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Install and configure PostgreSQL server on Debian and RedHat systems using this Ansible role. It provides a flexible and automated way to set up PostgreSQL databases, users, extensions, and more.

ansible claranet postgres postgresql role

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Install and configure PostgreSQL server on Debian and RedHat systems using this Ansible role. It provides a flexible and automated way to set up PostgreSQL databases, users, extensions, and more.

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# Ansible Role - PostgreSQL
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Install and configure PostgreSQL server on Debian and RedHat systems using this Ansible role. It provides a flexible and automated way to set up PostgreSQL databases, users, extensions, and more.

## Table of Contents

1. [Role Requirements](#warning-requirements)
2. [Role Dependencies](#arrows_counterclockwise-dependencies)
3. [Role Installation](#zap-role-installation)
4. [Features and Tags](#available-features-and-tags)
6. [Supported Linux/PostgreSQL Versions](#linuxpostgresql-versions-supported)
5. [Role features in use](#role-features-in-use)
- [Proxy usage](#proxy-usage)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [Auto tuning](#auto-tuning)
- [Physical replication](#physical-replication)
- [Vacuum setup](#vacuum)
- [Backup setup](#backup)
- [User and database management](#createremove-database-users)
- [Tablespaces management](#tablespaces)
- [Databases management](#createremove-databases)
- [Ownership and privileges management](#manage-ownership-and-privileges)
- [Extensions management](#extensions-management)
- [SQL executions](#sql-executions)
- [Advanced customized installation](#advanced-customized-installation)
- [Uninstallation](#uninstallation)
9. [Full example playbook](#pencil2-full-example-playbook)
10. [Hardening](
11. [Contributing](
12. [License](LICENSE)
13. [Author information](#author-information)

## :warning: Requirements

Ansible >= 2.10

## :arrows_counterclockwise: Collection dependencies
- community.general
- community.postgresql==3.2.0

## :zap: Role Installation

ansible-galaxy install claranet.postgresql

### Available features and tags
This role support the following features and tags in the following order during execution:
Feature | Tag
Uninstallation | uninstallation
Installation | install, installation
Datadir initialization | init,initialize,initialise
Auto tune (with | autotune, auto-tune
Configuration | config, configure, configuration
Replication | repli, replication
Vacuum | vacuum
Backup | backup
User & membership management | user, users
Tablespace management | tblspc, tablespace, tablespaces
Database management | db, database, databases
Ownership & privileges management | owner, owners, ownership, priv, privs, privileges
Extensions management | ext, extension, extensions
SQL code executions | query, script

Linux/PostgreSQL versions supported

Linux/PostgreSQL | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16
Debian 11 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes
Debian 12 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes
Ubuntu 20.04 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes
Ubuntu 22.04 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes
Ubuntu 24.04 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes
RockyLinux 8.7 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes
RockyLinux 9.1 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes
Fedora 38 | No | No | No | No | No

## Role features in use

### Proxy usage
This role supports use of proxies.

The variables `postgresql_http_general_proxy` and `postgresql_https_general_proxy` can be used to specify a proxy for general internet access (such as downloading files).

The variables `postgresql_http_pkg_proxy` and `postgresql_https_pkg_proxy` can be used to specify a proxy for package manager interaction (such as downloading packages or updating cache).


These variables are translated to environnement variables `http_proxy` and `https_proxy` which are passed to corresponding tasks.

### Installation
_default PostgreSQL version is 15_
PostgreSQL and locales installation.

postgresql_version: "15"

# Debian only. Used to generate the locales used by PostgreSQL databases.
- 'en_US.UTF-8'
- 'fr_FR.UTF-8'

# Redhat only. For more info check:
- glibc-langpack-en
- glibc-langpack-fr

### Configuration
Example for configuration related variables:
postgresql_port: 5432
- pg_stat_statements
postgresql_max_connections: 100
# Custom PostgreSQL configuration options provided by the user
- option: log_statement
value: all
postgresql_hba_entries_extra: []
# - {contype: local, databases: all, users: postgres, method: peer}
# Default authentication method used method for the default hba rules
# postgresql_auth_method: "{{ ansible_fips | ternary('scram-sha-256', 'md5') }}"
postgresql_hba_use_raw: false
postgresql_hba_raw: |
local all postgres peer
host all all md5
host all all ::1/128 md5



In relation to HBA rules, you have the option to configure the variable `postgresql_hba_use_raw` as `true` and specify the contents of `postgresql_hba_raw`. These contents will be inserted directly into the `pg_hba.conf` file.

Alternatively, if you possess a file containing these rules, you can set the `postgresql_hba_template_path` variable to the path of that file on the Ansible controller. In this case, the specified file will be copied to replace the `pg_hba.conf` file.

