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bin/backup script: sensible defaults around bin/repozo

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bin/backup script: sensible defaults around bin/repozo

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Easy Zope backup/restore recipe for buildout

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This recipe is mostly a wrapper around the ``bin/repozo`` script in
your Zope buildout. It requires that this script is already made
available. If this is not the case, you will get an error like this
when you run one of the scripts: ``bin/repozo: No such file or
directory``. This should be there when you
are using ``plone.recipe.zeoserver``. If this is
not the case, the easiest way of getting a ``bin/repozo`` script is to
add a new section in your ``buildout.cfg`` (do not forget to add it in the
``parts`` directive)::

recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs = ZODB
# or this for an older version:
# eggs = ZODB3
scripts = repozo
dependent-scripts = true

``bin/repozo`` is a Zope script to make backups of your ``Data.fs``.
Looking up the settings can be a chore. And you have to pick a
directory where to put the backups. This recipe provides **sensible
defaults** for your common backup tasks. Making backups a piece of
cake is important!

- ``bin/backup`` makes an incremental backup.

- ``bin/restore`` restores the latest backup created by the backup script.

- ``bin/snapshotbackup`` makes a full snapshot backup, separate from the
regular backups. Handy right before a big change in the site.

- ``bin/snapshotrestore`` restores the latest full snapshot backup.

- ``bin/zipbackup`` makes a zip backup. This zips the Data.fs and the
blobstorage, handy for copying production data to your local
machine, especially the blobstorage with its many files.
Actually, zipping the Data.fs is standard,
and we do not zip the blobstorage,
because most files in there are already compressed.
But we do combine the blobs in one tar archive.
*Note*: the Data.fs and blobstorage (or other storages) are *not* combined
in one file; you need to download multiple files. Enable this
script by using the ``enable_zipbackup`` option.

- ``bin/ziprestore`` restores the latest zipbackup.


The recipe is tested with Python 2.7, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9.
In Plone terms it works fine on Plone 4, 5 and 6.

Note that the integration with ``plone.recipe.zope2instance`` is not tested on Python 3.
It would pulls in too many dependencies, like Zope and ZODB.


- Code repository:

- Issue tracker:

- Obvious fixes, like fixing typos, are fine on master.
For larger changes or if you are unsure, please create a branch or a pull request.

- The code comes with a ``buildout.cfg``. Please bootstrap the
buildout and run the created ``bin/test`` to see if the tests still
pass. Please try to add tests if you add code.
To run the tests for all supported Python versions, run ``tox``.

- The long description of this package (as shown on PyPI), used to
contain a big file with lots of test code that showed how to use the
recipe. This grew too large, so we left it out. It is probably
still good reading if you are wondering about the effect some
options have. See ``src/collective/recipe/backup/tests/*.rst``.

- We are tested on GitHub Actions:

- Questions and comments to or to
`Maurits van Rees `_.

Example usage

The simplest way to use this recipe is to add a part in ``buildout.cfg`` like this::

parts = backup

recipe = collective.recipe.backup

You can set lots of extra options, but the recipe authors like to
think they have created sane defaults, so this single line stating the
recipe name should be enough in most cases.

Running the buildout adds the ``backup``,
``snapshotbackup``, ``zipbackup``, ``restore``, ``snapshotrestore``
and ``ziprestore`` scripts to the ``bin/`` directory of the buildout.
Some are not added by default, others can be switched off.

Backed up data

Which data does this recipe backup?

- The Zope Object DataBase (ZODB) filestorage, by default located at

- The blobstorage (since version 2.0) if your buildout uses it, by
default located at ``var/blobstorage``.

Data that is *not* backed up

Which data does this recipe *not* backup? Everything else of course,
but specifically:

- Data stored in ``RelStorage`` will *not* be backed up. (You could
still use this recipe to back up the filesystem blobstorage,
possibly with the ``only_blobs`` option.)

- Other data stored in SQL, perhaps via SQLAlchemy, will *not* be
backed up.

- It does *not* create a backup of your entire buildout directory.

Is your backup backed up?

Note that the backups are by default created in the ``var`` directory
of the buildout, so if you accidentally remove the entire buildout,
you also lose your backups. It should be standard practice to use the
``location`` option to specify a backup location in for example the
home directory of the user. You should also arrange to copy that
backup to a different machine/country/continent/planet.


