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Create, train, and save Tensorflow Keras models all in Golang

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Create, train, and save Tensorflow Keras models all in Golang

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# TFKG - A Tensorflow and Keras Golang port

## This is experimental and quite nasty under the hood*

## Summary

TFKG is a library for defining, training, saving, and running Tensorflow/Keras models with single GPU acceleration all
in Golang.

## The future of this project

See `` for what's in store

## Tested Platforms

| Platform | OS | CPU | GPU | Env | CPU Support | GPU Acceleration |
| Linux | Ubuntu 18.04 | Intel | RTX 3090 | Docker | Yes | Yes |
| Linux | Ubuntu 18.04 | Intel | RTX 3090 | Binary | Yes | Yes |
| Windows | 11 | AMD | RTX 3080 | Docker | Yes | Yes |
| Windows | 11 | AMD | RTX 3080 | Binary | Yes | Yes |
| Mac | macOS 12 | Intel | AMD 5500m | Docker | Yes | No |
| Mac | macOS 12 | M1 | M1 | Docker | Yes | No |

## Find your version

Versions starting with v0 are liable to change radically.

- Tensorflow 2.6 experimental support: `go get v0.26.28`

## Requirements

### Docker

Linux environments are recommended, no GPU support on macOS and docker volumes are slow on macOS/Windows

- Install `docker` and `docker-compose`
- Run `make init-docker` first to build the container
- If you're using a M1 Apple Silicon Mac on macOS use `make init-docker-m1`
- For GPU support on Linux in the container see:
- For GPU support on Windows 11 in the container see:

### Raw binary

**Make sure to install the correct versions to match the version of this library**

- Tensorflow C library:
- Python 3.8 - the binary "python" must be on your path and the correct version
- Tensorflow Python library:
- CUDA 11.2 and cuDNN 8.1 if using GPU acceleration:
- To compile the binary on Windows you must copy the include/tensorflow folder from into the go mod cache at C:\{go-mod-cache-dir}\\codingbeard\tensorflow\tensorflow\go

## Features

- Faster than typical python training
- Define, train, evaluate, save, load, and infer Tensorflow compatible models all in Golang
- Nvidia CUDA support on applicable platforms during Golang training/evaluation due to using the Tensorflow C library
- Web interface for inspecting model training metrics. Use `make web` to start it
- Load, shuffle, and preprocess csv datasets efficiently, even very large ones (tested on 300+GB csv file on a nvme ssd)
- String Tokenizer
- Float/Int normalization to between 0-1
- Image loading and preprocessing
- Automatic or custom class weighting for imbalanced datasets
- Transfer learning between TFKG models

## Keras model types supported

- `tensorflow.keras.Sequential` (Single input)
- `tensorflow.keras.Model` (Multiple input)

## Keras Layers supported
Note that while the layers exist in the codebase, they were autogenerated and most have not been tested yet.
- Too many to list. All layers (including experimental), initializers, constraints, and regularizers found on:
- CuDNNLSTM - Custom layer to enable cuDNN support for LSTM in the c library
- Custom layers with custom python definitions

## Keras Optimizers supported
Note that while the optimizers exist in the codebse, they were autogenerated and most have not been tested yet.
- RMSprop
- Adam
- Adadelta
- Adagrad
- Adamax
- Nadam
- Ftrl

## Keras Losses supported

- Sparse categorical crossentropy
- Binary crossentropy
- Mean Squared Error
- More coming soon

## Metrics

- Accuracy
- False positive rate at true positive rate (Specificity at Sensitivity)
- True positive rate at false positive rate (Sensitivity at Specificity)

## Limitations

- Python Tensorflow Libraries are still required to use this library, though the docker container has it all
- This is an incomplete port of Tensorflow/Keras: There are many metrics and losses not yet ported
- There is no community support or documentation. You must understand Tensorflow/Keras and Golang well to have a chance
of getting this working on a new project
- Using multiple GPU training is not supported

## Examples:

| Model Type | Dataset Type | Dataset | Problem type | Layers | Location |
| Sequential | Csv - Floats | Iris | Categorical Classification | Input, Dense | `./examples/iris` |
| Functional | Csv - Floats | Iris | Categorical Classification | Input, Dense, Concatenate | `./examples/multiple_inputs` |
| Functional | Csv - Strings | Fraudulent Job Specs | Binary Classification | Input, Embedding, LSTM, Concatenate, Dense | `./examples/jobs` |
| Sequential | Raw - Floats | Random imbalanced | Categorical Classification | Input, Dense | `./examples/class_weights` |
| Sequential | Images | Sign Language Images | Categorical Classification | Input, Conv2D, MaxPooling2D, GlobalMaxPooling2D, Dense | `./examples/sign` |
| Sequential | Csv - Floats | Iris + Transferring | Categorical Classification | Input, Dense | `./examples/transfer_learning` |
| Sequential | Csv - Floats | Iris + loading vanilla keras model | Categorical Classification | - | `./examples/vanilla` |
| Functional | Csv - Strings | Fraudulent Job Specs | Binary Classification | Input, Embedding, CuDNNLSTM, Concatenate, Dense | `./examples/gpu_train_cpu_infer` |

