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Clippy. For ReSharper

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Clippy. For ReSharper

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# Clippy for ReSharper #

ReSharper is, obviously, awesome. It does so much for you already, what could you possibly add to make life even more awesomer?

Clippy. That's what.

![Clippy says "it looks like you're refactoring. Would you like help?"](images/inplace_refactoring.gif)

This is a plugin for ReSharper to add Clippy support to your day to day ReSharper activities. It's fully operational. It handles/takes over:

* Alt+Enter
* Navigate To shortcut
* Refactor This shortcut
* Inspect This shortcut
* Generate (class, ctor, equality, etc) and Generate From Template shortcuts
* Go to recent files and go to recent edits
* In place refactoring, such as renaming a variable or class (my favourite)
* Reporting unit test runs
* Various animations for build, running unit tests, saving, etc.

And it provides a simple menu of items when you click Clippy, providing quick access to the Refactoring, Navigate, Analyze and Generate methods, as well as Code Cleanup, Find Usages and Go to Symbol.

![Clippy showing the Navigate to, Refactor This and Generate menus](images/clippy_in_action.png)

You can install it using the Extension Manager. Go to ReSharper -> Extension Manager -> Online and search for "clippy". Once installed, there's nothing more you need to do, just open a solution and off you go. Clippy will popup and intercept all your favourite keystrokes.

For more information, [see the original blog post](

![Clippy running unit tests](images/unit_tests.gif)

## Building ##

This extension uses the open source [Double Agent]( library to host the Agent. Some minor changes were made for the binary that is shipped - patches are included in the repo. It also does some nice side-by-side activation context to load an unregistered COM object. Thanks to [Samuel Jack](, [Spike McLarty]( and [Junfeng Zhang]( for notes on getting that working. See the [src/resharper-clippy/](src/resharper-clippy/ for more details.

It also uses the ReSharper SDK, which is referenced as NuGet packages.