However, it's crucial to note that when using this approach, the entire content of the HBA file becomes your responsibility. You must ensure that there are rules allowing the `postgres` system user to connect to the PostgreSQL server without requiring a password and authorizing replication in the relevant context

### Auto tuning
This role supports the use of the website []( for automatically tunning some of configuration parameters of the postgresql server.

You can check the [full documentation]( on the available configurations parameters.

Configuration example for variables (_those are the default values_):
postgresql_autotune: true
postgresql_autotune_pg_version: "{{ postgresql_version }}"
# linux/windows/unix
postgresql_autotune_os_type: linux
# 386/x86-64
postgresql_autotune_arch: x86-64
postgresql_autotune_drive_type: SSD
# WEB/OLTP/DW/Mixed/Desktop
postgresql_autotune_env_name: OLTP
postgresql_autotune_cpus: "{{ ansible_processor_nproc | d('') }}"
# Total ram in GB
postgresql_autotune_total_ram: "{{ ((ansible_memtotal_mb / 1024) | round | int) | d('') }}"

### Physical Replication
Configuration example for the primary server:

postgresql_replication: true
postgresql_replication_user: replication_user
postgresql_replication_password: replication_password

postgresql_replication_role: primary
# Used to generate hba rules to allow the specified servers to connect to the primary server
postgresql_replication_replica_addresses: [,]
# User provided replication specific hba rules that overwrites the generated ones
postgresql_replication_hba_entries: []
# - contype: host
# databases: replication
# users: "{{ postgresql_replication_user }}"
# address: "{{ postgresql_replication_replica_address }}"
# method: "{{ postgresql_replication_auth_method }}"


Configuration example for the replicas:

postgresql_replication: true
postgresql_replication_user: replication_user
postgresql_replication_password: replication_password

postgresql_replication_role: replica
postgresql_replication_primary_port: 5432
postgresql_replication_primary_inventory_name: node1 # primary server name in the ansible inventory


Using slots for replication:

postgresql_replication_slot: replica1_slot
postgresql_replication_create_slot: true
When set to true the variable `postgresql_replication_create_slot` ensures the specified replication slot exists before running the `pg_basebackup` command run to copy data from the primary.


When using the slot feature for replication, make sure to indicate a different slot for each replica. You can set that value in the host_vars for each server.

Advanced configuration:
# Authentication method specific for the replica hosts
# postgresql_replication_auth_method: "{{ postgresql_auth_method }}"
# --checkpoint parameter value of the pg_basebackup command
postgresql_pg_basebackup_checkpoint: fast # spread
# --wal-method parameter value of the pg_basebackup command
postgresql_pg_basebackup_walmethod: stream # none/stream/fetch
# extra arguments appended to the build pg_basebackup command
postgresql_pg_basebackup_args: ""

# Actual pg_basebackup built with the previous parameters
# DO NOT override this variable except you know what you are doing
postgresql_pg_basebackup_cmd: {{ _postgresql_bin_path }}/pg_basebackup --no-password --host {{ postgresql_replication_primary_address }} --port {{ postgresql_replication_primary_port }} --username {{ postgresql_replication_user }} --pgdata {{ _postgresql_data_dir }} --checkpoint {{ postgresql_pg_basebackup_checkpoint }} {{ (postgresql_replication_slot != '') | ternary('--slot ' ~ postgresql_replication_slot, '') }} --wal-method {{ postgresql_pg_basebackup_walmethod }} --write-recovery-conf --verbose --progress {{ postgresql_pg_basebackup_args }}

### Vacuum
_(new in v2.0.0)_

By default vaccum is enabled (`postgresql_vacuum: true`), with vacuum and analyze planned daily at 23:00

Configuration example for vacuum.

To disable:
postgresql_vacuum: false

To change schedule to 21:00:
minute: 0
hour: 21

To vacuum only (other options : vacuumanalyze, vacuumfull, vacuumonly, analyzeonly)
postgresql_vacuum_option: "vacuumonly"

### Backup
By default, the backup is disabled (`postgresql_backup: false`).

Configuration example for backup.
# Allow ansible to setup postgresql backups when running
postgresql_backup: true
# Root directory containing the backups
postgresql_backup_root_dir: /var/backups/postgresql
postgresql_backup_mail_addr: [email protected]
hour: 0
minute: 0
# 3 days retentions for daily backups
postgresql_backup_brdaily: 3
# disable weekly and monthly backups
postgresql_backup_doweekly: 0
postgresql_backup_domonthly: 0
# Weekly and monthly backups are disabled so these values don't really matter
postgresql_backup_brweekly: 0
postgresql_backup_brmontly: 0

### Create/Remove database users
Configuration example for managing users:

# Create two groups 'group1' and 'group2' by making use of thr role_attr_flags attribute
- name: group1
role_attr_flags: NOLOGIN
- name: group2
role_attr_flags: NOLOGIN
# Create 'user1' and 'user2' with default parameters
- name: user1
- name: user2
# Create user 'jdoe' with more personalized parameters
- name: jdoe
password: password
comment: this is a test user
expires: "Jun 21 2029"

