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šŸ¦˜ Jump into the repositories (git, mercurialā€¦) of your filesystem with telescope.nvim, without any setup

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šŸ¦˜ Jump into the repositories (git, mercurialā€¦) of your filesystem with telescope.nvim, without any setup

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# šŸ¦˜ telescope-repo.nvim: jump around the repositories in your filesystem, without any setup

![Neovim version]( [![](]( ![GitHub tag (latest SemVer)]( ![Endpoint Badge](

`telescope-repo` is an extension for [telescope.nvim][] that searches the filesystem for *git* (or other SCM[^1], like *Pijul*, *Mercurial*ā€¦) repositories. It does not require any setup: the list of repositories is built on the fly over your whole `$HOME`, you donā€™t need to manually add projects or open some folders to populate this list, as opposed to [telescope-project.nvim]( or [project.nvim](

[![Finding the repositories with ā€œtelescopeā€ in their name, with the README in the panel on the top](](

Use cases include:
* If you donā€™t start vim from the shell (from a GUI or as the start command of a terminal), you are most likely in your `$HOME` directory. You then want to jump into your code as quickly as possible and this plugin can help!
* Sometimes, you have the definition of a function and use of it in different repositories (e.g. a library you wrote and a program using this library). This plugin helps to open the two, for instance in two splits.
* Use of less popular SCMs: some similar extensions rely on strong conventions to find repositories, like ā€œdirectories containing a `.git` file that is also a directory, all inside directory `X`ā€. Less popular SCMs like [Pijul][] have a different folder name, and even [`git worktree`][worktree]s donā€™t fit neatly into these constraint, with their `.git` *files*.

[^1]: SCM: Source-Control Management

`telescope-repo.nvim` is based on [telescope-ghq.nvim](

## Installation

You need to add these in your plugin management system[^2]:
And optionally, to load the extension:

A handy companion plugin is [vim-rooter](, as itā€™ll change the current directory according to the current fileā€™s detected project (often, the root of the git repository). To get it to change each *bufferā€™s* directory, instead of the whole editor by default, add the following Lua to your configuration:
g['rooter_cd_cmd'] = 'lcd'

### Packer

For instance, with [Packer.nvim](
use 'cljoly/telescope-repo.nvim'
use {
requires = { {'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'} }

## External Dependencies

### Required

* [`fd`][] to find the repositories on the filesystem with `list`
* [`plocate`][], [`lolcate-rs`][] or [`locate`][] to find the repositories on the filesystem with `cached_list`


### Optional

* [`glow`][] to preview markdown files, will fall back to [`bat`][] if not present (and uses `cat` if neither are present)


## Usage

### Global Configuration

You can change the default argument given to subcommands (like [`list`](#list) or [`cached_list`](#cached_list)) using the telescope `setup` function with a table like this:

extensions = {
repo = {
= {
= {
settings = {
auto_lcd = true,

for instance, you could do:

require("telescope").setup {
extensions = {
repo = {
list = {
fd_opts = {
search_dirs = {

require("telescope").load_extension "repo"

**Note**: make sure to have `require("telescope").load_extension "repo"` *after* the call to `require("telescope").setup {ā€¦}`, otherwise the global configuration wonā€™t be taken into account.

### `list`

`:Telescope repo list` or `lua require'telescope'.extensions.repo.list{}`

Running `repo list` and list repositories' paths.

| key | action |
| `` (edit) | `builtin.git_files` for git, falls back to `builtin.find_files` for other SCMs |
| `` (vertical) | `builtin.live_grep` in the selected project |
| `` (tab) | Same as `` but opens a new tab. Also, does a `cd` into the projectā€™s directory for this tab only |

#### Options

##### `bin`

Filepath for the binary `fd`.

" path can be expanded
:Telescope repo list bin=~/fd

##### `pattern`

Pattern of the SCM database folder.

Default value: `[[^\.git$]]`

##### `cwd`

Transform the result paths into relative ones with this value as the base dir.

Default value: `vim.fn.getcwd()`

##### `fd_opts`

**This is a relatively advanced option that you should use with caution. There is no guarantee that a particular set of options would work the same across multiple versions**

This passes additional options to the command `fd` that generates the repository list. It is inserted like so:

fd [set of default options] [fd_opts] --exec [some default command] [pattern] ā€¦

##### Example

Letā€™s say you have a git repository `S` inside another git repository `M` (for instance because of [#5](, but `S` is in a directory thatā€™s ignored in the `.gitignore` in `M`. `S` wouldnā€™t appear in the Telescope list of this extension by default, because it is ignored (`.gitignore` are taken into account by default).