Calling ``bin/backup`` results in a normal incremental repozo backup
that creates a backup of the ``Data.fs`` in ``var/backups``. When you
have a blob storage it is by default backed up to


A quick backup just before updating the production server is a good
idea. But you may not want to interfere with the regular backup
regime. For that, the ``bin/snapshotbackup`` is great. It places a
full backup in, by default, ``var/snapshotbackups``.


For quickly grabbing the current state of a production database so you
can download it to your development laptop, you want a full and zipped
backup. The zipped part is important for the blobstorage, because you
do not want to use ``scp`` to recursively copy over all those blob
files: downloading one tarball is faster.

You can use the ``bin/zipbackup`` script for this. This script
overrides a few settings, ignoring whatever is set in the buildout
config section:

- ``archive_blob`` is turned on.

- ``keep`` is set to 1 to avoid keeping lots of needless backups.

- ``keep_blob_days`` is ignored because it is a full backup.

The script places a full backup in, by default, ``var/zipbackups`` and
it puts a tarball of the blobstorage in ``var/blobstoragezips``.

This script is not created by default.
You can enable it by setting the ``enable_zipbackup`` option to true.
Also, if ``backup_blobs`` is false, the scripts are useless, so we do not create them, even when you have enabled them explicitly.


Calling ``bin/restore`` restores the very latest normal incremental
``repozo`` backup and restores the blobstorage if you have that.

You can restore the very latest snapshotbackup with ``bin/snapshotrestore``.

You can restore the zipbackup with ``bin/ziprestore``.

You can also restore the backup as of a certain date. Just pass a date argument.
According to ``repozo``: specify UTC (not local) time.
The format is ``yyyy-mm-dd[-hh[-mm[-ss]]]``.
So as a simple example, restore to 25 december 1972::

bin/restore 1972-12-25

or to that same date, at 2,03 seconds past 1::

bin/restore 1972-12-25-01-02-03

Since version 2.3 this also works for restoring blobs.
We restore the directory from the first backup at or before the specified date.
(Note that before version 4.0 we restored the directory from the first backup after the specified date,
which should be fine as long as you did not do a database pack in between.)

Since version 2.0, the restore scripts ask for confirmation before
starting the restore, as this is a potentially dangerous command.
("Oops, I have restored the live site but I meant to restore the test
site.") You need to explicitly type 'yes'::

This will replace the filestorage (Data.fs).
This will replace the blobstorage.
Are you sure? (yes/No)?

Note that for large filestorages and blobstorages **it may take long to restore**.
You should do a test restore and check how long it takes.
Seconds? Minutes? Hours?
Is that time acceptable or should you take other measures?

Names of created scripts

A backup part will normally be called ``[backup]``, leading to a
``bin/backup`` and ``bin/snapshotbackup``. Should you name your part
something else, the script names will also be different, as will the created
``var/`` directories (since version 1.2)::

parts = plonebackup

recipe = collective.recipe.backup
enable_zipbackup = true

That buildout snippet will create these scripts::


Supported options

The recipe supports the following options, none of which are needed by
default. The most common ones to change are ``location`` and
``blobbackuplocation``, as those allow you to place your backups in
some system-wide directory like ``/var/zopebackups/instancename/`` and

.. Note: keep this in alphabetical order please.

Use ``tar`` archiving functionality. ``false`` by default. Set it to ``true``
and backup/restore will be done with ``tar`` command. Note that ``tar``
command must be available on machine if this option is set to ``true``.
This option also works with snapshot backup/restore commands. As this
counts as a full backup ``keep_blob_days`` is ignored.
See the ``compress_blob`` option if you want to compress the archive.

You can restore from an alternative source. Use case: first make
a backup of your production site, then go to the testing or
staging server and restore the production data there. See
`Alternative restore source`_

Backwards compatibility spelling for ``alternative_restore_source``.
This will no longer work in version 7.

Backup the blob storage. Default is ``True`` on Python 2.6 (Plone
4) and higher, and ``False`` otherwise. This requires the
``blob_storage`` location to be set. If no ``blob_storage``
location has been set and we cannot find one by looking in the
other buildout parts, we quit with an error (since version 2.22).
If ``backup_blobs`` is false, ``enable_zipbackup`` cannot be true,
because the ``zipbackup`` script is not useful then.