# Ensure the role 'user1' belongs to group 'group1'
- groups:
- group1
- user1
state: present
# Ensure the role 'user2' does not belong to the group 'group2'
- groups:
- group2
- user2
state: absent
# Ensure the role 'jdoe' does not belong to any group
- groups: []
- jdoe
state: exact


Check the links for a documentation on all the available options for defining items within the variables:
- [`postgresql_users`](
- [`postgresql_memberships`](

### Tablespaces

COnfiguration example for managing tablespaces:

# Create tablespace 'ssd'
- name: ssd
random_page_cost: 1
seq_page_cost: 1
owner: jdoe
location: /tmp/ssd
location_create: true # default is false
state: present # default is present
location_owner: postgres # default is postgres
location_group: postgres # default is postgres
location_mode: '0700' # default is '0700'
# Delete tablespaces 'temp2'
- name: temp2
state: absent
location: /tmp/temp2_tblspc
random_page_cost: 1
owner: user1


When combining `location_create: true` with `state: present` the role will create the location of the tablespace with the specified permissions before creating the tablespace itself.

If you ensure the existence of that location by others means, feel free to not set the variables `location_*`.

### Create/Remove databases

Configuration example for managing databases:

- name: db1
owner: user1
encoding: UTF-8
lc_collate: en_US.UTF-8
lc_ctype: en_US.UTF-8
conn_limit: 100
template: template0
- name: db2
owner: user2
- name: db3
state: absent

- name: acme
db: db1
- name: acme
db: db2
- name: not_existing_shema
db: db1
owner: user1
state: absent
cascade_drop: true

- name: table1
db: db1
owner: user1
- name VARCHAR(50)
- age INT
- email VARCHAR(100)
tablespace: ssd
- fillfactor=10
- autovacuum_analyze_threshold=1
- name: acme.table2
db: db1
columns: waste_id int
unlogged: true


Check the links for a documentation on all the available options for defining items within the variables:
- [`postgresql_database`](
- [`postgresql_schema`](
- [`postgresql_table`](

### Manage ownership and privileges
- roles: group1 # group1 and user1 are granted all privs on all object wihtin the public schema of the example db
db: db1
privs: ALL
objs: table1
type: table
# schema: public
grant_option: true
- roles: user2 # grant user2 user all privs on postgres database
db: postgres
type: database
privs: ALL
objs: db1,db2
grant_option: true
- roles : group1 # grant group1 role all privs on all tables and all sequences of database db1
db: db1
privs: ALL
type: default_privs

- db: db1
new_owner: user1
obj_name: table1
obj_type: table
- db: db2 # reassign all dbs owned by user1 to user2 and all objects in db2 to user2
new_owner: user2
reassign_owned_by: user1

Check the links for a documentation on all the available options for defining items within the variables:
- [`postgresql_ownerships`](
- [`postgresql_privs`](

### Extensions management
Configuration example for extensions management:

- name: pg_stat_statements
db: db1
cascade: true
version: latest
schema: public
- name: non_existing_extension
db: db1
state: absent


For the extensions with `state: present, version: latest`, the role will always report `changed: false` as the underlying module does not differentiate when the extension is actually updated or not.

### SQL executions
Configuration example for running sql:
- query: SELECT version()
db: db1
- query:
- select * from public.table1
db: db1
- path: /tmp/insert_in_table1.sql
db: db1


Check the links for a documentation on all the available options for defining items within the variables:
- [`postgresql_queries`](
- [`postgresql_scripts`](

### Advanced customized installation
It is highly recommended you modify these variables only if you know what you're doing.
# New postgresql installation datadir
# Extra arguments passed to the initdb binary during database initialization
postgresql_initdb_extra_args: ''
# Debian only. postgresql cluster name
postgresql_cluster_name: main

# Set postgresql state when configuration changes are made. Recommended values: `restarted` or `reloaded`
postgresql_restarted_state: "restarted"

# PostgreSQL system user/group
postgresql_user: postgres
postgresql_group: postgres

# Postgresql service state after role run
postgresql_service_state: started
# Whether or not to enable the postgresql service after installation
postgresql_service_enabled: true
# PostgreSQL unix_socket_directories config parameter
postgresql_unix_socket_directories: [/run/postgresql]

