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A web application to compute and display the odds that the Millennium Falcon reaches Endor in time and saves the galaxy.

angular cli flask-restx python

Last synced: 1 day ago
JSON representation

A web application to compute and display the odds that the Millennium Falcon reaches Endor in time and saves the galaxy.

Awesome Lists containing this project



# :rocket: Millennium Falcon Challenge @ [Dataiku](

:book: [Project's Specification](

**Before anything else, please add the following lines to your RUNCOM (`.bashrc`, `.zshrc`, etc. depending on your shell) file:**

export MFC_PATH=~/
source $MFC_PATH/cli/

**You will then need to open a new shell for changes to take effect.**


## :floppy_disk: Database Creation & Population

The following command creates and populates the `universe.db` database based on `universe.sql`:

cat universe.sql | sqlite3 universe.db

_**Note:** this command doesn't need to be run if you do not modify `universe.sql`, since the database is already initialized in this repo._

The `ROUTES` table of `universe.db` contains the following data:

| origin | destination | travel_time |
| :------: | :---------: | :---------: |
| Tatooine | Dagobah | 6 |
| Dagobah | Endor | 4 |
| Dagobah | Hoth | 1 |
| Hoth | Endor | 1 |
| Tatooine | Hoth | 6 |


## :gear: Backend

**Navigate to `/backend`.**

### :bookmark_tabs: Dependencies

- [Python 3](
- [Flask](
- [Flask-RESTX](
- [Flask-CORS](
- [pytest](
- [NetworkX](

Install all the dependencies locally with:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

### :gear: Launching the backend

Launch the backend with:


And navigate to http://localhost:5000/ to explore the [Swagger]( documentation of the backend RESTful API.

### :white_check_mark: Unit testing

Run the following command to run [pytest]('s unit tests:

python3 -m pytest --no-header --no-summary -v

All tests should pass and print the following content to the console:

============================= test session starts ==============================
collected 4 items

backend/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
backend/tests/ PASSED [ 50%]
backend/tests/ PASSED [ 75%]
backend/tests/ PASSED [100%]

============================== 4 passed in 0.04s ===============================


## :round_pushpin: Frontend

**Navigate to `/frontend`.**

:gear: _This frontend app was generated with [Angular CLI]( version 13.3.5._

:art: _UI inspiration from [rémi on CodePen](

### :gear: Running the app

Install or update dependencies with:

npm install

Run `npm run start` for a dev server and navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The application will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Make sure the backend is running on http://localhost:5000/.

### :eyes: Application overview

![Millennium Falcon Dashboard](frontend/src/assets/gmto-screenshot.png)

When landing on the application you will be able to:

- visualize the data from `unvierse.db` - ie. the different routes and the corresponding travel time between each planet of the universe ;
- upload an `empire.json` file containing the data intercepted by the rebels about the plans of the Empire to compute the odds of the mission's success.

The `empire.json` file should follow this format:

"countdown": 6,
"bounty_hunters": [
{ "planet": "Tatooine", "day": 4 },
{ "planet": "Dagobah", "day": 5 }

Some sample `empire.json` files are located in `sample-data/`.


## CLI

You can use the `give-me-the-odds` command:

`give-me-the-odds ` will return the probability of success of the mission as a number ranging from 0 to 100.

It takes 2 file paths as input - respectively the paths toward the `millennium-falcon.json` and `empire.json` files.