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Charts for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

chart data visualization

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

Charts for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

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# CFPB Chart Builder [![Build Status](]( [![codecov](]( [![Sauce Test Status](](

Charts for the [Consumer Financial Protection Bureau](

## Demo

## Installation

Add a `div` with a class of `cfpb-chart` and the following data attributes to your page:


Auto loan originations decreased in 2016.


Add the library to your page:



It'll generate a chart for you:


You can also manually initialize a chart by providing a target element.
Install the library with `npm install cfpb-chart-builder` and then:

const ccb = require( 'cfpb-chart-builder' );

const chart = ccb.createChart({
el: document.getElementById('my-chart-div'),
source: '',
type: 'line',
color: 'green'

// Charts can be updated and redrawn
source: '',


## API

### `createChart( options )`

Create a CFPB chart.
Config options can be passed as an argument to `createChart` or as a data attribute on
an element with a class of `cfpb-chart` (see above).

**options.el**: `Element`

Required. Reference to the DOM element in which to render the chart.

**options.type**: `String`

Required. Type of chart to render. Options: `line`, `line-comparison`, `bar` or `tile_map`.

**options.source**: `String`

Required. Location of data (JSON) to download and add to chart series.
Can be relative or absolute URL.
If relative, the value of `window.CFPB_CHART_DATA_SOURCE_BASE` will be prepended to it.

Multiple data sources can be provided by separating them with semicolons.
E.g. `mortgage/national.json;mortgage/nyc.json`.

**options.title**: `String`

Optional. Title of the chart.

**options.color**: `String`

Optional. Chart's color scheme.
Options: `blue`, `green`, `teal`, `navy`, `purple`, `neutral`, `gold`.
If omitted, the chart color will be black.

**options.metadata**: `String|Object`

Optional. Arbitrary metadata for your chart.
For example, `bar` charts currently require a group key (e.g. `Number of Loans`) to filter data.

**options.yAxisLabel**: `String`

Optional. Hardcoded y-axis label for the chart.

**options.tooltipFormatter**: `Function`

Optional. Function that returns HTML to format the chart's tooltip.
See Highcharts' [tooltip.formatter](

**options.pointDescriptionFormatter**: `Function`

Optional. Formatter function to use instead of the default for point descriptions.
See Highcharts' [accessibility.pointDescriptionFormatter](

**options.seriesDescriptionFormatter**: `Function`

Optional. Formatter function to use instead of the default for series descriptions.
See Highcharts' [accessibility.seriesDescriptionFormatter](

**options.screenReaderSectionFormatter**: `Function`

Optional. A formatter function to create the HTML contents of the hidden screen
reader information region. See Highcharts' [accessibility.screenReaderSectionFormatter](

### `chart.update( options )`

Update a CFPB chart.
Provide any of the above options and the chart will be redrawn with those new settings.

## Contributing

We welcome your feedback and contributions. See the
[contribution guidelines](
for more details.

### Install locally

1. Install [Node.js 8]( however you'd like.
2. Install [Gulp]( `npm install -g gulp`
3. Install the dependencies and compile the project with: `./`

__NOTE:__ To re-install and rebuild all the site’s assets run
`./` again. See the [usage](#development-usage) section on updating all the
project dependencies.

### Development usage

Each time you fetch from the upstream repository (this repo), run `./`.
This setup script will remove and re-install the project dependencies and
rebuild the site's JavaScript and CSS assets.

To run the site on a local server,
run `gulp watch` from the project root.
Running in this manner will also watch for changes in the source code
and automatically update the running site.

#### Development with cfgov-refresh

When running the site locally, you can temporarily link changes you are making to the code with the [cfgov-refresh]( project.

1. In the cfpb-chart-builder directory, run:
npm link
1. In the cfgov-refresh directory:
npm link cfpb-chart-builder
gulp build
1. When you're done and want to bring back the published package:
npm unlink cfpb-chart-builder
yarn add cfpb-chart-builder
gulp build

### Publish a release

1. After merging all PRs needed for release, update the version in `package.json` using [semantic versioning]( This command will also tag and commit the updated version:
# change patch to minor or major as needed
npm version patch
1. Push the new version and tag to Github:
git push upstream main --tags
1. Create a new release description on Github at using your new tag.
1. Publish to npm:
npm publish

## Testing

`npm test` will run unit and browser tests.

Sauce Labs is used to test the charts in IE 10.
_(Note: This is not working correctly as of 1/24/19.)_
An [Open Sauce]( account has been created for this repo.
Its credentials can be found at https://GHE/gist/contolini/504ea71f6a19c74090c7a150aff60421.
Add the credentials locally by doing:

1. `cp test/config.json.example test/config.json`
1. Add valid Sauce Labs credentials to `test/config.json` (see above gist).

The browser tests will take several minutes to run.
The test script simply loads `http://localhost:8089/` in IE VMs and reports any `window` errors.

## Getting help

Use the issue tracker to follow the development conversation.
If you find a bug not listed in the issue tracker, please file a bug report.

## Getting involved

We welcome your feedback and contributions. See the
[contribution guidelines](
for more details.

Additionally, you may want to consider
[contributing to the Capital Framework](,
which is the front-end pattern library used in this project.


## Open source licensing info
1. [TERMS](
3. [CFPB Source Code Policy](