# Permissions for the PostgreSQL unix sockets (default is distro dependant)
postgresql_unix_socket_directories_mode: ''

# Permissions for the postgresql log directory
postgresql_log_directory_mode: '0700'
# Whether or not to create a tmpfiles.d postgresql file to persist permissions on unix socket directories and log directories accross system rebbots
postgresql_persist_permissions: true
# Path to the template used by Ansible to create the tempfile conf to persist permissions
# You can update this path to a custom file to completely customize the persisting rules
postgresql_tempfile_src_template_path: etc/tmpfiles.d/postgresql-common.conf.j2
# Destination path for the tempfile configuration
postgresql_tempfile_dest_path: /etc/tmpfiles.d/postgresql-common.conf
# File permissions and owner/group of the postgresql tempfile configuration
postgresql_tempfile_mode: '0644'
postgresql_tempfile_owner: root
postgresql_tempfile_group: root


### Uninstallation
If you want to uninstall a Postgresql installation with this role, set both variables `postgresql_uninstall_1`, `postgresql_uninstall_1` to `true` and use the corresponding tag (`uninstallation`).

## :pencil2: Full Example Playbook

- name: Converge
hosts: all
become: true
gather_facts: true

postgresql_version: "15"

# Run debug tasks withint the role
postgresql_debug: true

# Configuration
postgresql_port: 5432
- pg_stat_statements
postgresql_max_connections: 100
# Custom configuration options provided by the user
- option: log_statement
value: all
postgresql_hba_entries_extra: []
# - {contype: local, databases: all, users: postgres, method: peer}

postgresql_autotune: true
# postgresql_autotune_base_url:

postgres_users_no_log: false
# Create two groups 'group1' and 'group2' by making use of thr role_attr_flags attribute
- name: group1
role_attr_flags: NOLOGIN
- name: group2
role_attr_flags: NOLOGIN
# Create 'user1' and 'user2' with default parameters
- name: user1
- name: user2
# Create user 'jdoe' with more personalized parameters
- name: jdoe
password: password
comment: this is a test user
expires: "Jun 21 2029"

# Ensure the role 'user1' belongs to group 'group1'
- groups:
- group1
- user1
state: present
# Ensure the role 'user2' does not belong to the group 'group2'
- groups:
- group2
- user2
state: absent
# Ensure the role 'jdoe' does not belong to any group
- groups: []
- jdoe
state: exact

# Create tablespace 'ssd'
- name: ssd
random_page_cost: 1
seq_page_cost: 1
owner: jdoe
location: /tmp/ssd
location_create: true # default is false
state: present # default is present
location_owner: postgres # default is postgres
location_group: postgres # default is postgres
location_mode: '0700' # default is '0700'
# Delete tablespaces 'temp2'
- name: temp2
state: absent
location: /tmp/temp2_tblspc
random_page_cost: 1
owner: user1

- name: db1
owner: user1
encoding: UTF-8
lc_collate: en_US.UTF-8
lc_ctype: en_US.UTF-8
conn_limit: 100
template: template0
- name: db2
owner: user2
- name: db3
state: absent

- name: acme
db: db1
- name: acme
db: db2
- name: not_existing_shema
db: db1
state: absent
cascade_drop: true

- name: table1
db: db1
owner: user1
- name VARCHAR(50)
- age INT
- email VARCHAR(100)
tablespace: ssd
- fillfactor=10
- autovacuum_analyze_threshold=1
- name: acme.table2
db: db1
columns: waste_id int
unlogged: true
# like: public.table1
# including: comments, indexes
# - name: table2
# db: db1
# truncate: true
# - name: acme.table2
# db: db1
# like: public.table2
# - name: table2
# db: db2
# state: absent
# cascade: true

- name: pg_stat_statements
db: db1
cascade: true
version: latest
schema: public
- name: non_existing_extension
db: db1
state: absent

- query: SELECT version()
db: db1
- query:
- select * from public.table1
db: db1
- path: /tmp/insert_in_table1.sql
db: db1

- roles: group1 # group1 and user1 are granted all privs on all object wihtin the public schema of the example db
db: db1
privs: ALL
objs: table1
type: table
# schema: public
grant_option: true
- roles: user2 # grant nreslou user all privs on nreslou database by first connecting to the postgres maintenance db
db: postgres
type: database
privs: ALL
objs: db1,db2
grant_option: true
# - roles: user1
# db: db2
# type: function
# objs: add(int:int)
# privs: ALL
# grant_option: true

- db: db1
new_owner: user1
obj_name: table1
obj_type: table
# - db: db2 # reassign all dbs owned by user1 to user2 and all objects in db2 to user2
# new_owner: user2
# reassign_owned_by: user1

# standalone installation
postgresql_replication: false

# Disable backups setup by Ansible
postgresql_backup: false

- role: claranet.postgresql

## :closed_lock_with_key: [Hardening](

## :heart_eyes_cat: [Contributing](
Checkout the [Contributing]( if you are looking for a guide on how to setup an environnement so you can test this role as a developper.

## :copyright: [License](LICENSE)

[Mozilla Public License Version 2.0](

## Author information

Proudly made by the Claranet team and inspired by:
- [Jeff Geerling](