Location of the directory where the blobs (binary large objects)
are stored. This is used in Plone 4 and higher, or on Plone 3 if
you use ````. This option is ignored if backup_blobs is
``false``. The location is not set by default. When there is a part
using ``plone.recipe.zeoserver``, ``plone.recipe.zope2instance`` or
``plone.recipe.zope2zeoserver``, we check if that has a
blob-storage option and use that as default. Note that we pick
the first one that has this option and we do not care about
shared-blob settings, so there are probably corner cases where we
do not make the best decision here. Use this option to override
it in that case.

Alternative spelling for the preferred ``blob_storage``, as
``plone.recipe.zope2instance`` spells it as ``blob-storage`` and we are
using underscores in all the other options. Pick one.

New in version 4.0. Default is true (this was false before version 4.2).
If false, we create ``blobstorage.0``.
The next time, we rotate this to ``blobstorage.1`` and create a new ``blobstorage.0``.
With ``blob_timestamps = true``, we create stable directories that we do not rotate.
They get a timestamp, the same timestamp that the ZODB filestorage backup gets.
For example: ``blobstorage.1972-12-25-01-02-03``.
Or with ``archive_blob = true``: ``blobstorage.1972-12-25-01-02-03.tar``.
Because the filename is unpredictable, since version 4.1 we create a ``latest`` symlink
to the most recent backup.
Blob timestamps are not used with zipbackup, because this only keeps 1 backup,
which means there is no confusion about which filestorage backup it belongs to.

Directory where the blob storage will be backed up to. Defaults
to ``var/blobstoragebackups`` inside the buildout directory.

Directory where the blob storage snapshots will be created.
Defaults to ``var/blobstoragesnapshots`` inside the buildout

Directory where the blob storage zipbackups will be created.
Defaults to ``var/blobstoragezips`` inside the buildout

New in version 4.0. Default is false.
This is only used when the ``archive_blob`` option is true.
When switched on, it will compress the archive,
resulting in a ``.tar.gz`` instead of a ``tar`` file.
When restoring, we always look for both compressed and normal archives.
We used to always compress them, but in most cases it hardly decreases the size
and it takes a long time anyway. I have seen archiving take 15 seconds,
and compressing take an additional 45 seconds.
The result was an archive of 5.0 GB instead of 5.1 GB.

In case the ``Data.fs`` isn't in the default ``var/filestorage/Data.fs``
location, this option can overwrite it.

In rare cases when you want to know exactly what's going on, set debug to
``true`` to get debug level logging of the recipe itself. ``repozo`` is also run
with ``--verbose`` if this option is enabled.

Having a ``snapshotrestore`` script is very useful in development
environments, but can be harmful in a production buildout. The
script restores the latest snapshot directly to your filestorage
and it used to do this without asking any questions whatsoever
(this has been changed to require an explicit ``yes`` as answer).
If you don't want a ``snapshotrestore`` script, set this option to false.

Create ``zipbackup`` and ``ziprestore`` scripts. Default: false.
If ``backup_blobs`` is not on, these scripts are always disabled,
because they are not useful then.

By default, incremental backups are made. If this option is set to ``true``,
``bin/backup`` will always make a full backup.

New in version 4.0. Default is false.
When switched on, it will use the ``--listed-incremental`` option of ``tar``.
Note: this only works with the GNU version of ``tar``.
On Mac you may need to install this with ``brew install gnu-tar`` and change your ``PATH`` according to the instructions.
It will create a metadata or `snapshot file `_
so that a second call to the backup script will create a second tarball with only the differences.
For some reason, all directories always end up in the second tarball,
even when there are no changes; this may depend on the used file system.
This option is ignored when the ``archive_blob`` option is false.
This option *requires* the ``blob_timestamps`` option to be true,
because it needs the tarball names to be stable, instead of getting rotated.
If you have explicitly set ``blob_timestamps`` to false, buildout will exit with an error.
Note that the ``latest`` symlink to the most recent backup is not created with ``incremental_blobs`` true.
For large blobstorages it may take long to restore, so do test it out.
But that is wise in all cases.
Essentially, this feature seems to trade off storage space reduction with restore time.

