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A minimal implementation of Golang development plugin for Neovim

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A minimal implementation of Golang development plugin for Neovim

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# nvim-go


A minimal implementation of Golang development plugin written in Lua for Neovim.

## Introduction

Neovim (from v0.5) embeds a built-in Language Server Protocol (LSP) client. And Debug Adapter Protocol (DAP) are also brought into Neovim as a general debugger. With the power of them, we are able to easily turn Neovim into a powerful editor.

`nvim-go` is designed to collaborate with them, provides sufficient features, and leverages community toolchains to get Golang development done.

## Features

- Auto format with `:GoFormat` (via `goimports`, `gofmt`, `gofumpt` and `lsp`) when saving.
- Run linters with `:GoLint` (via `revive`) automatically.
- Quickly test with `:GoTest`, `:GoTestFunc`, `:GoTestFile` and `:GoTestAll`. Generate test with `:GoAddTest`.
- Import packages with `:GoGet` and `:GoImport`.
- Modify struct tags with `:GoAddTags`, `:GoRemoveTags`, `:GoClearTags`, `:GoAddTagOptions`, `:GoRemoveTagOptions` and `:GoClearTagOptions`.
- Generates JSON models with `:GoQuickType` (via `quicktype`).
- Generate if err based on function return values with `:GoIfErr` (via `iferr`).


## Recommended Features

This section can be regarded as a guide or common practice to develop with `nvim-go`, LSP (`gopls`) and DAP.
If you are familiar with these tools or other equivalent, you may skip this chapter.

<Show/Hide the guide>

### Language Server

Language server provides vital language features to make Golang development easy.
We highly recommend you to use LSP client together with `nvim-go`.

1. Setup `gopls` with [neovim/nvim-lspconfig](
2. Setup your favorite completion engine such as [nvim-cmp](
3. Setup and map the following methods based on what you need:

- Declaration: `vim.lsp.buf.declaration()`
- Definition: `vim.lsp.buf.definition()` and `vim.lsp.buf.type_definition()`
- Implementation: `vim.lsp.buf.implementation()`
- Hover: `vim.lsp.buf.hover()`
- Signature: `vim.lsp.buf.signature_help()`
- References: `vim.lsp.buf.reference()`
- Symbols: `vim.lsp.buf.document_symbol()` and `vim.lsp.buf.workspace_symbol()`
- Rename: `vim.lsp.buf.rename()`
- Format: `vim.lsp.buf.format()`, also works with `GoFormat`.
- Diagnostic: `vim.diagnostic` will also show lint issues with Virtual Text, which runs [`go/analysis`]( You may disable `auto_lint` if this works well with your project.

For details of `gopls`, please refer to .

### Debugger

- [nvim-dap](

## Installation


- Neovim (>= 0.7)
- [npm]( (for quicktype)

Install with your favorite package manager:

" dependencies

" nvim-go

" (optional) if you enable nvim-notify

" (recommend) LSP config

Finally, run `:GoInstallBinaries` after plugin installed.

> Install `quicktype` with `yarn` or `pnpm`:

`nvim-go` install `quicktype` with `npm` by default, you may replace it with `yarn` or `pnpm`.

require('go').config.update_tool('quicktype', function(tool)
tool.pkg_mgr = 'yarn'

## Usage

### Setup

-- setup nvim-go

-- setup lsp client

### Defaults

-- notify: use nvim-notify
notify = false,
-- auto commands
auto_format = true,
auto_lint = true,
-- linters: revive, errcheck, staticcheck, golangci-lint
linter = 'revive',
-- linter_flags: e.g., {revive = {'-config', '/path/to/config.yml'}}
linter_flags = {},
-- lint_prompt_style: qf (quickfix), vt (virtual text)
lint_prompt_style = 'qf',
-- formatter: goimports, gofmt, gofumpt, lsp
formatter = 'goimports',
-- maintain cursor position after formatting loaded buffer
maintain_cursor_pos = false,
-- test flags: -count=1 will disable cache
test_flags = {'-v'},
test_timeout = '30s',
test_env = {},
-- show test result with popup window
test_popup = true,
test_popup_auto_leave = false,
test_popup_width = 80,
test_popup_height = 10,
-- test open
test_open_cmd = 'edit',
-- struct tags
tags_name = 'json',
tags_options = {'json=omitempty'},
tags_transform = 'snakecase',
tags_flags = {'-skip-unexported'},
-- quick type
quick_type_flags = {'--just-types'},

### Manual

Display within Neovim with:

:help nvim-go

## Advanced Configuration

### Statusline Count


function! LintIssuesCount()
if exists('g:nvim_go#lint_issues_count')
return g:nvim_go#lint_issues_count
call airline#parts#define_function('nvim_go', 'LintIssuesCount')
call airline#parts#define_condition('nvim_go', '&filetype == "go"')
let g:airline_section_warning = airline#section#create_right(['nvim_go'])


function! LintIssuesCount()
if exists('g:nvim_go#lint_issues_count') && &filetype == 'go'
return g:nvim_go#lint_issues_count
let g:lightline = {
\ 'colorscheme': 'wombat',
\ 'active': {
\ 'left': [ [ 'mode', 'paste' ],
\ [ 'readonly', 'filename', 'modified', 'lintcount' ] ]
\ },
\ 'component_function': {
\ 'lintcount': 'LintIssuesCount'
\ },
\ }


-- ...
sections = {
class = 'error',
item = function()
if == 'go'
and vim.g['nvim_go#lint_issues_count'] ~= nil
return vim.g['nvim_go#lint_issues_count']
return ''
-- ...

### Show Lint Issues without Focusing

augroup NvimGo
autocmd User NvimGoLintPopupPost wincmd p
augroup END

Or equivalently:

local NvimGo = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("NvimGo", {
clear = true,
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "User" }, {
pattern = "NvimGoLintPopupPost",
group = NvimGo,
command = "wincmd p",

## License