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Notes for Fullstack Software Engineers. Covers common data structure and algorithms, web concepts, Javascript / TypeScript, React, and more!

data-structures front-end-development frontend fullstack interview javascript leetcode nodejs react typescript webdevelopment

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

Notes for Fullstack Software Engineers. Covers common data structure and algorithms, web concepts, Javascript / TypeScript, React, and more!

Awesome Lists containing this project



# FrontEndCollection (Keep updating everyday, hopefully...)

## Web Development Basics
### HTML 📖
[1. What happens when you type in a URL](
[2. GET vs POST](
3. What can we do to improve a website's performance?
4. HTML5 offline storage mechanism
[5. Common time and space-complexity](
[6. What has been deprecated, and what is new on HTML5?](
[7. How the DOM really works?](
[8. Inline elements, Block elements, and what are the differences?](
[9. Several ways to call a function](
[10. A brief introduction of the differences between "src" and "href"](
[11. A brief introduction of Call, Apply, Bind](
[12. Time and space complexity for common sorting algorithm](

### CSS 💎
[1. What is the difference between display:none and visibility:hidden style?](
[2. What is BFC(Block Formatting Context)](

### JavaScript Concepts 📦
[`this` keyword](
[Bubbling and Capturing](
[Execution Context](
[Higher Order Function](
[Event Loop](,%20Event%20Loop%20&
[Throttling and Debouncing](

### JavaScript Demos 🖥
[Consuming Promises](

### React Concepts 💡
[Controlled Components](

### React Projects (In ascending order of difficulty)

### Node.js Demos 🟢
[Receive input](

## Projects
[1. Accordion](
[2. ModalBox](
[3. Drum Kit](
[4. Mini Clock](
[5. Playing with Variables](

## Deep Dive in Javascript
[_Learn More on BFE.dev_](

[1. Implement Curry()](
[2. implement Array.prototype.flat()](
[3. Implement curry() with placeholder support](

## Data Structures & Algorithms in JavaScript

### Solve the questions on [Codewar]( if you are a beginner


[0001. Two Sum](
[Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted](
[0011. Container With Most Water](
[0026. Remove Duplicates from Sorted](
[Search Insert Position](
[Squares of a Sorted Array](
[Last and Second Last](
[Rotate Array](
[Meeting Rooms II](
[Intersection of Two Arrays II](
[Remove Nth Node From End of List](
[K Closest Points to Origin](
[Maximum Subarray](
[Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock](
[First Bad Version](
[Meeting Rooms](
[Trapping Rain Water](
[Product of Array Except Self](
[Merge Intervals](
[Longest Consecutive Sequence](
[Spiral Matrix](
[Coin Change](
[Gas Station](
[Top K Frequent Elements](
[3 Sum](
[Count Binary Substrings](
[Word Search](
[Subarray Sum Equals K](
[Subdomain Visit Count](
[Next Permutation](
[Expressive Words](
[Verifying an Alien Dictionary](
[4Sum(nSum universal solution)](
[3Sum Closest](
[Jump Game](
[Jump Game II](
[Minimum Size Subarray Sum](
[Matrix Summation](
[Counting Analogous Arrays](
[Custom Sorted Array](
[Reformat Date](
[Game of Life](
[Search a 2D Matrix II](
[Kth Largest Element in an Array](
[Insert Delete GetRandom O(1)](
[Reaching Points](
[Pow(x, n)](
[Sum of Square Numbers](
[Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements](
[Buying Show Tickets](
[Count Duplicate Elements](
[Password Creation](

Two Pointers

[0015. 3Sum](
[0016. 3Sum Closest](
[0283. Move Zeroes](



    [0005. Longest Palindromic Substring](
    [0009. Palindrome Number](


    [0006. Zigzag Conversion](
    [0007. Reverse Integer](
    [0014. Longest Common Prefix](
    [Reverse String](
    [Reverse Words in a String III](
    [Longest Common Prefix](
    [Valid Palindrome II](
    [Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters](
    [Letter Combinations of a Phone Number](
    [Generate Parentheses](
    [Decode String](
    [Longest Palindromic Substring](
    [Time Based Key-Value Store](
    [Longest String Chain](
    [Robot Bounded In Circle](
    [Word Break](
    [Minimum Number of Steps to Make Two Strings Anagram](
    [Reorganize String](
    [Group Anagrams](
    [Shortest Word Distance II](
    [Simplify Path](
    [Search Suggestions System](
    [Remove All Adjacent Duplicates in String II](
    [Fraction to Recurring Decimal](
    [Accounts Merge](
    [Longest Happy String](
    [Minimum Deletions to Make Character Frequencies Unique](


[Buildings With an Ocean View](
[Valid Parentheses](
[Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses](


[0560. Subarray Sum Equals K](


[0003. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters](

Object Manipulation

[0012. Integer to Roman](
[0013. Roman to Integer](


[0002. Add Two Numbers](
[206. Reverse Linked List](
[Linked List Cycle](
[Middle of the Linked List](
[Linked List Cycle II](
[Add Two Numbers](
[Design Linked List](
[LRU Cache](


    [Binary Tree Preorder Traversal](
    [Binary Tree Inorder Traversal](


    [Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal](
    [Invert Binary Tree](
    [Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree](
    [Recover Binary Search Tree](


    [Range Sum of BST](
    [Binary Tree Vertical Order Traversal](
    [Validate Binary Search Tree](
    [Sum Root to Leaf Numbers](
    [Binary Tree Right Side View](

Recursion & Backtracking



[Flood Fill](
[Max Area of Island](
[Merge Two Binary Trees](
[Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node](
[01 Matrix](
[Rotting Oranges](
[Number of Islands](
[Minimum Knight Moves](

Binary Search

[Binary Search](
[Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array](
[Search in Rotated Sorted Array](
[Find Peak Element](

Database Management

[Unit 2 Exploring Databases and SQL](
[ER diagram, Relational Algebra, SQL / NOSQL](
[Unit 3: Data Storage](
[Unit 4: Data Indexing](
[Unit 5: Transactions and Recovery](
[Unit 6: Concurrency](
[Unit 1 - 6 Practice Questions Solutions](

TikTok 🎶

[Count Analogous Array](
[Is this a tree](
[Longest String Chain](
[Fizz Buzz](
[Last and Second Last](
[Custom Sorted Array](
[Gas Station](
[Minimum Number of Steps to Make Two Strings Anagram](
[Count Binary Substrings](
[Anagram Difference](
[Counting Analogous Arrays](
[Reformat Date](
[Alaaddin Carpet](
[Reaching Points](
[OA with not answers](


🤯 If you find errors in the content of this project, don't hesitate to submit issues or pull requests on GitHub for corrections, I really, really appreciate it

🤯如果你发现本项目有任何内容上的错误,欢迎在 GitHub 提交 issues 或者 pull requests 进行打脸