Number of full backups to keep. Defaults to ``2``, which means that the
current and the previous full backup are kept. Older backups are removed,
including their incremental backups. Set it to ``0`` to keep all backups.

Number of *days* of blob backups to keep. Defaults to ``14``, so
two weeks. This is **only** used for partial (full=False)
backups, so this is what gets used normally when you do a
``bin/backup``. This option has been added in 2.2. For full
backups (snapshots) we just use the ``keep`` option. Recommended
is to keep these values in sync with how often you do a ``zeopack`` on
the ``Data.fs``, according to the formula ``keep *
days_between_zeopacks = keep_blob_days``. The default matches one
zeopack per seven days (``2*7=14``).
Since version 4.0, this option is ignored unless ``only_blobs`` is true.
Instead, we remove the blob backups that have no matching filestorage backup.

Location where backups are stored. Defaults to ``var/backups`` inside the
buildout directory.

Location of the folder where all other backup and snapshot folders will
be created. Defaults to ``var/``.
Note that this does not influence where we look for a source filestorage or blobstorage.

Only backup the blobstorage, not the ``Data.fs`` filestorage. False
by default. May be a useful option if for example you want to
create one ``bin/filestoragebackup`` script and one
``bin/blobstoragebackup`` script, using ``only_blobs`` in one and
``backup_blobs`` in the other.

Command to execute after the backup has finished. One use case
would be to unmount the remote file system that you mounted
earlier using the ``pre_command``. See that ``pre_command`` above for
more info.

Command to execute before starting the backup. One use case would
be to mount a remote file system using NFS or sshfs and put the
backup there. Any output will be printed. If you do not like
that, you can always redirect output somewhere else (``mycommand >
/dev/null`` on Unix). Refer to your local Unix guru for more
information. If the command fails, the backup script quits with
an error. You can specify multiple commands.

Call ``repozo`` with the ``--quick`` option. This option was
introduced to ``collective.recipe.backup`` in version 2.19, with
**default value true**. Due to all the checksums that the repozo
default non-quick behavior does, an amount of data is read that is
three to four times as much as is in the actual filestorage. With
the quick option it could easily be just a few kilobytes.
Theoretically the quick option is less safe, but it looks like it
can only go wrong when someone edits the ``.dat`` file in the
repository or removes a ``.deltafs`` file.

The ``quick`` option only influences the created ``bin/backup``
script. It has no effect on the snapshot or restore scripts.

The repozo help says about this option: "Verify via md5 checksum
only the last incremental written. This significantly reduces the
disk i/o at the (theoretical) cost of inconsistency. This is a
probabilistic way of determining whether a full backup is

Add extra options to the default ``rsync -a`` command. Default is no
extra parameters. This can be useful for example when you want to restore
a backup from a symlinked directory, in which case
``rsync_options = --no-l -k`` does the trick.

When using ``rsync``, the blob files for the first backup are copied
and then subsequent backups make use of hard links from this initial
copy, to save time and disk space.
Enable this option to also use hard links for the initial copy to further reduce
disk usage.
This is safe for ZODB blobs, since they are not modified in place.
The ``blob_storage`` and the backup folder ``blobbackuplocation``
have to be in the same partition for hard links to be possible.

Location where snapshot backups of the filestorage are stored. Defaults to
``var/snapshotbackups`` inside the buildout directory.

Use ``rsync`` with hard links for backing up the blobs. Default is
true. ``rsync`` is probably not available on all machines though, and
I guess hard links will not work on Windows. When you set this to
false, we fall back to a simple copy (``shutil.copytree`` from
Python in fact).

Location where zip backups of the filestorage are stored. Defaults to
``var/zipbackups`` inside the buildout directory.

An example buildout snippet using various options, would look like this::

recipe = collective.recipe.backup
location = ${buildout:directory}/myproject
keep = 2
datafs = subfolder/myproject.fs
full = true
debug = true
snapshotlocation = snap/my
enable_snapshotrestore = true
pre_command = echo 'Can I have a backup?'
post_command =
echo 'Thanks a lot for the backup.'
echo 'We are done.'

