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Provide python like string operations library for swift

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Provide python like string operations library for swift

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# SwiftyPyString

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SwiftyPyString is a string extension for Swift.
This library provide Python compliant String operation methods.

## Installation

### Cocoapods

pod 'SwiftyPyString'

### Carthage

github 'ChanTsune/SwiftyPyString'

### Swift Package Manager

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
name: "YourProject",
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "\(version)")

## Usage

import SwiftyPyString

### String extension

#### String sliceing subscript

let str = "0123456789"
// 0
// 9

#### Slice String

let str = "0123456789"

// 01234
// 0246
// 9876543210

Use Slice object case

let str = "0123456789"
var slice = Slice(start:0, stop:5)
var sliceStep = Slice(start:0, stop:8, step:2)

// 01234
// 0246

#### String Multiplication

var s = "Hello World! " * 2

// "Hello World! Hello World! "

### Methods

#### capitalize()

"hello world!".capitalize() // "Hello world!"

#### casefold()

"ß".casefold() // "ss"

#### center(width [,fillchar])

"1234".center(10) // " 1234 "
"123"center(10) // " 123 "
"1234".center(10,fillchar:"0") // "0001234000"
"123"center(10,fillchar:"0") // "0001230000"

#### count(sub [,start [,end]])

"abc abc abc".count("abc") // 3
"aaaaaaaaaa".count("a", start:2) // 8
"bbbbbbbbbb".count("bb", end:8) // 4

#### endswith(suffix [,start [,end]])

"hello world!".endswith("!") // true
"hello world!".endswith("world!") // true
"hello".endswith("world") // false
"hello".endswith(["hello","world","!"]) // true

#### expandtabs(tabsize=8)

"abc\tabc\t".expandtabs() // "abc abc "
"abc\tabc\t".expandtabs(4) // "abc abc "

#### find(sub [,start [,end]])

"123412312312345".find("123") // 0
"123412312312345".find("12345") // 10
"123412312312345".find("5") // 14
"123412312312345".find("31") // 6
"123412312312345".find("0") // -1

#### format(args...,kwargs)

**Available after v2.0**

"{}, {}, {}".format("a", "b", "c") // "a, b, c"
"{0}, {1}, {2}".format("a", "b", "c") // "a, b, c"
"{0}{1}{0}".format("abra", "cad") // "abracadabra"
"{:,}".format(1234567890) // "1,234,567,890"

Format specification

#### format_map(kwargs)

**Available after v2.0**

"{A}, {B}, {C}".format(["A": "a", "B": "b", "C": "c"]) // "a, b, c"
"{number:,}".format(["number":1234567890]) // "1,234,567,890"

Format specification

#### index(sub [,start [,end]]) throws

"123412312312345".index("123") // 0
"123412312312345".index("12345") // 10
"123412312312345".index("5") // 14
"123412312312345".index("31") // 6
"123412312312345".index("0") // throw PyException.ValueError

#### isalnum()

"123abc".isalnum() // true
"1000A".isalnum() // true
"日本語".isalnum() // true
"abc 123".isalnum() // false

#### isalpha()

"I have pen.".isalpha() // false
"qwerty".isalpha() // true
"日本語".isalpha() // true
"123".isalpha() // false
"".isalpha() // false

#### isascii()

"I have pen.".isascii() // trur
"qwerty".isascii() // true
"123".isascii() // true
"".isascii() // true
"非ASCII文字列".isascii() // false

#### isdecimal()

"123".isdecimal() // true
"12345".isdecimal() // true
"一".isdecimal() // false
"".isdecimal() // false

#### isdigit()

"123".isdigit() // true
"12345".isdigit() // true
"一".isdigit() // true
"".isdigit() // true

#### islower()

"lower case string".islower() // true
"Lower case string".islower() // false
"lower case String".islower() // false
"lower Case string".islower() // false
"小文字では無い".islower() // false

#### isnumeric()

"123".isnumeric() // true
"12345".isnumeric() // true
"一".isnumeric() // true
"".isnumeric() // false

#### isprintable()

"".isprintable() // true
"abc".isprintable() // true
"\u{060D}".isprintable() // false

#### isspace()

" ".isspace() // true
"".isspace() // false
"Speace".isspace() // false

#### istitle()

"Title Case String".istitle() // true
"Title_Case_String".istitle() // true
"Title__Case String".istitle() // true
"not Title Case String".istitle() // false
"NotTitleCaseString".istitle() // false
"Not Title case String".istitle() // false

#### isupper()

"UPPER CASE STRING".isupper() // true
"Upper Case String".isupper() // false
"大文字では無い".isupper() // false

#### join(iterable)

let array = ["abc","def","ghi"]
"".join(array) // "abcdefghi"
"-".join(array) // "abc-def-ghi"
"++".join(array) // "abc++def++ghi"

#### ljust(width [,fillchar])

"abc".ljust(1) // "abc"
"abc".ljust(5) // " abc"
"abc".ljust(5, fillchar:"$") // "$$abc"

#### lower()

"ABCDE".lower() // "abcde"
"あいうえお".lower() // "あいうえお"

#### lstrip(chars=nil)

" lstrip sample".lstrip() // "lstrip sample"
" lstrip sample".lstrip(" ls") // "trip sample"
"lstrip sample".lstrip() // "lstrip sample"

