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# Frontend Mentor - Rock, Paper, Scissors solution

This is a solution to the [Rock, Paper, Scissors challenge on Frontend Mentor]( Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

## Table of contents

- [Frontend Mentor - Rock, Paper, Scissors solution](#frontend-mentor---rock-paper-scissors-solution)
- [Table of contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Overview](#overview)
- [The challenge](#the-challenge)
- [Screenshot](#screenshot)
- [Links](#links)
- [My process](#my-process)
- [Built with](#built-with)
- [What I learned](#what-i-learned)
- [Continued development](#continued-development)
- [Author](#author)

## Overview

### The challenge

Users should be able to:

- ✔ View the optimal layout for the game depending on their device's screen size
- ✔ Play Rock, Paper, Scissors against the computer
- ✔ Maintain the state of the score after refreshing the browser _(optional)_
- ✔ **Bonus**: Play Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock against the computer _(optional)_

### Screenshot



### Links

- Solution URL: [Github](
- Live Site URL: [Github Pages](

## My process

### Built with

- Semantic HTML5 markup
- CSS custom properties
- Flexbox
- Vanilla JavaScript/HTML/CSS
- [Animista CSS library]( for CSS animations

### What I learned

I learned a lot about Javscript on this one! Which is good, cause that was my entire goal for this project. I watched some videos and looked at some other projects on codepen to see other peoples approach, then smashed things together until it worked right! I think I did a pretty good job actually, like this javascript section:

switch (userChoice + computerChoice) {
case "scissorspaper":
case "paperrock":
case "rocklizard":
case "lizardspock":
case "spockscissors":
case "scissorslizard":
case "paperspock":
case "rockscissors":
case "lizardpaper":
case "spockrock": {
console.log(`You chose ${userChoice} and the computer chose ${computerChoice}`);
choiceMade("win", computerChoice);
case "scissorsscissors":
case "paperpaper":
case "rockrock":
case "lizardlizard":
case "spockspock": {
console.log(`You and the computer both chose ${userChoice}`);
choiceMade("tie", computerChoice);
default: {
console.log(`You chose ${userChoice} and the computer chose ${computerChoice}`);
choiceMade("lose", computerChoice);

I personally think that looks great for being basically the entire game logic lol.

### Continued development

Definitely wanna work on some more games to sharpen my javascript skills some more.

## Author

- Website - [Clonephaze](
- Frontend Mentor - [@Clonephaze](