To test it out run the following then head to the web interface on http://localhost:8082

make init-docker
make web
make examples-iris

Define a model:

m := model.NewSequentialModel(
layer.Input().SetInputShape(tf.MakeShape(-1, 4)).SetDtype(layer.Float32),

e = m.CompileAndLoad(model.LossSparseCategoricalCrossentropy, optimizer.NewAdam(), saveDir)
if e != nil {

Load a dataset:

dataset, e := data.NewSingleFileDataset(
FilePath: "data/",
CacheDir: cacheDir,
TrainPercent: 0.8,
ValPercent: 0.1,
TestPercent: 0.1,
IgnoreParseErrors: true,
CacheDir: cacheDir,
LineOffset: 0,
DataLength: 4,
RequiresFit: true,
Divisor: preprocessor.NewDivisor(errorHandler),
Reader: preprocessor.ReadCsvFloat32s,
Converter: preprocessor.ConvertDivisorToFloat32SliceTensor,
if e != nil {

e = dataset.SaveProcessors(saveDir)
if e != nil {

Train a model:

Epochs: 10,
Validation: true,
BatchSize: batchSize,
PreFetch: 10,
Verbose: 1,
Metrics: []metric.Metric{
Name: "acc",
Confidence: 0.5,
Average: true,
Callbacks: []callback.Callback{
FileLogger: logger,
OnEvent: callback.EventEnd,
OnMode: callback.ModeVal,
MetricName: "val_acc",
Compare: callback.CheckpointCompareMax,
SaveDir: saveDir,

Load and predict using a saved TFKG model:

inference, e := data.NewInference(
Converter: preprocessor.ConvertDivisorToFloat32SliceTensor,
if e != nil {

inputTensors, e := inference.GenerateInputs([][]float32{{6.0, 3.0, 4.8, 1.8}})
if e != nil {

outputTensor, e := m.Predict(inputTensors...)
if e != nil {

outputValues := outputTensor.Value().([][]float32)

"Predicted classes: %s: %f, %s: %f, %s: %f",

## *Nasty under the hood

The Tensorflow/Keras python package saves a Graph (see more: which can
be executed in other languages using their C library as long as there are C bindings.

The C library does not contain all the functionality of the python library when it comes to defining and saving models,
it can only execute Graphs.

The Graph is calculated in python based on your model configuration, and a lot of clever code on the part of the
developers in optimising the graph.

While possible, it is not currently feasible for me to generate the Graph in Golang, so I am relying on python to do so.

This means while the model is technically defined and trained in Golang, it just generates a json config string which
static python code uses to configure the model and then saves it ready for loading in Golang for training. For the
moment this is a needed evil.

If some kind soul wants to replicate Keras and Autograph to generate the Graph in Golang, feel free to make a pull
request. I may eventually do it, but it is not likely. There is a branch origin/scratch which allows you to investigate
the graph of a saved model.

## Tensorflow C and Python library in a docker container on M1 Apple Silicon



Docker did not play nicely with the amd64 precompiled Tensorflow C library so I had to compile it from source with avx
disabled on a different linux amd64 machine.

The compiled libraries and licenses can be found at: and need
to be placed in `./docker/tf-jupyter-golang-m1/`

These are the steps I took to compile the library from sources to make it work:

// On a linux amd64 machine with docker installed:
git clone
cd tensorflow
git checkout v2.6.0
docker run -it -w /tensorflow_src -v $PWD:/mnt -v $PWD:/tensorflow_src -e HOST_PERMS="$(id -u):$(id -g)" tensorflow/tensorflow:devel-gpu bash
> apt update && apt install apt-transport-https curl gnupg
> curl -fsSL | gpg --dearmor > bazel.gpg && \
mv bazel.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ && \
echo "deb [arch=amd64] stable jdk1.8" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bazel.list
> apt update && apt install bazel-3.7.2 nano
> nano .bazelrc
// add the lines after the existing build:cuda lines:
build:cuda --linkopt=-lm
build:cuda --linkopt=-ldl
build:cuda --host_linkopt=-lm
build:cuda --host_linkopt=-ldl
> ./configure
// take the defaults EXCEPT :
// ... "--config=opt" is specified [Default is -Wno-sign-compare]: -mno-avx
// The below will compile it for a specific GPU, find your gpu's compute capability and enter it twice separated by a comma (3000 series is 8.6)
// ... TensorFlow only supports compute capabilities >= 3.5 [Default is: 3.5,7.0]: 8.6,8.6
> bazel-3.7.2 build --config=cuda --config=opt //tensorflow/tools/lib_package:libtensorflow
> mkdir output
> cp bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/lib_package/libtensorflow.tar.gz ./output/
> cp bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/lib_package/clicenses.tar ./output/
> rm -r bazel-*
> bazel-3.7.2 build --config=cuda --config=opt //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package
> ./bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/build_pip_package ./output/tf-2.6.0-gpu-noavx
> quit
// copy the libs and wheel from ./output into the TFKG project under ./docker/tf-jupyter-golang-m1

## Acknowledgements

Big shout out to for their Tensorflow Golang fork for 2.6 and again for their article on how to train
a model in golang which helped me figure out how to then save the trained