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A fastlane plugin to manage unreleased changelog using a YML file. ๐Ÿš€

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A fastlane plugin to manage unreleased changelog using a YML file. ๐Ÿš€

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## Fastlane `unreleased_changelog` plugin

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## Getting Started

This project is a [_fastlane_]( plugin. To get started with `fastlane-plugin-unreleased_changelog`, add it to your project by running:

fastlane add_plugin unreleased_changelog

If you are using fastlane using Gemfile in your project, add it to your project by running:
bundle exec fastlane add_plugin unreleased_changelog

## About unreleased_changelog
A fastlane plugin to manage unreleased changelog using a YML file. ๐Ÿš€

This plugin is inspired by and based on [Keep a CHANGELOG]( project. [Keep a CHANGELOG]( proposes a standardised format for keeping change log of your project repository in `Changelog.yml` file. This file contains a curated, chronologically ordered list of notable changes for each version of a project in human readable format.

Since [Keep a CHANGELOG]( project proposes a well-defined structure with _sections_ (e.g.: `[Unreleased]`, `[0.1.0]`) and _subsections_ (`Added`, `Changed`, `Deprecated`, `Removed`, `Fixed`, `Security`) it opens up an opportunity to automate reading from/writing to `Changelog.yml` with [`fastlane`](

## YML changlog file structure
`Changelog.yml` file must follow structure proposed by [Keep a CHANGELOG]( project.

- added new feature 1.1
- added new feature 2.1
- removed deprecated feature XYZ
- bug-fix 3
[0.1.0-Release] - 2020-04-30:
- added new feature 1
- added new feature 2
- bug-fix 1
- bug-fix 2

## Actions
`fastlane-plugin-unreleased_changelog` consists of 5 actions enabling you to manipulate `Changelog.yml` from [`fastlane`](

### ๐Ÿ”Ž ensure_unreleased_changelog

Ensures the content of the `Unreleased` section from your project's `Changelog.yml` file. Raises an exception if `Unreleased` section found empty, **print** the `Unreleased` section changelog if found.

``` ruby
ensure_unreleased_changelog # Raises an exception if `Unreleased` section is empty

``` ruby
file_name: 'custom_changelog_file_name', # Specify the custom YML changelog file name (dafault `changelog`)
show_diff: false # Show the `Unreleased` section changelog, if found. (dafault true)

### ๐Ÿ“ add_unreleased_changelog

Add a new entry inside your `Unreleased` section of your project's `Changelog.yml` file.

``` ruby
entry: "added new feature" # Add new changelog entry inside `Unreleased` section's `Addded` _subsections_

``` ruby
entry: "bug-fix 1", # New changelog entry for `Unreleased` section
type: "Fixed" # Add new changelog entry inside `Fixed` _subsections_ (dafault `Added`)

``` ruby
entry: "bug-fix 1", # New changelog entry for `Unreleased` section
type: "Fixed", # Add new changelog entry inside `Fixed` _subsections_ (dafault `Added`)
file_name: 'custom_changelog_file_name' # Specify the custom YML changelog file name (dafault `changelog`)

### โœ‚๏ธ delete_unreleased_changelog

Delete an entry from your `Unreleased` section of your project's `Changelog.yml` file. Very handly, if your `Changelog.yml` contains Project tickets i.e JIRA ticket(s) etc and you want to automatically delete some changelog entry based on JIRA ticket number.

``` ruby
entry: "some feature number" # Delete changelog entry from `Unreleased` section

``` ruby
entry: "bug-fix 1", # Delete changelog entry from `Unreleased` section
file_name: 'custom_changelog_file_name' # Specify the custom YML changelog file name (dafault `changelog`)

### ๐Ÿ“ฎget_unreleased_changelog

Get all the `Unreleased` section changelog of your project's `Changelog.yml` file. It will ruturn the Array for hash for `Unreleased` section's _subsections_ (`Added`, `Changed`, `Deprecated`, `Removed`, `Fixed`, `Security`). Based on your workflow you can do what-ever you want with `Unreleased` changelog. ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป

``` ruby

``` ruby
file_name: 'custom_changelog_file_name' # Specify the custom YML changelog file name (dafault `changelog`)

### ๐Ÿ•นstamp_unreleased_changelog

Stamps the `Unreleased` section with provided tag in your project `Changelog.yml` file and sets up a new `Unreleased` section above it for upcoming release.

``` ruby
tag: 'v0.1.0' # The tag, (usually a git-tag name) for stamping the `Unreleased` section

``` ruby
tag: 'v0.1.0', # The tag, (usually a git-tag name) for stamping the `Unreleased` section
file_name: 'custom_changelog_file_name' # Specify the custom YML changelog file name (dafault `changelog`)

## Example

You have to **remember to keep your Changelog.yml up-to-date** with whatever features, bug fixes etc. your repo contains and let [`fastlane`]( do the rest.

``` ruby
desc "Upload a iOS beta build to Testflight with changelog."
lane :beta do
ensure_unreleased_changelog # Making sure changelog exist!

gym # Build the app and create .ipa file

changelog = get_unreleased_changelog # Get changelog
pilot(changelog: changelog) # Upload beta build to TestFlight with changelog

version_number = get_version_number # Get project version
build_number = get_build_number # Get build number
git_tag_name = "#{version_number}-#{build_number}-beta-release"

stamp_unreleased_changelog(tag: git_tag_name) # Stamp Unreleased section
git_commit(path: ".", message: "#{git_tag_name} Beta release") # git commit `Changelog.yml` file

add_git_tag(tag: git_tag_name) # Add git tag
push_to_git_remote # Push `Changelog.yml` file and git-tag to remote

slack(message: "Hi team, we have a new beta build #{git_tag_name}, which includes the following: #{changelog}") # share on Slack

## Issues and Feedback

For any other issues and feedback about this plugin, please submit it to this repository.

## Troubleshooting

If you have trouble using plugins, check out the [Plugins Troubleshooting]( guide.

## Using _fastlane_ Plugins

For more information about how the `fastlane` plugin system works, check out the [Plugins documentation](

## About _fastlane_

_fastlane_ is the easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps. To learn more, check out [](