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A fast and flexible joiner for iterables and arrays with a tiny footprint

array array-join arrays curried iterable iterables join joiner oxford-comma serial-comma zero-dependency

Last synced: 2 days ago
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A fast and flexible joiner for iterables and arrays with a tiny footprint

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# conjoin

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- [NAME](#name)
- [FEATURES](#features)
- [INSTALLATION](#installation)
- [SYNOPSIS](#synopsis)
- [DESCRIPTION](#description)
- [Why?](#why)
- [TYPES](#types)
- [EXPORTS](#exports)
- [conjoin](#conjoin-1)
- [conjoiner](#conjoiner)
- [OPTIONS](#options)
- [last](#last)
- [map](#map)
- [pair](#pair)
- [serial](#serial)
- [with](#with)
- [$map](#dollar-map)
- [DEVELOPMENT](#development)
- [COMPATIBILITY](#compatibility)
- [SEE ALSO](#see-also)
- [VERSION](#version)
- [AUTHOR](#author)
- [COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE](#copyright-and-license)


conjoin - a fast and flexible joiner for iterables and arrays with a tiny footprint


- works with ES6+ iterables, plain arrays and array-likes
- custom default, pair, and last separators
- currying (generate a function with baked-in options)
- no dependencies
- < 350 B minified + gzipped
- fully typed (TypeScript)
- CDN builds (UMD) - [jsDelivr][], [unpkg][]


$ npm install @chocolatey/conjoin


import { conjoin, conjoiner } from '@chocolatey/conjoin'

const array = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'quux']
const arrayLike = { length: 4, ...array }
const iterable = new Set(array)
const single = array.slice(0, 1)
const pair = array.slice(0, 2)
const triple = array.slice(0, 3)

#### works with iterables, arrays, and array-likes

conjoin([]) // ""
conjoin(single) // "foo"
conjoin(pair) // "foo and bar"
conjoin(triple) // "foo, bar and baz"
conjoin(array) // "foo, bar, baz and quux"
conjoin(iterable) // "foo, bar, baz and quux"
conjoin(arrayLike) // "foo, bar, baz and quux"

#### custom separators

conjoin(array, { with: '; ' }) // "foo; bar; baz and quux"
conjoin(array, { last: ' or ' }) // "foo, bar, baz or quux"
conjoin(pair, { pair: '/' }) // "foo/bar"

#### transform values

const map = (value, index) => JSON.stringify(value)
const $map = JSON.stringify

conjoin(array, { map }) // '"foo", "bar", "baz" and "quux"'
conjoin(array, { $map }) // '"foo", "bar", "baz" and "quux"'

#### currying

const map = it => it.toUpperCase()
const join = conjoiner({ map })

join(array) // "FOO, BAR, BAZ and QUUX"
join(array, { last: ' AND ' }) // "FOO, BAR, BAZ AND QUUX"

#### serial comma

const join = conjoiner({ serial: ' or ' })

join(pair) // "foo or bar"
join(array) // "foo, bar, baz, or quux"


This module exports a function which can be used to join array/iterable
elements to form a string. The default and last separators can be customized,
as well as the separator to use if there are only two elements. Options can
be baked into the function by currying.

## Why?

I often need to glue a list of values together with a default separator and a
different separator for the last two values, e.g. for error messages:

const want = ['string', 'symbol', 'function']
const message = 'Invalid name: expected string, symbol or function'

Several libraries which support this are available on NPM, but most haven't
been updated to work with iterables (they throw an error rather than
converting), and many come with hardwired, immutable separators. This library
aims to be at least as fast as the other implementations, and more flexible,
while keeping the package size small.


The following types are referenced in the descriptions below.

type Joinable = ArrayLike | Iterable;

type Options = {
last?: string;
map?: (value: T, index: number) => any;
pair?: string;
serial?: string | boolean;
with?: string;
$map?: (value: T) => any;


## conjoin

- **Type**: `(values: Joinable, options?: Options) ⇒ string`
- **Alias**: `join`

import { join } from '@chocolatey/conjoin'

join(single) // "foo"
join(pair) // "foo and bar"
join(array, { last: ' or ' }) // "foo, bar, baz or quux"

Takes an array-like or iterable and joins its values with the supplied

## conjoiner

- **Type**:
- `(options?: Options) ⇒ (values: Joinable, options: Options) ⇒ string`
- `(options?: Options) ⇒ (values: Joinable) ⇒ string`
- **Alias**: `joiner`

import { joiner } from '@chocolatey/conjoin'

const join = joiner({ last: ' or ' })

join(pair) // "foo or bar"
join(triple) // "foo, bar or baz"
join(array, { with: '/' }) // "foo/bar/baz or quux"
join(array, { last: ': ' }) // "foo, bar, baz: quux"

Returns a function which takes an array/iterable and joins its values with the
supplied separators. Options passed to the generated function override the
options passed to the generator.


The [`conjoin`](#conjoin-1) and [`conjoiner`](#conjoiner) functions take the
following options.