To avoid taking into account the `.gitignore`, we need to pass `--no-ignore-vcs` to `fd`, like so (in NeoVim):

:lua require'telescope'.extensions.repo.list{fd_opts={'--no-ignore-vcs'}}

This will list `M` and `S` in the Telescope output! The downside is that listing repositories will be a little longer, as we donā€™t skip the git-ignored files anymore.

##### `search_dirs`

This limits the search to a particular directory or set of directories.

##### Example
:lua require'telescope'.extensions.repo.list{search_dirs = {"~/ghq/", "~/ghq/"}}
:lua require'telescope'.extensions.repo.list{search_dirs = {"~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack"}}

##### `tail_path`

Show only basename of the path.

Default value: `false`

##### `shorten_path`

Call `pathshorten()` for each path. This will for instance transform `/home/me/code/project` to `/h/m/c/project`.

Default value: `false`

#### Examples

Here is how you can use this plugin with various SCM:

| SCM | Command |
| git | `:Telescope repo list` or `lua require'telescope'.extensions.repo.list{}` |
| pijul | `lua require'telescope'.extensions.repo.list{pattern=[[^\.pijul$]]}` |
| hg | `lua require'telescope'.extensions.repo.list{pattern=[[^\.hg$]]}` |
| fossil | `lua require'telescope'.extensions.repo.list{pattern=[[^\.fslckout$]]}` |

Is your favorite SCM missing? It should be straightforward to support it by changing the pattern parameter. If you want it to be considered for addition here, open a PR!

### `cached_list`

`:Telescope repo cached_list`

This relies on a `locate` command to find repositories. This should be much faster than the `list` command, as it relies on a pre-built index but results may be stalled.

*Note*: at this point, the plugin does not manage index update. Updating the index often requires to run a command like `updatedb` as root.

