instance that produces
non-valid Haskell code. `pretty-simple` will pretty-print even these
data types.

## Why not `(some other package)`?

Other pretty-printing packages have some combination of these defects:

- No options for printing in color.
- No options for changing the amount of indentation
- Requires every data type to be an instance of some special typeclass (instead
of just `Show`).
- Requires all `Show` instances to output valid Haskell code.

## Other Uses

### Pretty-print all GHCi output

The `pPrint` function can be used as the default output function in GHCi.

All you need to do is run GHCi with a command like one of these:

$ stack ghci --ghci-options "-interactive-print=Text.Pretty.Simple.pPrint" --package pretty-simple
$ cabal repl --repl-options "-interactive-print=Text.Pretty.Simple.pPrint" --build-depends pretty-simple

Now, whenever you make GHCi evaluate an expression, GHCi will pretty-print the
result using `pPrint`! See
for more info on this neat feature in GHCi.

### Pretty-printing JSON

`pretty-simple` can be used to pretty-print any `String` that is similar to
Haskell data types. The only requirement is that the `String` must correctly
use brackets, parenthese, and braces to indicate nesting.

For example, the
function can be used to pretty-print JSON.

Recall our example from before.

data Foo = Foo { foo1 :: Integer , foo2 :: [String] } deriving Show

foo :: Foo
foo = Foo 3 ["hello", "goodbye"]

data Bar = Bar { bar1 :: Double , bar2 :: [Foo] } deriving Show

bar :: Bar
bar = Bar 10.55 [foo, foo]

You can use [`aeson`]( to turn these
data types into JSON. First, you must derive
instances for the data types. It is easiest to do this with Template Haskell:

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

$(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''Foo)
$(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''Bar)

If you run this in `ghci` and type `encode bar`, you'll get output like this:

> import Data.Aeson (encode)
> putLazyByteStringLn $ encode bar

Just like Haskell's normal `print` output, this is pretty hard to read.

`pretty-simple` can be used to pretty-print the JSON-encoded `bar` in an
easy-to-read format:

![json example screenshot](

(You can find the `lazyByteStringToString`, `putLazyByteStringLn`,
and `putLazyTextLn` in the [`ExampleJSON.hs`](example/ExampleJSON.hs)

### Pretty-printing from the command line

`pretty-simple` includes a command line executable that can be used to
pretty-print anything passed in on stdin.

It can be installed to `~/.local/bin/` with the following command.

$ stack install pretty-simple

When run on the command line, you can paste in the Haskell datatype you want to
be formatted, then hit Ctrl-D:

![cli example screenshot](

This is very useful if you accidentally print out a Haskell data type with
`print` instead of `pPrint`.

## Contributions

Feel free to open an
[issue]( or
[PR]( for any

## Maintainers

- [@cdepillabout](
- [@georgefst](