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Use podman to build an image and launch containers

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Use podman to build an image and launch containers

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# podman-maven-plugin

Use podman to build, push, and run images. This plugin has eight goals:

1. [Login to registry](#login-goal)
2. [Create Containerfile from base image and copy directives](#containerfile-goal)
3. [Build image from Containerfile and context](#build-goal)
4. [Push image to registry](#push-goal)
5. [Create a volume](#volume-create-goal)
6. [Import volume contents](#volume-import-goal)
7. [Run image in container](#container-run-goal)
8. [Remove container](#container-rm-goal)

# Rationale

Build images using [podman]( with this
plugin's [containerfile](#containerfile-goal) and [build](#build-goal) goals.

During the **pre-integration-test** phase, deploy your containers using this plugin's
[container-run](#container-run-goal) goal. Use
[failsafe]( to run integration tests.
During the **post-integration-test** phase, undeploy your containers using this plugin's
[container-rm](#container-rm-goal) goal.

## Remote Podman

This plugin supports
[remote podman]( using
`connection` or `url` parameters. When using remote podman, bind mounts will not work. You will need
to create a volume, import its contents, and run the container with a volume mount. Port mappings
will map the container port to the remote podman host port.

# Plugin Reports

Plugin reports available at
[plugin info](

# Container Name vs Container Alias

The container name is the shorthand name of the container as seen by the host. The container alias
is used as the network host name of the container as seen from inside the network.

## Login Goal

The [login]( goal binds by default to
the **prepare-package** phase. This goal executes `podman login` with credentials from
**settings.xml** or specified in the configuration.

### Login Configuration from settings.xml

Maven's [settings.xml]( contains items that are not specific
to a project or that should not be distributed to artifact consumers. This plugin will read the
[servers]( element of settings.xml to find a server
element with an `` element that matches the registry. If found, the `` and
`` from that server element will be used. (The password is
[decrypted]( if needed.)

### Login Configuration from pom.xml

| Parameter | Required | Description |
| connection | | Remote podman connection name |
| registry | ✓ | Registry to authenticate with |
| password | | If registry not found in settings.xml, use as password |
| skip | | Skip login |
| username | | If registry not found in settings.xml, use as username |
| url | | Url of podman remote service |

## Containerfile Goal

The [containerfile]( goal
binds by default to the **prepare-package** phase.
This goal creates *${}/contextDir/Containerfile* from the configuration.
See [Containerfile]( for more
information about Containerfile syntax.

### Containerfile Configuration

| Parameter | Required | Description |
| cmd | | Default [ShellOrExec Config](#shellorexec-config) command |
| entrypoint | | Default [ShellOrExec Config](#shellorexec-config) entrypoint |
| from | ✓ | Base image for subsequent instructions |
| layers | | List of [Layer Config](#layer-config) to apply |
| labels | | Map of labels to apply to image |
| env | | Map of environment variables that are set when container runs |
| user | | User\[:Group] that runs inside the container. May be uid or name |
| expose | | List of ports that the container will expose |
| volumes | | List of locations in the image filesystem of external mounts |
| workDir | | Working directory for the container's process |

### Layer Config

| Parameter | Required | Description |
| chown | | Owner\[:Group] of the files in the image |
| chmod | | Permissions of the files in the image |
| srcs | ✓ | Files relative to the context to be copied. (golang wildcards supported) |
| dest | ✓ | Absolute destination in the image where files are copied |

### ShellOrExec Config

| Parameter | Required | Description |
| exec | ✓ or shell | List of Executable and parameters, no shell involved |
| shell | ✓ or cmd | Single line command executed by shell (unused if exec specified) |

## Build Goal

The [build]( goal binds by default to
the **package** phase. This goal executes `podman build` with the proper parameters.

### Build Configuration

| Parameter | Required | Description |
| buildArguments | | Map of build arguments |
| connection | | Remote podman connection name |
| containerfile | ✓ | Instruction file relative to contextDir, default is *Containerfile* |
| contextDir | ✓ | Directory with build content, default is *${}/contextDir* |
| image | ✓ | Fully qualified image name; must include *registry/repository:version* |
| loadDockerCache | | If set to true, load the local docker image cache with resulting image |
| platforms | | List of platforms. Each element may contain comma separated *os/arch* |
| skip | | Skip build |
| url | | Url of podman remote service |

## Push Goal

The [push]( goal binds by default to
the **deploy** phase. This goal uses `podman push` to push an image to its registry.

### Push Configuration

| Parameter | Required | Description |
| connection | | Remote podman connection name |
| image | ✓ | The fully qualified image name, with registry/repository:version |
| skip | | Skip push |
| url | | Url of podman remote service |

## Volume-Create Goal

The [volume-create]( goal
binds by default to the **prepare-package** phase. This goal uses `podman volume create` to create a

### Volume-Create Configuration

| Parameter | Required | Description |
| connection | | Remote podman connection name |
| volume | ✓ | The volume name |

## Volume-Import Goal

The [volume-import]( goal
binds by default to the **package** phase. This goal uses `podman volume import` to copy contents
into a volume.