Paths in directories or files can use relative (``../``) paths, and
``~`` (home dir) and ``$BACKUP``-style environment variables are

Cron job integration

``bin/backup`` is of course ideal to put in your cronjob instead of a whole
``bin/repozo ....`` line. But you don't want the "INFO" level logging that you
get, as you'll get that in your mailbox. In your cronjob, just add ``-q`` or
``--quiet``, and ``bin/backup`` will shut up unless there's a problem.
This option ignores the debug variable, if set to true in buildout.

Speaking of cron jobs? Take a look at `zc.recipe.usercrontab
`_ if you want to handle
cronjobs from within your buildout. For example::

recipe = z3c.recipe.usercrontab
times = 0 12 * * *
command = ${buildout:directory}/bin/backup

Blob storage

Added in version 2.0.

We can backup the blob storage. Plone 4 uses a blob storage to store
files (Binary Large OBjects) on the file system. In Plone 3 this is
optional. When this is used, it should be backed up of course. You
must specify the source blob_storage directory where Plone (or Zope)
stores its blobs. As indicated earlier, when we do not set it
specifically, we try to get the location from other parts, for example
the ``plone.recipe.zope2instance`` recipe::

parts = instance backup

recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance
user = admin:admin
blob-storage = ${buildout:directory}/var/somewhere

recipe = collective.recipe.backup

If needed, we can tell buildout that we *only* want to backup blobs or
specifically do *not* want to backup the blobs. Specifying this using
the ``backup_blobs`` and ``only_blobs`` options might be useful in
case you want to separate this into several scripts::

newest = false
parts = filebackup blobbackup

recipe = collective.recipe.backup
backup_blobs = false

recipe = collective.recipe.backup
blob_storage = ${buildout:directory}/var/blobstorage
only_blobs = true

With this setup ``bin/filebackup`` now only backs up the filestorage
and ``bin/blobbackup`` only backs up the blobstorage.

New in version 4.0: you may want to specify ``blob_timestamps = true``.
Then we create stable directories that we do not rotate.
For example: ``blobstorage.1972-12-25-01-02-03`` instead of ``blobstorage.0``.


By default we use ``rsync`` to create backups. We create hard links
with this tool, to save disk space and still have incremental backups.
This probably requires a unixy (Linux, Mac OS X) operating system.
It is based on this article by Mike Rubel:

We have not tried this on Windows. Reports are welcome, but best is
probably to set the ``use_rsync = false`` option in the backup part.
Then we simply copy the blobstorage directory.

Alternative restore source

Added in version 2.17.
Changed in version 5: only one source is supported.

You can restore from an alternative source. Use case: first make a
backup of your production site, then go to the testing or staging
server and restore the production data there.

In the ``alternative_restore_source`` option you can define different
filestorage and blobstorage backup source directories using this

alternative_restore_source =
storagename datafs1_backup [blobdir1_backup]

The storagename must be ``Data`` (or ``1``) for the standard ``Data.fs``
and optionally its blobstorage.

The result is a ``bin/altrestore`` script.

This will work for a standard buildout with a single filestorage and

recipe = collective.recipe.backup
alternative_restore_source =
Data /path/to/production/var/backups /path/to/production/var/blobstoragebackups

The above configuration uses ``repozo`` to restore the Data.fs from
the ``/path/to/production/var/backups`` repository to the standard
``var/filestorage/Data.fs`` location. It copies the most recent
blobstorage backup from
``/path/to/production/var/blobstoragebackups/`` to the standard
``var/blobstorage`` location.

Calling the script with a specific date is supported just like the
normal restore script::

bin/altrestore 2000-12-31-23-59

The recipe will fail if the alternative source does not match the
standard filestorage and blobstorage. For
example, you get an error when the ``alternative_restore_source`` is
missing the ``Data`` key, when it has an extra key, when a
key has no paths, when a key has an extra or missing blobstorage.

During install of the recipe, so during the ``bin/buildout`` run, it
does not check if the sources exist: you might have the production
backups on a different server and need to setup a remote shared
directory, or you copy the data over manually.

Note that the script takes the ``archive_blob`` and ``use_rsync`` options
into account. So if the alternative restore source contains a blob
backup that was made with ``archive_blob = true``, you need an
``altrestore`` script that also uses this setting.