## last

- **Type**: `string`
- **Default**: `" and "`

join(array) // "foo, bar, baz and quux"
join(array, { last: ' or ' }) // "foo, bar, baz or quux"

The separator to use between the last two values. Used if there are three or
more values, or if there are two values and no [`pair`](#pair) separator is

## map

- **Type**: `(value: T, index: number) => any`
- **Default**: `undefined`

const repeat = (it, i) => String(it).repeat(i + 1)
const toInt = it => parseInt(it)

join(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], { map: repeat }) // "a, bb, ccc and dddd"
join(['1.', '2.', '3.', '4.'], { map: toInt }) // "1, 2, 3 and 4"

An optional function to transform each joined value. If supplied, the function
is passed the value and its 0-based index within the array/iterable.

Note that functions like `parseInt` need to be wrapped to ensure the second
argument passed to the map function (the index) isn't disallowed or
[misinterpreted][parseInt]. Rather than wrapping these functions manually, they can be
wrapped automatically via the [`$map`](#dollar-map) option.

## pair

- **Type**: `string`
- **Default**: value of the [`last`](#last) option

const join = conjoiner({ pair: ' or ', last: ', or ' })

join(single) // "foo"
join(pair) // "foo or bar"
join(triple) // "foo, bar, or baz"
join(array) // "foo, bar, baz, or quux"

The separator to use when there are exactly two values. If not supplied, it
defaults to the value of the [`last`](#last) option.

Can be used in conjunction with `last` to produce lists in the
"[Oxford comma](" style.

## serial

- **Type**: `string | boolean`
- **Default**: `undefined`

join(pair, { serial: ' or ' }) // "foo or bar"
join(array, { serial: ' or ' }) // "foo, bar, baz, or quux"
join(['eats', 'shoots', 'leaves'], { serial: ' and ' }) // "eats, shoots, and leaves"

This option provides a way to create an Oxford-comma-style list with a single
option by taking advantage of the fact that the [`last`](#last) separator in such
lists is the [`pair`](#pair) separator with a comma prepended. Supplying a `serial`
option of `` is equivalent to providing a `pair` option of ``
and a `last` option of `","` + ``, e.g.:

#### before

const join = joiner({ pair: ' or ', last: ', or ' })

join(pair) // "foo or bar"
join(array) // "foo, bar, baz, or quux"

#### after

const join = joiner({ serial: ' or ' })

join(pair) // "foo or bar"
join(array) // "foo, bar, baz, or quux"

As a convenience, if the value is true, it's assigned the value of the
[`last`](#last) option, e.g.:

const array = ['eats', 'shoots', 'leaves']

conjoin(array) // "eats, shoots and leaves"
conjoin(array, { serial: true }) // "eats, shoots, and leaves"

const join = joiner({ last: ' or ' })

join(array) // "eats, shoots or leaves"
join(array, { serial: true }) // "eats, shoots, or leaves"

## with

- **Type**: `string`
- **Default**: `", "`

join(pair, { with: '/' }) // "foo and bar"
join(triple, { with: '/' }) // "foo/bar and baz"
join(triple, { with: ' and ' }) // "foo and bar and baz"

The default separator, used for all but the only ([pair](#pair)) and
[last](#last) separators.

## $map

- **Type**: `(value: T) => any`
- **Default**: `undefined`

const items = ['1.', '2)', '3:', '4/']

join(items, { $map: parseInt }) // "1, 2, 3 and 4"
join(array, { $map: JSON.stringify }) // '"foo", "bar", "baz" and "quux"'

An optional function to transform each joined value.

This is the same as the [`map`](#map) option, but the function is automatically wrapped
to ensure it's only passed a value rather than a value and its index. This is
needed for functions which disallow or [misinterpret][parseInt] additional arguments
such as `parseInt` and `JSON.stringify`.

Assigning a function to `$map` is the same as assigning its wrapper to `map`, so
the following are equivalent:

const map = it => JSON.stringify(it)

join(array, { map }) // '"foo", "bar", "baz" and "quux"'
join(array, { $map: JSON.stringify }) // '"foo", "bar", "baz" and "quux"'

If both `$map` and `map` are defined, `$map` takes precedence.


## NPM Scripts

The following NPM scripts are available:

- build - compile the library for testing and save to the target directory
- build:doc - generate the README's TOC (table of contents)
- build:release - compile the library for release and save to the target directory
- clean - remove the target directory and its contents
- rebuild - clean the target directory and recompile the library
- repl - launch a node REPL with the library loaded
- test - recompile the library and run the test suite
- test:run - run the test suite
- typecheck - sanity check the library's type definitions


- [Maintained Node.js versions]( and compatible browsers


- [array-to-sentence](
- [join-array](
- [joinn](
- [oxford-comma-join](
- [oxford-join](






Copyright © 2020 by chocolateboy.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the [Artistic License 2.0](

[jsDelivr]:[email protected]/dist/index.umd.min.js
[unpkg]:[email protected]/dist/index.umd.min.js