### Volume-Create Configuration

| Parameter | Required | Description |
| connection | | Remote podman connection name |
| volume | ✓ | The volume name |
| src | ✓ | The content to copy. Either a tar file or a directory |

## Container-Run Goal

The [container-run]( goal
binds by default to the **pre-integration-test** phase. This goal uses `podman network create` to
create a network, `podman container run` to launch containers, and `podman logs` to capture the
containers` output.

The resulting container's id is saved in the maven property `container.${alias}.id`.

After launching, the goal will wait for the container to become healthy based upon the `wait`
configuration. When launching multiple containers, the container ordering is determined by the
`requires` parameter. The `logs` configuration instructs the goal to collect container logs until
the container is removed or maven exits.

### Container-Run Configuration

| Parameter | Required | Description |
| connection | | Remote podman connection name |
| containers | ✓ | Map of container aliases to [Container Config](#container-config) |
| devices | | List of [Device Config](#device-config) |
| network | | [Network Config](#network-config) |
| skip | | Skip container-run |
| url | | Url of podman remote service |

#### Device Config

| Parameter | Required | Description |
| source | ✓ | Absolute path of host device |
| destination | | Absolute path of container device. Defaults to host path. |
| mknode | | Container allowed to mknod. Defaults to true |
| read | | Container allowed to read. Defaults to true |
| write | | Container allowed to write. Defaults to true |

### Network Config

| Parameter | Required | Description |
| name | | Name of network. Defaults to `${JOB_NAME}` or `${project.artifactId}` |
| driver | | Network driver name. Defaults to **bridge** |

### Container Config

| Parameter | Required | Description |
| name | | Name of the container. Defaults to `${}.${container.alias}` |
| requires | | Comma separated dependent container names |
| image | ✓ | Fully qualified image name to run |
| wait | | Post launch [Wait Config](#wait-config) |
| log | | Post launch [Log Config](#log-config) |
| memory | | Memory limit. |
| memory | | Memory plus swap limit. |
| cmd | | Override image command to execute |
| args | | Override image arguments for command |
| entrypoint | | Override image entrypoint |
| envFile | | File containing environment variables that are set when container runs |
| env | | Map of environment variables that are set when container runs |
| mounts | | [Mount Config](#mount-config) |
| ports | | Map of host ports to container ports. See [Ports Map](#ports-map) |

#### Memory Limits

Memory limit must be a number followed by unit of 'b' (bytes), 'k' (kibibytes), 'm' (mebibytes), or
'g' (gibibytes).

#### Mount Config

| Parameter | Required | Description |
| binds | | List of [BindMount Config](#bindmount-config) |
| temps | | List of [TempFsMount Config](#tempfsmount-config) |
| volumes | | List of [VolumeMount Config](#volumemount-config) |

#### BindMount Config

| Parameter | Required | Description |
| source | ✓ | Absolute path of host directory |
| destination | ✓ | Absolute path of container directory |
| readonly | | Defaults to false |
| permissions | | Permissions of directories created on host |

##### Host Directory

Bind mounts will create the directory on the host if it does not exist. The file system permissions
may be defined using
[Symbolic]( or
[Numeric]( notation.

#### TempFsMount Config

| Parameter | Required | Description |
| destination | ✓ | Absolute path of container directory |

#### VolumeMount Config

| Parameter | Required | Description |
| source | ✓ | Volume name |
| destination | ✓ | Absolute path of container directory |
| readonly | | Defaults to false |

#### Ports Map

Key is the name of a maven property. If property is set, then that value is used as the host tcp
\[interface:]port; otherwise the property is set to the value of the dynamically assigned host tcp
port. Each entry is the value of an exposed container tcp port.

#### Log Config

| Parameter | Required | Description |
| file | | Name of file to receive logs. Defaults to `target/podman/.log` |
| timestamps | | Display timestamp on each line. Defaults to false. |

#### Wait Config

| Parameter | Required | Description |
| http | | [HttpWait Config](#httpwait-config) |
| log | | String to detect in container log. |
| time | | Seconds to wait before failing. Default is 60. |

#### HttpWait Config

| Parameter | Required | Description |
| url | ✓ | Url to invoke |
| method | | Http verb to use. Default is 'GET'. |
| status | | Expected status code. Default is 200. |
| interval | | Interval in seconds between probes. Default is 15. |

## Container-Rm Goal

The [container-rm]( goal binds
by default to the **post-integration-test** phase. This goal uses `podman container rm` to delete
containers and `podman network rm` to delete the network. The order of container deletion is the
reverse of the start order.

### Container-Rm Configuration

| Parameter | Required | Description |
| connection | | Remote podman connection name |
| containers | ✓ | Map of container aliases to [Container Config](#container-configuration) |
| network | | [Network Config](#network-configuration) |
| skip | | Skip container-rm |
| url | | Url of podman remote service |

### Container Configuration

| Parameter | Required | Description |
| name | | Name of the container. Defaults to `${}.${container.alias}` |

### Network Configuration

| Parameter | Required | Description |
| name | | Name of network. Defaults to `${JOB_NAME}` or `${project.artifactId}` |

# Examples

## Typical Use














Jetty started on port