#### maketrans(x [,y [,x]])

String.maketrans([97:"A",98:nil,99:"String"]) // ["a":"A","b":"","c":"String"]
String.maketrans(["a":"A","b":nil,"c":"String"]) // ["a":"A","b":"","c":"String"]
String.maketrans("abc",y: "ABC") // ["a":"A","b":"B","c":"C"]
String.maketrans("abc", y: "ABC", z: "xyz") // ["a":"A","b":"B","c":"C","x":"","y":"","z":""]

#### partition(sep)

"a,b,c".partition(",") // ("a",",","b,c")
"a,b,c".partition("x") // ("a,b,c","","")

#### replace(old, new [,count])

"abc".replace("bc", new: "bcd") // "abcd"
"Python python python python".replace("python", new: "Swift", count: 2) // "Python Swift Swift python"

#### rfind(sub [,start [,end]])

"0123456789".rfind("0") // 0
"0123456789".rfind("02") // -1
"0123454321".rfind("2") // 8
"0123454321".rfind("1", end: -1) // 1

#### rindex(sub [,start [,end]]) throws

"0123456789".rindex("0") // 0
"0123456789".rindex("02") // throw PyException.ValueError
"0123454321".rindex("2") // 8
"0123454321".rindex("1", end: -1) // 1

#### rjust(width [,fillchar])

"abc".rjust(1) // "abc"
"abc".rjust(5) // "abc "
"abc"rjust(5,fillchar:"z") // "abczz"

#### rpartition(sep)

"a,b,c".rpartition(",") // ("a,b", ",", "c")
"a,b,c".rpartition("x") // ("", "", "a,b,c")

#### rsplit(sep=nil [,maxsplit])

"a,b,c,d,".rsplit(",") // ["a", "b", "c", "d", ""]
"a,b,c,d,".rsplit() // ["a,b,c,d,"]
"a,b,c,d,".rsplit(",", maxsplit: 2) // ["a,b,c","d", ""]
"a,b,c,d,".rsplit(",", maxsplit: 0) // ["a,b,c,d,"]
"aabbxxaabbaaddbb".rsplit("aa", maxsplit: 2) // ["aabbxx", "bb", "ddbb"]

#### rstrip(chars=nil)

"rstrip sample ".rstrip() // "rstrip sample"
"rstrip sample ".rstrip("sample ") // "rstri"
" rstrip sample".rstrip() // " rstrip sample"

#### split(sep=nil [,maxsplit])

"a,b,c,d,".split(",") // ["a", "b", "c", "d", ""]
"a,b,c,d,".split() // ["a,b,c,d,"]
"a,b,c,d,".split(",", maxsplit: 2) // ["a", "b", "c,d,"]
"a,b,c,d,".split(",", maxsplit: 0) // ["a,b,c,d,"]
"aabbxxaabbaaddbb".split("aa", maxsplit: 2) // ["", "bbxx", "bbaaddbb"]

#### splitlines([keepends])

"abc\nabc".splitlines() // ["abc", "abc"]
"abc\nabc\r".splitlines(true) // ["abc\n", "abc\r"]
"abc\r\nabc\n".splitlines() // ["abc", "abc"]
"abc\r\nabc\n".splitlines(true) // ["abc\r\n", "abc\n"]

#### startswith(prefix [,start [,end]])

"hello world!".startswith("hello") // true
"hello world!".startswith("h") // true
"hello".startswith("world") // flase
"hello".startswith(["hello", "world", "!"]) // true

#### strip(chars=nil)

" spacious ".strip() // "spacious"
"".strip("cmowz.") // "example"

#### swapcase()

"aBcDe".swapcase() // "AbCdE"
"AbC dEf".swapcase() // "aBc DeF"
"あいうえお".swapcase() // "あいうえお"

#### title()

"Title letter".title() // "Title Letter"
"title Letter".title() // "Title Letter"
"abc abC _ aBC".title() // "Abc Abc _ Abc"

#### translate(transtable)

let table = String.maketrans("", y: "", z: "swift")

"I will make Python like string operation library".translate(table)
// "I ll make Pyhon lke rng operaon lbrary"

#### upper()

"abcde".upper() // "ABCDE"
"あいうえお".upper() // "あいうえお"

#### zfill()

"abc".zfill(1) // "abc"
"abc".zfill(5) // "00abc"
"+12".zfill(5) // "+0012"
"-3".zfill(5) // "-0003"
"+12".zfill(2) // "+12"

For more detail please refer below link

### Sliceable protocol

protocol Sliceable : Collection {
init() /* Required. */
subscript (_ start: Int?, _ stop: Int?, _ step: Int?) -> Self { get }
subscript (_ start: Int?, _ end: Int?) -> Self { get }
subscript (_ i:Int) -> Self.Element { get } /* Required. */
subscript (_ slice: Slice) -> Self { get }
mutating func append(_ newElement: Self.Element) /* Required. */

With the introduction of `SwiftyPyString`, `String` conforms to the `Sliceable` protocol.

By conforming to `Sliceable` protocol, it can get partial sequences as introduced in [Slice String](#Slice-String).

If the type you want to conform to `Sliceable` is conforms to `RangeReplaceableCollection`, it can be used simply by defining `subscript (_ i:Int) -> Self.Element { get }`.

In addition, if `associatedtype Index` of `Collection` is `Int`, you can conform to `Sliceable` with a very short code as follows, like `Array`.

extension Array : Sliceable { }

let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

arr[0, 3]
// [0, 1, 2]

let slice = Slice(step:2)

// [1, 3, 5]

## License

This project published under the MIT license. See the [LICENSE](./LICENSE) file for more information.