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This is a code editor theme with extensive syntax highlight and workbench color customization implemented.

dark-theme extension theme visual-studio-code visual-studio-extension

Last synced: 2 months ago
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This is a code editor theme with extensive syntax highlight and workbench color customization implemented.

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# Theme +

This is a code editor theme with extensive syntax highlight and workbench color customization implemented. The entire color palette has been selected with a focus on offering usability over an extended period.

> __ChangeLog__
> - Support for the new in-built bracket colorization feature.
> - Improved contrast for all selected and similar results of a search operation.

## Theme Screenshot

### Theme + Dark Blue Theme

![Theme + Dark Blue Theme](image/theme-dark-blue-theme-screenshot.png)

### Theme + Dark Brown Theme

![Theme + Dark Brown Theme](image/theme-dark-brown-theme-screenshot.png)

## Installation

1 - Open the __Extensions__ sidebar panel from within the Visual Studio Code editor window.

`Menu Path : View > Extensions`

`Keyboard Shortcut : Ctrl + Shift + X`

2 - Search for the theme in the extension marketplace search and then click the __Install__ button.

__`Search Term : code-plus-theme`__

3 - Enable the installed theme from the Color Theme drop down list.

`Menu Path : Code / File > Preferences > Color Theme > Theme +`

`Keyboard Shortcut : Ctrl + K Ctrl + T`

## Share Extension

Please share this theme extension with others that might find it useful.

__Share To :__    [LinkedIn](   |   [Twitter](   |   [Facebook](

## Feedback

Please report issues related to this theme on the repository page.

[GitHub Repository](

## Author Information

The author of this extension also posts other technology related information.

__Follow On :__    [LinkedIn](   |   [Twitter](

The associated web site also contains further resources that might be of use.

__Web Site :__    [Cecil Jacob]( - ( `` )

## License & Disclaimer

__Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License__

This work is licensed under the terms of the license available below.

__License :__ [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License](

## Recommended Custom Setting

The recommended setting for other popular extensions when used with this theme is below.

### Add Within Settings File - ( `settings.json` )

Custom Setting - [Indent Rainbow](

``` JSON
"indentRainbow.colors": [
"indentRainbow.errorColor": "rgba(223,91,2,0.15)",


Custom Setting - [Bracket Pair Colorizer 2](

``` JSON
"bracket-pair-colorizer-2.colorMode": "Consecutive",
"bracket-pair-colorizer-2.colors": [
"bracket-pair-colorizer-2.unmatchedScopeColor": "#ba4d06",


Custom Setting - [Bracket Pair Colorizer](

``` JSON
"bracketPairColorizer.consecutivePairColors": [
["{", "}"],
["<", ">"],
["(", ")"],
["[", "]"],


Copyright © Cecil Jacob