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Ruby on Rails 5 with HAML, SASS, CoffeeScript, Bootstrap, Devise, Rspec, Capybara

boilerplate bootstrap-4 capybara dalli devise dotenv factory-girl font-awesome haml heroku kaminari livereload newrelic omniauth prism rack-middleware rails ruby rubyonrails

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Ruby on Rails 5 with HAML, SASS, CoffeeScript, Bootstrap, Devise, Rspec, Capybara

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# Rails Framework

After creating a dozen or so Ruby on Rails app, I realized I was using the same configuration over and over again. This boilerplate code is intended to simply save time building a Rails 5.0+ app.

## Getting Started

You'll need to do a few things to get up-and-running. Here are a few items:

* Install all the necessary gems with ```bundle install```
* Modify ```config/database.yml``` with a new database name.
* Update your database with ```rails db:wipe```
* Start your web server with ```rails server:start```
* Create an account with []( and update your SMPT data in ```config/environments/development.rb```.
* Change your ```ENV['SECRET_KEY_BASE']``` [Source](


#### Cliff's Notes

If you want to see an itemized list of modifications, I suggest reviewing the cliff notes within ```lib/tasks/app.rake```

#### OmniAuth Data

* [Facebook Info ID](


# Managing Libraries

### Development Gems

- [Postgres]( for database
- [Dotenv]( for storing imporant data
- [Rerun]( watcher to help with automatic server restarts
- [Devise]( for user authentication
- [ERB to HAML]( to convert Devise pre-packaged templates
- [High Voltage]( for simple static pages
- [Font Awesome]( for icons
- [Simple Form]( for simplified forms
- [HAML]( (over ERB) for simplified HTML
- [SASS]( for short-hand CSS
- [Bootstrap]( for HTML + CSS templates

### Testing Gems

- [Populator]( and [Faker]( for creating fake data
- [Rspec]( for testing
- [Factory girl]( for fake unit test data
- [Capybara]( for automated user simulations


# Managing Tests

### Populating and Testing

Destroy and rebuild the test database with test data
rails db:wipe RAILS_ENV=test --trace

Migrate the test database
rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test --trace

Simply populate the test database with seed data. This is the alternative to ```fixtures```.
rails db:seed RAILS_ENV=test --trace

# Resources

* [How to configure Devise and OmniAuth](
* [Javascript to Coffee](
* [HTML to HAML](
* [Devise AJAX Authentication](
* [Asset Pipeline Simple](