#### Notes for MacOS

`glocate` command used for caching on MacOS comes with gnu `findutils` which can be installed with
brew install findutils
With `glocate` installed use, add the following to your `.bashrc`/`.zshrc`

``` bash
if which glocate > /dev/null; then
alias locate="glocate -d $HOME/locatedb"

# Using cache_list requires `LOCATE_PATH` environment var to exist in session.
# trouble shoot: `echo $LOCATE_PATH` needs to return db path.
[[ -f "$HOME/locatedb" ]] && export LOCATE_PATH="$HOME/locatedb"

alias loaddb="gupdatedb --localpaths=$HOME --prunepaths=/Volumes --output=$HOME/locatedb"


After you have run `loaddb` the first time you need to reload the shell to make sure that it
exports the `LOCATE_PATH` variable. Then the following command should work:

lua require'telescope'.extensions.repo.cached_list()

If nothing is shown, even after a little while, try this:
lua require'telescope'.extensions.repo.cached_list{locate_opts={"-d", vim.env.HOME .. "/locatedb"}}

> *Note*: Installation and use of the plugin on systems other than GNU/Linux is community-maintained. Don't hesitate to open [a discussion][discuss-qa] or [a pull-request][pr] if something is not working!


#### Troubleshooting

You should try to run:
sudo updatedb
if you encounter any problems. If itā€™s not the case by default, you should automate such index update with for instance `cron` or `systemd-timers`. See and [this discussion]( for various ways to automate this.

#### Options

Options are the similar to `repo list`, bearing in mind that we use `locate` instead of `fd`. Note that the following `list` options are not supported in `cached_list`:

* `fd_opts`, as we donā€™t use `fd` with `cached_list`,
* `search_dirs`, as `locate` does not accept a directory to search in.

#### Examples

##### Exclude Irrelevant Results

Chances are you will get results from folders you donā€™t care about like `.cache` or `.cargo`. In that case, you can use the `file_ignore_patterns` option of Telescope, like so (these are [Lua regexes](

Hide all git repositories that may be in `.cache` or `.cargo`:
:lua require'telescope'.extensions.repo.cached_list{file_ignore_patterns={"/%.cache/", "/%.cargo/"}}
###### Notes

* These patterns are used to filter the output of the `locate` command, so they donā€™t speed up the search in any way. You should use them mainly to exclude git repositories you wonā€™t want to jump into, not in the hope to enhance performance.
* The `%.` in Lua regex is an escaped `.` as `.` matches any characters.
* These patterns are applied against whole paths like `/home/myuser/.cache/some/dir`, so if you want to exclude only `/home/myuser/.cache`, you need a more complicated pattern like so:
:lua require'telescope'.extensions.repo.cached_list{file_ignore_patterns={"^".. vim.env.HOME .. "/%.cache/", "^".. vim.env.HOME .. "/%.cargo/"}}

##### Use With Other SCMs

Here is how you can use this plugin with various SCM (we match on the whole path with `locate`, so patterns differ slightly from `repo list`: notice the `^` that becomes a `/`):

| SCM | Command |
| git | `:Telescope repo list` or `lua require'telescope'.extensions.repo.list{}` |
| pijul | `lua require'telescope'.extensions.repo.list{pattern=[[/\.pijul$]]}` |
| hg | `lua require'telescope'.extensions.repo.list{pattern=[[/\.hg$]]}` |
| fossil | `lua require'telescope'.extensions.repo.list{pattern=[[/\.fslckout$]]}` |

## FAQ

### No repositories are found

Make sure that `:checkhealth telescope` shows something like:
## Telescope Extension: `repo`
- OK: Will use `glow` to preview markdown READMEs
- OK: Will use `bat` to preview non-markdown READMEs
- OK: locate: found `plocate`
plocate 1.1.13
Copyright 2020 Steinar H. Gunderson
License GPLv2+: GNU GPL version 2 or later .
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
- INFO: Repos found for `:Telescope repo cached_list`:
/home/cj/.cache/yay/android-sdk/.git, /home/cj/.cache/yay/android-sdk-platform-tools/.git...
- OK: fd: found `fd`
fd 8.3.0
- INFO: Repos found for `:Telescope repo list`:
/home/cj/tmp/git_rst, /home/cj/qmk_firmware...
**This may take a few seconds to run**

The output of this command may point to missing dependencies.

### Getting the repository list is slow

If `:Telescope repo list` is slow, you can use your `.fdignore` to exclude some folders from your filesystem. You can even use a custom ignore file with the `--ignore-file` option, like so:
lua require'telescope'.extensions.repo.list{fd_opts=[[--ignore-file=myignorefile]]}

## Contribute

Contributions are welcome, see this [document](!

The telescope [developers documentation]( is very useful to understand how plugins work and you may find [these tips]( useful as well.

### Running tests

[Plenary.nvim][plenary] integration tests are executed as a part of the CI checks. However, they are very basic for now and you might be better off just testing the two commands locally.

### Code Formatting & Linting

[StyLua]( is used for code formatting. It is run like so:

make fmt

To run the linter:
make lint

## Acknowledgement

I would like to thank all the contributors to this plugin, as well as the developers of neovim and Telescope. Without them, none of this would be possible.

Thanks to *Code Smell* for demoing the plugin in [5 Terrific Neovim Telescope Extensions for 2022 šŸ”­](

Furthermore, thanks to [Migadu]( for offering a discounted service to support this project. It is not an endorsement by Migadu though.

## Stability

We understand that you need a reliable plugin that never breaks. To this end, code changes are first tested on our machines in a separate `dev` branch and once we are reasonably confident that changes donā€™t have unintended side-effects, they get merged to the `master` branch, where a wider user-base will get the changes. We also often tag releases, holding a more mature, coherent set of changes. If you are especially sensitive to changes, instruct your package manager to install the version pointed by a particular tag and watch for new releases [on GitHub]( or [via RSS]( Conversely, if you wish to live on the bleeding-edge, instruct your package manager to use the `dev` branch.

[^2]: See also [Stability](#stability)

## Changelog

### 0.3.0

* Add support for `lolcate-rs` as a `cached_list` provider
* Add an option to restrict the search to some directories
* Add fallback command so that `:Telescope repo` does not error
* Fixes:
* keep Telescope prompt in insert mode (nvim 0.7+)
* the `search_dirs` argument is not mandatory
* Dev: add tests, CI, formatting with stylua
* Documentation: update with new features, installation instructions, code formatting reference and other fixes

### 0.2.0

* Add support for `checkhealth`
* Add picker that builds the list of repositories from `locate`, thus taking profit of a system-wide index.
* Add mappings leading to various actions
* Preview non-markdown Readme file

### 0.1.0

* Basic feature, generate a dynamic project list with `fd`
* Falls back to file listing if we are not in a `git` repository